The strongest upgrade

Chapter 430 Dragon Domain

Chapter 430 Dragon Domain
A young man in black froze for a moment, and laughed, "Haha, boy, that's the Sky Star Sect. It's a powerful sect of the Dark Star Human Race. None of us can get in, let alone you."

"You all can't get in?" Lin Niu was taken aback, ignoring the ridicule of the young man in black.

The young man in black sneered, "Yes, we can't get in. You don't even want to get in. Your strength is far behind ours. You are also going to participate in the Tianxing Sect's introductory martial arts competition, right? You are weak, Just don't think about it, we don't dare to think about it, aren't you going to die if you go? Haha."

Lin Niu couldn't help observing the strength levels of these seven or eight people, and was very surprised. Oh my God, these people are all at the martial spirit level, and they are already masters.

So, Lin Niu hurriedly observed the people in the whole town, and found that there were at least 300 people living here. What he didn't expect was that everyone here has great strength. Even five or six-year-old children have Wuzong. level of strength!
Lin Niu only found that some infants under the age of five or six were relatively weak, but they had also reached the martial artist level.

Seeing this situation, Lin Niu instantly understood one thing, the people here are born with cultivation!Definitely yes.Otherwise, at only three or four years old, how could he have the strength of a martial artist?There is only one explanation, that is, people here are born with cultivation.

Lin Niu was shocked. The people here are all masters, but these masters are everywhere here, and their status is just ordinary townspeople. It can be seen that these masters are not masters here, but just some repairmen. For lowly ordinary people.

Then, the real masters here have even stronger cultivation bases. There must be a lot of six-star martial spirits, martial kings, and martial emperors.

Lin Niu is very upset now, he didn't expect to be ridiculed by a group of ordinary people as soon as he came here, he feels really uncomfortable.

Then Lin Niu came up with the idea of ​​slapping these people in the face, but he might be in trouble if he wanted to slap these people in the face. After all, these are locals, they are numerous and powerful, and he is just a newcomer.

Lin Niu thought for a while, and felt that he had several artifacts, which were enough to deal with these people. Even if the whole town came to fight, they would not be his opponents.

Lin Niu immediately stepped forward, and cast a contemptuous glance at the young man in black, "Boy, I don't care about taking part in the Heavenly Star Sect's introductory martial arts competition. My strength is much stronger than yours. Do you understand? Open your eyes wide." See clearly with dog eyes, I am not weak, you are weak."


The eight people were very surprised and looked at Lin Niu in surprise. For a moment, they were stunned for a moment, half dead with anger, because they were so angry that they couldn't speak.

After a while, the young man in black said angrily: "Boy, you dare to say these words, and you will have to pay the price. I will teach you a lesson now! I will beat you half to death. If you don't give me a hundred kowtows, I won't!" Will let you go. Your life will be gone."

As he said that, the young man in black rushed over, raised his hand and slapped him with a slap. Obviously, he thought that just one slap would knock the person in front of him into the air.


Unexpectedly, with a flash, Lin Niu easily avoided the slap of the young man in black.

The young man in black said angrily: "Damn it, you still dare to hide. I'll slap you to death."

This time, the young man in black speeded up his attack and slapped him extremely quickly.


Lin Niu dodged again, avoiding the man's slap.

"Huh? Kid, you have some skills. Tell me quickly, what level is your strength?" The young man in black was taken aback.

Lin Niu twitched his lips, "Can't you see my strength?"

The young man in black sneered, "Your superficial strength is that of an ordinary mortal, and you are at the mortal level. However, it is impossible for a mortal to hide so fast. What is your real strength?"

When Lin Niu heard this, he didn't speak.

The other black-haired middle-aged man's face was also very ugly, "Lei Lie, what's wrong with you? You can't beat this man, right?"

Several other people also looked very disappointed and angry. They were all about 50 to [-] years old. Looking at their relationship with the young man in black, Lin Niu guessed that they should be the elders of the young man in black.

The young man in black "Lei Lie" also had an ugly expression, "Third uncle, it's not that I can't hit this person. I just made a mistake."

Hearing this, Lin Niu understood that these people were indeed members of the same family, and those were indeed the elders of the black-clothed youth Lei Lie, who should be uncles.

The black-haired middle-aged man said: "In that case, you can call us."

"Okay. I will definitely beat this kid until he looks for his teeth all over the place." As he spoke, the young man in black stared at Lin Niu angrily, with a fierce look on his face, and then leaped forward with two powerful lightning bolts from his hands.

Lin Niu could see that this Dark Star Human Race was not a person who practiced martial arts, but a person who practiced dragon way, he was a dragon.

Lin Niu suddenly realized that when he observed the people in the town just now, he regarded their way of cultivation as martial arts, but now he realizes that these people are not practicing martial arts, but all of them are practicing dragon way!All are dragons.

Most of the people in the town are experts at the Dragon Spirit level.The strength of some children has also reached the level of Long Zong.

The strength of these people in front of them is at the level of Dragon Spirit, and the strength of the young man in black has reached the five-star level of Dragon Spirit!

Lin Niu observed the age of this person, and estimated that he was only 21 or 15 years old. At this age, he is already a five-star dragon spirit, which shows that this person has cultivated very quickly.If this person is placed in Tianyuan Continent, he must be a genius.However, here, situations like this person are extremely common, because everyone in this town who has reached the age of [-] is already at the dragon spirit level.Therefore, the man is not at all a genius here.If he is a genius, then everyone here is a genius.

Therefore, genius also depends on its environment.A certain person is a genius in this place, but in other places, he can only be regarded as an ordinary person.

Lin Niu has also heard about dragon cultivators. It is said that all dragon cultivators have the blood of the dragon, and they can awaken the dragon soul within six months to one year after birth.With the dragon soul, one can practice the dragon way.

"By the way, this is the Dragon Realm, and so many people practice the Dragon Way, so the people in this Dragon Realm should mainly practice the Dragon Way." Lin Niu thought to himself.

Of course, this is a vast world, and there must be some people and races of life who practice other avenues.

Lin Niu discovered that the dragon soul of the young man in black was lightning. He couldn't help observing it, and found that compared with the martial soul, the dragon soul did have its special features. For example, in the lightning dragon soul, there was a faint majestic The dragon head flashes, increasing the power of lightning.

However, even though the Lightning Dragon Soul was relatively powerful, Lin Niu didn't take it seriously. He immediately took out the Dragon Slaying Axe and slashed at it, just in time to hit the dragon's head in the lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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