Mad Concubine is poisonous

Chapter 828 Want to fool me?

Chapter 828 Want to fool me?

"No, no, I'm a little surprised, and even more excited!" Yan Ping froze for a moment, with a look of excitement and anticipation in his eyes.

They have been training for so long, and they can finally come in handy.

"This matter needs to be carefully planned, only success is not allowed!" Bai Ziyou was silent for a while, then spoke out slowly.

"Yes, Miss, don't worry, we will definitely do our best!" Yan Ping promised seriously after hearing the words.

"Okay, you are fully responsible for this matter. As for the specific allocation, you first make a plan, and then show it to me. If there is no problem, execute it as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

"Also, in this operation, we must try our best to ensure everyone's safety, not recklessly, rely on outsmart, understand?"

"Understood, Miss, don't worry, we will be united!"

"Very good, when the plan is finalized, let the team leaders come to see me!"

"Okay, miss!"

After Bai Ziyou chatted with Yan Ping for a while, Yan Ping left.

Bai Ziyou looked at Zongshan's map thoughtfully.

Ouyang Sheng will come to her sooner or later, so she must think of a way to deal with it as soon as possible.

Among other things, Ouyang Sheng can be said to be a good father, and he was responsive to Ouyang Meng's requests, so, unconsciously, he also raised Ouyang Meng in a wrong way.

Bai Ziyou thought about it, and decided to go and see Ouyang Meng. By the way, she made a routine, where did she get the poison?
At this moment, Ouyang Meng was in a semi-crazy state. When he saw Bai Ziyou, he wanted to eat her even more.

"Bai Ziyou, let me go, my father won't let you go!" Ouyang Meng stared at Bai Ziyou and hissed loudly.

The last time Di Xunmo said he wanted to lick his tongue, it was just to scare her!

Bai Ziyou looked at the embarrassed Ouyang Meng, and sneered: "Ouyang Meng, you are all to blame for this. When you wanted to kill me, didn't you think about it?"

" will die! Brother Mo is mine, why do you take him away?" Ouyang Meng glared at Bai Ziyou angrily, very unwilling.

"It's yours that can't be taken away, not yours that can't be forced!" Bai Ziyou responded calmly after hearing this.

Ouyang Meng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing: "Haha... Are you dying from poisoning, so you can't force it!"

Bai Ziyou: "..."

This Ouyang Meng really opened his mind!
If she is about to die, can she stand here?
I really don't know how her IQ came from?

Ouyang dreamed that Bai Ziyou didn't speak, and he became even more proud and arrogant: "Bai Ziyou, so what if you are a doctor? It's not that you can't save yourself! Only one person has the antidote for this poison, and you will never get it !"

Bai Ziyou's eyes flickered, and she suddenly became excited: "You lied to me! The poison in my body will get the antidote sooner or later, Mr. Zhong is already developing it."

"No... Impossible!" Ouyang Meng was stunned for a moment, and then screamed: "Even if a god is reincarnated, the poison on your body cannot be cured!"

"Really? Why are you so confident? You want to fool me?" Bai Ziyou's expressionless face made it hard to hear her emotions.

Ouyang Meng laughed, very relieved: "Bai Ziyou, you will die of poison soon. Haha..."

There was silence in the dungeon, and Ouyang Meng's frantic laughter rang out all around.

Bai Ziyou lowered her head, with a sad expression on her face: "Ouyang Meng, you're not a pharmacist, where did you get the poison? It's because Di Xunmo refuses to marry you, that's why you think so hard about my death?"

(End of this chapter)

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