Chapter 2495 Swap roles
But these are all role requirements, Gu Keyu is not afraid.

"Hey, sister, you look really ugly, I wouldn't dare to go out."

As expected, there was another round of cynicism. Gu Kejun seemed to have forgotten what happened just now. She saw Gu Keyu just like this and wanted to tease her, and she couldn't give up such an opportunity once.

Gu Keyu ignored it, if she was angry with Gu Kejun every day, she might have died suddenly, and she would explain herself.

In fact, Gu Kejun was so angry today, not only because of himself, but also because of Jiang Yinghan.

The two of them just went in and out together, all of which made Gu Kejun jealous, she couldn't stand having men around Gu Keyu, it made her feel very oppressed.

"Stop making trouble, Gu Kejun."

Jiang Yinghan warned in a low voice.

Hearing that he was protecting Gu Keyu so much, Gu Kejun couldn't calm down his anger even more, and continued to approach Gu Keyu.

Everything that happened here fell into Lu Jiyan who was sitting in the parked Lamborghini behind him, and no one noticed his arrival.

"Get ready, start shooting!"

At the director's order, the actors were ready to take their positions.

The content of the ad is as follows: the handsome guy in school is eating chocolate with his beautiful girlfriend, and at this moment, the ugly girl Gu Keyu appears on the stage. When he gave her a piece of chocolate, the hero misunderstood her.

Of course the hero is the handsome Jiang Yinghan, the beauty is Gu Kejun, and of course the ugly girl is Gu Keyu.

The first shot is Gu Kejun and Jiang Yinghan. The content is simply that the hero and heroine meet and feed each other chocolate.

The role of the scene is very simple, it only needs to express the youthfulness and sweetness between boys and girls, but Gu Kejun can't even play this well, in order to express himself in front of Jiang Yinghan, he almost posted himself on it.

The director had a rough start and was grumpy.

"What are you doing? Will you act? Are you going to die if you stick so close? You are playing a high school student. Are high school students as open as you?"

The director watching Gu Kejun's performance in front of the monitor is really frustrating. Gu Kejun can't perform well in a very simple segment, wasting everyone's time and energy.

Gu Kejun had just quarreled with Gu Keyu and Jiang Yinghan before starting the machine. He was in an uncomfortable mood, but now he is being criticized by the director. His words are still so harsh, and he can't stand it anymore.

She didn't dare to refute, so she could only endure in a low voice, hoping that she could pass it smoothly next time, but when she looked up, she saw Gu Keyu.

Standing in the crowd, Gu Keyu looked at Gu Kejun's clumsy acting with a sneer, this expression stimulated Gu Kejun even more.

The director continued to curse as if he had taken gunpowder.

"If you can't act, get out as soon as possible and change someone! If you can't, let your sister act!"

Gu Kejun was completely irritated when he heard the director comparing himself with Gu Kejun again.

He rushed directly to the middle of the shooting and rushed to the monitor, overturning the machine.

"Do you think you can bully people casually if you are a director!"

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

This is the first time I saw an actor directly confronting the director and overturning the monitor.

Gu Keyu thought that Gu Kejun would be angry, but he didn't expect to be so arrogant and directly confront the director.

"Gu Kejun, what are you going to do!"

Jiang Yinghan yelled at Gu Kejun, causing Gu Kejun to tremble in fright, his voice was full of anger.

He was also tempted to scold by the unreasonable Gu Kejun.

The director was almost hit by the monitor, stood up, pointed at his nose and started cursing.

"Gu Kejun, let me tell you, I want all the directors to block you, what do you think you are? Now, get the hell out of here!"

Looking at this situation, Li Wenlin felt helpless seeing his subordinates so worried. He thought that he could lead him to the top, but now it seemed like a fantasy.

"Your Majesty, please apologize!"

Li Wenlin pushed Gu Kejun and told her to apologize quickly, and she couldn't give up if she could save a chance.

Gu Kejun was even more heartbroken when he saw that so many people did not help him.

"Is what I said wrong? I'm a newcomer, the director, you should guide me, and scold me if you don't come up!"

The scene was full of embarrassment. The most indispensable thing in the entertainment industry was fresh blood. If you come and go, this kind of connection is almost seamless. You don't need to look at newcomers like Gu Kejun.

Li Wenlin gritted his teeth, walked up to Gu Kejun, and raised his hand to slap him.

"Don't be too presumptuous!"

That's right, as everyone expected, Li Wenlin slapped Gu Kejun, his pretty little face became red and swollen instantly, and five clear red marks appeared on his face.

Everyone was surprised that Li Wenlin had exerted so much energy, and they all gasped.

Gu Kejun didn't expect this to happen, he was dumbfounded for a moment, a little at a loss.

"You... you hit me!"

Covering his face, his eyes were red from crying with aggrievedness. People who don't know must want to comfort themselves when they see this scene.

Unfortunately, no one present wanted to see Gu Kejun.

Li Wenlin looked at Gu Kejun crying coldly.

"You deserve it, no manners."

As expected of a seasoned veteran manager, even if you cry, make trouble and hang yourself, do whatever you want, and you will never waver.

Li Wenlin also had his own plans for this slap. Firstly, Gu Kejun should not be allowed to mess around with the scene again. Second, he wanted to sell the director's face to give the company a higher level. Otherwise, he didn't know how to end today.

"If you don't know what's good or bad, the company will sign Gu Keyu tomorrow, so think about it!"

If there is no one to control this little girl's arrogance, she will really think she is an international superstar tomorrow, which is typical of being arrogant.

Standing behind the crowd, Gu Keyu applauded Li Wenlin heartily, admiring his methods very cleverly, although it is wrong for a man to beat a woman, but in today's scene, this is the best solution, otherwise the people present would be embarrassed.

In the eyes of everyone, there is no discussion about what is inappropriate. This not only manages the artists, but also gives the director face, killing two birds with one stone.

The final finishing touch is to let Gu Keyu suppress Gu Kejun. This is her pain, but it stimulates Gu Kejun to realize her mistakes seriously, correct her past mistakes, and work steadily.

Li Wenlin walked up to the director again and bowed deeply.

"Director, I would like to apologize to you. We did something wrong today. I hope Jiashi will take the lead to make amends to you some other day. Please be generous."

As expected of a person who can stretch and bend, it's no wonder that this person brought Gu Kejun with him in his last life.

Li Wenlin's speech and behavior are generous and decent, and he does things smoothly without leaving any loopholes. People in the entertainment industry still respect him very much, and the company has considered many things in bringing Gu Kejun to him.

(End of this chapter)

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