Chapter 241 Hostage
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Realizing that he had been fooled by Gou Shao, he yelled, yelled, remained silent and annoyed for a long time. After being reminded by Tuolisi and other Mongolian veterans, E Zhe finally recovered, and hurriedly directed Mongolia The army's rear team changed to the front team, turned around and headed north, and fought back on the same road.Young Master Zhang did not go down the mountain to pursue, but commanded the army to block the road desperately, strictly blocking every inch of the road that the Mongolian army went south, and dispatched the army in an extremely insidious way, and built a large number of fortifications at the exit of the trail, and arranged for the generals to guard against it. I want to block all the [-] Mongolian troops in the high mountains of the Yin Mountain.

Since Young Master Zhang is so calm, it naturally means that Young Master Zhang will definitely prevent the Mongolian army from escaping.Sure enough, after the whole Mongolian army sent back for nearly two hours, panting, they bumped into the Zhaisang army in the back of the palace. The main general, Zhai Sang, is still missing.E Zhe asked carefully and found out that after Zhai Sang's rear team had completed the task of the rear palace, it estimated that it was time to enter the Yutailing trail to join the main force. On Ling and Yehuling, the Ming army ambush led by Lu Xiangsheng personally launched an attack. Bows, crossbows, muskets, arrows and bullets were fired, and stone and wood torches rained down. Half.Zhai Sang knew it was a trick, and in order to seize the intersection to meet the main force, he launched a charge to the top of the mountain regardless of casualties. Unexpectedly, Hei Yunlong, the general soldier of Xuanfu, led [-] cavalry to kill him from behind. After killing and breaking up, the Heiyunlong army took advantage of the momentum to take over the valley entrance, completely blocking the way out of the valley for the Mongolian army.

"Zhang Haogu, you barbarian!" Hearing Zhai Sang's cry of the defeated soldiers, E Zhe roared, fell headlong under the horse, and fainted out of anger.The other Mongolian generals also looked ashen, and screamed in fear, "The north and south exits are blocked, what should we do? The Ming army doesn't need to do anything, just thirsty will kill us here!" Gu Yingtasu, the most pro-slave and anti-Ming, yelled even louder and panicked, "It's over, it's over! That bastard Zhang Haogu is notoriously cruel, and now we are all dead, dead."

"What are you panicking?" At the critical moment, the experienced veteran Tuolisi stood up again and shouted loudly: "Wake up the prince, let the army rest in place and recover their strength, and the generals at all levels will reorganize the team and make a good breakthrough Get ready! The Ming army has just surrounded us, so we must not have had time to build strong fortifications, we must seize the time to break through, and there is still hope."

"What the old general said is right, hurry up, let's do things separately." In such a situation of being surrounded and panicked, it is undoubtedly extremely lucky for the Mongolian army to have an experienced veteran stand up and take charge of the overall situation. Even Ezhe's deputy, Gu Yingtasu, who once looked down on Toris very much, seemed to have found the backbone, and hurriedly arranged for the army to rest under the guidance of Toris, and prepared to break through. While pinching someone, he rubbed his chest again, and managed to wake E Zhe up.After Ezhe woke up, the first thing he did was to cry loudly, crying and shouting, "What to do? What to do? We are surrounded by barbarians, what can we do?"

"Eldest Prince, don't panic, we still have a chance, a chance!" Tuolisi and other Mongolian veterans were both angry and funny, and hurriedly comforted them, and told E Zhe that there was still a chance to break through.After Toris finished speaking, E Zhe immediately grabbed Toris's hand as if he had found a savior, sobbing and said: "Old General Tuo, you are right, we still have a chance to break through! Old General, teach me quickly, How should we break out? In which direction should we break out? How should we break out of the siege of barbarians?"

"Elder Prince, don't panic, let the soldiers and horses recover their strength now." Tuolisi pointed out: "We will break through the encirclement to the north after dawn."

"Why wait for dawn to break through? What if the barbarians come to reinforce the army again?" Ezhe asked with a sad face.Tuolisi comforted: "Prince, you don't have to be afraid. The Yutailing trail is far away from Zhangjiakou, and it is inconvenient for the Ming army to transport their supplies. It is absolutely impossible to repair the solid fortifications in a short time. We still have time to rest. And our soldiers and horses I haven't rested for more than a day, and if I don't rest, I won't even have the strength to break through." E Zhe, who is a master of six gods, was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly followed Tuo Lisi's instructions to let the army take the time to rest and prepare to break out at dawn.

