Chapter 282 Andurus Beast (Second Watch Subscription)

"Boom, boom, boom" Jeref's fist hit the body of the Andurus, making a dull bell-like sound.

"Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist!"

The full body of Andurumon is not as weak as the mature Gugamon before, and it is very close to Zeref in terms of strength and speed.

So it didn't take long for Jeff to fight with him before he used his signature martial arts.

The martial arts of breaking rocks and cutting waterfalls reappeared, and Zeref's fists kept hitting Anduloo's body like shooting stars.

"What a hard body, what a solid metal." Even Jeref's fists were covered with a thick layer of thoughts, and he was also shocked by the anti-shock force of the Digizoid on Anduloomon's body.

It is completely different from the previous Gujia beast.

To deal with Gugamon Jeref, you can easily tear off the opponent's tentacles and horns, but it is not so easy to deal with the complete Andurumon Jeref.

"Da da da!" Zeref's fist touched the chest of Andurus, and it shook violently.The Andulu Beast was instantly sent flying by the huge force.

The skillful use of strength.

The Andulu Beast was bounced far away, but soon stood up again.Under Zeref's stormy attack, his whole body didn't have a single scar.

"What? Can't even Senior Jeff?" Seeing the unharmed appearance of Andurus, the selected children exclaimed.

Before the Andurus could breathe, Jeref exerted force again under his feet, and he went up to the Andurus's position, followed by the previous storm-like attack.

On the surface, Relying on the hard digimetal all over its body, Andurumon seems to have no damage under Zeref's attack, but in fact it is not.

Jeff's Flowing Rock Crushing Fist!The effect is not just superficial, otherwise, how could Andulumon be beaten back by Jeref's fist, just like Garurumon and Tyrannosaurus were hanged and beaten when they faced Andurumon just now.

The dense and fast fists fell on Andulu Beast's body like raindrops. As the attack continued to deepen, strange electronic sounds and electric sparks continuously sounded from Anduru Beast's body.

That's because his interior has been damaged a lot by Jeff's fist.

Reverse shock and dark energy are constantly destroying Andulu Beast's body.

A stream of light or dark power is continuously transmitted into Andurumon's body with its fists, but its inside is not as protected by the solid Digizoid on its surface.

hum!Naturally, it was impossible for Andulu Beast to let Zeref continue to destroy it. I saw the black palms of his right hand close together, forming a shape of a hand knife, and then spun at a high speed.

The high-speed rotating palm swept towards Zeref like a sharp sword. Naturally, Jeref refused to take it hard, and avoided the blow by turning sideways.

"Super Missile!" Seeing that Jeff was forced away by himself, the Andulu Beast opened the two metal plates on the chest again, and the two black missiles were filled again, and they were ready to go.

"Jian!" Seeing this, Jeff immediately wrapped his body inside with thoughts, and used the defensive move "Jian".He knew that Andurus's super missile had a tracking function, so instead of wasting time dodging and letting Andurus free its hands to attack him, it would be better to take the initiative to meet it.

Two huge missiles hit Jeff's body without any suspense, setting off a puff of thick black smoke.

"Senior Jeff!" Su Na screamed, tears welling down the corners of her eyes, at this moment she didn't care about any danger, and ran directly to where Jeff was.

"Be careful, Su Na!" Tai Yi and the others wanted to block it, but Su Na threw it away with one hand.

"Barumon evolves into Cactus Beast!"

"Goma beast evolves into a sea lion beast!"

Jeff himself knew that under the protection of "Jian", the super missiles of Andurus would not harm him at all, but the selected children didn't know.

In their understanding, how could the human body resist the power of artillery?

Seeing Zeref's "tragedy situation", Asuke and Mimi's divine plan simultaneously emitted a dazzling white light.A huge cactus and sea lion appeared in front of everyone.

"Tip bump fist!" The huge cactus spun at high speed, and countless hard thorns flew out of his body.

"Harpoon Laser Cannon!" The sea lion's horn shot out like a rocket, revealing the real body of the missile inside.

Anduru Beast watched the oncoming attack calmly, and the mechanical right hand spun again.

"Rotating energy sword!"

A blue sword glow flew out, and the joint attack of the sea lion beast and the cactus beast was overshadowed by the rotating energy sword.

The blue sword light not only defeated the attacks of the two Digimon, but also continued unabated, and hit the Sea Lion. In a flash of white light, the Sea Lion degenerated into a Gomamon and was sent flying.

"Mach Sting" the cactus beast sprinted forward at an extremely fast speed, and swung the red glove towards the Andulu beast.

"Su Na, I'm fine." Seeing the pear blossom and rainy girl hugging the crying girl in front of him, Zeref smiled wryly, it seemed that he couldn't fight anymore today.

However, Jeref also has a general understanding of his own strength. Jeref's speed is almost the same as that of Andurus, but in terms of skills, Jeref can completely beat the opponent.

As long as the battle with Andurus continues, it is not known whether Jeref destroyed the opponent's core first, or Andurus used its own mechanical and tireless body to consume Jeff to death.

Because it is inconvenient for Zeref to cast the spell due to the chosen children, this point will be left for the time being.

The difference between maturity and full physical strength is beyond Jeff's expectation.

For example, if the combat power of the mature stage is 10, then the combat power of the full body is at least 100, tsk tsk. The difference is more than ten times.

Mature Guga Beasts, Flame Beasts and Zeref can easily beat them.But for the full body of Andulumon, he must fight with all his strength.

Generally speaking, in the digital world, his own strength should be higher than that of ordinary perfect bodies. As for whether a powerful perfect body can be defeated by himself, there are still doubts about this point.

Similarly, since I haven't seen the strength of the ultimate body, I don't know if I can fight against the ultimate body after wearing the adult digital armor.

If it is calculated according to the difference between the mature stage and the complete body, the result is hanging.
The Four Sacred Beasts are a bit more difficult given their current strength.

Gently patted Su Na's back in her arms, held her pink face with both hands, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

I sighed in my heart, I'm sorry, but I love Hermione and Xiao Zhuang.Doomed to be unable to respond to each other's feelings.Su Na is still young, her best home should be Tai Yi or A He in the original book.

"Let's end the battle early."

(End of this chapter)

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