Chapter 1096 Monster Siege
Li Jia, the owner of the gymnasium in Rainbow City.Good at using grass-type elves, the strength is quite strong.In the official start of the battle of Kanto VS Chengdu Gym Leaders on the maglev train, he represented the Kanto region as the leaders of the eight gyms.

Jeff had already marked those people as dead, and even Saber couldn't stop Jeff who had made up his mind.

Never should, never should, this group of people should not have stimulated Jeff's sensitive nerves at that time.

"Stop! We didn't do it!" Li Jia yelled out with all her strength before Jeff made a move, and her voice became a little muffled because of her neck being strangled.

Jeff turned his head and gave her a "kind" smile.

"I don't believe it." A flat voice came from Jeff.

It's just that the shouting with all his strength only made Jeff's figure pause slightly, and Jeff still stretched out a hand to the group of trainers, and he saw black air emanating from five fingers.

With a bang, the weapons in their hands fell to the ground one after another.The group of trainers showed painful expressions on their faces, and they fell to the ground covered in sweat and clutching their hearts.

"Death Grips"

When Jeff's palms are completely clenched, the hearts of these trainers will be crushed.

A cruel smile appeared on Jeff's face, and...
"Stupid! You are stupid!" At the critical moment, Li Jia shouted again.

This sentence is obviously more useful than the previous one.

"Hum..." Seeing that the black air on Jeff's five fingers dissipated, he turned his gaze to Li Jia, quietly watching her and waiting for the next step.And those trainers were spared the end of their hearts being pinched and burst, but they all fell into a coma.

Shaking her head with a wry smile, Li Jia spoke slowly.

"Silly thing, you are the stupid thing she said. I should call you Jeff now, actually. I know Xiao Zhuang." Jeff could hear the truth, and he was actually choking Li Jia's neck At that moment, he peeped at the memory of the other party.In his memory, he saw Xiao Zhuang, but when he was going to continue to spy, he was blocked by a mysterious force.The curse backfired, almost knocking him out.

Li Jia is the owner of the Rainbow City Gym, and she already knew this when she heard the group of trainers call out her name just now.With Xiao Zhuang's character, if he helps himself manage the branch in Rainbow City, he will definitely deal with Li Jia, so Li Jia should know the inside story of what happened here no matter whether it is emotional or reasonable.

That's why he did what he did just now to force Li Jia to tell the truth.

Of course, if Li Jia insisted not to say, would Jeff kill those trainers?
This is unknown.

After all, Jeff never claimed to be a good guy.

Li Jia slowly began to narrate everything she knew about what happened here. It has been more than a year and almost two years since Jeff left (Shiluf Building, Three Sacred Bird Project).

In the past one to two years, several major events have happened. One of them is that the Rockets' general boss, Sakagi, announced the disbandment of the Rockets after the failure of the Three Sacred Birds project. His whereabouts are unknown.The three cadres of the Rockets who were once famous under his command also disappeared with the disbandment of the Rockets.

The four largest high-level leaders in the Kanto region disappeared collectively, and the entire Rockets team was directly paralyzed.Except for the Rainbow City branch established by Jeff, all the branches in other regions were in disarray, and the heads of the major branches refused to accept each other and began a year-long struggle for power.

Except for the branch in Rainbow City, which is thriving, the branches in other towns have declined one after another.Among them, the gold market is the most.

During this period, the champion of the 9th Elf League Competition was born, but this time the champion was not an adult but a teenager who was only about eleven or twelve years old.

After being quiet for nearly a year, the Rockets, which had been quiet for a long time, once again had turmoil.Someone consciously summoned the remaining Team Rocket members in the mainland.And formed - a new generation of Rockets.

As the only remaining representative of the Rockets in the old era, the Rainbow City Branch has naturally become a thorn in the side of the new Rockets.

So one night a few months ago, an attack was organized on the Rainbow City branch.And completely exposed the Rainbow City branch base to the vision of the Elf Alliance and gym trainers.

"She asked me to tell you that she is fine and will wait for you forever."

"I don't know what happened that night, but after that day, this place became like this. It must be that the new generation of rockets attacked here, and Xiao Zhuang left with his subordinates."

"But what she said is right. You are exactly what Xiao Zhuang said. No, you are even more of a jerk than what she said." After saying the last sentence, Li Jia gritted her teeth and stared at Jeff.

Although Li Jia was offended, Jeff was relieved.At least he knew that Xiao Zhuang hadn't had an accident, nor was he attacked by force majeure.

New Generation Rockets?
Is it a masked man?Or the four generals (Apollo, Athena, Lance, Lambda)?
No, the Four Generals probably wouldn't do such a thing as changing their names.Those four guys are the crazy admirers of Boss Sakagi, and if they were asked to change their names, Apollo would be the first to do it, so it should be done by the Masked Man?
Ancient Willow?The eternal wall of ice?very good.Write down this account for now.

"Then how did the Rainbow City I saw before become like that?" It stands to reason that even if Rainbow City was attacked by the new-generation Rockets, it wouldn't turn into that. No matter which era the Rockets are in, they should be inclined Control the city instead of pure destruction.

Li Jia sighed deeply, and said bitterly: "The reason why Rainbow City became like this is actually because it was attacked by wild elves."

"Wild elf? Attack?" Jeff asked curiously.Generally speaking, as long as humans don't take the initiative to provoke elves (such as Caracalla's mother and son), most elves will not take the initiative to attack humans, let alone this situation occurs in cities.

"Yes! Since the Rockets disbanded a year ago, this situation has begun to appear in various cities on the mainland. At first, it was just some elves with a bad temper (Little Fist and the like) and everyone didn't care much about it. It's just that in the past six months The temperament of the wild elves is getting more and more irritable, and there are often news of wild elves attacking passers-by. And now," Li Jia's face is even more painful when she says this.

"Their scale is getting bigger and bigger. Some people even saw elves from different ethnic groups gathering together to destroy human towns in an organized and purposeful way. It was impossible to happen before, as if something terrible was happening. It's the same behind the scenes."

Monster siege?Jeff's face became weird when he heard the words, and for some reason, this word automatically appeared in his mind.

The elf siege in the pocket world?

At the same time, he also thought of the Little Fist Stone tribe he met in the forest before. There were not only Little Fist Stone, Long Long Stone, and Long Long Yan's family, but also a small number of mountain rats and gophers.

At first I thought it was just to join in the fun, but now that I think about it, it's not that simple.

(End of this chapter)

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