Chapter 290
(PS: Introduce a friend's new book, "Dan Ti", ISBN 2244281. By the way, ask yourself a monthly pass.)
After two days of resting and watching, after discovering that the Fatty Army did not reveal any flaws and did not give the self-armed army a chance to sneak attack, the veteran of the Mite Qing Dynasty also completely died of stealing and cheating, so he had to let the remnants of the Anqing Qing Army continue to be stationed in the lake. At the same time, he ordered Zhao Yue to replace his father, Zhao Guozuo, and lead the remaining 6000 defeated soldiers to abandon Nankang City, Xingye withdrew to Nanchang, where he was originally stationed, and assisted Xibu, the capital of the Qing Dynasty, to defend Nanchang City, waiting for the Qing Dynasty to send reinforcements. . ——Although Hilgen himself didn't know where Kang Mazi could draw troops to Nanchang for reinforcements, he still couldn't order Zhao Yue and Xi Bu to abandon Nanchang City, right?

On the night of March 28, Zhao Yue, Xu Zhen and other Qing army generals were ordered to abandon Nankang City, abandon all useless luggage, and lead the remnant army to retreat to Nanchang overnight under the cover of night.Fatty Lu, who has been paying close attention to the movement of the Qing army in Nankang, was unable to go after and kill the remnant Qing army with all his strength due to various reasons such as Hiergen's restraint, exhaustion of the army, and huge consumption of ammunition, but he would not miss this opportunity to beat the dog in the water. Opportunity, two generals Wang Xu and Gao Hongchen were sent to lead [-] infantry and cavalry to chase and kill them.He also caught up with the Qing army near De'an. Although Zhao Yue personally led the elite army, his morale was depressed and the army had no fighting spirit. He was defeated by Wang Xuhe and Gao Hongchen. Xiushui River was rescued by Xi Bu's rescue troops from Nanchang, and they got rid of the pursuit. Gao Hongchen and Wang Xu didn't dare to advance too lightly, so they could only stop at the Xiushui River, pack up their troops and return home triumphantly.

On March [-]th, after it was confirmed that Zhao Yue's remnant army had withdrawn to Nanchang City, the Qing army on the east bank of Poyang Lake also pulled out their battalion and mobilized troops. Hilgen personally led the army behind the palace and retreated to Anqing by water and land. Wu Jun dispatched naval divisions to pursue However, Hill was able to rule the army well, the army was well-organized, the first mover was not anxious, the latter was not afraid, and retreated slowly at every step. The Wu army's navy did not have a land army to respond to the battle, and did not seize a good opportunity to severely injure the enemy. Only sank three Qing army warships in the artillery battle, gave up the pursuit when they chased near Xiaogushan, and returned to Jiujiang to hand over orders.

Strictly speaking, the reason why the Wu army failed to create another glory in the pursuit battle and expand the results again, although there are objective reasons such as terrain restrictions, army exhaustion, and huge ammunition consumption, but the main reason is that Lu Fatty's combat style is conservative. He refuses to take the risk of using the main force to hunt down the enemy's defeated soldiers. Otherwise, even if he can't severely damage the Hilgen army on the east bank of Poyang Lake, and wipe out [-]% to [-]% of the remnants of the Qing army on land in Nankang Mansion, that's still not much. difficult.In this regard, although the generals of the Wu army also had many suggestions, persuading Fatty Lu to pursue them with all their strength or send troops ahead of time to block the retreat of the remnants of the Qing army in Nankang, they were all rejected by Fatty Lu who had other plans for various reasons, and he just sat and watched this opportunity to miss.

