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Chapter 62 I Have a Fruit Sausage!

Chapter 62 I Have a Fruit Sausage!
Oscar's hands trembled, and his eyes slowly opened.His hands were stained with the blood of the fruit raccoon, and on the body of the fruit raccoon was a yellow soul ring.

He froze on the spot, looking at this mysterious soul ring foolishly.

"Oscar, why are you still in a daze, absorb it quickly." Seeing this, Chen Huang interrupted his daze.

"Oh oh oh." Only then did Oscar come to his senses.

He sat cross-legged in front of the soul ring, then released the sausage martial soul in his hand, and inhaled the soul ring into his body.

Chen Huang checked the fruit raccoon first, and sure enough, there was no soul bone, and then put it back into the storage soul guide.In fact, Chen Huang secretly sold the fruit raccoon.Because after his research, found.In the chat group mall, you sell things that are not available in the chat group, and then there will be new purchase options in the mall.Those previous bones were wasted.

He sold it first, and then bought the civet at the original price with the points he got.This option is always available in the mall, and you can buy it directly if you want to eat it in the future.

There was no painful expression on Oscar's face, and it seemed that everything was going well, as long as he waited a little longer, it looked like he would be successful.Chen Huang is not sure about his soul skills.Fruit raccoons, generally can provide two kinds of soul skills, one increases strength, and the other increases speed.

"Xiaohuang, hehe, why don't you eat that fruit civet first." Xiaoshan held Chen Huang's hand, hehehe happily.

"Why did you become a foodie?" Chen Huang said angrily.

"Isn't it because your culinary skills have improved a lot now, so you like to eat a little bit." Xiaoshan said coquettishly.

For so many years, Chen Huang has never seen Xiaoshan like this, what's the matter, this is, he's enlightened.

He took out the little fruit raccoon from the storage soul tool and said, "Look at him and say it again, such a small guy is not enough to fit between his teeth."

Xiaoshan punched Chen Huang in the chest, and said: "That's your gap between teeth, not mine. It's okay if you don't have enough to eat, it's fine if I can't eat. Make him a small skewer for barbecue."

"You are really cruel." Chen Huang looked at Xiaoshan and said.

Xiaoshan rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Yes, I'm cruel, but Oscar's first spirit ring was decided by you just now, if you can't bear it, just let him go and it's over. Besides, one is not enough , the big deal is to catch a few more. There must be more here.”

"Forget it, there are probably only a few hundred fruit raccoons in the entire Star Dou Great Forest. If you go there for the sake of eating, the fruit raccoons will probably die." Chen Huang said helplessly. "Let's spare their lives."

Chen Huang peeled off the skin and viscera of this little civet, finally cut it into many small pieces, and put a stick in each piece.Roast on the fire, and then sprinkle some seasoning.He didn't sprinkle too much exciting seasoning, for fear that he wouldn't be able to taste the original taste of the civet.

"Okay, let's try it." Chen Huang handed a stick to Xiao Shan.

Xiao Shan took it, "Hey, let me try it."

"Well, it's really fruity. The taste is a bit strange, but the meat is really tender and very fragrant." Xiao Shan exclaimed.

"I'll try it." Chen Huang took one and tasted it.

"Here, roasting it like this is a waste of this civet. I feel that if it is handled properly, the taste should be the most beautiful." Chen Huang said.

Xiaoshan laughed while eating, then walked to Tang Hao's side and said, "Dad, try it."

Tang Hao was overjoyed when he heard this.

After absorbing the soul ring, Oscar opened his eyes, and found that such a small civet had been eaten up.Only the skin and internal organs of the civet remained on the ground.Let his family members go back and set up a grave.If given the chance, Chen Huang would definitely take his family members away and let them live a happy life.Just eat them all day, and then feed them, just give birth to young civets every day.

Oscar laughed like a fool, Chen Huang asked: "Oscar, what is the effect of your soul skill?"

Oscar scratched his head, and said: "My first soul skill is aromatic fruit sausage. The effect is, if you eat it, your strength will increase by ten percent."

Chen Huang asked: "Percentage increase or is it [-]% stronger for you?"

"It seems to be a percentage." Oscar said.

"Then you try it with your first soul skill, and I'll try it to see the effect."

Oscar blushed and said nothing.

"what happened."

"Boss, don't laugh at me if I use it." Oscar said.

Chen Huang remembered, Oscar's soul curse, he was co-authored because of this embarrassment.

Oscar was elated, and shouted: "I have a fruit sausage!"

Chen Huang and Xiaoshan burst into laughter, and Tang Hao almost couldn't hold it back.Just say what you say, but the soul curse is insignificant, so what are you doing happily.

Oscar embarrassment.

Chen Huang took the fruit sausage and ate it directly.This strength increase is absolutely correct, about ten percent.And this question and nutritional content should also be in place.It tastes like fruit, it is the meat of the civet.From the looks of it, if Oscar's soul ring came from a cockscomb snake, it should be snake meat?It could also be mushroom flavored.

"Let's try your soul power again." Chen Huang took out the crystal ball and said.

Oscar put his hand on the crystal ball, and soon, the crystal ball showed a circle and a half, with fourteenth-level spirit power, which is not bad.It feels somewhat similar to how my first spirit ring directly raised the eighth level of spirit power.It's all accumulated over time, and the previous meals were not in vain.

Oscar's soul ring has been found, but the old ones will be more troublesome, firstly, if the age limit is high, then you have to go deep, and secondly, it has to be the kind with strong vitality, so it's hard to find.

When they came, they brought water, dry food, and tents. It was getting late today, and they expected to sleep in the Star Dou Forest at night.

It was getting dark, and several people set up a tent, three of them, one for Xiaoshan, one for Chen Huang and Oscar, and one for Tang Hao.If possible, Chen Huang wanted to go to Xiaoshan's tent to sleep.

There is a fire in the camp, but it can only light up this small area in front of you, and the rest is completely dark.

Chen Huang's knowledgeable color was also turned on for a while, then turned off, and turned on again after a while.Driving all the time would consume too much of his mental strength.

Tang Hao looked at the three of them, and said: "Oscar's level is still low, and he is in the auxiliary department, so I should go to bed early at night. Me, Xiaohuang, and Xiaoshan. We take turns to watch the night for three nights. Remember not to sleep too much, say Maybe there will be soul beasts that don't have long eyes coming up at night."

He can watch the night by himself, but if he watches the night today, what will he do tomorrow?Maybe they have to stay in the Star Dou Forest for a month.So proper rest is still necessary.

In addition, Chen Huang and Xiaoshan also need to learn to adapt, maybe they will experience it again in the future at night in the Star Dou Forest.

PS: 2/3.Ask for collection!Please recommend! (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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