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Chapter 204 Daming Zhang Qingtian

Chapter 204 Daming Zhang Qingtian

On the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, Young Master Zhang took time to go to Jizhou, where he delivered the seal letter with Yan Mingtai, the new governor of Jimen. The backing of Shanhaiguan, which Young Master Zhang could barely rest assured, had a good understanding with Yan Mingtai's Yongping army during his tenure in Jimen, so the delivery of the seals went very smoothly, and it only took half a day to complete the handover.It was only at the end that Young Master Zhang reminded Yan Mingtai, "Yan Futai, I think to ensure that Jimen is safe, we must pay attention to intelligence work, especially use Mongolian businessmen and pro-Ming Mongolian tribes to grasp the grassland trends. The sooner the enemy situation is discovered, the sooner Jimen can prepare to defend against the enemy, and the sooner the reinforcements from Master Xiong and I can arrive at Jimen to help you defend against the enemy."

"Thank you Tanhualang for reminding me, I will definitely follow your instructions." Yan Mingtai clasped his fists to Young Master Zhang, and said sincerely: "Please rest assured, Tanhualang, the good situation in Jimen that you played with one hand, the next official will never I will be buried in vain, and I will definitely be the backing of Shanhaiguan." Young Master Zhang nodded in satisfaction, and then bid farewell to Yan Mingtai, Sun Zhijin and other Jimen officials, and returned to the capital, but what Young Master Zhang didn't expect was that he had just walked out of the governor's office in Jimen At that time, the streets were already unknowingly filled with countless people from Jizhou. Amidst the fluttering snowflakes, the two elders headed by held up a huge vermilion umbrella with densely written names on it, and walked slowly. In front of Young Master Zhang.

"Zhang Qingtian, thanks to you, Jimen's fire consumption has only received three points, and thanks to you, we Jimen people don't have to worry about Tatars coming to kill and set fire." The oldest old man said with a choked voice: "We have nothing to thank you for. It's snowing. Zhang Qingtian took this umbrella on the road to cover the snowflakes."

Looking at the big vermilion umbrella fluttering gently in the snow, and the tens of thousands of Jimen people who are reluctant to part in the snow, I always think that my heart is harder than iron, and I don’t think I am a good official. Young Master Zhang suddenly felt his nose sour, and couldn't help but burst into tears...

After handing over the duties of Jimen, it is time for Young Master Zhang to go to Xuanda to take over. Originally, Young Master Zhang has not been at home for the New Year for two years. Zhang Laocai, his wife, Xiong Hu, and Da Yuer all hope that Young Master Zhang will return after the Chinese New Year. When Xuanda took office, Zhang Weixian, who was eager to tie Young Master Zhang to the royalist chariot, also hoped that Young Master Zhang and Mei Qingyun would leave after they got married. , and planned to marry Mei Qingyun after she settled down.As a result, Zhang Weixian became a little suspicious of Young Master Zhang's intentions, and asked directly: "Zhang Haogu, do you plan to marry my niece? If not, just say, don't delay my niece's life, she Not too small."

"Zhang Guogong, what you said is too much." Young Master Zhang glanced at Mei Qingyun, who was eavesdropping behind the screen, and said with a wry smile: "Qing Yun and I are in love with each other, why don't you want to marry her? As good as she is Girl, how many are there in this world?"

"Then you won't leave after getting married with Qing Yun?" Zhang Weixian questioned: "Today is already the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, and the Chinese New Year is only 20 days away. No matter how anxious you are, you won't be in a hurry for these few days, right? Let me tell you the truth, did Wei Zhongxian promise you some favors, you are afraid that my niece will drag you down, so you want to delay this marriage, and let it go to nothing in the end?"

"Zhang Guogong, how can you think of me so sinisterly, using Qing Yun's lifelong events to achieve your own personal goals, am I such a person?" Young Master Zhang smiled even more wryly.Zhang Weixian nodded solemnly, and said with a cold snort, "Yes, that's the kind of person you are."