Fatty Lu, who has always been as cunning as a fox on the battlefield, would sit back and watch his fighter miss. The generals of the Wu army are naturally puzzled, but fortunately, the shrewd and cunning image that Fatty Lu has established for a long time has played a role, even Gao Dejie, Han Daren and Wang Xu, the elders of Wu Jun who had spoken out in Fatty's Army, did not express any dissatisfaction, and they all thought that Fatty Lu's move must have a deep meaning, and they must be planning some wicked idea that would cause black smoke to rise from the ancestral grave. Letting the enemy go - this is the truth, but what these Wu Jun old men probably never imagined in their dreams is that Fatty Lu's move is not only counting the enemy, but also secretly counting the friendly army!
Fatty Lu's coma is not useless, at least the whole army of Fatty won enough rest time, enough time to treat wounded soldiers and reorganize and surrender troops.At the same time, after the defeat of the Qing army, Liao Wenying, the well-known prefect of Nankang, was afraid that the Wu army would wash the city and harm the people. Officials such as Wenying praised them greatly and let them cut their braids and grow their hair and stay in their posts. They organized the people under their control to cut their braids and grow their hair, and recovered one prefecture and four counties in the surrounding area without a single soldier.

On the second day of April, Wang Shaobo, who had been sent back to Wuchang Mansion by Fatty Lu before the decisive battle in northern Jiangxi, finally returned to Jiujiang, and brought to Fatty Lu a transport team composed of ordinary civilian ships. Fatty Lu went to the pier in person meet.After the meeting, the sycophant Wang Shaobo had no choice but to flatter Lu Fatty in front of Fatty Lu, wishing Fatty Lu a great victory in northern Jiangxi and his extraordinary achievements, but Fatty Lu was not happy. Of course, the supply fleet brought back by Wang Shaobo is really too small. There are only 21 ordinary medium-sized cargo ships. Even if they are all fully loaded, how many supply firearms that the Fatty Army is short of can be loaded?
"Boss, this is the list of luggage brought back by the students this time, please have a look at it." Wang Shaobo saw that Fatty Lu looked unhappy, so he hurriedly handed over the list with both hands, and carefully asked Fatty Lu to have a look.

"[-] rockets, [-] grenades, [-] explosive shells, [-] bullets, [-] catties of Mihao explosives, alcohol bombs..., only [-]?" After reading the key numbers on the list, Fatty Lu's brows almost twisted into a Sichuan character, his fat face was also full of disappointment, and he asked feebly after a while, "Why are you so small?"

"Back to the master, the student has done his best." Wang Shaobo lowered his head, and said helplessly: "It's not that the second prince deliberately made things difficult for the master. The student saw with his own eyes that nearly half of this batch of baggage was from the second prince's own direct army. Take it out. The second prince asked the student to tell the boss that he has tried his best, but now our Dazhou army is attacking in six ways, and every army is desperately consuming firearms. No matter how hard Jiqishan camp works overtime, it can't keep up. Huge consumption rate. As for alcohol incendiary bombs, because the camp at Jiji Mountain is too busy, and our main battlefield doesn’t need them, so...the production of them has been discontinued a long time ago.”

"When is the next replenishment?" Fatty Lu asked vigorously.

"The second prince doesn't know either." Wang Shaobo replied even more helplessly: "According to the second prince, the prince surrounded the main force of Mangou in Shaanxi and Gansu in Baoning, and now the battle to wipe out the main force of Mangou in Shaanxi and Gansu has reached the most critical stage. Mangou Tong Guogang’s rescuers are desperately rushing to the battlefield for reinforcements. Our Jingzhou army was ordered to go north to stop the attack, buying time for the prince to annihilate Mangou’s main forces in Shaanxi and Gansu. He has already fought with Tong Guogang and Mangou. Therefore, the Jiqishan camp is now giving priority to supplying Our Jingzhou army, when our East Route Army will get the next batch of supplies, even the second prince doesn't know."

"Damn, this amount of ammunition is not enough for me to fight another decisive battle in northern Jiangxi!" Fatty Lu cursed sullenly, then patted Wang Shaobo on the shoulder helplessly and said: "But it's good, it's better to have this batch of luggage than not to have it at all. It’s great for you to make the Second Prince, who is notoriously stingy and money-greedy, squeeze out his luggage to help us, and you have made a great contribution to our army.”

"The students don't dare to take the credit, it's all because of the master's plan." Wang Shaobo hurriedly flattered him again, and said with a flattering smile: "Thanks to the master for knowing our second prince, and letting the students take the strange things that our army collected from Jiujiang City." All the rare treasures were given to the second prince, and the second prince is so generous with his equipment to help our army. Otherwise, the students don’t have the ability to pluck the feathers from our iron cock second prince.”