The experience of the Mongolian veterans is indeed valuable, but the Mongolian veterans really underestimated the cruelty of Young Master Zhang. Long before the Heiyunlong army arrived at Yutailing to start the battle with the Zhaisang army, Ruan Dacheng, the prefect of the Xuanfu Under the order of Young Master Zhang, tens of thousands of infantry have been dispatched, and thousands of horse-drawn carriages have been sent straight to Yutai Ridge. In addition to grain, grass, weapons and supplies, there are also a large number of neatly cut bluestones and construction tools on the carriages. .When the sky was getting dark, Ruan Dacheng's supply team arrived at the valley entrance of Yutai Mountain, and tens of thousands of infantry quickly turned into construction workers. They unloaded the bluestone brought by the army from the carriage, and quickly built a solid stone building in the narrow part of the valley entrance of Yutai Mountain. The city wall and deep trenches were dug in front of the wall to intercept the attack of the Mongolian cavalry. At the same time, all the trees on the top of the canyon were cut down, and their trunks and branches were thrown into the valley to block the road. The Mongolian cavalry broke through.So when the Mongolian army returned to the valley entrance of Yutailing, the hope of breaking out from this position was almost completely gone.

"Damn people from the Ming Dynasty, who move so fast, really want to trap us here?" Seeing the three-foot-high chaotic wooden wall, the Mongolian army gasped, but in order to fight for the slim The Mongolian veterans still yelled at the pale-faced E Zhe: "Prince, there is no other way but to fight! Even if 1 people die to rush out, it is better than 4 people are all trapped." Die in this mountain!" Tuo Lisi also suggested: "Prince, you can give an order that whoever rushes out of the valley first will be rewarded with 1000 taels of silver!"

"Okay, that's the only way to do it." Ezhe nodded palely, agreeing with the opinions of the veterans.Soon, the first Mongolian cavalry rushed to the entrance of Yutai Mountain, brandishing their weapons and shouting. Unexpectedly, the Ming army did not give the Mongolian army a chance to fight head-on. , thick smoke billowed, and immediately blocked all the charging roads of the Mongolian army. The Mongolian soldiers could not bear the torment of the fire, so they could only retreat one after another; Rolled down, smashed to death and injured countless Mongolian soldiers. The veteran Tuolisi, who went into battle in person, was hit on the top of his head by a stone weighing more than 30 kilograms, and his brains burst to death. To be burned to death is to be stoned to death. The raging fire soon ignited the trees in half the valley. The flames were as high as ten feet. The Mongolian army, let alone put out the fire, could not do it within ten steps if they wanted to get close to the sea of ​​flames. arrive.

"My God, what can we do? Are we really going to die here?" The sea of ​​fire blocked the way, and the newly found backbone, Tuolisi, was also killed. E Zhe couldn't help crying again.Over there, Gu Yingtasu boldly comforted him: "Eldest Prince, don't worry, although the fire is big, it will always burn out. You can see that the trees on the mountains on both sides have been cut down by the barbarians. There is no way to use fire again. The attack has stopped us, and when the fire goes out, we will have a chance to break through."

"It's useless." Another Mongolian veteran said with a gloomy face: "This kind of fire will burn for at least a day and a night before it is extinguished. After a day and a night pass, the Ming army has already repaired enough fortifications to prevent us from breaking out. The reinforcements are all in place, and we have no chance to break through." The other veterans also had dejected expressions, knowing that this was true.

"It's over, we are dead, we are all going to die here." Hearing what the veterans said, E Zhe, who had just given birth to a glimmer of hope, immediately burst into tears again.The coach took the lead in crying, and soon the Mongolian army was also crying loudly, while the soldiers of the Ming army on the opposite side of the sea of ​​fire all laughed heartily, in stark contrast to the Mongolian army.

"It's over, we're over! What should we do, what should we do? Father Khan, Father Khan, save me, save me." E Zhe cried more and more sadly, and finally fell off his horse and lay on the ground with his head in his arms. Weeping to death on the ground.Gu Yingtasu, the pro-slave faction who once clamored to invade the capital of Ming Dynasty, was also in tears, unable to do anything.Those Mongol veterans who hated E Zhe's incompetence to kill the three armies had no choice but to help E Zhe in the past, and comforted him: "Prince, don't be too sad, crying is not a solution, although we are surrounded, But the army suffered few casualties and still has combat capability, so as long as the army is still there, we still have hope."

"What hope is there?" Ezhe wailed and asked: "The north and south intersections are blocked by barbarians, and we can't get out at all. What else can we do?"

"Prince, we old fellows have made up our minds, and we think there are two options now." Veteran Ye Li Kewen said: "One is to stand firm and wait for help. General Zhaisang ran away with some cavalry. He will definitely Send the news of our siege to the Great Khan. After the Great Khan knows about it, he will definitely find a way to save us, so as long as we find a way to persist here, we will definitely be able to wait for the Great Khan to rescue us. It’s just that there are too few water sources here. If we want to persevere, it will not be so easy, I am afraid that we must be prepared to suffer a lot."

