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Chapter 10 Destined Fame

Chapter 10 Destined Fame
After leading our Young Master Zhang into the examination room, Zhang Ruitu and the three deputy chief examiners discovered the tricky part of the matter. Two and a half of the three examinations have been conducted, and now there are no examination papers, even the vacant examination room No more, how can the candidate who was sent by Nine Thousand Years take the exam?But our chief examiner, Zhang Ruitu, is a smart man. After discussing it with Wang Zhijian, who has the best relationship with the three deputy chief examiners, Wang Zhijian immediately gave up his room and invited our young master Zhang into the room. Then a chief examiner and three deputy chief examiners gathered in Zhang Ruitu's room and began to discuss how to deal with this difficult matter.

"Three young brothers, this matter is very difficult to handle, but we must do it well." Zhang Ruitu, the chief examiner of the examination, lowered his voice and said straight to the point: "Today is the last day of the examination. A candidate was sent into our examination room, which proves that this candidate must be a member of the Nine Thousand Years Old Clan! So no matter what we think of, we have to let him take the exam, and let him pass the exam! Otherwise, we will be offended Eunuch Wei is nine thousand years old."

"What Mr. Zhang said is very true, it is exactly the truth." The three deputy chief examiners nodded in agreement, deeply agreeing.Wang Zhijian, one of the deputy chief examiners, frowned again and said: "Master Zhang, this is not just an ordinary trouble. All the candidates who took the exam and registered with the Imperial College have all been present—that is, nine thousand years old. This candidate must have not registered with the Imperial College beforehand, so what should I do?"

"Oh, it's a trivial matter." Zhang Ruitu pointed to another deputy examiner and said, "Master Chen, you are the Secretary of the Imperial College, so this matter shouldn't bother you, right?"

"No problem." The deputy chief examiner surnamed Chen patted his chest and said with a smile: "I can send someone back to the Guozijian immediately to make up the registration of the candidate sent by Jiu Qiansui, but Mr. Zhang, you have to ask Ask where this examinee is from? Who is his last name? Is he from a supervisor or a juren? This way, it will be easier for the lower officials to handle it.”

"Well, wait a moment, I'll go in and have a look." Zhang Ruitu nodded, went out and entered the examination room of Young Master Zhang.And our Young Master Zhang was also afraid of showing off his feet by talking nonsense, so he just lay down on the table and pretended to sleep, snoring so loudly that Zhang Ruitu didn't dare to wake him up, so he could only move in front of Young Master Zhang's confidant servant Zhang Shitou, He clasped his hands and smiled and said, "Little brother, may I ask your son's name? Where did he come from? Where did he come from? I need to use it when I register your son, and I hope you will give me some pointers."

"My lord, you are welcome." Zhang Shitou was quite polite, and replied politely: "My son's surname is Zhang Haogu, who is 11 this year, and he is from Linqing Prefecture, Dongchang Prefecture, Shandong——it is the No. .[-] Born to Mrs. Fang."

"Master Zhang's Mrs. No. 11 was born?" Zhang Ruitu's eyes were dumbfounded, and he smiled wryly, "Little brother, I didn't ask if your son was born to that lady, but what kind of background he was from?"

"It was born by Mrs. Eleven of our family." Zhang Shitou replied even more confused.Zhang Ruitu almost didn't cry, so he had to say, "Little brother, I'm asking what your son's fame is? For example, Xiang Jiansheng? Juren?"

"Oh, so I was asking this." Zhang Shitou suddenly realized, and replied with a smile: "How much better my lord said earlier? Our young master has no fame, neither is he a supervisor, nor a scholar, nor is he a scholar."

"Ah?!" The chief examiner, Zhang Ruitu, almost cried out. He said to himself, "Nine thousand years old, nine thousand years old, you are really hard to be human. The man you sent here is not even a scholar. How can you tell me to let him?" Take the exam?How to make him hit? ——Fortunately, fortunately, Zhang Shitou didn't say that our young master Zhang doesn't even know his own name, otherwise, our chief examiner, Zhang Ruitu, the assistant minister of the official department, would have jumped off the building.

"My lord, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Shitou was puzzled by Zhang Ruitu's bewildered expression, and couldn't help asking.And Zhang Ruitu also reacted quickly, saying in his heart that I spent countless efforts to curry favor with Nine Thousand Years before I became the minister of the Ministry of Rites. It's not worth it—damn, no matter how much it costs, we must find a way to get Jiu Qiantui's confession done!Thinking of this, Zhang Ruitu gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you little brother, I know what to do now. Sit down for a while, and I'll come when I go." (Note)
After finishing speaking, Zhang Ruitu turned around and went out of the room again. As soon as the door closed, our young master Zhang stopped snoring abruptly. He raised his head and beckoned Zhang Shitou to him, and whispered in Zhang Shitou's ear, "Shitou, You answered very well just now, young master, I will continue to sleep for a while, if someone asks you again, you can answer truthfully, only ask your young master what is the relationship between me and the nine-thousand-year-old Eunuch Wei, you must not answer, only You can pretend to be stupid with a smile, understand?"

"Understood." Zhang Shitou nodded, and said in a low voice, "Master, you scared me to death in front of Nine Thousand Years old today, and thanks to your good fortune, otherwise, the master and the eleven wives might have I was implicated by you. But now that we are in the examination room, young master, you can't write, and a few examiners will really use the examination papers to make a fuss for you, so what should we do?"

