Chapter 2924
It wasn't until he was pushed away that Jiang Yinghan slowly opened his eyes, the gentle look just now had disappeared, and the eyes were clear and indifferent.

His expression seemed to be blaming Gu Keyu for being sentimental, as if she had really devoted herself to the filming just now and didn't notice the director's shout at all.

Gu Keyu walked down the field slowly, all the way she could feel that she was being watched by the staff present, those eyes were on her body, as if there were countless small needles pricking herself generally.

Regarding Jiang Yinghan's behavior just now, Gu Keyu became even more annoyed, went directly to sit under the awning, turned his back and stopped looking at any of them.

After she gulped and drank several sips of cold water, she still felt that the fire in her heart could not be suppressed. She knew that she should draw a clear line with Jiang Yinghan and not have any relationship with him in life or work. contacts.

Gu Keyu thought about leaving the crew at this time, her mind was completely disturbed, and she didn't know how to get along with Jiang Yinghan next.

But now she has no way to leave, even if she upholds the professional ethics of an actor, she can't do such a thing.

In addition to today's embarrassing kiss scene, Gu Keyu and Jiang Yinghan still have a few rival scenes, she can't disrupt the crew's work progress because of her emotions.

Moreover, if you leave the crew without authorization because you only filmed one scene, it really makes people feel that you have no professional ethics, and you are not like your usual professional style. Only then did he barely dilute the uncomfortable emotion in his heart.

Because they are filming a fairy tale drama that has been rarely seen in recent years. In addition to the ignorant love between the male and female protagonists, there are many actions in it. The kind of omnipotence among people.

Gu Keyu soon arrived to shoot the action scene. With the help of the surrounding staff, she tied the wire on her body. In the next scene, she had to perform the scene of flying in the sky.

This scene is a rivalry scene between her and a goblin. Gu Keyu had to fly halfway into the air, step on the bamboo leaf and say a mocking line on it, and finally rushed over fiercely, holding the sword in his hand. The goblin stabbed.

Because of Tang Lijia's previous incidents, Gu Keyu was a little worried about the filming of Wia. After careful inspection, she slowly floated into the air and stepped on the bamboo leaves , looking indifferently at the non-existent goblin below.

After Gu Keyu swallowed her saliva, she was about to read her lines, but suddenly she felt like she was falling down like a kite with a broken string, and all the lines turned into a sharp "ah."


The wire suddenly broke when Gu Keyu reached the highest altitude, and she fell down suddenly, screaming continuously, only feeling that her body was stiff.

Despair rushed towards Gu Keyu like a tide, she kept yelling, she didn't even have the strength to resist, the scene of Tang Lijia's day flashed again in her mind, she fell heavily on the ground, her body A piece of dark red blood flowed out.

Could it be that I would also walk on such a road, fall to the ground and end up relying on a wheelchair?
This incident happened so suddenly that Gu Keyu didn't react at all. In the end, she had to fall down heavily. The momentary inertia caused her stomach to churn, and she couldn't stop wanting to vomit.

After making sure that she had fallen to the ground, Gu Keyu slowly opened her eyes. She supported the ground with her hands and slowly got up, and the disgusting feeling in her heart was diluted a lot.

its not right!I just fell from such a height as Diaowia, even if I don't die, I must be crippled, how can I be unscathed?
After Gu Keyu woke up, she felt that the touch under her body seemed to be a little different from the concrete floor. She suddenly turned over to look at Jiang Yinghan who was being pressed on her body, her eyes widened bigger than copper bells.

The screams of the staff members and the voices of those people yelling for an ambulance could be heard all around. Gu Keyu could only feel that those chaotic voices were excluded from his ears.

She could only kneel on the spot stubbornly, watching Jiang Yinghan, who was half-pressed by her just now, now pale, and there were big drops of sweat on her forehead.

No wonder, after falling from such a high height just now, I was not injured at all. Apart from some dizziness and nausea, I didn't even feel any pain in my hands and feet.

Jiang Yinghan rushed to use him as a human cushion at such a critical moment, Gu Keyu felt distressed and a little bit more guilty for a while.

She hurriedly got up, pulled Jiang Yinghan and wanted to help him up.

"Jiang Yinghan, how are you doing now? Are you feeling better?!"

Gu Keyu always felt that she was very strong and would not shed tears easily, but at such a critical moment of life and death, her lacrimal glands became very developed, and the constant warmth of her eye sockets made tears want to flow out uncontrollably.

The noisy voices around her were blocked by Gu Keyu along with her tinnitus, and her vision became a little blurred, and she only felt something warm flowing out.

"Don't...don't cry...ah!"

Jiang Yinghan slowly opened his eyes, raised his head and looked at Gu Keyu with a pale face, he wanted to reach out his hand to wipe her tears, but just as soon as he moved, there was severe pain in his limbs, his face was pale. It was a bit ugly before getting up.

Gu Keyu hurried forward, pressed Jiang Yinghan's hand that was about to move, and said to him in a panic: "Don't move, I will find someone to take you to the hospital!"

"Come here quickly, what are you talking about, something big is happening now, do you know?!"

Ever since the wire was broken, Jiang Yinghan had been crushed tightly by Ling Ling, and after such a severe squeeze, his expression had already turned extremely ugly.

Although such an unexpected situation happened suddenly, there was a commotion among the staff of the crew, and everyone was busy everywhere, but no one could really wake up when they encountered such a panic moment.

Seeing them, Gu Keyu felt powerless, she took out her mobile phone tremblingly and prepared to call 120.

"Don't worry, I've called now!"

Gu Keyu raised his head abruptly, and saw that the small reporter Liu Xu appeared on the shooting scene again, her voice was a little more choked up than before, and her face was full of panic.

(End of this chapter)

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