Chapter 127
Passing through the natural corridor between the snow-capped Black Mountain and Dahu Mountain, the endless Horqin Prairie appeared in front of Young Master Zhang's light cavalry troops. Come on, in an instant, silver dragons soared into the sky, turning and wandering on the grassland!It is as magnificent as that jiaolong raging in the sea, which makes people so proud!Seeing this scene, Song Xiance, who voluntarily accompanied Young Master Zhang on the expedition, inevitably wrote a few lines of poetry, "The candle dragon lives in the cold door, and it shines brightly. Why can't the sun and the moon shine like this? Only the north wind blows up from the sky. The snowflakes in Yanshan are as big as a mat , Pieces of Xuanyuan Terrace were blown down. ——The grassland snow scene is really spectacular!"

"Brother Zhang Nian, when will you let me go home?" Lu Wanling, who was forcibly captured by Young Master Zhang, replied with a sad face.Young Master Zhang laughed, pulled out the sword on his waist, pointed to the northeast direction where Shenyang is, and read aloud: "The north wind blows the ground and the white grass breaks, Hu Tian blows snow in August; Shen Shenyan snows down the gate, and the wind blows the red flag." If you want to kill Jiannu, first destroy Shengjing and fill the city with blood! ——Brother Lu Nian, you should honestly accompany me to Shenyang!"

"Okay, let's say that if you want to kill Jiannu, first destroy Shengjing and fill the city with blood! Mr. Zhang really deserves to be a new scout, and he is really good at writing! He is also full of pride!" Man Gui, Hei Yunlong, Wu Liuqi and Wu Sangui and other gangs The generals flattered one after another.Lu Wanling said with a sad face: "Brother Zhang Nian, I am a literati, literati! Why do you want me to accompany you to attack Shenyang? What use can I be? It will never work, and you want to let me enter Shenyang City to deliver letters Bar?"

"You should not be allowed to deliver the letter this time, but after we invaded Shenyang City, you may need to do some things." Young Master Zhang shook his head, and refused to elaborate on the reason why he had to bring Lu Wanling to Shenyang.At this time, more than 600 cavalrymen from Mangui had all walked out of the canyon between Heishan and Dahushan. Mangui asked for instructions on the next move. Young Master Zhang first called for a Han guide to clarify the direction and road, and waved: " Don’t be dumbfounded, and immediately head towards Shenyang at full speed! The sooner you move, the better, and any Horqin tribe herdsmen you meet on the road will be shot to death!”

Amidst the shouts, the cavalry of the Ming army with a total of about 800 people galloped fast, held high the vermilion army flag, and followed Young Master Zhang to the Changshan and Juliu River in the northwest of Shenyang, galloping wildly.Along the way, the snow on the grassland was the thickest, more than two feet deep. When it was windy and snowy, even if you wrapped your body tightly with thick blankets, the cold brought by the wind and snow could still penetrate into your body. In the human bone marrow, if you urinate, the urine will form snow and ice before burrowing into the snow nest. The harsh environment and the difficulty of marching are completely beyond words. Thirty miles.But despite this, under the encouragement and instigation of Master Zhang, the soldiers of the Ming army always maintained high morale, sang the battle song "Serving the Country with Loyalty" taught by Master Zhang, and trudged through the storm. When they were hungry, they ate a few bites with them. The dry rations and bacon that I brought satisfy my hunger, and when I am thirsty, I grab a handful of snowflakes and stuff them into my mouth to quench my thirst. I feed the horses with soybeans fried in sesame oil, and sleep under the horses’ stomachs to keep warm overnight.The 160-mile road from Daheishan to Changshan, the soldiers of the Ming army walked for six days and six nights. Except for more than 90 soldiers who were frozen to death, miraculously none of the cavalry was left behind. , Down to ordinary soldiers, they were all frostbitten by the severe cold to varying degrees. Fortunately, the cavalry troops in Mangui are mainly Mongols, who have rich experience in anti-freeze and treatment of frostbite, and they carry enough medicines to treat frostbite with them. The unfavorable situation of scale non-combat attrition.