At this point, Young Master Zhang can't do without some details. In desperation, Young Master Zhang had no choice but to whisper to Zhang Weixian's ear, revealing part of his reasons and goals to Zhang Weixian, and finally said with a wry smile: "On the day of marriage, I will Father has already decided that on the day of the second dragon's rise in the eighth year of Tianqi, we will get married in Yanghe (now Yanggao County, Shanxi Province)—Zhang Guogong, should you be satisfied now?"

"You still have the face to say, aren't you planning to use Qingyun's marriage to achieve your goals?" Zhang Weixian hummed dissatisfiedly, then nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well, for the sake of Daming Jiangshan, you can come At that time, I will personally send Qingyun to Yanghe to marry you." Young master Zhang was overjoyed, and hurriedly thanked Zhang Weixian, at the same time, there were slight footsteps behind the screen, and Mei Qingyun slipped away from the back door with a flushed face.

So, after finally persuading Zhang Weixian, Young Master Zhang bid farewell to his parents, his wife and young son, and his concubine Da Yuer, who was already pregnant with Liujia. Yunlong, Ma Dengyun, Wu Liuqi and other soldiers of the slave-slaying army set off northward and rushed to Xuanda via Juyongguan to take over the government and military affairs of Shanxi, Datong and Xuanfu. Go south to Jiaozhou, planning to recruit another eight or nine thousand soldiers in Jiaozhou to expand the scale of the slave slaughter army.At the same time, Geng Ruqi, the governor of Shanxi who received the order, has also temporarily handed over the defense to Zhang Honggong, the general of Shanxi, and led some Shanxi officials from Taiyuan to the north. Determine the subordinate relationship and accept command dispatch.

Heading northward in the wind and snow, on the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month, Young Master Zhang's team passed through Juyongguan and officially entered the territory of Xuanda. They also stepped into the vast grassland where countless Ming soldiers threw their heads and blood. The Tatar cavalry is regarded as a granary and cash drawer in the territory of Xuanfu—but it is a pity that Young Master Zhang likes to rob houses, murder and set fires. Feng escaped for hundreds of miles and refused to come to touch the bad luck of Master Zhang, the robber ancestor. Therefore, outside Juyongguan, besides the snowy grassland, the only thing left for Master Zhang was to lead a team to greet him. Qin Shiwen, the governor of the Xuanfu, the new immediate boss, Yang Yingrui, the outgoing general of the Xuanfu, Liu Yongzuo, the prefect of the Xuanfu, and Zhang Suyang, the governor of the Xuanfu, whose position is already in jeopardy.

The process of meeting the new subordinates was very boring, because everyone knew that Young Master Zhang had the habit of punishing disobedient subordinates, and everyone knew that Wei Zhongxian had a hobby of sending disobedient Young Master Zhang's subordinates into the dungeon. Everyone knows that Young Master Zhang, who can't kill an eyelid, pretends that Xuanda is facing enemies on both sides. The military situation is urgent and the territory is vast and urgently needs to be strengthened. Young Master Zhang, who was not as old as their youngest son, expressed the most sufficient and highest respect—all he had to do was say to Young Master Zhang directly, "Brother Zhang, don't be so troublesome about replacing and arresting people, we promise to listen to you, What are you talking about?" As for Liu Yongzuo, the magistrate of the Xuanfu with the lowest reputation and the worst official position, he simply rushed to lead Young Master Zhang, trying to establish an obedient and well-behaved image in front of his new boss.

"How many troops are there in the Xuan Mansion? How many of them are young and strong soldiers? How about the arrears of military pay and weapons and equipment?" Just like when he took over Jimen, the first sentence of Young Master Zhang, who was born to be a murderer, was to ask himself in the Xuan Mansion. How many accomplices there are, "Don't report me falsely, report the real number."

