Chapter 181
(PS: The second update is delivered, continue to ask for monthly ticket support.)
On July 25, Master Zhang’s Northern Expeditionary Army arrived at Daji. Horqin Oba and Karaqin Dalai, who had fled here, hastily organized a Tatar army of about 1000 to fight. They came from Liaodong to participate in the Xifengkou The [-] Jiannu iron cavalry in the battle were also led by Daishan's third son Sahaphos to join the Tatar coalition forces, and fought a decisive battle with Master Zhang on the grassland in the southern suburbs of Daji.

At noon, the two sides of the decisive battle set up their positions, and Young Master Zhang ordered someone to take out 3 taels of silver. Ming army, cash it out on the spot!He also ordered Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong team and Wu Sangui's wolf cavalry team to go out and pick Jiannu's iron cavalry to attack!Immediately afterwards, the war drums sounded, and the [-]-thousand-thousand-thousand Tatar soldiers led by the Alashan tribe tribesmen charged forward as if they had been injected with chicken blood, aiming directly at the center of Oba and Dalai!Lu Xiangsheng and Wu Sangui's cavalry led by Lu Xiangsheng and Wu Sangui threw a left uppercut and rushed to the right flank where the Jiannu cavalry was located, firing randomly from a long distance away!

In an instant, the sound of war drums, muskets, shouts, slogans and horseshoes resounded on the grassland. The Mongolian cavalry who had surrendered to the Ming army yelled for money, food and women. , scrambling to be the first to harvest heads—that vicious look was like a completely different army from when they were at Xifengkou, and the Tatar coalition army led by Oba and Dalai had already been terrified by the news of Xifengkou’s disastrous defeat. When the compatriots of the past came to kill with red eyes, they were even more panicked, almost defeated at the first touch, and were thrown into chaos by the Mongolian soldiers in the blink of an eye.The super long-distance muskets of the slaughtering slave army over there also caused chaos in the Jiannu army. The Jiannu cavalry, who like to charge in groups, mustered up their courage and lined up to charge towards Lu Xiangsheng and Wu Sangui's army. The slave slaughtering army was on the vast prairie While fighting and retreating, while turning around and retreating to distance from the Jiannu cavalry, while shooting outside the range of the bow and arrow, using cavalry and shooting muskets to weaken Jiannu's strength, Jiannu's side chased and couldn't catch up, and couldn't fight. , could only be shot one after another by the strictly trained gun shooting skills of the Slavery Army, screaming and falling off the horse, and then being trampled into flesh by the horses charging intensively from the self army.

"I have slaughtered slaves! There are no slaves in the world!" On the side of the Ming army's main formation, Young Master Zhang personally beat the drums, and the remaining soldiers of the slave slaughter army and the Mangui cavalry shouted slogans to cheer up the morale of the soldiers ahead.Amidst the inspiring slogans and the sound of war drums, the soldiers who slaughtered the slaves shot faster and faster. In the end, Jiannu didn't even dare to chase them, so they could only turn their horses and flee back to the front line. The slave slaughter army turned around and shot to kill them again. The smoke billowed on the battlefield. One after another, the slave slave cavalrymen were shot by muskets. They screamed and fell off their horses. Army soldiers trampled to death with horses, hacked to death with knives! ——When the road is narrow, the massacres of the slave-slaughter army are unrivaled in the world. When it comes to open terrain, the horse-shooting muskets of the slave-slaughter army, which were born out of Mongolian iron cavalry, are also unmatched, and they shoot faster than the Mongolian horn bow Farther away, more accurate shots, and stricter discipline, Jiannu, who is used to group charges, is the fate of a living target in front of such an army.

When the two armies meet, the brave wins!The morale of the Tatar allied forces, which was already low, was inevitably more flustered when they saw the slave cavalry they relied on for support being beaten into a panic by the slave army, while the Mongolian soldiers who had received a promise of rewards became more morale and charged more. Bravery, after less than half an hour of charging down, the main formation of the Tatar coalition forces, the most powerful, was cut into two halves by the Mongolian troops!Seeing that the time had come, Young Master Zhang immediately ordered the remaining [-] people to charge in formation. Amidst the more violent drumming, three neatly arranged Mongolian soldiers swept up, like three floods rushing toward the people who were cut into pieces. The two sections of the Tatar coalition army, who had been terrified at first, shouted that we lost, and then ran away. The Mongolian surrendered troops were chasing after them like tigers descending from the mountain. beheaded.The slave slaughtering army that had shot Jiannu to death and wounded more than half of them also launched a countercharge, outflanking the remnant Jiannu army with both left and right wings.