The severe cold that was far better than previous years was not without its benefits. At least the continuous wind and snow covered the whereabouts of Ming army cavalry. At this time, the army cavalry will appear on the grassland jointly controlled by the slave-building army and the Horqin traitors. Therefore, the Ming army cavalry has not been attacked by the enemy except for encountering dozens of Horqin herdsmen who spent the winter there at Xiongshan Station. The scouts found the slightest trace—as for the dozens of Horqin herdsmen, because they found several Liaodong Han female slaves bought from the Jiannu army in their tents, and saw that those Han female slaves had been tortured to death. In human form, the furious Young Master Zhang immediately ordered the Horqin herdsmen to cut off their hands and feet and throw them into the ice and snow to freeze to death. Several Han women followed the severe frostbite and lost their combat effectiveness to return to Jinzhou.At the same time, the severe cold has another advantage, that is, it freezes the surface of the Liaohe River with a large flow into a steel plate, allowing the cavalry of the Ming army without a ferry to easily cross this natural barrier.

As soon as they crossed the Liaohe River, the Ming army stepped into the Daxinganling Mountains. Considering that the only way the Mongolian grasslands entered the Songliao Plain, Changshan Town was an important horse market where Jiannu traded with Mongolian tribes. There must be Jiannu stationed in the town. Therefore, even though it was still early in the morning, Master Zhang ordered the whole army to rest in concealment, and wait until night to attack Changshan Town. At the same time, he sent several Mongolian soldiers dressed as Mongolian herdsmen to investigate the situation in Changshan Town.When it was getting dark, the Mongolian soldiers brought the news back to the camp of the Ming army, and the situation in Changshan Town made Young Master Zhang overjoyed. Because of the closure of the horse market in winter and the dispatch of troops by the main force of slavery, the current Changshan Town There are only about [-] slave-building garrisons in the village, and the second-line slave-building army is composed of the old, weak, sick and disabled. In addition, there are two or three thousand residents of various ethnic groups living together. There is no such thing as a city wall, only a low and dilapidated earthen wall, and there are many collapses in the earthen wall. You can climb into the town empty-handed without using a ladder.

The first opponent in the sneak attack was so weak, so Young Master Zhang couldn't close his mouth with a smile. He immediately dispatched troops and asked Hei Yunlong to lead five hundred cavalry to bypass Changshan Town and stop the Jiannu in the town from fleeing to Shenyang. On the road, let Wu Liuqi and Wu Sangui each lead a hundred cavalrymen to dismount on foot, and climb into the town to open the town gate. Young Master Zhang and Man Gui led the main force to lie in ambush outside the town, and killed them immediately when the town gate opened. Enter the town, slaughter the town and destroy the slaves.

After the arrangement was completed, at the second watch of the night, which was also the second watch of the night on February 200th in the sixth year of Tianqi, the Ming army fired the first shot of the sneak attack on Shenyang. First, Wu Liuqi and Wu Sangui, two infantry fighters, led the army to climb into the town— —Because of the severe cold weather and the deep rear, the slave guards didn't even have a sentry post to guard the city wall, so the two brothers of the Wu family sneaked in very smoothly. All [-] people entered the city smoothly, and they quietly touched the gate of the city and killed them easily The Jiannu gatekeeper veteran who was sleeping soundly in the gatehouse opened the city gate to welcome the main force of Young Master Zhang into the city.And after Young Master Zhang entered the city, he was not in a hurry to act. He first let the army control several important points in the city, and then rushed into the Jiannu garrison camp in one go, and hacked the Jiannu Niu Lu who was still sleeping with a woman on the kang to death. On the same day, other soldiers of the Ming army also rushed into other rooms, beheading the Jiannu soldiers who were sleeping on the kang and separating them from their families.

