Chapter 111
(PS: The second update is delivered. It will be Monday of the new week and the birthday of Pure Wolf. Friends, aren’t they………?)

Once again, poor Lu Wanling, who was forced by Master Zhang with a knife to go to the Jiannu camp, was escorted by the steel swords of the Jiannu guards. When he walked into Nurhachi's Chinese army camp tremblingly, he saw Nuerhachi, the chief of Jiannu, sat high in the middle, looking at him with a smile that was not a smile; and on both sides of Nuerhachi's seat, Jiannu civil and military officials stood in line, staring at him murderously, some of them had their heads wrapped The Jiannu general who oozes blood gauze can eat people with his eyes!Only Huang Taiji's face looked a little better, but he was also expressionless, and his emotions could not be seen.

"Lu Wanling, you bastard is quite courageous." Nu'erhachi grinned grimly, and said slowly, "Don't tell me you lied to me last time, but you dare to come to see me this time. You are brave enough, indeed courageous enough. I can't help but admire you."

Hearing these words and seeing the ferocious smile on Nuerhachi's ugly black face, Lu Wanling and Jiansheng Lu were like a mouse seeing a cat. His first reaction was to drop the gifts he brought with him, turn around and run away, but Jiannu The guards of the Chinese army camp were not vegetarian either, they blocked Jiansheng Lu's way almost instantly, and even drew steel knives to threaten him.Seeing that he couldn't escape, Lu Jiansheng didn't hesitate, and immediately turned around again, rushed to Nuerhachi and knelt down on his knees, tears came as soon as he said it, and wailed loudly: "Khan, you should die! You should die! You should die!" I have failed your expectations, the servant is incompetent, the last time I returned to Jinzhou City, Zhang Haogumanzi saw the flaws, Zhang Haogumanzi sent Dongchang to torture the servant with 36 kinds of torture, forcing the servant to deceive the general with false information Khan, he also forced the servant to recruit the Khan's internal agents in Jinzhou City, causing the Khan's internal agents in Jinzhou City to be wiped out by the barbarian army! The slave is useless, the slave deserves to die, I beg the Khan to spare his life——!"

Before Nuerhachi even asked, Jiansheng Lu had to clean up everything he had done, like a bean in a bamboo tube. In this way, even though Nuerhachi was full of murderous intent, he couldn't help laughing out loud. Come on, and asked: "Lu Wanling, Zhang Haogu really tortured you with 36 kinds of torture? Then I see that you are exactly the same as last time, and there seems to be no wound left after the torture?" Lu Wanling cried and choked. Then he replied: "Khan Shengming, Zhang Haogu did not torture the slave, but he threatened me that if the slave did not tell the truth, he would let me taste the 36 tortures in Dongchang in turn. The slave was afraid. , so just..."

"Hehehehe..." The generals of Manchu Jiannu couldn't help laughing out loud.Nuerhachi laughed and said: "After a long time, it turned out that Zhang Haogu barbarian frightened you, and you, a dog slave, recruited them all. There are not many pustules in this world who are as timid as you."

"Yes, yes, slaves are naturally timid, but that little barbarian Zhang Haogu is ruthless, and he can do what he says. A few days ago, this slave saw with his own eyes that he commanded the Dongchang slaves to scrub... people, bloody and bloody. The bones are all brushed out." Lu Wanling did not dare to say that the person who was scrubbed and tortured by the Dongchang guards was actually Nuerhachi's secret work, so as not to stimulate Jiannu's sensitive nerves.And Nuerhachi didn't bother to entangle with Lu Wanling on this issue, so he just smiled and said, "Okay, dog slave, since you didn't mean to betray me, I will spare your life this time. Let me ask you, Zhang Good old barbarian, what are you planning to do when you are sent here this time?"

"The servant is still... still here to deliver the letter." Lu Wanling reached into his arms, took out a letter tremblingly, and held it above his head.Nuerhachi winked at Huang Taiji, Huang Taiji understood, stepped forward to take the letter and opened it, but after only one glance, Huang Taiji was stunned.Nuerhachi asked suspiciously: "Eighth elder brother, what's the matter? Zhang Haogu, little savage, what did you write in the letter?"

"Back to Ama, Zhang Haogu's letter only wrote two characters and one person's name—Huang Zhong." Huang Taiji replied with a letter.The father, son, grandson and grandson of Jiannu Nuerhachi are all loyal admirers of the book "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". When they hear this name, they immediately think of Huang Zhong's image and deeds in the book "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Liu Biao, Han Xuan, the successor, proved his bravery and value in the battle with Liu Bei's second brother Guan Yu. After Han Xuan's defeat, Huang Zhong vowed not to surrender to Liu Bei. In the end, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang, who were thirsty for talents, came to visit him personally. Huang Zhongcai surrendered to Liu Bei-this episode, the sons of Nurhachi could recite it back and forth when they were ten years old.

