Chapter 235
History is always written by winners, and people can always remember only winners. Today's battle, Jincheng, Liuquan Mountain, Xie Xiaoyu fought against the three masters alone, and defeated them with absolute strength.

The people watching the match firmly remembered Xie Xiaoyu's name.

The young master Xie Xiaoyu was deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

After the battle was over, everyone left slowly, and the police who were in charge of maintaining order at the scene also withdrew. Liuquan Mountain finally returned to normal order. The nearby traffic was no longer congested, and the scenic spot could be opened to the public again.

And beside the road next to Liuquan Mountain, there was a black car parked, and a beautiful woman sat in the back of the car. She was wearing ordinary casual clothes and wearing sunglasses.

The car door opened, and a young man came in from the front co-pilot's seat. He turned to the woman in the back seat and said, "He won. I'm afraid the third elder of the Long family won't survive."

"Sure enough, he really won, as I expected," the corner of the woman's mouth rose slightly, forming a beautiful arc.

"In addition, Qinglong will send someone to contact, and wanted to invite him to join, but he refused," said the man in the front row.

"Qinglonghui, are you eyeing him so soon, let's go back first,"


The car started and drove away.

At this moment, although the battle is over, the impact of this battle on people has not ended there.

On the Internet, it has already become popular. People posted the photos and videos they took at the scene on various forums and social platforms.

The name of the young master Xie Xiaoyu was well-known throughout the Internet.

In one of the forums, a netizen uploaded a video of the scene that he shot. The content in it was the entire battle process, which can be said to be very comprehensive.

Not long after this post was published, it received tens of thousands of likes, tens of thousands of reposts, and thousands of comments.

"Oh my god, is this a fantasy blockbuster?"

"The scene of thunder and lightning is like a fairy in a comprehension novel going through a catastrophe,"

"It's really unexpected that such a god-man really exists in the real world,"

"Really? Young master? This is too scary. I just entered martial arts when I was a teenager. This guy is simply a monster,"

"Jincheng, on the top of Liuquan Mountain, four masters fighting, just thinking about it is domineering, just like four peerless masters discussing swords today,"

"I really regret dying. I didn't get to watch it. I don't know what this young grandmaster looks like. With him alone, he actually defeated three grandmasters."


Words of surprise, shock, admiration, and admiration kept appearing on the Internet. The young guru Xie Xiaoyu is simply a living god in the hearts of netizens.

At this moment in the Chu family, the family of three finally let go of the stones hanging in their hearts. Xie Xiaoyu won and completely defeated the three elders of the Long family. The whole family watched the whole battle with their own eyes, especially when Xie Xiaoyu defeated the two dragons. , is simply incomparable, domineering and mighty.

When he jumped down from the clouds, it was like a roc bird spreading its wings and gliding.

All the Chu family saw and remembered this shocking scene.

"Mr. Xie won, and our Chu family will be saved," Chu Nanfeng leaned back on the sofa and sighed.

When the three elders of the Long family came to pay a visit to Xie Xiaoyu, before leaving, they told Xie Xiaoyu that if he lost, then he and the Chu family would leave Jincheng forever.

At that time, Chu Nanfeng and others really felt that this was a very risky gamble. After all, it was three masters against Xie Xiaoyu alone, and even a good man couldn't stand up to many people.

"Yeah, before we were worried about Mr. Xie's ability to win, but now it seems that we thought too much. With his strength, it was too easy to win this battle," Shu Wenqian sighed.

"Father, when you met Mr. Xie on the plane, it can be said that it was a blessing in disguise. Maybe it was fate. God made our Chu family rise," Chu Xiaobo said.

Chu Nanfeng's thoughts instantly returned to the time when he first met Xie Xiaoyu. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, under Xie Xiaoyu's protection, the Chu family has become a famous big enterprise in Jincheng.

"Now that the battle is over, I don't know what the Long family will do," Chu Nanfeng murmured.

In the central business district of Jincheng, there is a [-]-meter-high building with a simple and stylish appearance.

Here is the headquarters building of Jincheng Longshi Industry. This large company is in charge of Jincheng's transportation, water and electricity, and international trade. It can be said that it holds the lifeblood of Jincheng's people.

However, the always low-key Long family did not publicize it everywhere, so outsiders thought that the Long family and Long's Industry were just an ordinary company. , the three elders of the Long family, the three martial arts masters.

But today, the three masters were defeated at the foot of Liuquan Mountain, and they lost their breath.

The most important reliance of the Long family has completely disappeared, and the entire Long family has completely panicked.

The senior members of the Long Family were also paying attention to this battle from beginning to end. When they learned that the three Patriarchs had died, they felt as if the sky was about to collapse.

In the conference room of the building, the senior members of the Long family gathered together. People sat in their seats without saying a word. The air was terribly oppressive. The three heads of the family had already passed away. What should the Long family do in the future? s Choice.

Originally, the Long family vowed to eradicate dissidents and eliminate potential opponents, but who knew that things would turn out like this.

Who would have expected that Xie Xiaoyu's strength would be so powerful.

"Everyone is talking, what should we do now?"

The middle-aged man who spoke was Long Qiming, the president of Long's Industry.

"Since the incident has already happened, everyone should not be depressed anymore. The Long family has to move forward," said Long Qihua, who is the vice president of Long's Industry.

"How is Xie Xiaoyu's background investigation going?" Long Qimeng said.

These three middle-aged men are the core of the Long family's top management, in charge of the entire Long's business. When they were eating in Liuchun Garden, they saw the Nanfeng Group's press conference on TV.

Afterwards, they went to meet the three Patriarchs, and gradually led to the battle between the three elders of the Long Family and Xie Xiaoyu.

At that time, they never imagined that the Long family would suffer a disastrous defeat today.

The Long family who lost their martial arts master is like a child who has lost the protection of their parents, and may be crushed by the storm at any time.

No matter how much money is, what is the use? In the face of overwhelming power, it is just a pile of waste paper and a number.

(End of this chapter)

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