Fatty Lu smiled wryly, and didn't disagree, but ordered the soldiers to unload the luggage brought by Wang Shaobo and transport it to Jiujiang City for safekeeping.Wang Shaobo looked at his words and saw that Fatty Lu was always depressed. He was obviously worried that the supply of ammunition was far from keeping up with consumption, so he cautiously suggested: "Boss, in fact, the students think that you don't have to worry about our army's supply of firearms. The new firearms that are rampant in the world are not made by the owner? Since our army cannot guarantee the supply of firearms for our army, why don't we set up another firearms camp in the northern Jiangxi area to produce and use it ourselves, so we can get rid of this trouble ?”

"Stupid words!" It was rare for Fatty Lu to speak harshly to Wang Shaobo, and he shouted in a low voice: "You asked me to build another firearms camp in the north of Jiangxi to get rid of our military firearms' dependence on the rear. What does the prince think of me? What do you think I want to do?" I’m afraid that the firearms camp has just broken ground and laid the foundation, and the prince’s order to transfer me back to the rear has already arrived at the door?!”

Wang Shaobo shrank his head, and then remembered that Fatty Lu still had a cunning and suspicious old traitor Wu on his head. Fatty's army has not yet completely shaken off the control and command of old traitor Wu. Build your own firearms camp on the land, and set up your own family to get rid of the control and manipulation of the old traitor Wu. I'm afraid that before the Qing court sends another army to the south to suppress it, the [-] reserve troops left by the traitor Wu in Wuchang and Yuezhou will have already killed them first. When they come to the door, the first thing they say is, they will ask, "What do you want to do, you little fat man?!"

After counting the firearms brought by Wang Shaobo and putting them into the warehouse, Fatty Lu bought a reception banquet for Wang Shaobo in the courtyard where he lived. Four fat army generals Gao Dejie, Han Daren, Wang Xu and Li Guodong were also invited to attend. Take the wind and wash away the dust for Wang Shaobo.During the banquet, Gao Dejie, Han Daren and others had to ask Wang Shaobo about the process of returning to Wuchang this time, and they were extremely concerned about how many crucial new firearms Wang Shaobo brought back to the Fatty Army this time. After thinking about it, he finally showed the list of firearms that Wang Shaobo brought back, and after reading the list, Gao Dejie, Han Daren and the other four inevitably gasped, and asked in unison: "Why so little? "

"No way, the student has done his best, and the second prince has also done his best." Wang Shaobo had no choice but to re-explain the situation with a sad face. In this way, Gao Hanwang and Li Sijiang were silent again.

"Brother Lu, it seems that our plan to go down the river and capture Jiangnan can only be shelved for the time being." After a long time, Gao Dejie said weakly: "The supply of firearms cannot keep up, and the strength of troops is not enough. What should we use to fight?" ?”

"With such a small amount of luggage, I'm afraid it's only enough for us to win Anqing and Nanchang at most. If we want to go east, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult." Han Daren also frowned.

"We may not be sure about attacking Anqing." Wang Xu's personality was calm and careful, and he reminded: "After our army defeated the old thief Xiergen, Prince Mangoukang Jieshu who was stationed in Luzhou will definitely divide his troops and go south. Help defend Anqing City, Anqing is famous for its high walls and deep trenches, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and our army does not have the advantage of naval forces, so it is not only difficult to break through Anqing."

"General Wang is right. The only important town our army is sure to win is Nanchang. There is hope of winning Anqing, but we are not sure." Li Guodong echoed.

After all, everyone turned their eyes to Fatty Lu's fat face, but Fatty Lu remained calm, as if he hadn't heard the words of some important accomplices losing their fighting spirit. After a long time, Fatty Lu smiled and rushed up. Dejie laughed and said, "Brother Dajie, you really surprised me. I wouldn't be surprised if anyone said the phrase 'what to fight'. Why would you say this? Brother Dajie? Now, when there were no new firearms back then, brother Dajie, how did you follow the prince and fight all the way from Shanhaiguan to Burma?"