"Zhang Haogu compares himself to Huang Zhong, is he implying that I will continue to send people to surrender to him?" Nuerhachi thought in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it meant it.Huang Taiji also said in a deep voice: "Ama, the meaning of Zhang Haogu's barbarian is very obvious. He compares himself to Huang Zhong, and he wants us to show sincerity to recruit him. According to Yi Erchen, Zhang Haogu is a The little barbarian is capable of both civil and martial arts, his writing can secure the country, and his martial arts can set the country, it is indeed worth recruiting him at all costs."

"Master Belle, that little savage Zhang Haogu can play some tricks, what kind of civil and military skills?" Fan Wencheng interjected unconvinced.Huang Taiji glanced at Fan Wencheng, and said calmly: "Mr. Fan, although your knowledge is good, but in the barbarian court, you are just a small scholar, and Zhang Haogu is a new talent! Mr. Fan, your ancestor is Fan Zhongyan Fan Xueshi, Zhang Haogu’s ancestor is Zhang Liang, Zhang Zifang, one of the three heroes of the Kaihan Dynasty! ——I’m going to speak harshly, what do you compare with Zhang Haogu?”

Fan Wencheng's face was flushed - the reputation of his ancestors was not small, but the reputation of Young Master Zhang's ancestors was far behind, so Fan Wencheng had no choice but to return to his original position in despair.Lu Wanling next to him also kowtowed and said: "Khan, Lord Belle, I dare to say that that little barbarian Zhang Haogu really intends to surrender. When the slave came here today, that little barbarian Zhang Haogu once told the slave that yes Although Jinzhou won the battle today, it was all thanks to the firearms and kerosene. Once the firearms and kerosene were used up, Jinzhou would be finished. So he asked his servants to tell Da Khan that if Da Khan really had Liu Bei's mind, he would You can send envoys to the city to negotiate."

Don't be frightened, just looking at Lu Wanling's pussy portrait, Nuerhachi and Huang Taiji knew that he would never dare to lie, and what he said must be the original words of Young Master Zhang, so Nuerhachi and Huang Taiji were inevitably more moved—just Nuerhachi and his son completely forgot one thing. Since it is the original words of Young Master Zhang, the credibility must be greatly reduced.After thinking for a long time, Nuerhachi stood up and said with a smile: "Well, since Zhang Haogu compares himself to Huang Zhong, what's the point of me being Liu Bei once? My brothers, Zhang Haogu insists Only if one of you enters the city to surrender will he dare to believe in my sincerity, which of you would dare to go to Jinzhou?"

"My son is willing to go." Huang Taiji, who is generally recognized as the most broad-minded among Jiannu, wanted to volunteer, but someone quietly grabbed the corner of his clothes. Fan Wencheng, whom he had satirized, had a pleading look on his face, and his eyes were like a loyal dog dragging its owner ashore.When Huang Taiji was so stunned, Nuerhachi's tenth son, Aixinjueluo Degelei, had already stood up, bowed his hands to Nuerhachi and said, "Ama, my minister is willing to go."

"Dege Lei, are you not afraid that the little savage Zhang Haogu will trick you into the city and detain you?" Nurhachi asked Dege Lei with a smile.De Gelei raised his head and replied: "Going back to Ama, there is Ama's 13 troops stationed outside Jinzhou City, supporting my son, what is there to be afraid of?"

"Very good, you are worthy of being my son." Nuerhachi applauded, and said ferociously: "After entering the city, if little man Zhang Haogu has any unruly plans, you can tell little man Zhang Haogu that if he dares to hurt If I find even a single hair on your hair, I will kill all the Jinzhou barbarians, not a single one will be spared!"

"My son, thank you, Ama!" De Gelei respectfully agreed.Tong Yangxing also comforted and said: "Khan, please don't worry, the slave entered Jinzhou City twice to negotiate with Zhang Haogu, and he treated each other with courtesy, very polite. According to the slave, after the ten princes enter the city, they will not in any danger."

Ever since, in order to prove that he is as broad-minded as Liu Bei, Uncle Liu Huang, the first benevolent king in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and also to win Jinzhou without bloodshed, Nuerhachi decided to let his son Dege follow Lu Wanling into Jinzhou to surrender. up.When parting, Lu Wanling took out two gold-encrusted bongs and a pack of hibiscus ointment to offer to Huang Taiji, and said: "Babeile, Zhang Haogu said that among the princes of the Great Khan, you should be the one with the most generous heart." The most generous, the first to agree to give Jinzhou soldiers and civilians a way to survive, so Zhang Haogu asked me to give you this gift, thank you for saving your life."