"I won't fight anymore, this battle can't be fought!" Sahaphos fell into complete despair——in front of the slave slaughter army that Young Master Zhang spent countless efforts to build, Sahaphos' army could neither catch up nor fight. They can be shot and killed by the super-long-range muskets of the slave army like cattle and sheep, and if the fighting continues, Saha's army will be consumed by the slave army!In desperation, Sahaphos could only order the whole army to retreat, turn around and run away, while the slave-slaughter army chased after them, continuing to chase and kill the slave-building army who was at a loss in front of the ultra-long range of rifled muskets, like bursting beans The sound of gunfire never stopped, and the screams of Jiannu cavalrymen who fell off their horses never stopped.

"Follow Mr. Zhang, grab money, grab food, grab women!" "I will slaughter slaves! There will be no slaves in the world!" Amidst the majestic slogans, the [-] Tatar coalition forces that had only supported for more than an hour collapsed, howling or Either pat the horse and flee for their lives, or roll off the horse and kneel down to surrender.The Ming army pursued and killed them on a large scale, taking advantage of the opportunity to seize the small town of Daji and the Chaohan River Tao. The corpses of the Tatar coalition army were scattered all over the field, and they fled in a hurry. Young Master Zhang shouted: "You should be brave enough to chase the poor, and you should not sell yourself as the overlord! Chase me!" , Don’t scare the Tatars, beat them to despair, never withdraw their troops! I will slaughter the slaves——!”

"There are no slaves in the world!" Countless soldiers roared in unison. Young Master Zhang left Ma Dengyun to lead 100 soldiers to take prisoners and clean up the battlefield, and personally led the rest of the army to join the pursuit team!Seeing Young Master Zhang's handsome flag chasing after him, the morale of the Ming army was greatly boosted, especially the Mongolian soldiers. The fast-moving Mongolian soldiers rushed into the densely populated areas, brandishing knives and slashing wildly, while the Tatar allied forces were even more desperate. The clever ones threw down their weapons and knelt down to beg for mercy, while the stubborn ones fled northward desperately, trying to get rid of the pursuers. It's a pity that Young Master Zhang is determined to beat the Tatar tribe into despair. If he gains the upper hand, he will not forgive others. He will bite the tail of the defeated Tatar army and will not let him go. The defeated Tartar army fled from noon to dark, from chicken hunting to Fuyu, and traveled more than [-] miles, but they still couldn't get rid of the pursuit of the Ming army.

"I won't fight anymore, I won't fight anymore." Someone shouted, and immediately received countless responses. Team after team of Tatar coalition soldiers rolled off their foaming horses, dropped their weapons, and covered themselves in sand. Chen knelt on both sides of the road, weeping and surrendering.Although Oba, Dalai and the others tried their best to stop them, and even brandished their sabers to slash and sway the soldiers, it was a pity that the exhausted soldiers of the Tatar coalition army had been killed and their souls were frightened away. They would rather go south to find the Ming army to surrender. He also didn't want to follow Oba and Dalai to flee north again.Auba and Dalai cursed in a hurry, but there was nothing they could do. Over there, Huang Taiji hurriedly shouted: "Father-in-law, Dalai Taiji, there is no longer any delay, let's run away! If we delay any longer, the barbarian army will chase us again." Kill it!"

"Escape? Where to escape? This is my grassland, where else can I escape?" Dalai suddenly became angry, and immediately grabbed Huang Taiji by the collar and shouted: "It's all you, a dog Jian slave, who killed me." I lost tens of thousands of my army, and even recruited Zhang Haogu, a little mad dog! Tell me, are you deliberately trying to harm our Harqin tribe?!"

"Dalai Taiji, please calm down." Huang Taiji wiped the sweat and sand from his face, and said with a mournful face: "I never thought that that little barbarian Zhang Haogu could not only fight defensively, but also fight battles better. Unexpectedly, in only one year, he could train such a powerful army, but we still have a chance! As long as we escape to Tumote (now Harqin Left Banner), we can regroup, which is close to Liaodong , we can contact the Liaodong Dajin army and reorganize the army to fight Zhang Haogu's little barbarian! My father hates Zhang Haogu's little barbarian to the bone, and will definitely agree to our request for help!"