"Kill!" Amidst the shouts, countless cheerful soldiers of the Ming army lit torches, kicked open the door when they saw the unlucky family, and rushed into the room in groups of three or four. There were screams and women's screams, as well as the shattering of ceramic jars, the cracking of rummaging boxes, and the lewd laughter of Ming soldiers.Before dispatching troops, Young Master Zhang had already told the soldiers of the Ming army who followed him on the expedition that [-]% of the gold and silver property stolen in the Shenyang raid would be handed over, and [-]% would belong to the soldiers themselves. It was explicitly prohibited, so no one in the Ming army would obey it.Under deliberate indulgence, the soldiers of the Ming army were naturally as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. They robbed property from house to house, massacred the slaves, and robbed the women of the slaves. The wild laughter of the soldiers of the Ming army was mixed with the screams of the slaves. One, resounding through the night sky.

After the horse market was closed, Changshan Town was too small. The number of residents and garrisons combined was not as large as that of Ming army soldiers, so it took more than an hour for Ming army soldiers to completely end the battle. All the men were killed, and occasionally a few fish that slipped through the net were also intercepted and killed by the Heiyunlong army ambushing in the southeast of Changshan Town. By dawn, there was no one alive in the entire Changshan town except for the soldiers of the Ming army.By the way, more than 60 Han women who were captured by Jiannu and prepared to be sold to the traitorous tribes as slaves were also spared and stayed in the town to boil water and cook for the soldiers of the Ming army.In addition, the soldiers of the Ming army more or less robbed some gold and silver property in the town, and captured a lot of horses, cattle and sheep, and everyone was happy.

After taking down Changshan Town, the road leading to Shenyang by the Ming army cavalry is already flat, but the distance of more than 70 miles is full of plains, without any hidden places. More than 3000 Ming soldiers rushed to Shenyang City in this way. It will definitely arouse the vigilance of the Jiannu scouts and the common people. The soldiers of the Ming army have no idea how many troops are stationed in Shenyang.Therefore, the generals of the Ming army thought that they should first send scouts into the city to find out the situation in Shenyang before deciding how to do it, and by the way let the exhausted Ming army soldiers rest for two days.Young Master Zhang firmly vetoed this point, "No, soldiers are precious and fast. Now we have penetrated into the rear of Jiannu and are surrounded by enemies. A little hesitation may lead to the annihilation of the entire army. The army will rest for a day and set off for Shenyang in the evening. Tomorrow Before Shenyang closes the city gate in the evening, we must rush to the city of Shenyang."

"But we are going to Shenyang with such a big fanfare. If Jiannu finds out and closes the city gate, how can we attack the city?" Man Gui asked worriedly.Master Zhang smiled and replied: "Brother Man, have you forgotten Jiannu's staunch ally Horqin Oba? When we set off, I specially asked you to bring Mongolian clothes just for this moment. We all changed into Mongolian clothes." The men’s clothes and the clothes of the Jiannu soldiers, pretending to be the army defeated by Mongolian Lin Dan Khan, retreated to Shenyang, and even if the Jiannu people and scouts found out, they would not be too vigilant.”

"Well then, we can only gamble like this." Man Gui agreed, scratching his head.Young Master Zhang also called Wu Liuqi and Wu Sangui, and asked them to select fifty well-skilled Mongolian warriors, disguise themselves as Mongolian herders, and drive the cattle, sheep and horses captured in Changshan Town. Pioneers opened the way to detect sentries, and if necessary, they could sneak into Shenyang City and open the city gates in the city.At the same time, Young Master Zhang ordered dozens of Han women who had been rescued from Changshan Town to be taken along with them, mixing them with the main force to make the Jiannu people take it lightly.

