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Chapter 130: Joining Teachers

Chapter 130: Joining Teachers
(PS: If you have a cheeky nagging, if you still have a monthly ticket, please give it to the pure and honest wolf and young master Zhang.)
Daishan's Crow's Mouth and Young Master Zhang had a fight. He predicted that Azig's road to kill Young Master Zhang would be full of traps. As a result, Azige was in bad luck before he could turn to the Dingliao official road—I don't know. It was the wicked ghost who placed gunpowder on the ice of the Taizi River and blasted the ice, but that section of the river was surrounded by cliffs on both sides, making it impossible to pass through from the bank, and then a thin layer formed on the blasted river. The Azig cavalry with the yellow flag stepped on it without knowing it. In the blink of an eye, a dozen cavalrymen were swallowed up by the icy river water, including men and horses.Azige, who was in a hurry to get the head of Young Master Zhang and inherit the Khan position, yelled at him, but he had no choice but to lead the army to detour honestly, and it took more than half a day before he turned to Dingliao official road.

When I finally set foot on the Dingliao official road with good road conditions, it was already the evening of the tenth day of March. Counting the distance, the Ming army team with a mixture of foot and horse had at least arrived at Dingliao City, unless the slave garrison in Dingliao City was desperate. Otherwise, the hope of the Azig team catching up with the Ming army in the west of the Yalu River is extremely slim. In addition, the nearly [-] cavalry with yellow flags have been marching in the ice and snow for days, and the soldiers and horses are exhausted. The attrition situation is serious.If he were to be replaced by another coach, he would have given up the pursuit in the face of such a situation, but Azig, who had been dazzled by the succession to Khan, would not.

"Warriors with white flags, the barbarian army murdered and set fire to Shengjing, slaughtered your parents and brothers, raped your wives and daughters, do you want to watch them flee?" The army made a speech, pointing to the east of the road and shouting: "Take up your swords and guns, cheer up your spirits, and follow me to hunt down the barbarians! Avenge your parents, wives and children! Kill a barbarian soldier and reward Five taels of silver! All the treasures you have stolen belong to you too!"

"Brother Twelve, how many gold and silver treasures can there be in the barbarian army?" Fei Yingdong asked deliberately.Azig shouted: "There are so many gold and silver treasures in the barbarian army, think about it, the barbarian army succeeded in attacking our Shengjing, the big gold treasury in Shengjing city has not been emptied by the barbarian army? But don't worry, you only need to hand in half of the things you snatched back, and the rest will belong to you!"

"Brothers, do you hear that?" Fei Yingdong shouted loudly: "Half of the gold and silver treasures captured by chasing and killing the barbarian army will belong to you. Anyone who wants to get rich should follow Elder Brother Twelve to kill!"

"Kill!" The Jiannu cavalry, whose eyes were reddened by the gold and silver treasures, shouted strangely, and their morale was greatly improved. They followed Azig's yellow flag and galloped towards the southeast regardless of fatigue.But it is a pity that on the next road, the slaves of Xianghuang Banner, who had suffered enough from Young Master Zhang under the city of Jinzhou, inevitably experienced the shamelessness and despicability of Young Master Zhang again—the wells along the roadside were all led by Young Master Zhang. The soldiers of the Ming army were poisoned so badly that dozens of Jiannu bleed from the seven orifices and foam at the mouth, forcing the Jiannu army to melt snow to quench their thirst and drink horses; finally found a stream that was difficult to poison, and on the bank of the stream I didn’t know that those wicked ghosts sprinkled a lot of crotons, and made dozens of war horses suffer from diarrhea, and were forced to withdraw from the march; the bridges they passed were all destroyed, and the narrow roads were blocked by huge rocks and trees. The slopes were splashed with water and icy, slippery like oil, and it was difficult to walk on foot. The land in some places was not frozen and stiff. Zhang Gou Shao asked the army and the people to dig dense traps, and inserted sharp wooden stakes into the traps, which turned out to be another disaster. Many Jiannu cavalry and horses made the Jiannu army miserable.

