Chapter 2726 White Eyed Wolf

"I have something I want you to help with. Can you rush to the hospital where Wang Cuifen is now? Help me pay her the missing medical expenses."

After Gu Keyu finished saying this, Xiao Tang on the other end of the phone stopped talking. Seeing this reaction, Gu Keyu naturally knew that Xiao Tang was upset. After all, Xiao Tang hated Gu Kejun so much, and Wang Cuifen was Gu Kejun's biological mother.

Gu Keyu saw that Xiaotang didn't speak, so he smiled and comforted him: "Be obedient first, and hurry up and help me go to the hospital to pay the fee. I'll come to you later when I finish my work."

"Oh, that's fine, then I'll go to the hospital now." Xiao Tang on the other end of the phone reluctantly agreed.

"I still haven't filmed a few scenes, I'm rushing to film, I won't tell you, see you later."

After Gu Keyu finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Xiaotang's reply. She came to make a call when she found time, so she couldn't wait too long, otherwise it would be bad for the rest of the crew to wait for her alone.

Although Wang Cuifen's medical expenses can also be paid by Gu Keyu, it is not a small fee. After paying some follow-up treatment expenses, it is not easy for Gu Keyu, so in fact, she was also hesitated.

But thinking about Wang Cuifen's current situation, to put it bluntly, if she doesn't help her, then she really has only a dead end.

And in the final analysis, Gu Kejun's current embarrassment is indeed related to himself. If Wang Cuifen was indirectly killed because of his own reasons, Gu Keyu himself would feel uneasy, so Gu Keyu is still going to finish filming the rest of the film. After the next few scenes, I rushed to the hospital.

When Gu Keyu rushed to the hospital after filming, Xiao Tang was sitting on the chair at the door of Wang Cuifen's ward, his side was leaning to one side, as if he was asleep.

Gu Keyu walked gently to Xiao Tang's side, and just about to put down the bag, Xiao Tang woke up in a daze. He looked at Gu Keyu, and fell asleep for a while.

"Sister Ke Yu, you are here, what time is it?"

Looking at Xiao Tang who was a little confused, Gu Keyu chuckled and asked, "Have you paid all the fees?"

Hearing Gu Keyu ask this question, Xiao Tang, who was still smiling, immediately collapsed.

"I have paid the missing fee and the fee that will be used in the later stage, but sister Ke Yu, I can't figure it out. Why do you help her? Have you forgotten how Gu Kejun and Wang Cuifen treated you back then? It's hard Seeing that they have suffered retribution, it's good for you, you can forget about watching the fun, and come to help."

"Besides, this is not a small amount of money. You just threw it to someone else, and that annoying mother!"

The more Xiao Tang talked, the angrier he became, and he hated Gu Keyu for being weak. In the end, he couldn't help but began to roll his eyes. Gu Keyu felt a little funny seeing Xiao Tang's heartache.

"I know what you said. I feel bad for throwing away so much money all at once, but think about it. Although Wang Cuifen did not treat me very well before, after all, he has raised me for so many years. If I Isn’t it very unconscionable to help her when she is clearly capable of helping her? Then what’s the difference between me and Gu Kejun?”

Gu Keyu patiently explained to Xiao Tang that she knew that Xiao Tang was actually fighting for herself when she was so angry, but Gu Kejun was Gu Kejun, and Wang Cuifen was Wang Cuifen, so she couldn't do that kind of thing.

"Forget it, I don't care about you anymore, anyway, what can I do after paying the fee, I'll go back first, you go in to see her by yourself or go back with me?"

Xiao Tang also calmed down when she heard Gu Keyu's explanation. Although she still felt that such a large sum of money was spent on people like Wang Cuifen, what Gu Keyu said was indeed correct.

She just wants her to go in and see this person, so she won't do it. Gu Keyu can help Wang Cuifen pay the bill regardless of the past, but she can't. When she thinks that Wang Cuifen is Gu Kejun's mother, she feels panicked in her heart, and she was in the hospital today. I was really tired all afternoon, and now I just want to go home and have a good rest.

"I'll take a look at her first, go back and rest first, I've worked hard for you today."

After Xiao Tang left, Gu Keyu pushed open the door of Wang Cuifen's ward.

At this moment, Wang Cuifen was just sitting on the hospital bed in a daze, staring blankly at the TV screen, and the TV was reporting all kinds of news about Gu Kejun's ungratefulness and unfilial piety.

In just a few days, Wang Cuifen's complexion was lifeless as if she had suffered a major blow. Her hands were tightly clutching the quilt, her eyes were red and swollen as if she had been crying for many days, and she still had dark hair. A large part of him was white, and the whole person seemed to have aged in his twenties suddenly, and there was an aura of loneliness and vicissitudes all over his body.

Looking at Wang Cuifen like this, Gu Keyu suddenly felt an inexplicable sour emotion in his heart. Logically speaking, she should be happy to see Wang Cuifen like this, but for some reason, Gu Keyu at this moment is really I feel sorry for her.

She stood at the door for a while, knocked lightly, and walked slowly to Wang Cuifen's side, only then did Wang Cuifen notice Gu Keyu's arrival.

"Gu Keyu, do you know where our family Kejun is? I can't find her anywhere, and no one answers her calls. Do you know where she is?"

When Wang Cuifen saw Gu Keyu coming in, there was a gleam of hope in her originally dull eyes. She held Gu Keyu's hand tightly, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and she burst into tears as she spoke. fell down.

Gu Keyu didn't know how to answer Wang Cuifen's words. In fact, it was clearly stated on the news. Wang Cuifen should have seen it many times in the past few days, but she couldn't accept the daughter she had always loved. She was rich but unwilling. Treat yourself to this fact.

"You know where Kejun is, right? Tell me quickly! Gu Keyu! Speak up!"

Seeing that Gu Keyu did not speak, Wang Cuifen felt even more anxious. She was still holding Gu Keyu's hand, but the light in her eyes gradually faded, and her face turned gray.

Seeing her like this, Gu Keyu hesitated and said to her: "Gu Kejun hasn't contacted me recently, and I don't know about these things. No one can contact her now."

As soon as Gu Keyu's words fell, Wang Cuifen let go of Gu Keyu's hand as if she had lost her soul. She collapsed on the hospital bed, tears slid down the corners of her eyes onto the quilt, looking like dead grass full of despair.

Gu Keyu understood Wang Cuifen's feelings very well. She was the daughter she had grown up holding in her hands and regarded it as a treasure, but in the end she didn't even care about her own life or death.

The ward was extremely quiet at the moment. Looking at Wang Cuifen like this, Gu Keyu didn't know what to say, so he stood quietly and looked at Wang Cuifen who was crying silently.

(End of this chapter)

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