Chapter 1009

Saber quickly took out the things in her arms.

It was Cosmog's egg, and Saber, holding it in her hand, could feel the extremely subtle vibrations from inside the egg.

Ever since I exchanged this egg from the main god, I haven't seen any movement in it for such a long time after being brought to the ghost ruler, and there was a reaction just now.

I have to say it was a pleasant surprise.

It's just that the egg returned to calm after shaking a few times, as if everything just now was an illusion of Saber.

"Oh! It's an egg!" Erza stared wide-eyed at the elf egg that Saber took out from her bosom.As if she didn't know what to think of, a few blushes appeared on her cheeks.

"Is this, is it... Did you have a baby with that Mr. Jeff? I'm sorry, please give me your advice." After speaking, Erza bowed at a standard ninety degrees to Saber.

Forgive our Miss Erza, she knows a thing or two about everything else.Only she was blank about the matter of men and women, because two or three years ago, she still insisted on taking a shower with Naz and Gray.

She still doesn't know how to have a baby.

Perhaps too surprised to control the volume.As a result, the entire guild heard what she was saying.

The entire guild first fell into a brief and extremely strange silence, and then burst into a burst of wild laughter.

"Wow, look quickly. It's the female knight of the ghost, she actually laid an egg!" Some bearded guy screamed strangely.

"Idiot, what gave birth to an egg? Erza didn't know that you didn't know? Give me an egg! It's probably the same as Natsu back then, I don't know where to pick it up!"

"Huh? After what you said, it really looks a bit like an egg that hatched a harpy. Look, there are unfamiliar patterns on it. Could there be another harpy?" Gray commented. .

"Grey, your clothes" I don't know when Gray took off all his clothes, leaving only a pair of big blue pants.

The entire guild was noisy and chaotic, and everyone gathered around Saber.The estrangement caused by the ghost battle before dissipated instantly.

In the guild of Fairy Tail, there are not so many complicated ideas between people. They regard their companions as family members and the guild as their home.It is precisely because of this kind of heart-to-heart approach that it is easy for them to form a deep bond with each other.

Rather than saying that this is a guild, it is better to say that it is a big family composed of like-minded people from all corners of the country.

Fairy Tail is such a magical place.

There is no intrigue, no scheming, no fighting for power and no life and death.

If you're tired and homesick, come check it out.Back to the guild, back to Fairy Tail.

At least there will always be a place for you here.

"Let me see, let me see." Natsu squeezed in from the crowd, stretching his head to look at the egg in Saber's arms.

"It's not quite the same as Hobby's egg, but it seems to be the same size. Could there be a Hobby in it too?"

Happy: "Love~ Then the next one will be called Happy No. [-]!"

In this noisy environment, I don't know if it is Saber's hallucination.She felt another slight vibration from the elf egg in her hand.

If Saber had a picture book in her hand at this time, it would definitely display words like this: "There are bursts of sound coming from inside the egg. It seems... that she is about to be born."

Jeff leaned against the newly built guardrail on the second floor, looking at the noisy figures below.

There was no reaction at all in Ghost Dominator for such a long time, but only a few days after coming to Fairy Tail, there was a reaction.Is this all just a coincidence or is Fairy Tail's vibe better suited to hatching?


In fact, on the third day after Jeff officially joined Fairy Tail, he actually regretted it.There is no other reason, Fairy Tail is worthy of being the most troublesome guild in the whole continent, not one of them.

The complaint letters received every day can pile up into a hill.Then came various claims for compensation.

Jeff finally understood why he was still crowded in the run-down guild established by the first generation, even though he was one of the largest large mage guilds in Fiore.You must know that the bounties that large guilds receive every day just by performing tasks do not know how many 0s, just look at the piles of castles of Joseph's ghost ruler.

At first Zeref thought it was in memory of the original, but then he realized he was wrong.

And dead wrong.

Most of the bounties in high-level missions were used for compensation, plus miscellaneous expenses such as round-trip travel expenses, accommodation expenses, and food expenses.A single task can earn 300 million J, and the compensation alone will cost 90.00%.So sometimes it is even a loss to complete the task.
It really is Fairy Tail.

With that thought in mind, Jeff picked up the latest letter, and .
A head of black lines.

"Boss." Zeref returned to the guild and found Makarov.

"Isn't this little Jeff? What's the matter? Come... come and have a drink with me." Makarov sat on the guild bar and drank a glass of beer slowly.

Little Jeff, what the hell kind of title is this.

"By the way, let me ask you something." I don't know if Makarov was really drunk, but he looked at Zeref with a drunken eye and said, "It's almost time for me to retire. , Do you think I gave up the position of leader to Lagerthus? Or Mistgang? No, no, no, no, no, no, one of them is too awkward, and the other is a model of poor communication. Or Gilda Si, you don’t know Gildas yet, right? He is. Otherwise, why not let Erza be the leader?! Steady yet strong, with a good mind, and the most important thing is the heart for his companions. Hmm Hmm. I think it's pretty good, but it's still a little young."

I don't know if it's because he's getting old, but Kamarov talked to himself for a long time.

"Even if you tell me about this kind of thing, I can't answer you. How long have I only been in the guild." Jeff spread his hands.Then he handed over the letter in his hand:

"I think you'd better look at this before you say that."

"what is this?"

"The Naz team led by Erza destroyed half of the street in the town during the mission. The council asked me to notify you to deal with it as soon as possible. The one I gave you just now is the compensation bill."

Kamarov shuddered, and Jeff felt that he was sober in an instant.I saw that he typed the letter with trembling hands, holding the bill full of 9s and 0s with his long mouth, and his whole body turned gray.

"Old man, old man's heart"

"Otherwise, Jeff, why don't you come to be the president? I think you are quite clever and quite intelligent. The position of the leader will never be better for you."

"Sorry, Chief. Please allow me to decline!"

 PS: I have exaggerated at most a little bit about some aspects of Elusa's cuteness.In fact she was really slow to react on that front.

(End of this chapter)

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