The most outrageous thing is that on the sparsely populated and overgrown road between Lianshan Pass and Zhenyuan Fort, Young Master Zhang did not know where he captured some slaves, beheaded them and roasted their bodies on the bonfire, emitting The scent of human flesh attracted countless hungry black blind men who had just woken up from hibernation, as well as hordes of wild wolves and dogs. As a result, the team of Young Master Zhang who walked in front was fine, but the Azig army who came behind them fell down. In the event of bad luck, as long as the cavalry and horses are left alone, they may get into the belly of the beast in a blink of an eye.Along the way, the already exhausted Jiannu army would inevitably become more exhausted, and at the same time, the resentment and cursing towards Young Master Zhang had also reached its peak—in fact, Azig would really be grateful for the freezing weather, if it wasn’t for the weather It's too cold and the snakes are still hibernating. Young Master Zhang will definitely have a lot of poisonous snakes and non-venomous snakes caught and put them in the place where the slave army is most likely to camp overnight. Then the slave army will have more fun .


Two flowers bloomed, one for each, not to mention that Azig's army marched hard to pursue them on the road full of traps, but only that Young Master Zhang led the Ming army to retreat. In fact, Young Master Zhang's retreat was much slower than Azig imagined. When Azig's army transferred to Dingliao's official road, Young Master Zhang's army hadn't even reached Xie Lie Station at Dingliao's gate, and there was still some distance from Dingliao City. As for the reason, of course, it was because of the greedy Young Master Zhang Reluctant to abandon the large number of silver carts looted in Shengjing City, and the Han people in Liaodong who voluntarily followed the Ming army to North Korea, they also vacated war horses and chariots for the Han people, the old and the weak, and marched less than forty miles a day. Have to rest overnight.

Faced with Young Master Zhang's pedantry, Song Xiance, Lu Wanling and others were worried, and they all suggested that Young Master Zhang abandon the people and only lead the army to retreat. Withdrew to the Yalu River within three days.But Zhang Gou Shao refused, "No way, more than 3 people were thrown into the ice and snow, without food and drink, and they were enemies before and after. What should they do? Frozen and starved to death or killed by Jiannu?"

"Boss, I know you are right." Song Xiance was also in a hurry, regardless of the fact that the Han people in front of him and behind him were retreating with the Ming army, he yelled at Young Master Zhang: "But have you ever thought that Jiannu's army What do you do if you catch up? You killed so many Jiannu in Shengjing City, these people may still have a chance to survive if they are caught by Jiannu, but what about you? What should you do? Jiannu will skin you and cramp you, leaving you tens of thousands of years old !"

"I killed Jianu to do justice for the heavens!" Zhang Gou Shao replied righteously: "If the heavens doom me, Zhang Haogu, to die in Jiannu's hands, then I will have no complaints! If the tone is strong, I will never give up any Han people! If the Jiannu army comes after me, I will lead the army to fight to the death and cover the retreat of the Han people. Hurt any Han people!"

"Master Zhang, Master Zhang, our Zhang Qingtian—!" Hearing these righteous words of Young Master Zhang, the people of Liaodong Han who accompanied him were naturally moved and wept bitterly. Mr. Zhang was burdened and hurried on his way.But what the Han people didn’t expect was that Young Master Zhang and Song Xiance, who were blushing and thick-necked in front of them, became like brothers again in a blink of an eye, and asked each other whether their performances were decent. Did you move the people to the point where they would fight Jianu to the death when Jianu came after him?In a word, as long as these Han people in Liaodong can escape from the tiger's mouth alive, they will all become Master Zhang's propaganda machine. Everywhere they go, they will publicize that the Ming Dynasty has a good official, Da Qingtian, and that is our Young Master Zhang Gou , Young Master Zhang!
After passing Xie Lie Station, Dingliao City, the biggest obstacle on the way for Young Master Zhang to withdraw his troops, appeared in front of him. No matter how courageous Young Master Zhang is, he would not be crazy enough to attack Dingliao City to clear the obstacles. He could only choose to walk around the city rationally. , but the slave-building garrison in Dingliao city is definitely not vegetarian. If they come out of the city and charge for a while, the cavalry of Mangui may not be in trouble, but the Han people are worse. What's more troublesome is that Young Master Zhang They don't even know how many slaves were stationed in Dingliao City.However, all of this is not a problem for the scheming Young Master Zhang, who first asked the people to set up torches and Ming army flags, and then chose to bypass Dingliao City at night, so that the garrison in the city could not figure out the actual strength of the Ming army, and dared not leave the city casually check.

