Chapter 169

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The muskets, which cost nearly 40 taels of silver, suddenly turned into a pile of scrap iron. The parties who fought for the ownership of this pile of scrap iron were all dumbfounded and confused. Do not understand in the end is because of the reason.But the bosses in all aspects think about it carefully, and feel that there are five suspects and suspects behind this incident. Of course, the biggest suspect is Master Zhang who is not comfortable with conspiracy and tricks. It is not only reasonable, but also very possible to deceive people with a batch of fake guns!But unfortunately, Fu Yi used money to buy and verify the timely delivery of information from Feng Quan, the imperial envoy of the Jizhou Firearms Depot, which invisibly helped Master Zhang get rid of the suspicion—after all, if the real gun is still in Fu Yi's hands, If Fu Yi took the wrong medicine, he would give tens of thousands of taels of silver to Feng Quan for free. He opened the firearms store and asked Feng Quan to count it casually, and tens of thousands of taels of silver were saved.

Master Zhang, the biggest suspect, is ruled out, and the remaining suspects and suspects are much more complicated. Fan Yongdou was the first to get the new musket. Although the goods were not in hand for a long time, the possibility of dropping the package halfway was not ruled out. ; After the Alashan tribe bought by Wang Dengku snatched the goods, there was no one to supervise them for more than a day, and the possibility of them dropping the bags was not ruled out; there was also suspicion of the Wang Dengku firm that buried the new muskets in the mountains. If they wanted to drop the bags, the time would be shorter Sufficient and more convenient; the last suspect is Dalai Taiji of the land snake Harqin Grassland. As we all know, in order to get these muskets for free, Dalai dispatched a large number of people to search the deep mountains and old forests near Daji. Dalai found the musket in advance, and it is also possible that the bag was dropped, so the suspicion is not ruled out.

I spent money and became a suspect. Fan Yongdou and Wang Guohua brothers of course quit. They both denounced their grievances and blamed each other. After taking these muskets, he told himself to die a terrible death. After death, he was naked and wrapped in sheepskin, and his head was buried in a pit. His soul would never be reborn!But Horqin Oba and Yue Tuo didn't want to offend the local snake too much, nor did they want to offend Fan Yongdou and Wang Dengku who had silently provided them with food, cloth, horses and weapons for many years, so they all pointed their finger at the poor Alashan tribe , decided to completely wipe out this tribe first, and arrest Taijisamba in Alashan to torture the whereabouts of the muskets!

The most powerful forces on the grassland pointed their sabers at the Alxa'e tribe, and the poor Alxa'e tribe who had been copied by Tumei immediately attacked them. Not only the Jiannu army, the Horqin army, and the Karami army chased them away other small and medium-sized tribes also ran out to add insult to injury and joined the hunt for the Alashan tribe—after all, the powerful new musket is likely to be in the hands of the Alashan tribe. The three hungry wolves blocked the Alashan tribe before, maybe they could get the more than 500 new muskets and become the tyrant of the grassland.Chasing after the front and back, the Alashan tribe has completely become a street mouse. A slightly larger team dares to attack them, robbing their women, cattle and sheep, killing their children and soldiers. The tribe of more than 5000 people has only a few days. It was half tossed.

Fortunately, just when the Alashan'e tribe was in complete despair, their remnant tribe happened to meet a few Mongolian businessmen from Jimen, who brought them a signal of goodwill from Young Master Zhang.I heard that Young Master Zhang, who once killed Jiannu ghosts and howled wolves, was willing to take us in. Taiji Sangba of the Alashan tribe didn't care about distinguishing the true from the false and the past enmity. He bit his teeth and led the remnants of the tribe to march south Finally, after paying the blood of hundreds of soldiers, the remnants of the Alashan tribe finally broke out of the siege before being encircled by the Jiannu army and the Horqin army, and fled to Xifeng Pass.The young master Zhang, who happened to be arranged at the mouth of Xifeng, received this tribe with less than 2000 people in a friendly way, set aside a piece of land for the Alashan tribe near Zunhua, and provided them with urgently needed food and medicine. , help them survive the winter in the pass, and rebuild their homes in the future.

