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Chapter 189 The Problem of Face

Chapter 189 The Problem of Face
(PS: There are two updates today, and the first one will be delivered. Please ask for a monthly ticket for October.)
"My humble official Zhang Haogu is sincere and fearful, and I would like to play the sage. My humble official relies on the emperor's heavenly power. The greatness of Zhongxing, Miaomo, the supervisor of ceremonies, and Jiamo, the weeping warlord, came out of Jimen on July 11th, the seventh year of Tianqi. He led 20 troops into the enemy's territory for more than 31 li, and fought for more than three months. He defeated the important city of Tatar, Grajurgen, and fought four battles and [-] small battles. Invincible, killed more than [-] enemies, beheaded more than [-] enemies, killed [-] Tatar princes, captured [-] Tatar princes, and captured Tatar Tushetu Puppet Khan Borzigit Oba and his friends. There are more than [-] members of the family, and more than [-] Tatar cavalry were captured. Tatar banner weapons, cattle, sheep and horses were captured, countless! The Horqin and Karaqin Tatar tribes surrendered in anticipation and offered their protons as tribute to the Before the army, there are hundreds of Tatars, and the battle is set!"

When Wang Yongguang, Minister of the Ministry of War, personally finished reading Master Zhang's victory memorial impassionedly, all the civil and military officials in the court opened their mouths wide open, and Ming Xizong and Wei Zhongxian also gasped. Everyone was speechless for a long time, and there was only one thought in their hearts. , "Madman! Zhang Haogu is a complete lunatic! Others beheaded and killed enemies with hundreds of tricks, and only this lunatic counted hundreds of thousands!" After a long time, the British public Zhang Weixian came to his senses and was the first to kneel. He stepped down and shouted loudly: "The great victory in the grassland is all due to my emperor's great blessing. Employing people properly, soldiers using their lives, and taking the lead bravely! My emperor's literary and martial arts, the great Ming Zhongxing is expected!"

"My emperor's sage, Ming's rejuvenation, is just around the corner! Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" All the civil and military officials and the eunuchs, the chief inspectors and eunuchs, knelt down together and shouted long live, not to be outdone.Ming Xizong was so excited that he dug his fingers into the mouth of the dragon on the armrest of the dragon chair, and after a while he tried to calm down and said: "Everyone is flat, this victory is all thanks to Zhang Haogu's ability to lead the army, Wei Zhongxian employs people properly, everyone Aiqing's strategizing is also the result of my great blessing! One day, if I meet my ancestors, I will also have an account for the late emperors!"

"Long live thank you!" All civil and military officials kowtowed to thank you, and then stood up again, peeking at Wei Zhongxian's face with complicated emotions, but saw that although Wei Zhongxian tried to pretend to be calm, the muscles at the base of his ears kept twitching—obviously, Wei Zhongxian was clenching his teeth hard, lest he couldn't help being excited and excited, and cheered loudly on the spot.Excited and ecstatic, Ming Xizong also stood up and shouted loudly: "Zhang Haogu with [-] solitary troops, without food and aid, moved to the grassland for thousands of miles. The Tar tribes, raise the prestige of our Ming Dynasty beyond the Great Wall! Zhang Haogu, my God of War, the God of War of Ming Dynasty!"

"He's also our family's God of War!" Wei Zhongxian gritted his teeth hard, and roared viciously in his heart: "From now on, our family will have to see who else dares to disobey our family's thoughts, who else dares Don't you listen to our family?! In our hands, we already have an invincible army that is invincible in the world, and an invincible son, God of War—!"

"What my emperor said is very true. Zhang Haogu has outnumbered the enemy, defeated the strong with the weak, and has fought thousands of miles without losing a single defeat. He is indeed the God of War of our Ming Dynasty!" Many people echoed their praise from the bottom of their hearts. After all, a single army like Young Master Zhang went deep into the enemy's territory and traveled thousands of miles without a single defeat. This kind of record can only be compared with the perverted generals who founded the country in the history of Ming Dynasty.And Wei Zhongxian over there finally couldn't help it anymore, and laughed out loud.

"Zhongxian, what are you laughing at?" Ming Xizong noticed Wei Zhongxian's smile, and asked with a smile: "Zhang Haogu is your own son, he is doing you a favor, you must be very happy as a father, right?" But to be honest, I am very happy for you, Zhongxian, both of you father and son are my ministers, and you have someone who will succeed you, and someone who will succeed you."