"Master Xiantai, there are a total of twelve guards in one prefecture and two prefectures in Xuanfu, with 28 forts under its jurisdiction, and a military establishment of 12 five people." Qin Shiwen, the governor of Xuanfu, replied respectfully, and his tone was not without complacency. Dao: "At the beginning of the fifth year of Tianqi, when Xiaguan took over as the governor of the Xuanfu, the actual strength of the Xuanfu was only 390 people, and the number of young and strong soldiers was less than [-]. After Xiaguan's three years of military expansion and reorganization and strict training, the actual strength of the Xuanfu is now There are more than [-] people, of which more than [-] are young and strong soldiers. As for weapons and military pay..." Speaking of this, Qin Shiwen's tone became depressed again, "At least [-]% of the army has owed their wages for more than two months , Weapons are not very sufficient, about [-]% of the soldiers can only use wooden spears to defend against the enemy."

"Eating more than [-]% of the vacancy, don't you have money to equip the soldiers with weapons?" Young Master Zhang said in a very cold tone, "In two months, I want to see that the Xuanfu soldiers can receive iron knives and guns instead of Seeing them continue to fight against the enemy with wooden guns that have not even been soaked in tung oil, they are making fun of the precious lives of soldiers!"

"I obey the orders." Qin Shiwen shuddered and quickly agreed.Young Master Zhang ordered again: "Issue another constitutional decree to order all the commanders of the guards in Xuanfu to come to Xuanzhen to meet with this official within three days. Military officer, General Hei Yunlong." Although Young Master Zhang has not formally taken over the governor's seal, theoretically he is not qualified to issue a constitutional decree, but even if Qin Shiwen and Zhang Suyang were lent a hundred courage, they would not dare to jump out and criticize Young Master Zhang Suspected of exceeding his authority to issue an order, he only respectfully agreed, and sent a fast horse to inform the various guards.


The current Xuan Mansion is not so much the world of the Ming Emperor, but rather the world of the Eight Great Locust Merchants in Zhangjiakou. Young Master Zhang left to live in Yongguan on the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month. Together they were sent to the Eight Great Locust Merchants on a fast horse by the official post station, and there was also news that Young Master Zhang had ordered Qin Shiwen to replenish the army's equipment within two months.When the matter came to this point, the eight locust merchants had no choice but to accept their fate, discussing how to go to Xuanfu Town to welcome Young Master Zhang with the local gentry, holding the meeting gift that must be given according to the rules with both hands-but how and how much should the meeting gift be given?Let the eight major locust merchants in Zhangjiakou make trouble?
"Why don't we give Zhang Pu the same as before, and let everyone give 2000 taels of silver." Zhai Ying suggested: "I promise Zhang Haogu little mad dog again, as long as he doesn't interfere with our business, then give our business Protection, each family sends him another 3000 taels of silver to feed the dogs every year."

"Your head is stupider than a dog!" Fan Yongdou scolded unceremoniously: "Who is Zhang Haogu, a little mad dog, can he be dealt with by the same way as Zhang Pu? I want him not to interfere with our business, give us Why don't you just tell Zhang Haogu, Little Mad Dog, that we are doing some shady business?"

"Shopkeeper Fan Da is right. We can only be more careful when dealing with Zhang Haogu's little mad dog." Huang Yunlong echoed, adding: "Among us, only Shopkeeper Fan Da is the most shrewd and careful. Ask him to make up his mind."

"Yes, yes, we all listen to Master Fan Da." Apart from Zhai Ying and Wang Dengku, the other locust merchants nodded together.Fan Yongdou pondered and said: "In my opinion, it would be better for each of our eight families to give 500 taels of silver - 500 taels of silver is not much, Mr. Zhang can't frame us to bribe the superiors, it's a lot less, Zhang Haogu’s little mad dog is a third-rank official, and his annual salary is only more than 300 taels of silver, and the general merchants and gentry send gifts to the governor, which is basically the same amount.”

"Could it be too little?" Huang Yunlong questioned again, "Our eight families are so conspicuous in the Xuan Mansion, and if we send such a small amount of money, aren't we afraid that little crazy dog ​​Zhang Haogu will get angry?"