"Master Zhang—!" Taiji Sangba, a member of the Alashan tribe, said that he was over 50 years old, but when he knelt in front of Master Zhang to thank him, the Mongolian old man, who could not find a single black hair on his head, was still howling. After crying, he hugged Young Master Zhang's feet and refused to let go of anything, "Master Zhang, you are the benefactor of our Alashan tribe, benefactor! Your generosity and kindness, all the people of our Alashan tribe will forever I will never forget! From now on, our Alashan’e Tribe will be your most loyal servants, we will do whatever you ask us to do! We will do whatever you want us to do….” Other Alashan’e tribes The clansmen also knelt down together and kowtowed to Young Master Zhang in tears.

"Samba Taiji please get up quickly, this is what I should do." Young Master Zhang, one of the masterminds behind the situation that forced the Alxa tribe into such a situation, pretended to help Samba, and then asked other Alxa tribes Everyone waved, "Get up, get up, we Han people and you Mongols are all descendants of China, we are a family, so there is no need to be so polite. Don't worry, you can live here as if you are living in your own home. It's safe and warm, everyone, get up." Man Gui, a part-time translator next to him, translated Young Master Zhang's words, and the people of the Alashan tribe stood up one after another.

"Samba Taiji, let me introduce you." Young Master Zhang pointed to Man Gui and said, "He is the famous General Man Gui Man. Like you, he is a Mongolian with the blood of the wolf and the white deer. Under your command, there are countless Ming Mongolian warriors who shed the same blood as you, and some of them even have the blood of the Golden Family."

"General Mangui." Samba had heard of Mangui's name a long time ago, and hurriedly practiced Mongolian etiquette to Mangui.Man Gui returned the gift, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Samba Taiji, I have already discussed with Mr. Zhang. We will arrange some Mongolian officers to come over to help you settle in the pass, help you learn Chinese, and communicate with the local Han people. Reduce misunderstandings. After this winter, next year we will set aside a piece of grassland near the Great Wall outside the customs, let you graze cattle and sheep, recuperate, and when our Ming army is free, we will help you regain the lost grassland. Let you go back to your familiar homeland, and let no one dare to bully you on the prairie."

"If this is the case, that would be great." Samba Taiji also said that Mangui was comforting himself, and he refused to believe that the Ming army would use troops on the grassland for them. He agreed with a wry smile, and Samba wiped away Wiping away tears, he choked up and said, "However, Master Zhang and General Man can accept our Alashan tribe, and we are already grateful. How dare we ask you for anything...?"

"It seems that he still refuses to fully trust us." Young Master Zhang smiled slightly in his heart.Just as he was about to continue comforting Samba, Zhang Shitou hurried over and winked at Young Master Zhang. Young Master Zhang understood, and hurriedly handed over the task of comforting the Alashan tribe to Man Gui, and led Zhang Shitou to the place. In the distance, he asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

"Just now, Eunuch Song Jin sent people to send news that the mission to kill Li Hongji, a postman in Mizhi County, Shaanxi Province, failed." Zhang Shitou replied in a low voice.Young Master Zhang's complexion changed, and he asked angrily, "Failed? How could it be possible to fail?! Gao Hongtu's official army and Dongchang's masters, why did you let him run away?"

"That boy is very lucky." Zhang Shitou replied with a mournful face: "After Mr. Gao arrived at Yan'an Mansion, he immediately sent someone to the Mizhi Line Station to arrest Li Hongji. At first, he was successfully arrested, but the officials of Yan'an Mansion did not immediately Killed him, imprisoned him in the Mizhi County Prison, tortured him and interrogated how he contacted the Fugu rebels. His nephew Li Guo led a group of people to break into the prison and rob him. The man Song Eunuch sent from Dongchang to kill him was a step late, so he hurriedly took the officials from Yan'an Mansion to chase after him, but they failed to catch up. According to the news, that Li Hongji took his nephew and some relatives to Fugu County to join the rebels."

"It's the sun, what's this called?" Young Master Zhang couldn't laugh or cry, he said to himself, it's fine if he didn't kill him, but he forced Li Zicheng back, which is really self-defeating.However, Young Master Zhang made some calculations, waved his hand and sighed: "Maybe it's fate, just run and let him run, I don't believe it, Gao Hongtu will promote the cultivation of dog potatoes in Shaanxi next year, and Nine Thousand Years will also be there The whole territory of Shaanxi is engaged in stalls, how many storms can he stir up?"