"Slaves thank the emperor for praise on behalf of dogs. This is what slaves and dogs should do." Wei Zhongxian said a few words of real modesty, and couldn't help laughing: "There are still servants who are thinking about waiting for Zhang Haogu's victory memorial to be used as a residence. After the news is published, I don’t know how those generals who will only yell about having no money, no food, no military pay will react?”

"What will be the reaction? Of course..." Ming Xizong originally wanted to say that those people would be ashamed and plan to commit suicide, but considering that all civil and military officials were around, it was difficult to say too serious words, so he quickly stopped the following sentence and smiled. Silent.The civil and military officials over there were all silent, and they all guessed that Ming Xizong didn't finish his sentence.At this time, Hou Xun, the former Jimen inspector who had been demoted by two ranks, could no longer hold back, and stood up and questioned: "Your Majesty, Eunuch Wei, I think that Zhang Haogu's performance may be false! As we all know, When Zhang Haogu went out to fight, he had only 11 Ming troops in his hands, yet he killed hundreds of thousands of enemies and beheaded more than 40. Isn't this too exaggerated? Don't say that there are more than 40 Tatars roaming and grazing on the grasslands. With [-] pigs running around on the grassland, it is impossible for Zhang Haogu’s [-] troops to be wiped out so quickly, right? I have the courage to ask the emperor to send people to investigate carefully, to check the authenticity of Zhang Haogu’s captured head, and How much."

After being reminded by Hou Xun, Ming Xizong and Wei Zhongxian were also a little shaken-the record reported by Young Master Zhang is too exaggerated, which is indeed an unimaginable challenge for the Ming army who is accustomed to losing record.But at this time, Wang Yongguang, the Minister of the Ministry of War who often complained behind his back that Young Master Zhang was spending money like water, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Eunuch Wei, please rest assured that Zhang Haogu's real record is comparable to that of Zou. There were only a lot more in the report, and all the heads captured in the battle were brought back to the Jimen Great Wall. There were more than 500 carriages containing the heads alone! Weichen dared to use his wealth and life to guarantee Zhang Haogu. The report is true!"

"That's good, that's good." Ming Xizong and Wei Zhongxian nodded together, and immediately felt relieved.Wang Yongguang kowtowed again and said: "There is one more thing, because there are many Mongolian soldiers in Zhang Haogu's army, Zhang Haogu dare not take them into the Great Wall without authorization, and the army is currently stationed outside Gubeikou. Zhang Haogu asked With the permission of the emperor, some of the most elite of the Mongolian surrendered troops will be incorporated into the regular army of the Ming Dynasty, and the remaining surrendered troops will be rewarded with a small amount of money and food. area, to ensure the safety of the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty.”

"Zhang Aiqing is really cautious in handling things. It is really difficult to restrain the [-] Mongolian soldiers who descended into the Great Wall." Ming Xizong nodded in satisfaction, and then ordered: "Zhongxian, you can discuss with the cabinet with the inspector of ceremonies, and give Zhang Haogu a gift. After approving the grain, grass and money, pass the decree to Zhang Haogu, let him settle down the Mongolian troops, and then return to Beijing with the Mongolian Taiji division who surrendered to Ming Dynasty. I will personally go to Desheng Gate to welcome his triumphant division."

"My servant will obey the imperial decree." Wei Zhongxian immediately agreed, and then said respectfully: "Your Majesty, this servant wants to meet Zhang Haogu's triumphant master in person at Qinghedian, please allow me." Ming Xizong laughed and agreed, "Alright Zhongxian, you should also go and let the people of Gyeonggi take a look at what a proud son you have."

On October 26th, the seventh year of the Great Ming Dynasty, after the Mongolian soldiers who had gone south with the army settled down, Master Zhang’s triumphant division crossed the Great Wall through Gubeikou, officially returned to the territory of Daming Shuntian Prefecture, and then returned to the capital by Changping Road.Along the way, the people of Gyeonggi who heard the news lined the road to greet them, scrambling to witness this legendary and miraculous master. The area was boiling with enthusiasm, and all the officials, soldiers and civilians praised the majesty and appearance of the slave-slaughter army, and Master Zhang's name as the God of War, the dog boy, caused a sensation in the capital.