"What about the second method?" E Zhe asked, wiping away tears.Yeli Kewen glanced at E Zhe first, sighed again, and then said: "Prince, although we don't know why you took the wrong medicine and started war with Daming, Daming and us are always allies. The second method is to bow to the Ming army, send envoys to surrender to the Ming army, and ask them to let us live and save the lives of more than 4 Mongolian warriors here on the condition of laying down their weapons and withdrawing to Chahanhot.”

"I can't surrender, I can't surrender." Gu Yingtasu yelled like killing a pig—he was a well-known anti-Ming faction in the Mongolian army. When the Tarmao Qitan Department attacked Xuanfu, others might still have a chance to survive if they surrendered, but he was going to kill the furious people of Xuanfu.In order to persuade E Zhe and others to accompany him to die, Gu Yingtasu also used the brilliant achievements of Young Master Zhang to threaten him, "Prince, old generals, we can surrender to anyone, but we must not surrender to Zhang Hao Gu barbarian! Haven't you heard that Zhang Haogu's little barbarian is the reincarnation of Barbarian's Heavenly Killing Star, his favorite thing is to kill people, if we surrender, he will definitely kill us all!"

As he said that, Guyingtasu had an idea, and quickly shouted: "By the way, we still have a third way. The barbarians just blocked the front and rear exits of this road. We can climb over these mountains and break through from other places." what."

"Idiot!" Ye Likewen scolded: "If you want to climb over the mountains and break through, you have to climb at least a dozen hills with no roads and no water sources. When we walk out of this mountainous area, at least half of the people and horses will die. We must be so tired that only half of our lives are left, and when the Ming army stops us again, none of us will be able to escape!"

Gu Yingtasu was speechless, but Yeli Kewen said again: "However, what you said is also correct. Other Ming generals think that it is unlucky to kill prisoners, and they rarely kill prisoners. The only exception is Mr. Zhang Haogu. He was in Shengjing There are [-] or [-] Jiannu captives killed, and we have to guard against his move. Therefore, when our envoy goes to negotiate with Master Zhang Haogu, he must promise that he will never kill any of us. , let us leave Zhangjiakou."

"Then... that's the only way to go." Although after surrendering to the Ming army, the hope of inheriting the position of Khan must be much smaller, but after hesitating for a long time, Ezhe's idea that it would be better to die than to live finally prevailed. He nodded and said: "Okay then, when the fire is extinguished, we will send an envoy to negotiate with Mr. Zhang Haogu. As long as he promises not to kill us, we can surrender. ... By the way, who will be the envoy?"

"If the eldest prince can trust me, I'll be the envoy." Ye Li Kewen volunteered, frowning and said: "I will try my best to keep something for our army, Master Zhang Haogu is notoriously difficult , we are afraid that we will bleed a lot this time. Prince, you decide, how many horses are you going to take as road money? The horses in our hands that Mr. Zhang Haogu can look up to are the horses of the cavalry .”


Sure enough, the fire at the mouth of the valley burned for a full day and night before it was extinguished. During this time, the Ming army's fortifications at the mouth of Yutailing Valley were basically completed. Two trenches more than three feet deep and a stone gate as high as four feet The wall, combined with antlers and fences, constituted an artificial moat that the Mongolian army could not cross.Seeing all this, the Mongolian army died of the last trace of luck. Ezhe sent Ye Likewen with a white flag to cross the still hot charcoal fire to negotiate peace with the Ming army.

After being pulled up to the stone wall with ropes by soldiers of the Ming army, Ye Likewen soon saw Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Xuanfu, and Young Master Zhang was still on his way back to the valley entrance of Yutai Ridge.After the two parties met, Ye Likewen immediately apologized to Lu Xiangsheng on behalf of E Zhe, explaining that the Mongolian army used an outdated map and strayed into the territory of its ally, Ming Dynasty. , to make way for the Mongolian army to leave the canyon. The Mongolian army promised not to make similar mistakes again, and promised to leave the Angjin Naoer station and return to Chahanhot.

"General Yeli Kewen, you said that you used an outdated old map, which is why you strayed into our Xuanda territory." Lu Xiangsheng asked with a sneer, "Then why did you send secret agents to infiltrate the Wanquan Right Guard, and bribe our Ming soldiers to serve You opened the city gate? Isn’t this the ironclad evidence that you broke the covenant and attacked our Daming City? Moreover, your captured soldiers also confessed that your eldest prince publicly announced in the army that after breaking through Wanquan City, the military discipline will be disbanded for three days, Let them plunder the women in the city, how can you explain this?"