Of course, it is not enough for the people to set up torches and military flags. In order to confuse the enemy, Master Zhang copied the tactics of Meng Gong, a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty, who broke through the 24 Mongolian villages. Pass under the city of Dingliao, go around in a circle and come back, change the flag and pass under the city of Dingliao again, and repeat this three times before evening, giving the impression that the Ming army has tens of thousands of people in the front team alone in the Dingliao city, and then ambushes Jing rode outside the gate of Dingliao city, ready to sneak attack the Dingliao army who came out of the city to stop them at any time.However, Shuo Tuo, the defender of Dingliao, really fell for the trick, and ordered the three thousand defenders in the city to guard the city to the death, never to open the city to fight. Tuocai sent 3000 cavalry out of the city to monitor the rear of the Ming army.It never occurred to him that as soon as his army left the city, Madengyun's ambush soldiers came out of the ambush. Shuotuo didn't know how many ambush soldiers were in the dark night, so he had to quickly order to retreat to the city. Only then did Madengyun's cavalry retreat calmly and merged with the main force .

After passing through the difficulty of Dingliao, the Ming army had no obstacles in front of them, and they were just driving lightly all the way. Young Master Zhang's front team also boldly withdrew to the rear team, letting the people lead the way into the Yalu River.Unexpectedly, on the second night, which was also the night of March [-]th in the second year of Ming Dynasty, the Ming army had just passed the abandoned Tangzhan Fort and was just about to rest on the spot. The scouts suddenly chased after them, and shouted hoarsely from a distance: "Master Zhang, the Jiannu army is coming! They are all cavalry! They are the main force of Jiannu!"

"Why are you in a hurry? Why are you panicking? If the main force of the slave building doesn't come to chase, then it's dangerous!" Young Master Zhang yelled loudly, and a big stone in his heart fell to the ground. Instead, they sent a small group of troops to contain and slow down the enemy's retreat, while the main force circled around the enemy's front to block it. Jian Nu didn't choose this tactic to pursue and kill, so Young Master Zhang naturally called it a fluke.Young Master Zhang asked again: "How many troops has Jiannu come? How far is it from us now?"

"Xianghuangqi, it's the Xianghuangqi who came to build slaves. It's too dark to see clearly how many troops there are." The scouts of the Ming army wiped their sweat and replied: "When we found the main force of Jiannu, Jiannu Xianghuangqi had already passed the fixed limit." Liaocheng, counting the distance, is less than twenty miles away from us."

"Very well, pass on the order to tell the people the news that the main force of the slave building has been chased, and let the people advance at full speed, and all the troops stay behind to block." Young Master Zhang ordered loudly, and smiled at the earth-colored generals of the Ming army: "It's nothing, There are only 6000 Niulu in the Jiannu Xianghuang Banner, and the army strength is about [-] to [-], and we have more troops than them."

"Brother Zhang, fighting is not simply a matter of comparing the number of troops." Zhao Shilun said tremblingly: "Jiannu is invincible in field battles. In my impression, the Xianghuang Banner directly controlled by the old Jiannu has never lost in field battles. It’s no small matter. And our elite cavalry only has more than 3000 people, and the remaining 9000 infantry are all new troops who have never received any training and are useless in field battles.”

"The bullshit is invincible in field battles. Today I will break the myth of Jiannu! I don't believe it. The Jiannu army has been running day and night for so many days. How much combat power is left now?" Young Master Zhang arrogantly said With a roar, he ordered again: "Man Gui listens to the order. I order you to lead [-] cavalry to ambush on both sides of the road. When the main force of the slave building catches up, you are not allowed to fight. Let him go. When you hear the sound of explosions, you can start ambush again. Come out and attack Jiannu's rear team. Ma Dengyun and Hei Yunlong listen to the order, each of you leads a thousand cavalry to lie in ambush on both sides of the road, and when you hear the sound of explosions, attack from left and right, and attack Jiannu's left and right flanks together!"

It was the first time that Young Master Zhang commanded the army to fight in the field. Although Man Gui, Hei Yunlong and Ma Dengyun felt that Young Master Zhang commanded well, they were really not sure, so they reluctantly agreed and led the army away.Young Master Zhang turned to Zhao Suelun, Wu Liuqi, Wu Sangui and other generals, and ordered them: "Second Brother Zhao, Brother Liuqi, Brother Sangui, the three of you and I will lead the infantry to retreat behind the palace. ...."


"The barbarian is right in front, brothers, kill!" Azig pointed his sword forward and shouted vigorously: "The barbarian army is less than ten miles away from us, if you want to get promoted and get rich, just charge me! Whoever can catch Zhang Hao, the ancient savage, will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of silver! One thousand taels of gold! Ten beauties! Feng Mailer Ezhen!"

