Cross the farmhouse naughty chick

Chapter 366 Li Rui's Embarrassment

Chapter 366 Li Rui's Embarrassment (1)
Li Rui pulled Lan Jia behind him. Lan Tao and Li Rui stood in front of Lan Jia and protected Lan Jia very well. Lan Li had no chance to hit Lan Jia.

Lan Jia gave the auntie a hard look. It was just a quarrel, but when it turned into a fight, the auntie really contributed. In the past, the auntie must have sowed discord like this!Let eldest sister and mother suffer so much harm.

Brother Ziqi, Brother Li Rui, Big Brother, beat me hard.

If you don't give her some color, she doesn't know what her last name is.

Auntie, you are not as long as a wax gourd, not as short as a gourd, your hair is like a chicken coop, your eyes are like copper bells, your face is as fat as a pig's head, and your body is like a bucket.The clothes don't have any patches, and the cuffs are black. If you wash them in the river, the water in a river can be dirty.

I still like it one day, tell the truth, your room must be dirtier than the cooking ring, you are a living person, it is really a waste of food, my uncle is now focusing on studying, if he took a serious look at you that day, he would definitely vomit the overnight meal come out.

Lan Jia patted her chest. Just now, Lan Li rushed towards her, which really shocked her. For such a small person, Lan Li could do it. She was really insane.

She thought this was her home, and she could do whatever she wanted?

If you don't clean her up well today, you will go to the shop every now and then to make trouble. If you want to do business in the future, she will definitely feel trembling when she thinks about it.

Lan Jia saw that Lan Li's nose was bruised and her face was swollen by several people, so she didn't have any sympathy. If her family is not ruthless today, there will definitely be endless troubles in the future.

Looking at the auntie, she felt uncomfortable, and she knew how to fan the ghostly wind in one day.

If the uncle and the uncle's mother were beaten up together, the few people might not be able to do what they wanted. If possible, if the uncle and the uncle's mother were beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, she would be in a better mood.

When Lan Jia saw the uncle and the uncle, she didn't reach out to help, but walked away a few steps, fearing that she would be beaten, and acted wisely to protect herself, as if the aunt didn't know them.

Uncle, uncle mother, it may be too early for you to read our family jokes now.

Maybe your family will have a more miserable life than ours in the future.

How many years did my uncle study before he passed the exam for a child.

Every year when I take the exam, my grandpa and grandma got a lot of money!
I heard that grandpa and grandma don't have much money, and now they have sold some of the land, and I still have to let my uncle take the exam. Do you think my uncle can pass the exam?

Uncle is really not that kind of material. No matter how hard you try, it will be futile. It's just a waste of money, making your family's life more and more embarrassing.

In the future, the land will be sold almost as well. In order to survive, some land will definitely be set aside. My aunt is a sneaky person, what has she done.

My aunt's two sons are used to idleness, what can they do.

At that time, farming must be your family's business.

That's okay, not the worst.

In order to raise money for my uncle's exam, what I am most afraid of is that I have to sell your precious daughters one after another. You can't find a place to cry. I am definitely not scaring you. The probability of such a thing happening very high.

In fact, Lan Jia didn't know anything, she was just talking nonsense, to make things difficult for the uncle and the uncle, let them toss about in their own house, and just leave so easily, how could that be possible.

"Erya, their family has already severed ties. Their family and you are just familiar strangers. Whether you live or die has nothing to do with them."

Although Li Rui doesn't like Lan Jia's domineering appearance, he doesn't like Lan Jia being bullied even more. If Lan Jia is not strong, she will only be bullied if she meets such a person.

Don't think that my father will help you. When Er Ya was sick, you didn't lend a helping hand, so why did you ask our family to help you.

Because of Er Ya's matter, my father made up his mind completely and severed ties with you.

In the past, I said so, but there was still a trace of fantasy in my father's heart, and it was finally broken by you. Just do it yourself!

Lan Tao stared intently and said coldly.

"Don't take chances and think that you can get something when you come to our house. In the future, if you come to our house to make trouble, we will not give you any sympathy, just beat the mess out with sticks. If something is damaged in the shop, you must compensate according to the price If we are in a bad mood, handing you over to the police will not hurt you, at least let you take off a layer of skin, if you don't hurry up, you will make people panic when they see you."

Lan Jia saw a few people lingering, and the more she watched, the more annoyed she became. She had no interest in teasing them, so she drove them away. She said a lot, and now her mouth is dry and she doesn't want to talk to them.

The uncle and the uncle's mother glanced at Lan Li, turned around and left without saying a word, and they didn't react at all to Lan Li's nose being bruised and face swollen.

"Auntie, be careful, I will feel sad when you fall!"

Lan Jia saw my aunt limping around, deliberately said some things to disturb her, and acted like I was very kind.

Lan Jia, if you are really worried about Lan Li so much, you won't let people beat you hard, and you speak so sharply that they have no room to talk back. My aunt steals chickens and loses money.

After hearing what Lan Jia said, Mrs. Lan Li staggered and almost fell a piece of shit, making Lan Jia, Li Rui, and Lan Tao laugh out loud. They were like victorious generals, triumphant stand there.

"You can't tell your father and mother about this matter today, just pretend that nothing happened, you understand?"

Lan Jia felt that one more thing is worse than one less thing, even if her father knew about it, she would not be afraid.

I used to bully my mother and eldest sister, but I didn't settle accounts with them. They bullied me again, and I didn't show them any color. They didn't know that steamed buns are made of flour.

"We drove them away today. Why didn't we tell them about such a powerful thing?"

Lan Tao seemed to be on a stimulant, wishing the whole world knew what he did today.

"Tell dad, do you want to make dad feel sad? Although we hate them, the uncle is my brother, the aunt and the aunt are his sister-in-law, and the other is his younger siblings. If dad knows, he will feel sad." If you don't miss that hurdle, it's not to cause sudden troubles for Dad, so you won't do such a thing that doesn't pay off!"

(End of this chapter)

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