"Let me do the exam papers, young master? Do they dare?" Young Master Zhang sneered disdainfully: "The exam papers are not a problem at all. Now the most troublesome thing for these examiners is not this, but how to get me qualified for the exam."


It was really hit by Young Master Zhang's crow's mouth. After the chief examiner Zhang Ruitu told the three deputy chief examiners about the fact that Young Master Zhang did not have any fame, the three deputy chief examiners were all dumbfounded and screamed in unison. : "What? Nine thousand years old sent this examinee who doesn't even have the reputation of a scholar? How do you take the exam?"

"Shh, keep your voice down." Zhang Ruitu first made a silent gesture, and then said with a straight face: "Yes, this candidate does not have any fame, neither a student supervisor nor a candidate, and logically speaking, he is not qualified to take the exam.— — But! This examinee was sent by the nine-thousand-year-old Eunuch Wei. He has an extraordinary status, so no matter how difficult or troublesome, we have to let him take the exam and let him go to high school! Otherwise, what will happen to everyone? I believe I don’t need an explanation from the officer, right?”

The three deputy chief examiners all shivered, thinking of the various tortures in the Dongchang Prison at the same time, their legs began to tremble uncontrollably.Wang Zhi said firmly, "Master Zhang, even if we want to help him, let him pass the test. Then there will be a palace test in the future, and we will definitely have to check his identity. If we are exposed by that time, our heads will be killed." It won't be guaranteed." The other two deputy chief examiners echoed, also worried that our Young Master Zhang would pass the exam and the palace exam would be sad.

"Yeah, we can be flexible in this test, but it's hard to say in the palace test." Zhang Ruitu first agreed with the opinions of the three deputy chief examiners, and then said through gritted teeth: "No matter how difficult it is, we have to find a way for him— —To think of a way for Mr. Zhang Haogu is to think of a way for Nine Thousand Years! So we can only succeed, not fail!"

"What the chief examiner said is very true. The officials and others must do their best." The three deputy examiners agreed together, and they deeply agreed with Zhang Ruitu's words.Wang Zhijian asked cautiously again: "Examiner, what should we do specifically? This young man is from Shandong. Even if we link up with Shandong Xuezheng to give him a forged reputation, it will be too late."

"It doesn't matter. You can take your time to forge fame. The key is to pass the current level first." Zhang Ruitu has been a high-ranking official for many years. .At that moment, Zhang Ruitu ordered: "If we do this, there are only two hours and three candles left. The national exam is coming to an end, and it will definitely be too late for Mr. Zhang to do the papers. The three adults should work hard, and each do a test." The exam questions must be completed within two hours for the three exams. As for the affairs in the exam room, I will leave it to the official to take care of it. But please remember one thing, this matter can only let us The four know it, and even the examiner of the [-]th room can't let them know."

"Okay, okay, thanks for your hard work, Mr. Zhang." The three deputy chief examiners nodded together, and immediately after a little division of labor, they went their own way.Zhang Ruitu called Wang Zhijian again, and asked in a low voice: "Master Wang, if I remember correctly, when you were serving as the prefect of Hangzhou, Mr. Xie, the current Shandong Xuezheng, seems to be the prefect of neighboring Huzhou. How is the relationship? Is there any grudge that cannot be passed?"

"The relationship between Xiaguan and Mr. Xie is not bad. Although we can't talk about friendship, at least we haven't had conflicts in local government affairs." Wang Zhijian replied in a low voice.

Zhang Ruitu was overjoyed when he heard this, and said: "This is the best way. I can do the record of the merits of the Ministry of Rites by myself. As for Mr. Xie, please send Mr. Xie a letter tonight, Mr. Wang. Tell me about Mr. Zhang and Nine Thousand Years, and ask him to make up a record for Mr. Zhang. I believe Mr. Xie will definitely not make things difficult on purpose, and help us to complete this matter perfectly. After the matter is completed, Nine Thousand Years Once the merits and deeds are rewarded, what about you and me?"

Wang Zhijian was also overjoyed when he heard that, and quickly clasped his fists and replied, "Okay, everything is up to Mr. Zhang. After the matter is completed, Mr. Zhang should of course take the lead in front of Nine Thousand Years. It is enough for the lower officials to follow." Zhang Ruitu Nodding with a smile, he knew that this matter was basically all right.

So, when Young Master Zhang, who we don't know traditional characters at all, was still drooling, sleeping and snoring, relying on the hands and eyes of the four chief examiners, one official, three assistants, and four examiners, his identity has unknowingly become a Da Ming Xin Younian boy trying to be a talent , No. 7 Yayuan in the Shandong Provincial Examination, and the master of the Beijing News Lian Deng Huang Jia!Indeed, he has obtained the reference qualification for the Great Ming Yi Chou National Examination!And our chief examiner Zhang Ruitu also bought one get one free, instructing the three deputy chief examiners to prepare all the papers for the exam for young master Zhang.Basically, it can be said that we are dreaming of marrying the tigress Xiong Hu first and then punishing Young Master Zhang, who is a shameless young master. He is not far away from the top three in high school...

If you want to know what will happen next, please see the next chapter "The Enemy of Destiny".

Note: Zhang Ruitu was a Jinshi of Dingwei (35) in the 1607th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty. He was the third in the palace examination. Enter the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister.Zhang Ruitu is also good at painting and calligraphy. He is famous for his "Vajra" brushwork.

(End of this chapter)

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