Chapter 524 Wronged You
For the kind of employees who leave the company as soon as a situation arises, no matter how capable they are, if they don't care about their own company, it is useless to have them.

It's better to cut off their way of life in the company as soon as possible. While avoiding the disaster, it can achieve the effect of killing chickens and monkeys.

Thinking of this, Gu Chi felt a lot more relaxed. Looking at everyone in front of him, he just ordered some important things to be carried out quickly, and then the meeting ended.

Hearing the sound of everyone leaving, Cheng Kexin brought Mengbao out of the small bedroom.

"I've wronged you." Gu Chi looked at Cheng Kexin apologetically. The current situation of his company is not ideal. In order to deal with the company's troubles, he couldn't let Cheng Kexin appear in front of the heads of various departments, so as not to inflict more damage on the knife edge. War of words.

"It's okay, we are husband and wife, we should advance and retreat together."

Cheng Kexin stepped forward, smoothed Gu Chi's frowning brows, and then changed the way to help him rub his temples.

The head of the personnel department who came to deliver the files of those who resigned happened to come back and knock on Gu Chi's door at this very moment.

After the Minister of Personnel Department got the consent, he saw such a situation.

A woman kneaded Gu Chi's temples, and a child held Gu Chi's hand.

However, the head of the personnel department is also a person who has gone through a lot of troubles, so how can he see more and say more about this kind of matter?

After the head of the personnel department delivered the personnel files, he quietly exited the room and closed the door of the room.

"Have you found the key to the problem?" Cheng Kexin said while helping Gu Chi rub his temples, looking at Gu Chi.

"Not yet. The problem now is that we don't even know what the problem is, so it's even worse and more difficult."

Gu Chi also felt helpless for his own IQ, why didn't someone who is usually so smart can't find the company's problem this time, and didn't even capture a general direction.

"Don't worry, Dad. In fact, sometimes even the boss doesn't know the situation of some companies." Mengbao suddenly said as if thinking of something.

"Why did Mengbao say that?" Gu Chi felt that Mengbao's words seemed to flash through his mind, but he didn't catch them.

"It's the same as we do in kindergartens. If someone does something good, if the students don't tell it, then the teacher and the principal won't know about it."

This is not just in companies and schools, this is true in many places.

But why didn't Gu Chi think of it?

In this way, Gu Chi ordered Yang Zuo who was beside him.

"Instruct all departments to ask their personnel to report on why the company has leaks and deficiencies in the near future, and to make a detailed report document. I want paper documents, and electronic documents and other processing methods are not qualified." Gu Chi is now really The most important thing is to look at Mengbao like a treasure, with a face full of pride.

It's really shocking that my son came up with something that even I didn't think of.

Although Mengbao discovered it from a small incident in the kindergarten, this statement just proves that everything is like this, doesn't it?
This theory can be applied as small as a family or as large as a country.

"Yang Zuo, by the way, whoever is more serious about the company's bad reviews will get promoted and raise their salary after the company's difficulties pass."

When Yang Zuo was about to go out to give orders, Meng Bao stopped Yang Zuo and spoke.

Now the employees of the company spend most of their time dealing with it. If promotion and salary increase are added, then they will definitely write well.

Thinking of this, Mengbao smiled charmingly.

"Okay, since my son has already come up with an idea for you, let's wait for the news." Cheng Kexin looked at Gu Chi's current situation, and couldn't help smiling at Gu Chi encouragingly.

"En." Gu Chi took Cheng Kexin's hand and sat down. She had been tired for such a long time, and now she was still massaging herself, making her even more tired.

"Dad, can I have a look at the personnel files of those who resigned?" Mengbao suddenly saw the personnel files sent by the Minister of Personnel just now on Gu Chi's desk, and seemed very interested.

"Yes, go get it, be careful." Gu Chi looked at Meng Bao's appearance, and agreed.

But seeing that the table is a little bit higher than Mengbao, I asked Mengbao to be careful not to get hurt.

"Okay, thank you Dad."

The cute baby ran over, tiptoed to take the personnel file on the table, sat on another sofa, and looked at the pile of documents in front of him.

"Father, are these all the people who have resigned? Whether those who have submitted their resignation reports or not, are they all here?"

Mengbao looked at the files above, so many files.Then it means that so many people in the company have left.

"En, yes." Gu Chi pulled Cheng Kexin into his arms, and closed his eyes to rest.

Listening to Gu Chi's answer, Meng Bao took the personnel file and looked it over carefully.

About four or ten minutes later, Gu Chi heard a knock on the door.

Cheng Kexin also got up, Mengbao seemed to have finished reading the personnel files, lying on the sofa and closing his eyes, he only opened his eyes when he heard the knock on the door.

"Master, here are all the bad reviews about the company, and the documents are all sorted out here." Before Yang Zuo accepted it, he also glanced at the bad reviews above.

He couldn't help but praise, these people even started to scold Gu Chi scramblingly for promotion and salary increase.

But that's right, the company is already like this now, so even if Gu Chi is scolded, the result he gets is nothing but firing.

They don't care about that either.

Mengbao ran over to look at the document they had written with Gu Chi and Cheng Kexin. Although Mengbao said that there were many words that Mengbao didn't know, Gu Chi simply read the contents of the document.

The purpose is to let Mengbao, an illiterate person, listen to it.

Gu Chi and the others saw that the above was a bad review for the company, and a black line slid down their heads.

"Don't call your boyfriend at work, bad review. Don't pick up courier at work, bad review. Don't go shopping on Taobao at work, bad review."

"You can't go to the bathroom for too long at work, bad reviews. The company's president is too handsome, causing the company's female employees to gossip every day, bad reviews."

"The president of the company took a daughter-in-law, which made me feel depressed and didn't want to work."


Gu Chi read out this pile of responses, and really didn't know what to say.

These are not stipulated by themselves, but by the ministers of various departments.

And Gu Chi didn't see anything in it that was enough to make them complain.

Gu Chi lowered his head and continued to look at their remarks, most of them were speechless reasons.

Just when Gu Chi was about to stop reading, his eyes fell to a more written material.

(End of this chapter)

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