"Fuck you!" Da Lai was anxious, grabbed Huang Taiji by the collar and threw him off his horse, roaring with bloodshot eyes, "I'm not going to Tumote, I'm going to Kansihu (now Karaqin) Zhongqi)! It was you Horqin Tatars who went to provoke Zhang Haogu’s little mad dog, not our Karaqin Mongolia! Zhang Haogu’s little mad dog is looking for someone to settle accounts, and it is you!” Glancing at Auba, he turned his head and shouted: "Mongol warriors of Harqin, follow me to Kansihu, and let the barbarians chase Horqin's Tatars!"

Roaring, Dalai indeed led Karaqin to the northwest where Kansihu was.Fan Wencheng quickly dismounted and helped Huang Taiji up, and said angrily: "Master, don't pay attention to that stupid man, let Zhang Haogu's little mad dog settle the score with him, let's go back to Horqin." Never thought that Huang Taiji would laugh Said: "Stupid slave, do you think your master really wants to join forces with him to fight Zhang Haogu? Little Zhang Haogu is chasing him so closely. If I don't motivate him to return to Kansihu, it will attract Zhang Haogu's pursuit." Bing, it's easy for Zhang Haogu to catch up with us! Only when he goes to Kansi, Zhang Haogu's little barbarian weighs the weight, and we have a chance to escape back to Horqin Grassland!"

"Master, did you do it on purpose?" Fan Wencheng was taken aback.Huang Taiji proudly replied: "Of course, Zhang Haogu is as cunning as a fox, how could he not consider the danger of the Dajin army going out of Montenegro to cut off his retreat, and fighting all the way to the Horqin grassland? He wants to eliminate The only way to get rid of us is to catch up with us on the road and kill us on the way. Now I will send that idiot of Dalai back to Kansihu. If Zhang Haogu insists on chasing and killing us, he has to worry about his food supply and escape route. , you will only go after the army from Karachinda, and will not chase our Horqin army."

"That makes sense, let's go." Horqin Oba, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke up, commanding the army and said, "Come with me, go back to the Horqin Grassland, and let Zhang Haogu chase that stupid pig!" Needless to say, the remnants of the army fled to their hometown in the Northeast without hesitation, living and dying with Horqin's army.


Huang Taiji's calculation was very good, but unfortunately his opponent was Young Master Zhang who was more slippery than the fox.After discovering that the enemy had separated and fled in the dark, Young Master Zhang decisively ordered, "Pursue to the northeast, and those fleeing to the northeast must be Horqin Oba's army! We must not let the Horqin army have a chance to breathe, let alone recruit Jiannu's reinforcements!" "

"Brother Zhang, what about our back road and food road?" Man Gui asked in surprise.Young Master Zhang grinned grimly and replied: "What food road do we have? On the grassland, we can only support wars by fighting! As for the back road, even if the Harqin army doesn't come to intercept us, we will destroy him when we return! Man Gui was stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "Light up the torches, and chase them northeast!"

Master Zhang disregarded the food road and the rear road, and pursued and killed the Horqin army who fled to the northeast. Now the self-defeating Huang Taiji and the Horqin army were all dumbfounded. They ran from night to dawn, and finally escaped to Keke In the upper reaches of the tributary of the river, the Horqin army could not run anymore. They had just dismounted to rest and drink some river water to quench their thirst.Seeing the soldiers of the slave-slaughtering army covered in sand all over their bodies like sandmen, the Horqin army and the remnants of the Jiannu army were completely desperate. The Horqin Tatar soldiers, who were even worse at fighting will, knelt down countless times, prostrating in front of the slave slaughter army and yelling to surrender.In the chaos, Fan Wencheng saw that the situation was not good, and quickly pulled Huang Taiji and his horse into the river, rushed along the river and fled downstream. There was no time to pay attention to the two Xiaoqiangs jumping into the river to escape, and the two Xiaoqiangs escaped by chance.