The plan was determined, and he seized the time to let the soldiers and horses rest for a day. In the evening, Master Zhang and his party abandoned Changshan Town and set off for Shenyang overnight.However, the current situation on the Songliao Plain surprised the soldiers of the Ming army. After walking for more than [-] miles, there was no human habitation on both sides of the road, and the villages they passed were all covered in ice and snow, and there was no one in sight. Ying, the few Liaodong Han people who acted as guides for Mr. Zhang fled from this plain to the west of Liaoning. He told Mr. Zhang and others the reason: "Just last year, in order to overcome the food shortage, Nuerhachi, the old Jian slave, Ordered the slave army to confiscate the grain stored by the Han people. All the Han people who could not produce five buckets of grain would be massacred, and all the women would be captured and sold to the Mongolian tribes in exchange for cattle and sheep. The slave soldiers were slaves, and these abandoned villages should have been left after Jiannu massacred the Han people.”

After listening to the introduction of the situation by the Han guide, Young Master Zhang remained silent for a long time, before he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, when I enter Shenyang City, I will let the Jiannu in the city know how terrible the revenge of the Han people is." !"

The Daxing'anling Mountains block the cold wind from the north, and the snowstorm on the Songliao Plain is obviously much smaller than that on the grassland. The ground that is frozen as hard as iron is also very conducive to the cavalry's march. At dawn, the main force led by Young Master Zhang caught up with Wu Liuqi and Wu Sangui's team by the Puhe River.After the meeting, Young Master Zhang asked about the situation of the scouts, and Wu Liuqi replied with a smile: "Master Zhang, don't worry, Jiannu may be short of troops, and there are very few Jiannu scouts to spy on the situation around Shenyang. We walked all day and night, and only met The Jiannu scouts of the two sentry teams were all killed by us with poisoned beef and mutton jerky and bows and arrows, and none of them escaped."

"Very good." Young Master Zhang nodded, and said: "Brother Liuqi, Puhe is only less than thirty miles away from Shenyang City. Whether you can succeed in a sneak attack on Shenyang depends on the distance. I know Your team has not had a good rest for a day and two nights, but you drive the cattle and sheep slowly, so you have to work hard. You start immediately and continue to walk ahead to open the way. Our main force rests here for two hours, and then Chase you at normal marching speed."

"It's okay, Brother Zhang, don't worry." Wu Liuqi, who is three years younger than Young Master Zhang, agreed without hesitation, and then asked, "Brother Zhang, shall we wait for you on the road?"

"Don't wait for us." Young Master Zhang shook his head, and then ordered: "You go forward at a normal speed. If we can catch up with you, we will catch up. If we can't catch up, you will advance to Shenyang City. When necessary, you can still be in the city. Come and meet us." After that, Young Master Zhang called Wu Sangui to the front again, handed him a money bag, and said with a smile: "Brother Sangui, you are smart and not easy to be noticed by Jiannu, you take this bag of money Come on, it might be useful when you enter the city." Wu Sangui, who is a big kid, understood, took the purse and said, Brother Zhang, don't worry, and then Wu Liuqi and Wu Liuqi led the soldiers disguised as shepherds first, and Young Master Zhang ordered the main force Rest on the spot, light a fire to cook, and build up enough energy to prepare a big surprise for the soldiers and civilians who founded slaves in Shenyang City.


It was planned to rest for two hours, but after more than half an hour, a team of Jiannu scouts came to make trouble first, and the head of the Jiannu Shizhang probably saw that Young Master Zhang's team was playing with the Horqin Mongolian flag, so he was very high-spirited He rushed over and roared and asked, "Why did your Horqin army come here? Who is the leading general? Ask him to come out and answer!"

"Second brother Zhao, go out and pull him off the horse, slap him twice, and then talk to him again." Young Master Zhang whispered to Zhao Shuilun, the younger brother of Zhao Shujiao, who was next to him.Zhao Shilun, who was dressed as Jiannu Niulu, agreed in a low voice, stood up and stepped out, walked up to Jiannushi's long horse, pulled him off the horse, first slapped him twice, and then Then he scolded in Jurchen language: "I'm blinding your mother's dog eyes! I'm Zhenglanqi's Niu Luer, you're so small, how tall do you dare to ask me to come out and answer?"