"Kill!" Under the lure of Jinyin, a beautiful woman who was promoted and made a fortune, the already exhausted Jiannu soldiers were refreshed, screaming and urging their horses, and rushed towards the southeast with strange screams.After rushing for another three or four miles, the densely packed torches of the Ming army appeared in the sight of the Jiannu army. Although judging from the number of torches, the Ming army must be stronger than our own, but for those who have never been defeated Jiannu Xianghuangqi said, but he didn't pay attention to it at all.Azig also shouted: "Brothers, kill! Let the barbarian army see how powerful our Eight Banners cavalry is!"

"Kill!" Jiannu yelled even more strangely, and charged even harder.And when they were only one mile away from the Ming army's rear team, the Ming army team pushing the carts also dispersed, leaving dozens of carts behind and ran away. The appearance was the same as that of the Jiannu cavalry in the past. The soldiers of the Ming army are almost the same.Seeing this scene, Azig laughed even more, flattering him and just chasing after them. When he passed the carts abandoned by soldiers of the Ming army, Azig took another look at the situation on the carts. The sackcloth of the cart had been torn off by the soldiers of the Ming army, revealing the shiny silver ingots. Azig was even more relieved, and shouted: "No one is allowed to take the silver. It is important to kill the barbarians. If you kill all the barbarians, you can take the gold and silver as you please! "

Azig yelled and rushed past the convoy, but many Jiannu soldiers felt itchy, pretending to charge and approaching the silver cart, reaching out to steal the silver ingots.But at this moment, one of the silver carts suddenly made a loud bang, and the flames suddenly appeared. The huge shock wave overturned the surrounding Jiannu cavalry, and countless silver ingots and iron horns also flew around, killing and wounding countless Jiannu cavalry.Before the Jiannu cavalry came back to their senses, the other [-] or [-] silver chariots exploded one after another. In the thunderous explosion, the flames and blood splashed together. Countless Jiannu soldiers flew into the air with shouts, and countless war horses flew into the air. He fell down with a hiss, and the group's assault team, which was the best at the Jiannu Iron Cavalry, was also thrown into chaos.

"Ambush?" Azig was startled.At this moment, firecrackers blared in the Ming army in front of them. Thirty horses with firecrackers tied to their tails screamed in horror and rushed towards the Jiannu cavalry team with thirty carts. ?I believe there is no need to explain, right?Before Azig could react, the thirty carriages had already rushed into the slave-building team, and there was another series of huge explosions. The soldiers of the slave-building team once again flew into the air with screams. Azig's powerful Fei Yingdong, the assistant and uncle of Oboi, was the first to bear the brunt. A carriage exploded beside him. Needless to say, the Ming army's horse was smashed to pieces. Fei Yingdong's head and limbs were also separated, and he didn't even touch Master Zhang's hair It went to the west.

"It's really an ambush!" Azig, who was lucky enough not to be killed by the bombing, sank in his heart. Just as he was about to reorganize the team, there was a lot of killing noise from the front, back, left, and right of the Jiannu army. The stabbing carts advanced neatly and compressed towards the front team of Jiannu. The archers and musketeers hid behind the carts and fired arrows, while the Ming cavalry rushed out from the rear and left and right. Chopping and slashing, immediately killed the Jiannu cavalry in confusion.In the darkness, the Jiannu generals and soldiers didn't know how many Ming soldiers were in ambush. They just felt that there were enemies in all directions, and they shouted in panic, "Ambush! The barbarians among us are in ambush! Break out, break out!"

"Marshal Mao's 11 troops in Dongzhen are here. Jiannu surrendered but not killed! Surrendered but not killed!" Don't engage in conspiracies and tricks, Mr. Zhang once again displayed his cowhide magic skills, instigating the Jurchen-speaking Jurchen in Liaodong for a long time The soldiers of the new army shouted in unison, promoting the ethnic policy that did not exist under the rule of Young Master Zhang, and suddenly expanded their strength by nearly ten times!The Jiannu cavalry also knew that Mao Wenlong's army was ten times more difficult than the ordinary Ming army. They also heard that the 10,000+ army in Pidao had all been killed. Shouting to surrender with both hands - the warlord Mao Wenlong is more merciful than Young Master Zhang in this regard, as long as he is willing to surrender, even the Jurchens will accept it, but it turns out that Young Master Zhang is cheaper.Seeing this scene, the Jiannu army was naturally more flustered, while Man Gui, Hei Yunlong and Ma Dengyun were elated, shouting that Young Master Zhang used his troops like a god, and led the cavalry to rush into the Jiannu team, hacking and slashing, killing Jiannu ghosts crying and howling wolves , like entering the land of no one.