"That's right, a little postman, is it worth your troubles, Master?" Zhang Shitou also comforted Master Zhang, and then looked at the official document sent by Dongchang, and added: "But the people from Dongchang I was really scared, Mr. Song had your entrustment, young master, that they should not come back if they could not kill Li Hongji! The people who were sent to the East Factory in Shaanxi were afraid that Mr. Song would take care of them and vent their anger on the government servants of Yan'an Prefecture. The yamen servants started fighting, and that yamen servant named Zhang Xianzhong had some skills, and even injured two people from Dongchang."

"Zhang Xianzhong?!" Young Master Zhang, who was still consoling himself just now, stared round his triangular eyes, and roared, "Zhang Xianzhong actually worked as a government servant in Yan'an Mansion? What happened to him afterwards?"

"Let's run away." Zhang Shitou replied relaxedly: "A small yamen servant dared to cut and wound the Dongchang fan. If he stayed, the Dongchang fan didn't peel his skin? So he cut two After the Dongchang battle, Zhang Xianzhong ran away...Young Master, Young Master, what's wrong with you? Come quickly! Young Master fainted!"

After being finally rescued by his own soldiers, the first thing Young Master Zhang said when he woke up was to roar to the sky, "You can't lose a lot of money by stealing a chicken! When the book is used up, you will hate less, the ancients are sincere, don't deceive me—!"


Facts have proved that the development of Shaanxi Thieves has completely exceeded Young Master Zhang's expectations!In just half a month, because of officers' embezzlement of military salaries and deduction of soldiers' rations, the Ming army confronting the rebel army in Yulinwei unexpectedly mutinied. The remaining officers and soldiers of Yulin Guard, which was heavily stationed, were forced to retreat to Yuhebao.Immediately afterwards, in Ansai County in the northwest of Yan'an Prefecture, another fierce man named Gao Yingxiang led an uprising and looted the military rations sent by Gao Hongtu to the front line, causing the front line to run out of food, and the officers and soldiers collapsed again. The rebel army took the opportunity to go south and join forces with Gao Yingxiang's army In a hurry, no matter how capable Gao Hongtu was, he was unable to organize a large number of troops to suppress it. He could only stick to Yan'an and wait for reinforcements. The neighboring counties of Anding, Baoan and Qingjian fell one after another.

What made Young Master Zhang and Wei Zhongxian so angry was still behind. In order to lift the siege of Yan'an, Governor Yang He of the three sides and Governor Hu Tingyan of Shaanxi organized the third wave of troops to go north to suppress the rebellion. There was a mutiny in Fu County, the general Ye Wen was killed by the rebels, and the army collapsed without a fight.At the same time, Wang Er (another fierce man) from Baishui County, Xi'an Prefecture, Shaanxi Province also raised the banner of righteousness, plundered the county seat and led more than [-] people northward to defect to Wang Jiayin, and the strength of the rebel army grew stronger.In addition, Wang Zuohang of Yichuan, Zhang Cunmeng of Luochuan (not sticking to the mud), Monk Yanchuan Wang and Daliang Mengren of Hannan Wang raised the banner of righteousness and fought against the feudal landlord class like Master Zhang. As for small-scale uprisings and There are countless thieves.In a word, the entire territory of Shaanxi is corrupt, and the officers and soldiers can only guard the city, unable to suppress the rebellion.Outside of Shaanxi, there are also constant wars in Shanxi. Not only the Shaanxi uprising army invaded Shanxi, but also Shanxi farmers raised the banner of righteousness.There is also Datong Mansion in the northeast where the situation is relatively better. First, Datong is an important military town with a strong garrison and relatively strong combat effectiveness. The army defeated the insurgents many times and ensured the safety of Datong. However, the Datong army also had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending against the Tatar invasion. They were unable to go south to suppress the uprising.

