Cross the farmhouse naughty chick

Chapter 195 The Ultimate Grandpa and Grandma

Chapter 195 The Ultimate Grandpa and Grandma (2)
But when I think of my mother and eldest sister being bullied by so many people, I feel very distressed. I live in this miserable family every day. Where is this family, it is a hell on earth.

Now she really realized how much her mother and eldest sister had suffered, and she would never let her father promise them anything.

"Things that are not polite, talk about you, and you will be turned upside down."

Seeing that Lan Jia was crying endlessly, the aunt yelled at Lan Jia.

"What are you, come to our house and shout, this is our house, get out of here immediately."

Lan Wu really had enough of this younger brother and sister. He used to bully her and Lancao, but now he came to bully Lan Jia at home. She really thought she was a weak person who could be bullied.

She was really wrong. When she was at home, she was always held in the palm of her father, mother, elder brother, and second elder brother.

In the past, she endured the anger in her heart because she didn't want Lancao's father to be in a dilemma. Now that she really can't bear it, she doesn't have to bear it anymore and vent all the anger in her heart.

Lan Wu looked at her younger siblings in a daze, and looked at her in disbelief, probably because she thought she was a weak and cowardly person before.

She certainly didn't expect that she used to say what she said, and she said so many vicious things before, although her head was smoking with anger, but she still tried her best to hold it back, and today she said Lan Jia herself would get mad at her.

"Second sister-in-law, what are you talking about? Lan Jia doesn't respect the elders. You don't have time to teach me. Let me teach you. You don't know how to be grateful, and you still say such hurtful things."

The aunt looked like I was doing it for your own good. Seeing that the second sister-in-law was so strong, she was so scared that her forehead was sweating, she pointed at the second sister-in-law, and said incredulously, her voice was much lower than before.

Lan Jia felt that this aunt was obviously a strong-willed, bullying thing, and when she yelled at the aunt, the aunt immediately softened.

She saw an older woman who sat there silently, with a slight smile on her lips, as if she was watching the tiger fight from the other side, and did not participate at all.

It seems that this woman is a shrewd and scheming person, just like beating tofu with a kitchen knife, she must have both sides at home, and she gets along very well with her family members.

"If you point at me again, my mother will chop off your finger and feed it to the dog. My sons and daughters are taught how many times better than yours. Look at your daughter, she is ugly and not easy-going. I thought she was a lady from a big family, her ten fingers were not sticky to Yang Chunshui, just looking at her made people feel disturbed. Your sons, who said they were crooked and even praised them, have always been disrespectful. How old are you? Help the family with some things. The old lady told me that my daughter can cook, embroider, and tie. She loves her younger siblings and is considerate of her parents. Any child is better than your children. "

Lan Wu said triumphantly, belittling the uncle's children to nothing.

"Second sister-in-law..."

The aunt opened her mouth and planned to do something.

"Just shut up, why are there so many words, father and mother have something to discuss with the second brother, why are you yelling here?"

The uncle said softly, to stop his wife and stop making trouble unreasonably, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with his wife saying that about the second sister-in-law, so he hurriedly signaled to his wife.

Father and mother have no way to do things well, and they will blame him when they go home.

Besides, when the second elder brother married Osmanthus fragrans, he would bring a lot of dowry. If his father and mother loved him so much, they would give him more than half of the dowry, which is not impossible.

Such a good thing, why would he refuse to accept it, and accept it as it is, as long as he tells him about the good things in the second brother's house, his father and mother will definitely give them to him without hesitation.

He will not be like the second brother, walking all the way to the dark to see how the family is living, wearing patched and patched clothes, and the furniture in the house is tattered.

He must have eaten poorly. Hearing that Lan Jia was sick, the second brother knelt down and begged for mercy. The father and mother were not moved at all, and they didn't give the second brother a penny.

The second brother is so kind to the eldest brother, and the father and mother confessed that they are not allowed to give the second brother a penny, and the eldest brother really ignores the second brother, playing the role of a righteous and good son.

If the second brother treats him a little better, he will definitely give the second brother some money to treat Lan Jia's illness, and he will definitely not stand idly by.

The second brother really has a deep affection for the eldest brother, but the eldest brother is a selfish person. He often uses the second brother as a gunman, and the second brother does not have the slightest doubt about what the eldest brother says.

He definitely didn't know, he had something to go out for a few days, the eldest brother said so many bad things about the second brother in order to please the good-looking, and made the second sister-in-law and Lancao suffer so much.

If the second brother knows that the eldest brother treats his wife and daughter like this, he doesn't know what he will do. The eldest brother has a hypocritical face, a hypocritical person, and he can coax the second brother into a circle, as if the eldest brother has given the second brother something to deceive Like medicine, I listen to my elder brother for everything.

"Erya, Lan Tao, your grandpa and grandma are here, just say hello to them."

Lan Dazhi felt that the words of his younger siblings were difficult to listen to. Seeing how his younger brother defended his younger siblings, he didn't blame him at all. He really didn't agree with their behavior. A greeting is also appropriate.

Lan Jia saw her elder brother's angry expression and didn't want to say hello to her grandparents. She must be sick, and it has something to do with her grandparents not lending money to the family.

In front of outsiders, I and my eldest brother should respect my father's opinion, and we have to show him a little sympathy. When there is only one family, we can express our dissatisfaction in our hearts.

Lan Jia nudged her elder brother with her elbow, motioning her to shout with her, otherwise she would really be the impolite child Yaoshen said.

"Hello, grandpa and grandma!" Lan Jia and Lan Tao looked at grandpa and grandma lightly, and shouted reluctantly, and then said nothing. Lan Jia obediently sat on father's lap, Lan Tao stood beside his father.

Lan Jia's grandmother frowned and smiled slightly, pretending to be kind.

Lan Wu said that her precious grandson and granddaughter, Lan Jia's grandma, originally wanted to get angry with Lan Wu, thinking that today's matter has not been settled yet.

In the future, I will have plenty of time to deal with Lan Wu's, so I will let her go today, and I will not haggle with her after suffering this dumb loss.

Lan Jia felt that grandma's smile didn't come from the heart, and gave people the impression that she was smiling on the surface, but instead gave people a deep and dark feeling, which was scary.

It seems that he wants to get something from you. He has a plan for you, so he tries his best to please you and act obediently. The weasel looks uneasy and kind to the chicken.

Their intentions are really obvious. If things are done, they will definitely cross the river and tear down the bridge. I don't know if dad can see it.

(End of this chapter)

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