my practice game

Chapter 265 Fighting

Chapter 265 Fighting
The location of the competition was chosen in the mountains ten miles away from Firefox Village, which happened to be in the middle of the two villages.

The mountain is empty and desolate, not even a shadow of a tree can be seen, but it is precisely because of this that at a glance, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding situation, and you are not afraid of being ambushed, so it is the most suitable place for fighting.

At noon, hundreds of people had gathered on the mountain, and they were divided into two groups facing each other, with a distance of 30 meters between them, glaring at each other.

More than 30 people came from Firefox Village, and almost all the fire-level and fire-ring-level fighters from the entire village were dispatched. Lin Yingning, the three elders, Yu Yong and the two deputy captains were all present, and Lin Ze was naturally among them.

He stood quietly at the end of the crowd, looking at the opposite crowd calmly.

Comparing the two, Huoxiong Village is undoubtedly much stronger. There are more than 50 people, most of whom are strong and powerful. They are obviously fighters of the fire level or above, and their strength is obviously far superior to that of Huohu Village.

Standing at the forefront was a burly middle-aged man in his 40s, with a gloomy face and paleness that could not be concealed.

From the whispers of the people around, Lin Ze learned that the strong man was Cheng Xing, the leader of Firefox Village, who had seriously injured Lin Kui and died in the battle a few days ago, but he was also seriously injured. recover.

The young man standing next to Cheng Xing is his eldest son Cheng Dongyang.

Standing behind Cheng Dongyang were four young men who were not very old. They looked smug and looked at everyone in Huohu Village with disdain. Obviously, they were the ones sent by Huoxiong Village this time.

In addition to these two groups of people, there was another small group of more than ten people present, who stood quite close to the Firefox Village, but there was a faint line between them, making it clear that the two sides were not from the same village.

Cheng Xing glanced at the three old men who were the leaders of the small group of people, a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he narrowed his eyes slightly: "Our competition with Firefox Village, the three villages of Fire Sable, Fire Snake and Fire Weasel What are the people here for?"

"Of course I came to witness the competition." Lin Yingning said indifferently. Seeing the killing of her father and enemy, although she could still keep calm on her face, she couldn't help but clenched her palms secretly. "Huoxiong Village has always been arrogant and domineering." , In order to prevent you from denying your account after losing, I invited three elders to be witnesses."

The three elders, Fire Sable, Fire Snake, and Fire Weasel nodded in unison.

These three villages can be regarded as relatively large-scale villages nearby. Although they are far inferior to Huoxiong Village, their combination is enough to make the latter fearful.

Lin Ying was worried that Huoxiong Village would not admit it after losing, so he persuaded the three villages to witness the competition. If Huoxiong Village refused to exchange the fire source stone veins, then these three villages would help Huohu Village repel the opponent .

Of course, if things really develop to this point, Firefox Village will definitely not be able to enjoy the fire source stone veins to itself, and it will definitely get a part of the profit to the three villages of Fire Sable, Fire Snake, and Fire Weasel as a reward.

And if the fight is lost,
Lin Yingning pursed her lips, a cold light flashed in her eyes.


After hearing what she said, Cheng Xing snorted coldly and didn't say much, while Cheng Dongyang was young and energetic, and couldn't help showing disdain: "Do you really think you can beat our village? You can't overestimate yourself!"

"What did you say?"

There are quite a few young people in the hunting team of Huohu Village, and when they heard this, they glared angrily. Naturally, Huoxiong Village did not show any weakness, and people from the two villages began to scold each other in a blink of an eye.

"All right!"

The elder of Huo Diao Village yelled loudly to stop the shouting and cursing from both sides, looked at Lin Yingning and Cheng Xing from left to right, and said in a deep voice, "Stop talking, let's see the truth."

Lin Yingning nodded, and said to a young man beside him, "Yang Xiaolai, the first round is up to you, be careful!"

The young man named Yang Xiaolai nodded solemnly when he heard the words, and walked towards the open space between the two villages.

At the same time, a person from Huoxiong Village also strode out, stood four or five meters away from Yang Xiaolai, and looked at him unkindly.

Seeing this, Yang Xiaolai was unmoved, but silently made a fighting stance.

Seeing that the candidates from both sides had already stood on the field, the elder of Huo Diao Village took a step forward. When he stood on tiptoe, a small stone shot obliquely into the sky like a cannonball, shot to the top of the two of them, and then fell at an extremely fast speed.

The moment the stone fell to the ground, Yang Xiaolai and the opponent's young man gave a low shout at the same time, their bodies swayed, they rushed forward and collided, fighting fiercely.

The violent vigor instantly invaded all over the place, lifting the surrounding grass and rocks.

Everyone in the Firefox Village stared at the front, holding their breath, for fear of missing any scene, but Lin Ze looked the most relaxed, looking at the battle on the field with great interest.

This copy of the game is of plural types, including body training, ten thousand methods, and rules. However, the Tinder training system he has seen so far is mainly inclined to body training, and ten thousand methods and rules are more of a rubbish.

Even the Huoyuan skill, which belongs to Wanfa, is only used to stimulate the muscles and blood circulation of the human body at the stage of the fire seed level, so as to temporarily strengthen the physical fitness. Strictly speaking, it belongs to the refining system in terms of usage.