"The whole army, break out to the south!" Azig was still calm, and found that the Heiyunlong team in the south seemed to have few troops-in fact, there were not many, so he quickly ordered the whole army to break out to the south.Although the Heiyunlong army tried their best to stop them, but the combat effectiveness of the Jiannu cavalry was indeed the best in the world in this era. Azig took the lead and rushed down, forced a bloody road, and fled to the direction of Dandong, trying in vain to reorganize the team and then block it head-on Young Master Zhang's team needs to cross the Yalu River.And Young Master Zhang also understands very well that once the Jiannu cavalry have a chance to regroup and fight again, the Han people he finally brought here will inevitably suffer heavy casualties, so Young Master Zhang immediately led Wu Liuqi, Wu Sangui and the troops out of the car He roared frantically, "Brother Zhao, the infantry is handed over to you to protect the people! All the cavalry, chase and kill Jiannu! Don't let Jiannu have a chance to breathe!"

"Kill!" The cavalry of the Ming army saw the civilian commander personally leading the troops in pursuit, their morale was greatly boosted, and they all roared and chased the Jiannu cavalry.And Azig in front was not flustered, and shouted: "There are not many barbarian cavalry, gather the troops while running, wait for the barbarian's cavalry to get out of touch, turn around and kill them!"

"Kill!" In the sound of chasing and killing, seeing Jiannu cavalry gradually regrouping, young master Zhang was secretly startled, and Azige was secretly happy, something happened that stunned both young master Zhang and Azige .Right in front of the Azig Army's breakout, in the dark field, countless torches suddenly went up, a huge army came head-on, surrounded the Azig Army with the cavalry of the Ming Army, Young Master Zhang and Azig said in unison Exclaimed: "The army that came? Friendly army? Or enemy?"

"Mao Wenlong in Pidao is here, dog Jiannu, die!" The general who led the new army yelled angrily, shattering the last bit of luck of the Jiannu army.While the torches were shining, the handsome flag with the word 'Mao' fluttering in the wind also made Young Master Zhang, who was watching nervously with a telescope, be ecstatic. He waved his sword and laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha, Mao Wenlong! It's Mao Wenlong's Dongzhen army, Brothers, kill, wipe out Jiannu Xianghuang Banner! Kill—ah—!”

"Kill!" The cavalry of the Ming army, who were suddenly reinforced, charged even harder with their morale bursting.The morale of the exhausted Jiannu Xianghuangqi collapsed completely. Azig took the lead in fleeing, and the rest fled in all directions. The cavalry of the Ming army joined forces with the Dongzhen army to chase and kill the scattered Jiannu cavalry.Only Young Master Zhang rushed into the Dongzhen army formation with his own soldiers, and asked everyone he saw, "Where is Commander Mao? Where is Commander Mao?"

"I'm Mao Wenlong, may I ask who you are...?" As soon as he rode up to face him, the burly knight with a square face looked serious and looked him up and down. Unlike Zhang Haogu, the demon king who killed Jiannu in the legend who ate human flesh and drank human blood, Mao Wenlong asked with a majestic expression: "You should be the staff of Mr. Zhang Haogu, the Jinzhou military equipment, right? Mr. Zhang is there, we Want to see him.——What? You are Master Zhang Haogu? Just kidding, Master Zhang is so famous, how can he grow up like you?"

In [-] A.D., on the twelfth night of March in the sixth year of the Ming Dynasty, twenty places southeast of Tangzhanbao in Liaodong, the Ming army Zhang Haogu, who succeeded in attacking Shengjing, joined forces with the Ming army Dongzhen Mao Wenlong army. It was night. Zhang Haogu's army and Mao Wenlong's army teamed up to defeat the Jiannu Xianghuang Banner, and beheaded Jiannu Xianghuang Banner Youmei Leerzhen Fei Yingdong's head, breaking the myth that Jiannu was invincible in field battles.So far, the name of Zhang Haogu Zhang Gou Shao has had the effect of stopping Jiannu children from crying at night in Liaodong.

(End of this chapter)

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