On the 28th, the slaughtering slave army crossed the Shahe River and traveled for more than ten miles. They saw Wei Zhongxian personally leading a group of eunuchs to meet Qinghedian. Master Zhang didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly ordered the team to stop, got off his horse and rushed to Wei Zhongxian. Kneeling down, choking with sobs, he shouted: "My son, Zhang Haogu, met my father. This time, my son went to Tatar in the north, and I entrusted my father with great blessings. Fortunately, I did not disgrace my mission. I never thought that my father would go out of the city for twenty miles to meet him. My son was terrified. to the end."

"Okay, okay, get up." Wei Zhongxian helped Young Master Zhang with a smile, looked at Young Master Zhang for a long time, and then said with a smile: "The monkey boy has lost weight and tanned, it must be during this northern expedition Are you tired? But to be honest, you little monkey dared to enter the grassland for more than 2000 miles with [-] troops, but it gave our family a jump. I am afraid that from now on, I will never have a chance to see you. Little monkey cub."

"Your father is worrying about you, my son is a death sentence." Young Master Zhang pretended to be guilty, and said hypocritically: "At that time, my son had just broken the Tatar coalition army, and the Tatar princes blamed each other, internal discord and panic, The situation is extremely favorable for me, Ming, and good opportunities can never be found, so I dared to launch the Northern Expedition without asking for an order, and if I overstepped, I ask my father to forgive me."

"Forget it, the general is out, and the emperor's order is not acceptable." Wei Zhongxian will blame Young Master Zhang for launching the Northern Expedition without authorization, laughing and waving his hands, and then said: "You monkey boy, this time you really let me go!" Our family showed their face once, a mere [-] troops beat hundreds of thousands of Tatars to the point of crying, and they rushed to surrender to Daming. Our family wants to see, from now on, who else dares to fight? Say no to our guards?"

"Thank you, my dear father, for your compliment." Young Master Zhang thanked him with an apologetic smile on his face, but he was thinking in his stomach how he could get more benefits from Wei Zhongxian's hand, and strengthen his slave slaughter army a little bit more.At this time, the Mongols, headed by Oba, Wu Keshan, and Seqian, also lined up and knelt down ten steps away from Wei Zhongxian. Thousands of lives, thousands of years, thousands of years. Criminal officials and others don't know how to live or die, offend the borders of the Ming Dynasty, offend the emperor of Ming Dynasty and Jiu Qiansui, they deserve death, please punish Jiu Qiansui!"

As we all know, Wei Zhongxian's greatest hobby is to be obedient, and he wants to save face and show off.Now, in front of tens of thousands of onlookers on both sides of the road, and dozens of Mongolian princes wearing gold-inlaid leather hats kowtowed to Wei Zhongxian and took the initiative to plead guilty, Wei Zhongxian was so proud that even his bones lost dozens of catties. He raised his head and hummed: "Get up, you Mongolian Taiji, who don't know how to live or die, dared to send 12 troops to offend the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty. Now you all know that you don't need to take action from our family, but our own son can take it If you want to make a circle, you can make a circle, and if you want to squeeze it, you can squeeze it! Get up, come to Beijing with our family, and ask the emperor to punish you for your crimes."

"Nine thousand years old, we already know the might of the Ming army and you." Auba, who had been instructed by Young Master Zhang, tremblingly begged for forgiveness: "When we are in front of the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, please ask Jiu Qiansui to speak well for us and forgive our sins. The same is true of the dozens of Mongolian Taijis over there, pleading with one voice: "Please give Nine Thousand Years a good word and forgive the sinner."

"Okay, okay, our family promises you." Wei Zhongxian was even more proud, his head was so high that his nostrils almost pointed at the sky.Young Master Zhang gave the Mongolian auspicious eyes a few more winks, and the Mongolian auspicious people kowtowed their heads in thanks, and got up one after another.Selen also took the initiative to flatter and said: "Nine thousand years old, please let your most loyal servant, Selen, lead the horse and drop the stirrups for you." Ukeshan also rushed to say: "Nine thousand years old, if you take a car, Please allow your most loyal servant, Wu Keshan, to drive the chariot for you."

