Chapter 263 Mission Complete (Part [-])
****, this is a martial art developed by Jeref based on his strongest move Hundred-style Guanyin after the battle between the Hunter World and President Nitro.

Nitero's Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara emphasizes speed and ruthlessness, and the speed of its moves is extremely fast, which is quite a trend in the world of martial arts that only speed can not be broken.

This is Nitro's [-] grateful fore fist thrusts every day on the snow mountain for four years after his body and strength reached the extreme.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the hundred-style Guanyin is an unrivaled magical skill.It is the closest martial art that Jeff has seen so far.

That is after the mind-strengthening type has reached the pinnacle, the obsession in the heart has reached the level of realization and materialization.

The road leads to the same goal, no matter which one of the six major systems of mind ability, as long as it reaches the limit, the so-called constraints between the departments will no longer exist.

It's a pity that Jeref only saw the first few moves of this martial art, but these short first few moves have already benefited Jeff a lot.

There is one thing that is basically the same between Zeref's Kungfu and Netero's Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara, they both pay attention to destroying the opponent completely in one breath with a thunderous force.

However, there are also differences between the two. Jeff doesn't have Nitro's understanding of martial arts, and he can't be as grand as his Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara.

Its unique feature is to break the surface with points.

****The principle of this move is the same as the name, and it is all about getting into the soul with one shot.

Although the name is dirty, it is full of power.

Jeff has personally experienced the power of the Baishi Guanyin move, so he was able to develop the martial skill that combines Liushuiyanshaken Fist and Nian.

It's a pity that Jeff didn't have the chance to see the other ninety-odd forms of the Hundred Forms of Avalokitesvara, and the strongest No.90 nine forms and zero forms.Otherwise, the power of **** can go up to a higher level.

Purple blood splashed from Joseph's wound, and the bleeding continued, staining half of Jeff's white clothes.

Joseph's heart was pierced through a large hole under the "****".

Somewhat disgusted, he shook off the purple blood stains on his hands, and sighed in his heart that he still hadn't fully grasped this trick.

Otherwise, with my current control over the strength, it should be as Qi Ya described Xiba's heart-digging level, and the whole hand should not be stained with a drop of blood.

It doesn't look like his hands are bloody and disgusting like he is now.

With a chirping sound, Jeff crushed the wriggling lump of flesh in his palm.Turn your eyes to Joseph, the heart is gone, I want to see if you can survive.

"Pfft..." Joseph's huge sheep's head, as if he didn't want money, was bleeding unstoppably from his chest and mouth.

It may be because the current body does not belong to human beings, relying on his tenacious vitality, Joseph forced himself not to die.

The remorse in Joseph's heart, if he knew that Jeff was so powerful, he wouldn't come from the Bald Eagle (US) country to trouble the wizards if he was killed.

Although there are not many wizards in that country, Shengzai has no scruples in doing things.

It's not like it is now, I have to explain my life here.

Fortunately, I am no longer a human being. Even if I don’t have a heart, it’s just a serious injury. Have you ever heard of a human being who lived for a thousand years without the Philosopher’s Stone?

"Escape!" Joseph now has only one thought, and the stronger a person is, the more afraid of death he is.The powerful here can refer to power, money or even strength and longevity.

One thing is certain, they all spared their lives.

Joseph doesn't care about revenge now, nor does he care about restoring power. He just wants to leave here immediately, far away from Jeff.

Only in this way is it possible to survive.

He finally felt fear, which the four founders of Hogwarts never did.

"Dark sky!" From the mouth of Joseph's huge sheep's head, a stream of pure black gas was sprayed out mixed with blood.

Jeff thought it was poisonous gas, and immediately cast a spell to disperse it. The gas was easily dispelled. Only then did Jeff realize that the other party just wanted to escape.

"Do you think you can escape? Do you think I didn't think about what to do next?" After saying something disdainful, Jeff immediately chased after Joseph in the direction where he was escaping.

Only a group of stunned little wizards were left behind.Such a powerful, so invincible monster that even the professors were helpless was beaten away by Jeff?The huge contrast made them very uncomfortable.

With an idea, Marcus took the opportunity to announce to everyone that Voldemort had been killed, and started a pyramid scheme to form a magic society.

"Boom" came the sound of explosions in the distance, and it was the destruction and death of King Nido.

Joseph didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation when he ran away with his head in his arms, and was caught by King Nido's destructive death light.

Then the winged knife of the big-mouthed bat followed closely, and they had been hiding in the dark with Casey for a long time.

Before Joseph could recover from the attack that destroyed the death light, the big-mouthed bat combined with the lightning flash to attack like a lightning, and swung down continuously with the extremely sharp wing knife.

Joseph's arms were severed again, this time both arms.

"Phantom light!" This was not over, followed by Casey's attack.

I saw Casey pointing at Joseph, and the pink-purple light hit Joseph's body. Joseph screamed, and his spirit instantly became depressed.At the same time, he could no longer maintain the magical power of flying, and fell directly from the sky, and his internal organs suffered great damage when he fell from the sky.

The attacks of the superpower system are varied and weird, and most of the time they act on the mind and body.

Casey, Big Mouth Bat, and King Nido surrounded him one after another, and Jeff also chased after him at this time.

He grabbed Joseph's neck to prevent him from continuing to chant the spell.Losing both arms and being unable to speak, no matter how powerful the wizard is, it is impossible to release the spell.

This is another flaw of the wizard, who cannot cast spells as he pleases.

"You can survive with a dead heart, but what if your head is gone?"

Seeing that the general situation was gone and his consciousness became more and more blurred, Joseph glared at Zeref unwillingly, as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

It is useless to need a lot of powerful magic, just give yourself a little time, just let yourself prepare some sacrifices.I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled!
I will curse you, curse you!I swear on my soul, I will curse you
The power of the curse is a strange power in the world of Harry Potter. This power is not magic, and even the most skilled white wizard cannot break this strange power.It is a strange power that is more similar to the power of will. If Joseph finishes reading it in his heart, Jeff will not feel better.He was obviously planning to kill the fish and break the net.

It's a pity that Jeref is not a big villain boss, and he has no interest in BBing with him here.

So the recitation ends here because Joseph died.

The wizard who was sealed for thousands of years, the wizard who caused a bloody storm thousands of years ago, just died like this.

(End of this chapter)

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