"Brother Lu taught me that brother Yu is too lazy to learn now and relies too much on firearms." Gao Dejie rarely blushed, and said helplessly: "But this also makes sense. Back then, brother Yu followed the prince to fight enemies. Not powerful, but it’s different now, although Mangou’s firearms are far inferior to ours, they are far superior to the enemies Brother Yu encountered back then, and the old tactics in the past are not so effective.”

Speaking of this, Gao Dejie had an idea, and hurriedly suggested: "Brother Lu, let's take Nanchang first, with northern Jiangxi as the rear, and then build a firearms camp. We can make our own firearms and use them ourselves. The new firearms used are all made by you, can you still make them?"

"General Gao, this matter is not a joke." Han Daren said cautiously: "The new firearms are the treasure of our army, even if the prince's son-in-law Xia Guoxiang, General Xia, his nephew just touched the firearm quietly. Daying, I wanted to steal a few grenades to go hunting, but after being captured on the spot, the prince forced General Xia to do it himself, beheading his own nephew! Without the prince's permission, we built the firearms camp and made new firearms ourselves , if the lord knows about it, what’s the deal?”

Gao Dejie, who had been with Old Traitor Wu for the longest time, stopped talking, and neither Wang Xu nor Li Guodong dared to talk. Since ancient times, such things have indeed been the most taboo and dangerous things.And Fatty Lu also said: "Brother Dajie, General Han is right this time. As the servants of the prince, it is best not to even think about such a thing, let alone do it."

Gao Dejie nodded silently, admitting that Fatty Lu and Han Daren were right.Wang Xu then said: "General, the main mission given to us by the left and right princes is to bite the Manchu dogs in northern Jiangxi, ensure the safety of the rear of Pianyuan, and then look for opportunities to attack Jiangnan. Then let's give up the plan to capture Jiangnan for the time being. Take down Nanchang, which has the greatest grasp, and casually support Xia Guoxiang, General Xia's southern Jiangxi army, and help General Xia to open up the land connection with Geng Jingzhong first, and wait for the prince to annihilate the main force of Shaanxi and Gansu, and finally plot Jiangnan. "

"The final general agrees." Li Guodong echoed: "Full of Gou Zhangtai's blessing, the grain and grass in Jiujiang City are enough for us to last for more than half a year. After half a year, the farmland in the west of northern Jiangxi can also be harvested and put into warehouses. We don't have to worry about grain and grass. Why don't you capture Nanchang first, ensure the safety of the rear of Pianyuan, and seize the time to build more warships and train more naval forces, so as to lay the foundation for the prince's future command to the east."

If it was another old man Wu who was a traitor, he would probably have adopted the prudent advice of Wang Xu and Li Guodong, but for Fatty Lu, who had long been ambivalent, such a prudent tactic would undoubtedly make Fatty Lu His old life--he always guards the home for the old traitor Wu, where can he go to find a chance to be independent?So after careful calculation, Fatty Lu gritted his teeth and said, "I have a risky tactic, four generals, I wonder if you are interested in hearing it?"

"Major general, please show me." Fatty's four major generals replied in unison.

"Regardless of Nanchang, go straight to Anqing!" Fatty Lu gritted his teeth and said: "Riding on Anqing's Mangou, who was still in shock, and the Mangou reinforcements were not in time for reinforcements, our army's supplies were still able to fight, so we gave up attacking Nanchang, and went directly to the east of the lake, and took it all at once. Anqing! If Anqing is in the hands of our army, there will be no danger for the dogs in the south of the Yangtze River, and the situation on the battlefield in the south of the Yangtze River will be extremely beneficial to us!"

"It's too risky!" Wu Jun's four generals exclaimed together, "Don't care about Nanchang, go directly to Anqing. If Anqing can't be attacked for a long time, Nanchang Mangou will counterattack Jiujiang and cut off our army's food road. Isn't our army in danger?"

"It's very risky, but I think it's worth taking the risk!" Fatty Lu said in a deep voice, "First of all, although our Dazhou army has won many battles and repeatedly injured the main force of the Manchus, in terms of manpower, material and financial resources, we are still weak. Far from being the opponent of Mangou! It can be said that as long as Jiangnan is still in the hands of Mangou, Mangou can form new troops, build new ships, forge new weapons, and come to the front line in an endless stream. Consume our precious military, financial and material resources bit by bit. The longer the time drags on, the better it will be for Man Gou, and the worse it will be for us! If we don’t drop Man Gou, a cornucopia in the south of the Yangtze River, no matter how much our army of Great Zhou fights Winning a battle will also consume ten times, or even a hundred times the manpower, material and financial resources of a dog!"