"The slave didn't know the general was coming, and the slave was blind." Jiannu's army ranks were very strict. Seeing the uniform of Niu Lu'e general on Zhao Shuilun's body, the Jiannu chief immediately panicked and ordered all his subordinates to dismount. After saluting, he asked cautiously: "General, aren't you going to fight the Jinzhou barbarians in Zhenglan Banner? Why did you come from the direction of Changshan?"

"The Jiannu in Shenyang City don't know the news that Nuerhachi, the old Jiannu, has divided his troops and withdrawn? Good!" Zhao Suilun was secretly happy. He first showed off the bloody cloth strips on his body, and then said in a grandiose manner: " The Lindan Tartars attacked our ally, the Horqin Tribe. The Great Khan ordered us to rescue Gelejuergen City with the Zhenglan Banner and Zhengbai Banner. On the way, we had a fight with the Lindan Tartars. I was injured. Take the wounded soldiers and these Mongols back to Shenyang first. Our Mongolian Niulu suffered heavy losses in the Jinzhou War and needs to be replenished, understand?"
"Understood, I understand, I'll go report to Brother Babutai Jiu now." Jiannushi nodded and bowed in agreement.Zhao Shulun was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked: "Report to Babutai Ninth Brother? What about the third elder brother Abai and the sixth elder brother Tabai? Isn't the third elder brother in charge of things in Shengjing?"

"Mao Wenlong's barbarian attacked our Gaizhou. The third elder brother and the sixth elder brother led troops to reinforce it. Now the ninth elder brother is in charge of the defense in Shengjing City." The chief of Jiannu replied dejectedly.Zhao Suelun was even more joyful in his heart, and ordered: "Then you go and report to Brother Jiu, and ask Brother Jiu to prepare the camp and let these Mongolian soldiers station there. I brought more than 500 wounded soldiers and [-] soldiers this time. Come a Mongolian soldier."

"Zarge!" The head of Jiannu Shi Daqian agreed, and hastily got on his horse and left.After Zhao Shuelun reported the situation to Young Master Zhang, Young Master Zhang made some calculations, gritted his teeth and said, "According to the original plan, rest for two hours before leaving. Shenyang is currently empty of troops. Babutai must really hope that the soldiers will be replenished. It shouldn't be too late." would be too wary of us."

He rested for more than an hour in fear, and after the time passed, Young Master Zhang ordered the whole army to cross the river on the ice and rush to Shenyang City at a normal marching speed. It also allowed the soldiers of the Ming army to appreciate the clear hierarchy under the Jiannu rule. The authentic Jiannu rode tall horses and walked in the middle with great vigor, surrounded by traitors with pigtails on their heads, waving leather whips from time to time The Han slaves in ragged clothes forced the Han slaves to carry wood and stones. If they were slow, they might be beaten to the point of bleeding by the traitors.Master Zhang asked the Mongolian soldiers to inquire carefully, and then he knew the reason. It turns out that after Nurhachi moved the capital to Shenyang five years ago, he built a large number of palaces and gardens—that is, the famous Shenyang Forbidden City. So far, only a small part of it has been completed. Nuerha After Chi left Shenyang for this expedition, the work of the Shenyang palace did not stop. Babutai, who has not been named the owner of the Baylor Banner, is probably trying to please Nurhachi. Regardless of Shenyang's weak military strength, he is still driving Han slaves to build the palace every day. more than.After figuring out the situation, Young Master Zhang made up his mind to kill all the slaves, traitors, and traitors with braids in the city, but he was also secretly happy, knowing that Babutai would definitely need a lot of manpower and troops to repair the palace.