Relying on the help of Dongchang and the Zhenfu Division, after collecting information from various sources, Young Master Zhang concluded three major reasons for the early and large-scale outbreak of banditry in Shaanxi. First, the food shortage in Shaanxi this year is more serious than in history. Increased taxes on farmers in Shaanxi, but there was no power to relieve the disaster. The people in Shaanxi had nothing to eat. After the uprising broke out, it naturally spread and expanded quickly; It was profitable, and he participated in the uprising with the idea of ​​"become an official, kill and set fire and be recruited", coupled with the butterfly effect brought by the big moth of Young Master Zhang, he sent two rebel geniuses Li Zicheng and Li Zicheng to the rebel army in advance. Zhang Xianzhong, led to the strengthening of the rebel army; thirdly, the governor of Shaanxi Hu Tingyan was more stupid than imagined, and it was fine to bring some third-line troops to counter the rebellion and be incompetent. Serious inefficiency, for the trial implementation in Xi'an Mansion of renting gentry into the mu, colluding with the local gentry to resist the new law, passing the taxes collected by the imperial court on the gentry to the tenants, increasing the burden on the people, forcibly expropriating, and turning the policy of benefiting the people into a law that is harmful to the people, As a result, the people in Shaanxi could not see the hope of life, and they participated in the uprising without hesitation, providing the uprising army with a living soil! ——Every time I think of this, Young Master Zhang can't wait to slap himself in the face, regretting that he didn't take precautions to bring down Hu Tingyan, the most useless governor of Shaanxi in history, in advance!
Young Master Zhang was not the only one who was angry with Hu Tingyan, at least Wei Zhongxian immediately asked Ming Xizong to arrest Hu Tingyan after the third wave of counter-insurgency failed, and handed over to the three justices for serious questioning!And Yang He, the governor of the three sides, was also unlucky. Wei Zhongxian beat him to the end, and he was dismissed from office and went home to grow dog potatoes!However, when discussing who should take over as the governor of Shaanxi, an unexpected situation happened-no matter whether the eunuch party, the Donglin party or the neutral faction in the court, they all unanimously recommended Young Master Zhang to take over as the governor of Shaanxi, and let Young Master Zhang go to calm down Shaanxi thieves are in chaos!The reason is also very simple, Young Master Zhang is both civil and military, Wen Neng Anbang, received two points in Jimen Fire Consumption, and was called Gou Shao Qingtian by the local people, it is appropriate to appease the people; The Eight Banners of Jiannu have nothing to do with Young Master Zhang, let alone the troublesome people and thieves in this area?Such a talented person with both civil and military skills, if he doesn't use the knife to suppress the rebellion, who will?And these people are not all out of malice. In order to let Young Master Zhang put down the peasant uprising in Shaanxi as soon as possible, many people even suggested that the imperial court make an exception for promotion, so that Young Master Zhang can also take up the official position of governor of the three sides, so as to avoid the time of suppressing the rebellion. Being constrained.

Faced with the unanimous voice of civil and military officials, Wei Zhongxian was in a dilemma. Wei Zhongxian also knew that his godson, Young Master Zhang, was the best candidate for the positions of governor of Shaanxi and governor of the three sides, but Young Master Zhang had greeted Wei Zhongxian early on. It took one year of military training to use the Slave Slaughter Army to participate in military operations. Out of his trust and love for Young Master Zhang, Wei Zhongxian also agreed.But now the slave slaughter army has been training for less than half a year, not to mention that even the new muskets are not fully equipped, the imperial court will transfer the position of young master Zhang, Wei Zhongxian will not say anything to young master Zhang, the training plan of the slave slaughter army will also be disrupted ——Wei Zhongxian's plan to create a tiger and wolf division that is only loyal to himself will also fail.After hesitating, Wei Zhongxian was naturally unable to make a decision.

"Forget it, let's call the little monkey boy back to the capital for a while." The military situation was on fire, and Wei Zhongxian couldn't tolerate too much hesitation. After thinking about it for a night, Wei Zhongxian made a decision - call Master Zhang back to the capital to discuss face to face, if Young Master Zhang is willing to go to Shaanxi, so Wei Zhongxian will not stop him!If Young Master Zhang insisted on staying in Jimen to continue training the slave-slaughter army, then he could discuss it. At the very least, he would have someone with military knowledge to help him make suggestions and discuss how to put down the rebellion in Shaanxi.

(End of this chapter)

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