"Secondly! Now is our best chance to attack Jiangnan. Most of Mangou's main force in Anqing has been wiped out. The remaining army may be more than enough to protect themselves, but it is far from enough to advance and counterattack! At the same time, because Geng Jingzhong raised troops to respond to our army. , the main force deployed by Mangou in the south of the Yangtze River has already moved south. Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Changzhou, Songjiang (Shanghai) and Tongzhou, which are fat and fat, are actually empty! According to my estimation, The combined strength of the defenders in these places will definitely not exceed [-]! As long as our army captures Anqing and this territory, it will be a piece of cake!"

"Third! Man Gou has no time to react and adjust. Our army's decisive battle in northern Jiangxi ended on March 26. Even if Man Gou used 20 li to speed up the horse, the news is now only sent to the Man Gou Emperor. In front of it, it will take [-] days to a month for the Mangou army around the south of the Yangtze River to respond when the Mangou army makes an order to adjust its defense. In this time, you can enter the Jiangnan battlefield like no one else! Such an opportunity is truly once in a lifetime, if you miss it, there will be no second time!"

After finally waiting for Fatty Lu to finish talking, the four major generals of the Fatty Army all opened their mouths wide open, all stunned by Fatty Lu's ambition and courage.After a pause, Fatty Lu said: "Four generals, please think about it. If we take Jiangnan, do we still need to worry about food and military pay? Our soldiers still need to worry about it." Do you only receive a meager military salary of a few coins a month? Do we still need to worry about the shortage of military salary, food and supplies?!"

"Four generals, seek wealth and wealth." Fatty Lu's voice suddenly turned cold, and he said provocatively: "Please think about it, if our tactics are successful, what kind of fat should we be? What will it look like? Do our descendants need to worry about spending money and food? Silver, jewelry, fertile land, beautiful women, what do we want?"

Thinking of the beauties of money and food after the capture of Jiangnan, Gao Dejie, Han Daren, Wang Xu and Li Guodong, who were not good things at all, inevitably felt itchy and their throats felt dry.After careful consideration for a long time, Gao Dejie said in a hoarse voice: "Brother Lu, your idea is good, but there are three problems, how do you solve them?"

"Brother Dajie, do you want to ask the three questions of food supply, time and escape route?" Fatty Lu asked.

Gao Dejie nodded, and said in a low voice: "Brother Lu really has a clever plan. Brother Yu really asked these three questions. First, how do we solve the problem of food roads? Second, what if Anqing cannot be attacked for a long time? Third, even if we What should I do if I can't hold Jiangnan after I've taken down Jiangnan? Where can I retreat?"

"In my opinion, these three issues are not a problem at all!" Fatty Lu gritted his teeth and said, "The first issue is the grain road. What grain road do we want? Back then, Zhu Di fought from Beijing to Nanjing in one go, and what happened?" Grain roads? It’s not like you don’t know how rich and prosperous the south of the Yangtze River is, so why don’t we solve the problem of food and grass on the spot?”

Speaking of this, Fatty Lu added darkly, "And I have already considered it. I will send a letter to General Xia Guoxiang tonight, telling him that we have almost beaten Mangou in Nanchang, and invite him to share it." Send out an army and take Nanchang with us! You also know General Xia’s temper. As long as there is an advantage to take advantage of, he will definitely attack Nanchang with all his strength. Will the dog counterattack Jiujiang?"

"That makes sense." Gao Dejie nodded, then lowered his voice and asked, "What about the time? If we can't attack Anqing City for a long time, and the Mangou army readjusts to block the loophole in Jiangnan, what should we do?"

"Then we won't attack Anqing! We will attack Nanjing directly!" Fatty Lu waved his fat hand resolutely, and said through gritted teeth: "Since ancient times, when attacking from west to east, Anqing must be attacked first when attacking Nanjing. Roads, as well as preventing the generals stationed in Anqing from intercepting and killing them halfway. Now we have no food roads, no reinforcements, and we are not afraid of Man Gou going out to fight in the field. Whether Anqing fights or not, it is actually the same! Kill them, and then go back to attack the city, Anqing and Jiangnan are still in our pocket!"