As Young Master Zhang expected, after Shenyang in the afternoon, when Shenyang City was already in the distance, Young Master Zhang used a telescope to see that the west gate of Shenyang in front of him was not closed. Obviously, Babutai, who was stationed in Shenyang, did not doubt the authenticity of his army .After carefully observing the situation at the city gate, Young Master Zhang couldn't help but burst out laughing. It turned out that the vanguard led by Wu Liuqi and Wu Sangui was just entering Shenyang City. Looking through the binoculars, Wu Sangui, who was still relatively small, was riding on a horse and was still fighting with the gatekeeper Jian. The slave soldiers said something, and they didn't know if they were putting money into the hands of the city gate officials.Young Master Zhang was even more joyful in his heart, so he hurriedly called Zhao Shilun to the front, and said in a low voice: "Second brother Zhao, you take the brothers who are dressed as Jiannu soldiers to the front. We are armed, you kill him immediately, and then seize the city gate. If you do it, it is the signal for our attack. Remember, you must control the city gate!"

"Understood." Zhao Shulun agreed, and hurriedly led hundreds of Ming soldiers dressed as Jiannu soldiers forward.Sure enough, when it was less than three miles away from the city gate, a team of Niu Lu who built slaves ran out of the city. All the Mongolian soldiers took off their weapons and handed them over to us before entering the city."

"Then what about our wounded soldiers of Zhenglan Banner and Zhengbai Banner? Do you want to hand over their weapons too?" Zhao Shuilun said while reaching out to unfasten the saber on his waist.Niu Lu said with a smile: "Of course it's best to hand over your weapon, anyway, you don't need a weapon for the time being when you enter the city."

"Okay." Zhao Shuilun nodded, and suddenly drew his knife out of its sheath, and slashed at the Jiannu Niu Lu's forehead, blood splashed, and Niu Lu's forehead screamed and fell off the horse. He didn't understand until his death Who did he die in?Zhao Suelun swung the blood knife and shouted: "Brothers, kill! Kill Jiannu!"

"Kill Jiannu!" More than 500 soldiers around Zhao Shuilun roared in unison, and rushed towards the west gate of Shenyang with their knives drawn.The main team of Young Master Zhang behind roared even more violently. They also showed their weapons one after another, and rushed towards the west gate of Shenyang with their horses and horses, "Kill Jiannu—!"

"What's going on? The enemy here?" Babutai, who was drinking on the west gate tower, was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and shouted: "Close the city gate! Close the city gate!"

"Kill Jiannu!" At the same time, at the west gate of Shenyang, Wu Sangui and Wu Liuqi, who had already dismounted, pulled out the daggers hidden under the saddle together, roaring and rushed towards the Jiannu soldiers guarding the gate. The fourteen-year-old Although Wu Sangui was relatively short in stature, he excelled in his agility. He rushed forward before the Jiannu soldier drew out his waist knife, and thrust his sword into the Jiannu soldier's stomach first. The slave soldiers slashed.Although Wu Liuqi on the other side moved slowly, he had natural supernatural powers. He avoided the waist knife from the Jiannu soldiers. Pu Shan grabbed the Jiannu soldiers' arms with his big hand, lifted his body as a weapon, and smashed him. The Jiannu soldiers couldn't do anything. within ten feet of him.Other soldiers of the Ming army also used short swords, or grabbed knives and guns, and fought to the death with the Jiannu soldiers who rushed up and tried to close the city gate.Taking advantage of such a delay, Zhao Ledun's army, which was charging at full speed, had already rushed into the city gate. The two armies joined forces and quickly killed the slave soldiers around the city gate, opening the way for the main force to enter the city.

"Kill Jiannu—! Daming—!" The young master Zhang, who had no strength to restrain a chicken, also pulled out his sword in a dignified manner, roaring as the Ming army cavalry rushed into the Shenyang city gate, and the horseshoe stepped on the streets of Shenyang. At that moment, Young Master Zhang looked up to the sky and roared: "If you want to kill Jiannu, first destroy Shengjing and fill the city with blood! Brothers, kill me! Jiannu traitors with pig tails on their heads are raped, and I will punish them all!" Kill it ruthlessly!"

(End of this chapter)

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