"Zhang Haogu knows me quite well." Huang Taiji felt comfortable being flattered by Young Master Zhang, took the gift with a smile, and said, "Go back and tell Zhang Haogu, just say that I thank him for the gift and let him Abandon the darkness and turn to the light earlier, come and enjoy the glory and wealth with me."


Lu Wanling and De Gelei left with a lot of gold, silver and jewels, but Nurhachi's heart was in his throat. Although Huang Taiji believed that the tenth younger brother would be successful immediately, he was also a little nervous. The father and son stayed up all night. In order to pass the time and calm down the anxious mood, the father and son naturally sucked hibiscus ointment.But the cigarettes were smoked one after another, but Degelei or his messenger never came back. Nuerhachi was so anxious that he complained to his son, "If this Degelei succeeds, he will never send anyone back to report it." A letter? Could it be that he doesn't know that Ama is worried about his safety?" Huang Taiji remained silent, just continued to smoke.

In fact, there is no news at all. When the sky was dim and it was about to light up, a scout covered in snow stumbled in and knelt down in front of Nuerhachi and Huang Taiji, crying loudly: "Khan, Something is wrong, Elder Ten, he..., he...." Nuerhachi jumped up from the reclining chair, and shouted with bloodshot eyes, "What's wrong with Elder Ten?"

"Manzi somehow caught Brother Ten." The scout cried, "Now Manzi has stripped Brother Ten naked and tied him to a wooden frame on the city wall of Jinzhou!"

"Zhang Haogu, you barbarian—!" Nuerhachi almost fainted, and after Huang Taiji supported him, Nuerhachi slapped Huang Taiji hard on the face, then rushed out of the big tent, Jumping on the horse, he rushed to Jinzhou. Huang Taiji behind him didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly ordered the whole army to dispatch, and followed Nuerhachi to chase...


At the same time, snowflakes were falling on the walls of Jinzhou City. Young Master Zhang had already summoned all the people and generals in Jinzhou City to gather under the east gate of Jinzhou. Young Master Zhang himself was dressed in a fourth-rank official uniform and held a sharp knife in his hand, looking majestic. Standing next to Dege, who was stripped naked and tied to a cross.After everyone arrived, facing thousands of suspicious eyes, Master Zhang first ordered his soldiers to carry out a black lacquered coffin, put it on the top of the city, and then pointed to the coffin and shouted: "Fathers and folks in Jinzhou, Daming! Soldiers, you must be very surprised, why did I, Zhang Haogu, ask someone to carry out a coffin? Whose coffin is it?"

Speaking of this, Young Master Zhang suddenly raised his voice, and roared in a voice that almost tore his throat: "To tell you the truth, I prepared this coffin for myself! I am Zhang Haogu, my ancestral home is Linqing, Shandong, and heir to the tenth generation." , I am the only seedling in my family! I have no wife, no concubine, and no son. Why should I prepare a coffin for myself? Because I am the official of the imperial court, and I am the Jinzhou military equipment sent by the imperial court to protect your homeland! So I Before I came to Jinzhou, I was ready to live and die with Jinzhou City! If I die on the battlefield, please put my body in a coffin and transport it back to my hometown in Shandong for burial! The city is here, and the city is dead I die!"

"The city is with me, and the city is with me!" Zhang Shitou, who had already been instructed by Master Zhang, raised his arms and shouted together, followed by Ma Shilong, Man Gui, Hei Yunlong, Ma Dengyun, Zhao Liaojiao, Wu Xiang and Wu Liuqi. Several generals also shouted.Affected by them, countless Ming soldiers also raised their arms and shouted, "I am here when the city is alive, and I am dead when the city is dead! I am here when the city is alive, and I am dead when the city is dead!" The shouts became louder and more orderly, and finally almost the entire Angry shouts sounded in the city of Jinzhou, "If the city is here, I will be there, and if the city is dead, I will be dead! If the city is here, I will be here, and if the city is dead, I will be dead! If the city is here, I will be here, and if the city is dead, I will be dead!"