"If he gets angry, then things will be easy to handle." Fan Yongdou said with a sneer: "I asked everyone to give 500 taels of silver, which is actually a test for Zhang Haogu, the little mad dog. Look, that proves that he is probably here for silver, so we just need to feed some more silver to the dogs, and we can hope to settle him." Speaking of this, Fan Yongdou's tone slowed down, and he said in a deep voice: "If he doesn't mind Little, accept it with a smile, and have a very affectionate attitude towards us, so we have to be careful."

"Yes, Master Fan is right. We can use this to test Zhang Haogu's little mad dog." Several locust merchants agreed together, and Jin Liangyu added: "In case of emergency, each of us except In addition to bringing 500 taels of cash as a gift, it is best for everyone to bring 2000 taels of silver notes—if it proves that Zhang Haogu’s little mad dog came for money, we don’t have to worry about not being able to get the money immediately if we want to send him away. "As soon as this remark came out, several locust merchants applauded together again, that is, Wang Dengku and Zhai Ying, who owed favors to Young Master Zhang, looked embarrassed, but they didn't dare to raise objections, so they could only nod in agreement.

After passing this method of testing Young Master Zhang's true attitude, the eight locust merchants estimated that they would set off southward and rush to Xuanfu Town to meet Young Master Zhang. They never thought that when the eight locust merchants arrived in Xuanfu Town, they would travel extremely quickly with Young Master Zhang and his party. He had already entered the city one step ahead, and directly lived in the Governor's Yamen of the Xuan Mansion.The eight locust merchants did not dare to be negligent, and hurried to the governor's office to ask for an interview. Fortunately, Zhang Shitou, the confidant of Young Master Zhang, immediately received them cordially, and invited them into the back hall with a warm charcoal fire, and greeted them with a smile. Said: "My masters, my young master knew that you would definitely come, so I asked me to prepare a place for you here. After a while, my young master has finished training the commander of the twelve guards in the Xuanfu. Come see me right away you."

"Thank you General Zhang." Several locust merchants were grateful and waited patiently around the burning charcoal stove.Fortunately, Young Master Zhang finished the same lecture as when he took office in Jimen, and personally supervised Yang Yingrui and Hei Yunlong to hand over the seal, and soon brought a few soldiers to the back hall, and smiled as soon as he entered the door: "Everyone! Big shopkeepers, I have been waiting for a long time, I have been busy with business, so I have not been able to meet a few big shopkeepers immediately, all big shopkeepers, please don't mind." Then, Young Master Zhang even took the initiative to salute the eight big locust merchants .

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, Master Xiantai must not kill us." Several locust merchants hastily returned the salute, bowing and bowing, only missing to kneel down to Young Master Zhang.Young Master Zhang smiled and asked his soldiers to bring chairs, put them next to the stove, and greeted him with a smile: "All shopkeepers, please sit down, don't be polite, it's too cold, sit around the stove, don't be polite. Shopkeeper Fan, we are old friends, before I met shopkeeper Wang Dengku, I knew you first, come, come, sit next to me, sit down and talk slowly."

To be honest, the eight locust merchants in Zhangjiakou are all commoner merchants. Although they are rich, they don’t have much social status. Let alone the outgoing Xuanda Governor Zhang Pu, even governor-level officials such as Qin Shiwen and Zhang Suyang are also Unwilling to sit at the same table with the Eight Great Locust Merchants, and now Young Master Zhang, as a feudal official and the Earl of Wuqing, took the initiative to invite the Eight Great Locust Merchants to sit side by side. In a daze, he returned to the scene of sitting side by side with Huang Taiji in Shengjing.After a few words of evasion, several locust merchants hurriedly sat down, and Di Ying, who was sitting on the left hand side of Young Master Zhang, was the first to take out the gift list, held it in front of Young Master Zhang, and said respectfully: "Lord Xiantai, a little from the grassroots!" Small meaning, congratulations to Mr. Xiantai for being promoted to Governor-General, and his kindness and greatness, and I hope Mr. Xiantai will never refuse."