The four generals Gao Dejie, Han Daren, Wang Xu, and Li Guodong looked at each other, and they all felt that Fatty Lu's words were extremely crazy, but they also felt that they were quite reasonable.After hesitating for a while, Han Daren asked tremblingly, "General, what about the third question? We have taken Jiangnan, what if we can't hold it?"

"Four generals, you seem to have forgotten one person?" Fatty Lu asked slowly: "We have entered the south of the Yangtze River, and the old man surnamed Zheng in Taiwan can still sit still? With their support, we As long as you occupy a random city along the river or along the coast, you can advance, attack, retreat, or defend, are you afraid that there is no way out?"

Gao Dejie, Han Daren, Wang Xu, and Li Guodong patted the table together and sighed, admitting that they had indeed completely forgotten about Brother Zheng Jing. When the news of Wu Jun's invasion of Jiangnan, they will definitely rush into Jiangnan from the sea like chicken blood, and they will definitely not discount it in the slightest!With the invincible Taiwanese navy to respond, even if we can't defend Jiangnan, we can retreat by sea. By then, we will already have a lot of money, and we are afraid that we will not have enough food and clothing for the rest of our lives?
"There is another news, I will not hide it from you." Fatty Lu said seriously again: "Do you still remember Li Ya? I have arranged for him to lead a team of elite soldiers, disguised as ordinary businessmen, and go to Nanjing first. In the difficult city of Nanjing, there is an important minister full of dogs who is my best friend. I have saved his life, so he obeyed me. I sent Li Ya to contact him, just to let him get ready. When our army reaches the city of Nanjing, he will - open the city gate!"

"Really?" Gao Dejie and other four generals' eyes lit up, and their hearts began to be ecstatic. Nanjing is definitely the strongest city in the south of the Yangtze River. It is true that you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat.

"Brother Dajie, General Han, General Li, General Wang, brothers, I like to play tricks, but those are all tricks against the enemy." Fatty Lu said sincerely: "Please ask yourselves, brothers, I have been fighting with you since I fought side by side. , did you do something sorry to you? Did you say something to deceive you?"

Gao Dejie and the others nodded slowly, admitting that Fatty Lu was indeed very kind to his friends and brothers, and would rather suffer a disadvantage than let his friends and brothers suffer.After thinking about it for a long time, Gao Dejie gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, please express your opinion. Brother Lu's tactics, shall we do it?"

The three generals Wang Xu, Han Daren, and Li Guodong were silent. After a long while, Han Daren slapped the table and shouted decisively: "Wealth and wealth are in danger. I have a bowl-sized scar on my head. I will do it!"

"The fight against Jiangnan is also for the sake of the prince, for the sake of the prince, I will do it." Wang Xu nodded.

"As long as it's to kill the Manchus, fight against the Qing Dynasty and revive the Ming Dynasty, and rejuvenate the Han Dynasty and destroy the Manchus, I'm willing to take a gamble," Li Guodong said.

"I agree too." Gao Dejie nodded, then turned to Fatty Lu and said, "Brother Lu, we can gamble with you, but you must promise us one thing! No matter how hard it is in the future, even if When it comes to the moment of life and death when the whole army is wiped out, you can't do anything wrong to the lord, let alone bow your knees to Man Gou, otherwise, I will be the first to let you go!"

"Brother, if I would bow my knees to Man Gou, then I would already be Man Gou's six ministers." Fatty Lu stretched out a fat hand, and said solemnly: "Please four generals to testify, if Lu Yifeng makes the slightest I'm sorry about the matter of the prince, then please don't be polite to the four generals, please take the eight and a half catties on Lu Yifeng's neck!"

Gao Dejie nodded, stretched out his right hand and pressed it on Fatty Lu's fat hand, and then Han Daren, Wang Xu and Li Guodong also stretched out their right hands and pressed it on the hands of Fatty Lu and Gao Dejie. Two dirty black hands, tightly held together!
(End of this chapter)

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