"It's a good idea to let a Mongolian prince lead a horse and drive a chariot." Wei Zhongxian, who dreamed of showing off, was secretly happy, and was about to agree.Over there, Young Master Zhang hurriedly said: "Dad, the Qinghe store is twenty miles away from the capital. Riding a horse and taking a car is too hard. I have already prepared a sedan chair for my father. Please take a sedan chair." With a whistle, the slave slaughtering army immediately lifted out a large open-air sedan chair carried by 32 people. Very majestic.Young Master Zhang respectfully said: "Father, I'm taking the liberty to build you a big sedan chair with my own money for my father's special use for patrolling the army. Please get on the sedan chair."

"Okay, okay." Wei Zhongxian was overjoyed, and hurriedly got on the big sedan chair with the support of Young Master Zhang.Young Master Zhang mounted his war horse again and shouted: "Slaughter Army, get off your horse and walk, marching on foot, return to the capital."

The order was spread, and all the 4000 slave-slaughter troops dismounted and raised their guns as a parade.Wei Zhongxian was still wondering, he felt that the infantry was not as good as the cavalry, and he never thought that when the soldiers of the Slaughter Army stepped out, the ground shook, and Wei Zhongxian almost jumped up in fright, and the onlookers on both sides of the road also screamed know what happened.Immediately afterwards, the [-] slave-slaughter troops marched forward in an incomparably standard military parade. Every time they took a step, there was a muffled thunder under their feet, and the ground shook at the same time. The [-] people walked in order, as if they were one.Wei Zhongxian was dumbfounded at first, and then saw the dumbfounded expressions of the people on the side of the road. Wei Zhongxian couldn't help but feel that the scenery was incomparable, and couldn't help laughing and said: "Monkey boy, with you, four thousand troops are more powerful than one hundred thousand troops." fierce!"

I have to admit that under Young Master Zhang's deliberate ingratiation, Wei Zhongxian really saved enough face today. Before his 32nd carried the big sedan chair, there were three marching army flag bearers, one holding the flag straight with both hands, and the other The man held a rifled musket with a three-edged bayonet in his arms, and his footsteps were spotless; behind his big sedan chair, there were four thousand people lined up in a neat square formation, walking forward with their guns in hand. The large queue, as well as the neat and straight steps and the motionless straight body, are enough to open the eyes of the people in Gyeonggi beside the road, and they are amazed and exclaimed again and again.And Wei Zhongxian sat on the big sedan chair with an incomparable scenery, looking left and right, proud and arrogant.

"I will slaughter slaves—!" Young Master Zhang yelled loudly, and the four thousand soldiers of the slave slaughter army shouted in unison, "There are no slaves in the world—!"

"I will slaughter slaves!"

"There are no slaves in the world—!"

The sound was like thunder, straight into the sky, so neat that the people on the roadside were dumbfounded, and Wei Zhongxian nodded again and again. He couldn't help standing up, walked to the handrail of the sedan chair, and shouted in front of the [-] slave-slaughter soldiers marching neatly, " My sons and daughters, you have worked hard." I never thought that the four thousand soldiers of the slave slaughter army had already replied in unison: "Nine thousand years old, you have worked hard——!"

"Hey, this old eunuch is still self-taught." Young Master Zhang was a little surprised, secretly thankful that he had rehearsed a similar answer beforehand.Wei Zhongxian was taken aback for a moment, then laughed and said: "Okay, okay, you are very proud of our family, and our family will not treat you badly!"

"Allegiance to Nine Thousand Years—!" The Four Thousand Slaves replied neatly again.As a result, Wei Zhongxian laughed until his old face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, turned his head and yelled at Young Master Zhang, "Monkey boy, yes, yes, our family likes your army! Our family has decided to go back to Beijing I ask the emperor to allocate 10 taels of nephew's silver to reward you for this army!"

"Thank you for the Nine Thousand Years Award!" Young Master Zhang took the lead in shouting.The well-trained soldiers of the [-]-year-old slave army yelled again, "Thank you for the nine-thousand-year-old reward!"

"Okay, okay." Wei Zhongxian smiled even more proudly, beckoned to call Young Master Zhang to the front, and said through gritted teeth: "Monkey boy, expand the army for our family, expand the army! Not only how much money you spend, but also how much you pay, you will give us everything." Let’s triple the size of our army! With three armies like yours, what we say can be truly guaranteed in the whole world!”

(End of this chapter)

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