Chapter 1078 Total War ([-])

During the FATE period, "Excalibur" was already an anti-city-level weapon, and although the current Saber is no longer the body of a heroic spirit, her strength has more than doubled.

The power of the powerful light cannon is close to that of the magic wizard, and the barrier rising behind him directly seals the back road, and it is impossible to break through in a short time.This has created an embarrassing situation where the imperial fleet cannot retreat and cannot escape.I can only bite the bullet and carry it down.

The empire's air fleet was at the forefront and was directly swept away.The remaining warships were also damaged to varying degrees, some fell one after another while others barely supported in the air.They all looked crumbling.

Just one face-to-face is a big loss.

"Those guys are already fish to us? Tell them with our strength that we are real tigers!" Not intending to give the other party time to breathe and react, Saber swung his sword across and led the members of the "Strongest Squad" towards the remaining fleet out.

"It's a trick! Emergency landing!" Can't stay in the air, the fleet's damaged defense magic can't be deployed again.Staying in the air can only be hit like a living target.Inber was the first to react, but it was too late.They brought heavy losses to the air fleet and countless casualties to the Imperial Army.

Many elite magic soldiers of the empire died here forever without even being able to go to battle.

"I didn't expect them to have such weapons." Looking at the wreckage of the fleet and the groans of soldiers around him, Inbell's face was extremely gloomy.

In order to facilitate the sneak attack before, he only brought a small part of the imperial fleet.I thought I could be crushed after a successful surprise attack, but I didn't expect to be tricked by someone.

The anxiety in his heart became more and more obvious, and he made a difficult decision in order to ensure the safety of the mission.

"Break out from here immediately. Then notify the large army and ask for support!"

"No need!" Timaria interrupted with a horizontal sword. Not only was the Valkyrie on the battlefield not annoyed by the attack, but her face was excited: "Our task is to surprise the enemy. When the large army arrives, the enemy will have already reacted." It’s not in line with the style of our imperial army to leave without doing anything since we’re here.”

"I haven't encountered such a situation in how many years. It's interesting, isn't it?"

"Besides, I have suffered such a big loss. You, General Dong, can bear this breath, but I can't."

"Timaria is not the time for you to mess around. The enemy's strength is not as weak as you imagined, and two members of the Twelve Shields have already been captured." In Bell's form and style are completely different from the opponent's, he is more inclined to be stable .

This is not good for an army composed of more than twelve shield members. These 12 people are all at the apex of the empire and no one obeys the other.Coupled with the fact that their methods of commanding the army are different, it would be fine if the usual battles are smooth sailing.

Even if the opinions are not unified, there is some friction between them and they can barely cooperate.If there is a slight disadvantage, the contradiction will be highlighted immediately.

The soldiers of the remaining fleet were directly divided into four groups.

"Brantish is not good at fighting, and Agil is too arrogant. Both of them have their own weaknesses. As long as they focus on this point, even those who are weaker than them can win."

"We're not like them."

"Besides, it's not up to you now." Timaria completely ignored Inber's order and began to gather her own troops.

Timaria pointed to the location of the constant explosions ahead, which was where the first forced-landed warship was located: "Look, the other party has already attacked. Are you still planning to leave?"

"And even if we retreat, where do we retreat? Can we really go?"

Timaria is right, they have nowhere to go.After the bombardment of the light cannon just now, the enchantment covering their fleet and the town was intact.

"Report to your lord." A herald hurried over.

"Can't get in touch with the outside world. The signal of the magic communication crystal has been cut off."

The huge enchantment not only blocked their escape route but also blocked their connection with the outside world, which meant that they couldn't retreat and couldn't get support now.

A real catch in a urn.

And their imperial army is that turtle!
"Our plan was seen through from the very beginning, and there is a very powerful commander here." Jacob also expressed his views.

"Fight!" At this moment, Inber also compromised.He just pursues security, not timidity.

"That's right." Seeing General Dong's compromise, Timaria smiled.Countless elites under her command gathered behind her.

What are you afraid of?This town is only so big, even if the town is full of troops.It is not necessarily how many people there can be, and their imperial army still has the advantage.

As for high-end combat power, four of their twelve shields came!

"Catch the turtle in the urn? No, it's the trapped beast that is still fighting!" Timaria raised her sword and shouted: "The ultimate victor must be our imperial army!"

"The imperial army will surely win! Long live His Majesty Seref!"

"Boom!" The magic explosion overwhelmed the shouts of the soldiers.A man who looked like a general ran staggeringly from the flames of battle ahead.Blood was all over his body, and he fell down in front of Twelve Shields with a thud.

"That's Lieutenant General Emert of the Eighth Fleet. What's going on? Why are you in such a mess." A cry came from the soldiers behind, recognizing the identity of the general.

"The enemy. The enemy is coming," said the general weakly.

"Enemies? Fairy Tail? How many people are there?"

"A total of five people"


"How is it possible? There are only five people, but there is an entire fleet in front. It's only been a few minutes."

The soldiers all exclaimed, we are the only ones with such strength. They turned their attention to several members of Twelve Shields.

"There are masters!" Jacob took out a white handkerchief and began to wipe his hands, then took out a pair of neat white gloves from his pocket.

As the assassin king of the empire, he only wears white gloves when killing people.

"Here it is. What an amazing source of magic power." Val made an electronic sound, revealing the upper and lower rows of jagged teeth.

"It's not inferior to us at all."

In the dense fog filled with gunpowder smoke, five figures were slowly walking towards them.

The strongest squad members who have already solved the front imperial army!
"The battle begins!" Timaria, who was naturally belligerent, could no longer bear the excitement in her heart, and rushed out first.Immediately behind her was the Timaria team.

"I will resolve the battle in a flash!"

Because my magic is the strongest of all magic - time magic!
Seal of Time!
At that moment, the time of the whole world was suspended.

(End of this chapter)

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