"This..." Ye Li Kewen blushed, unable to find words to answer Lu Xiangsheng's question.Lu Xiangsheng said again: "If you want to survive, you have only one choice, and that is to lay down your weapons and surrender unconditionally! Your eldest prince must admit in writing his crime of treachery and sneak attack on our Daming City, and we will take him to the Daming Capital, accept The public trial of our Ming court! In addition, some generals in your army have repeatedly invaded our land with some Tatar tribes and killed our Ming people and businessmen. We ask your eldest prince to take their heads as a sign of surrender Sincerity!"

"This is the list of those generals. General Yeli Kewen, please keep it." Lu Xiangsheng handed Yeli Kewen a list written in Chinese and Mongolian characters, and said seriously: "Besides these two conditions, because Your army invaded our Daming land and caused immeasurable property losses to our Ming court, army and people, so all the horses in your army must be compensated to our Daming army, and your soldiers will also be temporarily detained in our Daming territory as Hard labor, until your Great Khan shows sincerity that satisfies our Ming court, they will be released and return to the Mongolian grassland."

"Lord Lu, these conditions are too harsh, we can't agree to any of them." Ye Li Kewen's old face turned green and pale, and he said bravely: "We can lay down our weapons and compensate the Ming army with [-] horses, but The Ming army must let us leave unconditionally. This is our bottom line. Please ask Master Lu for instructions from Master Zhang Haogu. If he agrees, we will make a deal. Otherwise, we will never accept your harsh conditions even if we fight to the death. !"

"Old General Yeli Kewen, do you think that in your current situation, you can still talk about the bottom line?" Lu Xiangsheng sneered loudly, "For more than a month, your army has been stationed in Angjiao in the name of protecting business roads. By the lakeside of Erhu, 41 Ming businessmen were secretly murdered, their belongings were taken away, their wives and daughters were kidnapped into the camp, they were raped and humiliated wantonly, and finally these innocent women were murdered to silence them! They also secretly colluded with Jiannu and bribed Buy our Ming officials and soldiers in an attempt to suddenly enter the hinterland of our Ming Dynasty and seize our city! As allies of Ming Dynasty, you have done so many outrageous and treacherous things, and now you still have the face to say the bottom line? To tell you the truth , The conditions I set out are the conditions that Zhang Xiantai, the governor of Ming Xuanda, explained in advance! If you don’t agree, then let’s talk with swords and guns!”

"Master Lu, you have to think about it." Yeli Kewen gritted his teeth, and said darkly: "Our Mongolia and your Ming Dynasty are still allies. If you want to use force to speak out, you will provoke a full blown relationship between Daming and Mongolia. The responsibility for the war will be yours to bear. By that time, I’m afraid you won’t be able to explain it to your Ming court.”

"Old General Yeli Kewen, isn't your sneak attack on Wanquan City a signal that you are taking the initiative to provoke a war? Will our Ming court ask our Xuanda army to lay down their weapons and let you slaughter?" Lu Xiangsheng said with a sneer: "Since you If you insist on going to war with Ming Dynasty, then we will accompany you to the end! To tell you the truth, in view of the fact that you took the initiative to start a war, we announced that Governor Zhang Dazhang has submitted a memorial to the Ming court, asking for the second Northern Expedition and personally leading the Xuanda army Attack the city of Chahanhot and conquer your perfidious Mongolian Khan!"

Yeli Kewen had nothing to say, so he had to excuse himself to go back to discuss with E Zhe, and then he left and returned to the Mongolian army.As soon as Yeli Kewen left, the dusty Young Master Zhang rushed to the valley entrance of Yutai Ridge. As soon as he met Lu Xiangsheng, he asked, "How is the situation? Has the Mongolian army sent anyone to negotiate?"

"Here we are, just left." Lu Xiangsheng pointed in the direction where Yeli Kewen was leaving, explained the negotiation process in detail, and finally asked worriedly: "Master Zhang, is the court requesting to maintain friendly relations with Mongolia?" The voice is not small, if the imperial court is afraid of war with Mongolia and orders us to release people, what should we do?"

"Don't worry, our emperor of Ming Dynasty has all kinds of problems, but he doesn't have the problem of soft bones. Now that we have captured these 5 hostages, the emperor will not bow to Mongolia." Young Master Zhang said confidently: "And we With 5 hostages captured, even if Lin Dan turns his back on him and goes to war, he will definitely go to Zhangjiakou first, and we will wait for work with ease, and it will be easy to deal with Lin Dan."

(End of this chapter)

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