And the battle in front of me also proves this point. Two fire-level fighters fight against each other, basically relying on hand-to-hand combat. There are some fighting skills, but the skill level is estimated to be only Lv3 at most. It is more about who is more powerful, faster and resistant The stronger the fighting ability, it is very simple and rude.

"Perhaps at a higher level, this cultivation system will deeply touch the ten thousand laws and rules." Lin Ze thought deeply.

The battle ended quickly, and while he was pondering for a moment, the two had already decided the winner, Yang Xiaolai was even stronger, he seized the opening and punched through the opponent's defense, taking advantage of the opening of the opponent's empty door, he struck out repeatedly, It directly knocked the opponent into the air and hit the ground heavily.

Watching this scene, the crowd of Firefox Village suddenly burst into cheers, and everyone was refreshed.

Lin Yingning and Yu Yong, the senior officials of the Firefox Village looked a little relaxed. Yang Xiaolai was the strongest fighter other than Lin Yingning among the soldiers sent by the Firefox Village this time. One appearance is to win the first battle and improve the morale of one's own side.

So far, the little trick appears to have succeeded.

Cheng Dongyang looked gloomy, but Cheng Xing didn't care, and waved his hand to signal the next person to come on stage.

The second fighter in Huoxiong Village is also the sixth-rank fire seed, and his strength is not weaker than Yang Xiaolai. It also takes advantage of the fact that the opponent has just experienced the battle and consumes a lot of money. Therefore, the two sides fell into a stalemate at the beginning of the battle. As time went by, Yang Xiaolai gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing the opponent's decline gradually, the soldiers of Huoxiong Village immediately intensified their offensive, attacking Yang Xiao ferociously, beating him to the left and right.

At this time, Yang Xiaolai staggered suddenly, as if his physical strength was about to be exhausted, his face changed suddenly, his opponent saw it, and the excitement and grin on his face disappeared in a flash, and he rushed forward without hesitation, with both fists They blasted out at the same time like cannonballs, aiming at Yang Xiaolai's head.

However, in the next second, he was horrified to see the panic on Yang Xiaolai's face disappear. The latter's eyes flashed, and the whole body suddenly lowered. Entering his wide-open empty door, his fists hit his chest one after another like a cannonball. The dull sound of fist and flesh collision continued for a while, and lasted for a full seven or eight times before ending with a crisp sound of bone shattering. The soldier from Huoxiong Village had already vomited blood and fell backwards. After falling to the ground, he remained motionless, but passed out.

There was a moment of silence on the field, followed by cheers from the Firefox Village side, and the morale was boosted.

On the other hand, there was silence in Huoxiong Village. Cheng Dongyang's face was ugly, and he couldn't hold back any longer. He turned to Cheng Xing and said, "Father, let me play next time."

Cheng Xing still had a pale expression on his face, as if he didn't care about losing two games in a row. Hearing this, he glanced at his son, nodded and said, "It's up to you."

Cheng Dongyang was overjoyed, and immediately came out of the crowd, and strode towards Yang Xiaolai. Seeing the heaving chest of the latter, who looked like he was exhausted, a smug expression appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Come on, come down, and substitute someone on the field." Lin Yingning said suddenly.

Yang Xiaolai turned to look at her, took a breath first, then shook his head and said, "Boss, I can continue!"

Cheng Dongyang is a fighter of the seventh rank of the fire rank. Even in his heyday, he is not sure that he can beat the opponent, not to mention the current state of exhaustion. Even so, he still has to persevere, which can consume Cheng Dongyang's strength , the hope of winning by the companions who will play later will be higher, maybe it will be the key to turning the game around?

Seeing Yang Xiaolai's determined expression, Lin Yingning sighed secretly, and didn't try to dissuade him.

Cheng Dongyang stared at Yang Xiaolai with a sinister smile, and as soon as the stone shot high in the sky fell to the ground, he rushed forward fiercely like a charging monster, twisting his fists and blasting out fiercely.

Yang Xiaolai hastily dodged, avoiding Cheng Dongyang's straight punch, but the latter's punch was just a feint. Following his dodge, Cheng Dongyang immediately turned his fist into a sweep, and his right arm was drawn out heavily like a long whip, stirring in the air The dull whistling sound hit Yang Xiaolai's chest heavily with terrifying force.

Immediately there was a clear sound of bone cracking, Yang Xiaolai's face turned pale, and he stepped back seven or eight steps in a row. Before he could recover, Cheng Dongyang had already caught up quickly and launched a stormy offensive, punching one after another. It fell on Yang Xiaolai, and there was a dense sound like the beating of a leather drum.

When the muffled sound stopped, Yang Xiaolai flew upside down spurting blood, and passed out without even groaning after landing.

Lin Yingning's complexion changed, and she immediately stepped forward to help Yang Xiaolai to check his injuries. Seeing that his face was like gold paper, as if he had suffered a serious injury, his pretty face was immediately covered with frost, and he turned his head to glare at Cheng Dongyang.

The latter remained unmoved, and sneered into her eyes.

Of course Cheng Dongyang knew what Yang Xiaolai was up to. Since this guy intends to consume his energy, he should do as he wished and give him a few more ruthless blows.

 In the previous chapter, the ranks were wrongly written. The highest level of Tinder rank is only rank [-]. A book friend pointed it out. It has been changed, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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