"Oh, shopkeeper Zhai, you are too polite." Young Master Zhang shied away, but he couldn't wait to take the gift list in his hand. With just one glance, Young Master Zhang laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, and said hypocritically: "Shopkeeper Zhai, the ceremony is too heavy, how dare you be an official?" As he said, Young Master Zhang handed the gift list back to Di Ying even more hypocritically, "Please take it back, it's too heavy, it's too much." It's too heavy." Of course, Di Ying refused to accept it, and repeatedly pushed back a few times, so Young Master Zhang had no choice but to accept the gift list reluctantly, and kept blaming Di Ying for giving too many gifts, which was a detriment to his reputation. ——Of course, the so-called fame and festivals, Mr. Zhang has never really paid much attention to it.

"500 taels of silver is also called heavy? Is this kid really planning to play tricks?" Fan Yongdou muttered suspiciously in his heart, but he handed over his gift list with a smile on his face, begging Young Master Zhang to honor it and accept it—but Fan Yongdou couldn't even dream of it. Unexpectedly, Young Master Zhang only glanced at his gift list, immediately lowered his face, threw the gift list back into Fan Yongdou's arms, and said contemptuously: "Master Fan, I have always been a clean and honest official, and never accept Every penny of bribes from the soldiers and civilians—you should take the money back and send the beggars away!"

"There are still such shameless people in this world. Just after taking Zhai Ying's money, they immediately have the face to say that they are incorruptible?" Several big businessmen peeped at each other. After being stunned, several businessmen quickly came to their senses— —The meeting gift Zhai Ying gave Zhang Haogu was definitely not 500 taels!Fan Yongdou, on the other hand, was full of embarrassment, and quickly stood up and saluted and apologized: "Lord Xiantai, the grassroots don't know that you are as clean as water and as clean as a mirror, so you took the liberty of giving gifts and unintentionally offended Lord Xiantai. Please forgive me, Lord Xiantai."

"I owe Zhang Haogu a favor for Qin Shiwen's stay in office and the food and grass business of the Ministry of War. The gift list says 2000 taels." Zhai Ying was still loyal, and took advantage of the opportunity of Young Master Zhang's attention being distracted by Fan Yongdou, and quickly attached to the next door. Tian Shenglan reminded in a low voice.Tian Shenglan came to her senses, and after winking at her accomplice, she stood up, took out the 2000 taels of silver notes she had prepared from her pocket, put them in front of Young Master Zhang with both hands, and said with a smile: "Master Xiantai, this is the meeting of grassroots respecting you." The gift is a mere 2000 taels of silver, please don't dislike it, Mr. Xiantai."

"Oh, shopkeeper Tian, ​​why are you like this? I just said that I am as clean as water and as clean as a mirror. You are not..." Young Master Zhang evaded, and a smile finally appeared on his long handsome face .Seeing this familiar bureaucratic smile, Tian Shenglan breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Lord Xiantai, the grassroots dare not bribe you and ruin your reputation. Thank you a little bit, Lord Xiantai, please give the grassroots some face."

"Oh, this is embarrassing for me." Young Master Zhang was full of embarrassment.At this time, Zhang Shitou rushed up from behind, rushed to take Tian Shenglan's banknote, and persuaded Young Master Zhang: "Master, this is a kind intention from shopkeeper Tian, ​​so you can make an exception and give it to shopkeeper Tian." Have a little face."

"Shitou..." Young Master Zhang wanted to stop him at first, but seeing that Zhang Shitou had already put the banknote into his arms, he finally sighed and said, "Well, let's not make an example, let's not make an example."

"Okay, this kid is here for the money, and now things will be easy." The other locust merchants breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly took out the bank notes, scrambling to force them into Zhang Shitou's hands.Fan Yongdou over there also hastily made amends, took out a bank note and stuffed it into Zhang Shitou's hand.Young Master Zhang sighed at the side, "Everyone, big shopkeepers, what are you doing? What are you doing? Oh, forget it, I understand what you mean. In the future, the Xuanda defense area will use pig iron for making weapons, and the army will buy military supplies and horses." , I will give you priority—but you can’t give any more gifts! As an honest and upright court official, it’s really inconvenient and embarrassing for me to accept your kindness..."

(End of this chapter)

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