At this point, the chicken fighting battle was basically over, and Young Master Zhang once again defeated the Tatar coalition forces. The [-] Jiannu Zhenghongqi cavalry who were known as the elite were also wiped out and captured by the slave army. Among them, the [-] Tatar allied forces were wiped out except for the more than [-] people taken away by Dalai.At this point, the Tatar coalition forces had disappeared in smoke, and there was no second tribe on the prairie that could stand alone against Young Master Zhang's army.However, what made Young Master Zhang very angry was that the crucial Horqin Tuxietu Puppet Khan Oba was lost in the chaos. Did he die in the chaos and was trampled into meat sauce, or did he succeed in fleeing alone? Even the captured Auba soldiers couldn't explain clearly—no way, the pursuit battle yesterday was too chaotic.

In view of the different stamina of the soldiers and horses during the pursuit of the war, and the fact that the front and rear of the Ming army were also very disjointed, it took Master Zhang a full day to regroup the army, and the captured more than [-] Tatar soldiers also shot After the reorganization, the more than [-] Jiannu cavalry captured alive were all buried alive by Young Master Zhang, in order to commemorate the soldiers and civilians of Youtun and Dalinghe who were massacred by the Yuetuo Department of the Jiannu Army last year!After finishing these things, Young Master Zhang summoned Man Gui, Samba, Song Xiance and others to discuss with them the next direction of attack.

"Boss, I think we should turn around and go west to Kansihu to destroy the Dalai tribe of the Karaqin Tatars." Song Xiance pointed to the map and said, "After we have wiped out the Tatar tribes of Dalai first, we can Obtain a large number of cattle, sheep and war horses for the food and grass of the army, and at the same time obtain a large number of soldiers, relieve the trouble in the rear, and attack the Horqin grassland without any worries."

"Master Zhang, I also think Kansihu should be called first." Samba said cautiously: "Of the 36 tribes of Duoyan, Taiji of eleven tribes have surrendered to us. We can get enough supplies, advance, attack, retreat, and defend, and remain invincible." Speaking of this, Samba took a peek at Young Master Zhang's face, and found that Young Master Zhang was expressionless, so he asked Man Gui again : "General Mangui, what do you think?"

"Brother Zhang, let's decide." Man Gui stretched his muscles and said with a smile: "In terms of tactical target selection, I believe that there is no second person in this world who can match Brother Zhang. He said that it is the most suitable place to fight." , let's go fight there!"

"I think we can't go west, but go north, and take the Horqin Grassland!" Young Master Zhang said with a serious expression: "Going west to the Harqin Grassland, we can be invincible, but time delays , the Tatars on the Horqin Grassland will have enough time to prepare for war, and at the same time, Jiannu will also have enough time to send reinforcements to the Horqin Grassland to fight us in the Horqin Grassland. If unfortunately the war is delayed until winter, it will be even more troublesome Now, the grasslands are covered by heavy snow in winter, where can our war horses go to find so much fodder? The most dangerous thing is that our musketeers have nowhere to resupply their ammunition. The winning weapon!"

Having said that, Young Master Zhang slammed the map and said in a deep voice: "So we have no choice, soldiers are precious, and we must head north immediately, before the Horqin Tatars are ready for war and before the army of slaves can be reinforced. Capture Gelejuergen City in one fell swoop, and quickly cut off the arm of this slave! Then turn around and take care of Dalai in the Karaqin Grassland!"

"But if we lose too much in the Horqin Grassland, or if we consume too much ammunition, Dalai gathers a heavy army to resist and cut off our retreat...?" Song Xiance asked hesitantly.Young Master Zhang sneered and said: "If we really get into that situation, we don't have to worry about the way back. Don't forget, when we head to the northeast, we must first take down Tumot. If it doesn't work, we can start from Tumo The small road to the east passes through the Greater Khingan Mountains and goes east to Jinzhou in the west of Liaoning—no matter how courageous the governor of Liaodong is, he dare not send troops to stop us, right?"

"That's the reason. I support going north and directly attacking the Horqin Grassland." Man Gui voted in favor.Over there, Song Xiance and Samba also nodded in agreement out of the trust of Young Master Zhang in using soldiers like gods.Only then did Young Master Zhang stand up, and said with a smile: "Since everyone has no objections, let's march north! Pass my order down, and the Tatar tribes encountered on the way will be killed within a limited time for one stick of incense." All the Jiannu and the children born of intermarriage with Jiannu in the tribe surrendered their heads to our army, provided soldiers, hostages, cattle and sheep for our army, and supported our army's Northern Expedition! Otherwise, all clans will be exterminated!"

(End of this chapter)

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