After shouting for a long time, Young Master Zhang raised his hands and waved them downwards, signaling to everyone to be quiet. When the shouting stopped, Young Master Zhang asked his soldiers to bring out all the jewels sent by Jiannu, opened them in public, and pointed at them with a sharp knife. De Gelei, whose mouth was gagged, shouted: "Soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, folks from Jinzhou, you must be wondering who is this Jian slave? Let me tell you, this Jian slave is called Aixinjueluo De Gelei, It is the tenth son of Nuerhachi, the chief of Jiannu. Nuerhachi sent him into Jinzhou with these gold, silver and jewels. He wanted me to open the city gate and surrender, and turn our Daming people in Jinzhou into their slaves. slaves! I want the slave cavalry to enter the city, plunder your food and property, kill your parents and family members, abuse your wives and daughters, capture you as cattle and horses, and let them flog and kill you at will! You say, you Answer or not?"

"No!" No one took the lead this time, and almost all the Ming soldiers and Jinzhou people who heard Master Zhang's voice roared angrily.Young Master Zhang roared loudly: "Yes, I don't agree, I don't agree, and you don't agree! Then tell me, what do you say about this Jiannu?"

"Kill—!" Everyone waved their arms angrily.Young Master Zhang roared loudly, "Yes, kill—! Execute this Jiannu Lingchi, let the Jiannu army outside the city know, know our Ming soldiers' determination to protect the people of Jinzhou to the death! Let the Jiannu army know, know our Jinzhou The determination of the people to defend their homeland to the death! Let the army who built slaves know that our army and people in Jinzhou are united as one, the city is here, and the city is dead—!”

"I am in the city, and I am in the city, and I am in the city! I am in the city, and I am in the city! I am in the city, and I am in the city!" Amidst the shouts of order, Master Zhang brandished the sharp knife with horns, from Dege class. Cut off a piece of meat from his thigh, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it, and shouted with his mouth full of Jianu blood: "Eat Jianu meat! Drink Jianu blood! The city is here and I am! The city is dead and I am dead!"

Roaring, Young Master Zhang cut off another piece of Dege's human flesh and threw it to Jinzhou General Ma Shilong who was standing next to him. Here! The city is dead and I am dead!" Then he stuffed Jianu human flesh into his mouth and swallowed it alive.Master Zhang did the same thing, and cut off a few pieces of Dege-like slaves and threw them to Man Gui, Hei Yunlong, Wu Xiang and Zhao Lijiao. The enthusiastic Ming army generals took over the human flesh without any hesitation. With a loud roar, he stuffed Jiannu human flesh into his mouth, "Eat Jiannu meat! Drink Jiannu blood! The city is alive and the people are alive! The city is dead and we are dead!" Even Wu Xiang's 14-year-old eldest son, Wu Sangui, scrambled to grab it. He took a piece of Jiannu human flesh and ate it, and shouted in a still immature voice: "Eat Jiannu meat! Drink Jiannu blood! The city is alive and the people are here! When the city dies, I die—!"

"Eat Jian slave meat! Drink Jian slave blood! The city is alive! The city is dead and I am dead!" As Master Zhang successively cut off the Jian slave meat and threw it down the city wall, the soldiers and civilians of Jinzhou with blood-red eyes also began to scramble for the Jian slave meat. Eat it raw, every bite, there are always countless soldiers and civilians roaring, "Eat Jiannu meat! Drink Jiannu blood! The city is alive and the people are alive! The city is dead and I am dead!" The screams and curses of the Jiannu Dege class, the frantic cries of the Jiannu Aixinjueluo family outside the city, and the frantic cries and roars of Nurhachi, "Break Jinzhou, and no chickens or dogs will be left behind! Zhang Hao Gu, I swear, I must kill you! I must kill you——!"

As the muscles on Dege's body were cut clean piece by piece by Young Master Zhang, the screams and curses of Dege's screams became smaller and smaller. The army of the city is already overwhelmingly rushing towards Jinzhou, and the young master Zhang who has been stained with the blood of the slaves stabbed the sharp knife into the heart of De Gelei, ending his sinful life, and pointed at Nuerhachi several times in succession. The gold, silver and jewels that were delivered the last time roared: "I, Zhang Haogu, now declare as Jinzhou military equipment that from now on, whoever kills a Jian slave can get five taels of silver from it! The city is alive and well. , the city perishes, I perish—!"

"The city is here, and the city is dead—!" The crazy and orderly shouts in Jinzhou City pierced the sky, shaking the wind and clouds, the mountains and snow clusters falling, and the Jiannu soldiers who were nervously lining up outside the city. The eardrums buzzed, the face changed color, and every Jiannu trembled in his heart, "Such a crazy coach? Such a crazy city? Can we still take it down?"

"Nu'erhachi, come on." Young Master Zhang closed his eyes lightly, and murmured in his heart, "This time, I want you to see with your own eyes how big of an explosion we Han people will have if we have no way out. Combat power."

(End of this chapter)

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