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Chapter 29 Kosugi's 1st Soul Ability

Chapter 29 Kosugi's First Soul Skill
"Control system, assault system." Tang Hao thought about what kind of soul beast would be most suitable for Xiaoshan, and gradually, he had the answer in his heart.

He took Xiaoshan and wandered around the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest.During the period, I also encountered a few spirit beasts who came to seek death.Xiaoshan also finally recovered from the previous trance.

Seeing this, Tang Hao also smiled in relief.

Not long after, another wild boar soul beast came to provoke him.

Tang Hao took out a dagger he had carefully crafted, handed it to Xiaoshan, and said, "Xiaoshan, you deal with him."

Xiaoshan looked at her father in surprise, she never thought that her father would ask her to face this wild boar spirit beast that is not easy to mess with.But there was no time to surprise her, because the wild boar charged towards the two of them.

Tang Hao reacted quickly, stuffed the dagger into Xiaoshan's hand, and then pushed Xiaoshan away.With a light leap, he jumped onto a nearby tree.

Xiaoshan could see clearly, but the wild boar didn't know, the figure of the man suddenly disappeared within the field of vision, but there was still another target.

Holding a dagger in her hand, Xiaoshan was still a little afraid of the wild boar.At the same time, I was a little dazed and at a loss.The dagger is in her hand, and she may not have a whip to use.

By the way, she also has a leather whip.

Xiaoshan took out the leather whip that Chen Huang gave him from the storage soul guide.

The whip is very long and can be used to attack far away places. There is a distance between Xiaoshan and the wild boar, but this is still within the attack range of the whip.

He whipped the whip heavily.

This was not the kind of wild boar whose body was covered with mud and pine resin. He didn't have that kind of hard armor on his body, and he howled in pain after being whipped.

This also angered the wild boar, and charged towards Xiaoshan again.

Her heart was beating very fast, and she jumped to the side, avoiding it.

"You can use your martial soul and your soul power!" Tang Hao shouted.

Only then did Xiaoshan realize that her soul power was applied to her arm, and then she whipped at the wild boar that had overcharged.Immediately, the skin of the wild boar was ripped apart.

Seeing that the whip had such a good effect, Xiaoshan couldn't help showing a bright smile, and her fear of wild boars also disappeared.

A momentary trance, but it led to a heavy impact from a wild boar.

She didn't dare to be distracted now.With a whip in one hand and a dagger in the other, the wild boar was wounded all over his body, bleeding profusely, which directly affected his fighting ability, and finally fell to the ground slowly.On the body of the wild boar, a white and yellow soul ring also appeared.The age of this wild boar is close to 100 years.

"You did well, Xiaoshan." Tang Hao jumped off the tree and said.

"I think this circle is a soul ring, but it's a pity that it's not suitable for you. If you don't absorb it, it will disappear after a while."

This wild boar was put into the storage soul tool by Tang Hao, he said: "We will eat wild boar at night."

As soon as she heard about eating wild boar at night, Xiaoshan felt that the injury from being hit by the wild boar on her body didn't seem to hurt anymore. She made up her mind to eat a few more bowls of meat at night.

Later, seeing some spirit beasts with the same age limit, Tang Hao chose to hand them over to Xiaoshan to solve them.

In the end, Tang Hao finally saw a plant-type soul beast suitable for Xiaoshan.

"Xiaoshan, look at this." Tang Hao pointed to the plant-type soul beast and said.

"A willow tree?"

"No, it's a hitting tree, it just looks like a willow tree."

As Tang Hao said, he picked up a branch from the ground beside him, and stretched it under the willow branch of the hitting tree.

The Hitting People Tree seemed to have a happy reaction, and stretched out a thick vine with a "swoosh", and tied the branches tightly.Then the other willows waved and pulled the branch.

Only then did Xiaoshan understand why it was called the Beating People Tree.

"The age of the hitting tree is generally seen as the vine." Tang Hao took out a dagger and cut off the vine. "Look, this one circle is 100 years, and this four circles is exactly 400 years."

Xiao Shan took a look and found that the circle Tang Hao mentioned meant that the vine had tree-like growth rings.

"Oh. That's it, but how did you know, Dad?" Xiaoshan asked.

"This kind of knowledge is generally taught in advanced soul master colleges, but it should also be included in some books." Tang Hao said.

Holding the dagger, he quickly cut off the vines and willows of the Hitting People Tree, and now he has no means of attack.

"Quick, Xiaoshan, use your dagger to kill him."

Xiaoshan is holding a dagger, not knowing what to do, how can I kill such a thick tree?In the end, he had no choice but to take the dagger and grind down the hitting tree bit by bit.

At this time, a clear yellow soul ring emerged from the body of the Hitting People Tree.

"Sit down cross-legged, release your martial soul, relax, and imagine using your martial soul to absorb the soul ring."

The whole process went extremely smoothly, as if the spirit ring was cooperating with her.That huge soul power poured into Xiaoshan's body, but there was no conflict.

"How?" Tang Hao asked.

"My soul power seems to have improved a lot, and then I have a soul skill, binding."

Tang Hao took out another crystal ball, which was similar to the one used when awakening.But this is not the kind of crystal ball that can only test the tenth level of soul power.

"Input the soul power and try."

Xiaoshan complied.In the crystal ball, one circle lit up, and then a fifth of the second circle lit up.

"Twelve-level soul power, very good."

"Try your soul skills again." Tang Hao said again.

Holding a blue silver grass in her hand, Xiaoshan silently said in her heart: "The first soul skill! Binding!" Then injected a lot of soul power.The blue silver grass grew wildly and tied Tang Hao up.

Tang Hao probably felt the tenacity of this blue silver grass.All of a sudden, the blue silver grass that bound him was broken.

"You whip the blue silver grass again, just like you used the whip before, and beat me hard."


"If you ask you to smoke, you can smoke. With this little strength of yours, it can't hurt me."


Holding the long blue silver vine in her hand, Xiaoshan yanked heavily towards Tang Hao.

Tang Hao didn't dodge, let the vines fall on his body, and then nodded in satisfaction.From the looks of it, the attributes added to this soul ring are correct.Resilience on the one hand and strength on the other.

"The power is not bad. Let's go, it's time to go home."

Tang Hao hugged Xiaoshan with one hand, and then flew straight up.

Xiaoshan was dumbfounded, it turned out that her father could really fly.

Tang Hao said: "When you go back, don't tell others that Dad is a soul master. Also, don't use your hammer martial soul. You must remember this."

Soon, they returned to Holy Soul Village.At this time, it was only three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and some people had already started preparing dinner.

Chen Huang got home a little earlier than them, and at the moment, he was practicing in the back mountain.

 Thanks to Moshang and Gongziyu for the reward of [-] starting coins, thank you boss, the boss is generous, the boss is tough! .
  Thanks also for the recommendations brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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