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Chapter 291 Temporary intention

Chapter 291 Temporary intention
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Although he had already uttered big words in the Golden Luan Hall, even if the city of Xi'an had fallen into the hands of the thieves, he would take it back, and then set up the yamen of the governors of the five provinces in this prefectural city (Shaanxi The governor's yamen had been moved to Hanzhong Mansion in the early years of Tianqi), but after Xi'an City was truly recovered from the thieves, Young Master Zhang said that he refused to enter Xi'an City immediately.Because according to various reports, the city of Xi'an is already a hell on earth, which is terrible, even worse than Shengjing, the capital of slavery and puppetry in those days. The last time such a scene happened, by the way, I dug up the ancestral grave of the Aixinjueluo family and took out the skull from the grave to use as a chamber pot, but when such a scene appeared in the place of the Han people, Young Master Zhang couldn’t bear to watch it at a glance.

Fortunately, the young master Zhang, who is a villain, is the governor of the five provinces canonized by the imperial court. On the ground in Shaanxi and Gansu, there are two coolies, Sun Chengzong and Hong Chengchou, who can be dispatched. With an order, Sun Chengzong, who has basically been tamed, obediently leads the Shaanxi-Gansu army Go to the city and rebuild your home while cleaning the battlefield.At the same time, he tried his best to appease the people. In order to prevent the army from spreading salt to the wounds of the people in Xi'an who have been tortured, Master Zhang repeatedly emphasized the military discipline of the Ming army, and released harsh words, violating the three major disciplines of killing innocent people, raping civilian women and plundering people's property. Those who are involved will be beheaded regardless of their level, and will never be forgiven!In addition, in order to implement the order in place, Master Zhang temporarily organized the directly subordinate slave slaughter army into a gendarmerie and stationed in Xi'an City to supervise the army. The morale of the Shaanxi-Gansu army, which was criticized by the officials and censors, has somewhat improved, and the situation in Xi'an has gradually stabilized.

On the ninth day of March, Hong Chengchou, who chased and killed the rebels, first sent a battle report. After killing a large number of rebel soldiers, Hong Chengchou's army successfully settled in Fengxiangfu City, and the remnants of the rebels stayed in Baoji as expected. The current trend is unknown. It is possible to go south to Hanzhong, or go west to Gongchang or north to Pingliang.On the same day, more than [-] Manchu cavalry who were transferred to Shaanxi to participate in the war and more than [-] people who were transferred from the fourth team of the Slaughter Army also arrived outside Xi'an to join forces with Master Zhang and fought several times. Young Master Zhang of Yuezhan finally had enough troops.Overjoyed, Young Master Zhang immediately held a banquet in the Weishui camp, and personally cleaned up the dust for the old subordinates. Sun Chengzong and the generals from Shaanxi, Gansu and Gansu accompanied him. Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng, who had just returned to the Ming army, were also called to attend. This welcome banquet.

When the host and the guest meet, they must introduce each other's identities and greet each other. Although the Xuanda army and the Shaanxi-Gansu army often intrigue and stumbling each other in order to drive out the thieves, they have never broken their faces. They are all direct subordinates of Young Master Zhang, so the atmosphere at the banquet was generally not bad. Even Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, two surrendered generals, received friendly greetings from General Xuan under the secret instructions of Young Master Zhang. Immediately integrated into the Ming army, but at least there was no feeling of being out of place.And after drinking for three rounds, the topic naturally turned to the current situation of suppressing bandits, and Young Master Zhang finally revealed his long-awaited plan to suppress bandits.

"In my opinion, to completely quell the banditry, we must first eradicate the root cause of the banditry." Young Master Zhang boasted while drinking wine, "The root cause of the banditry in Shaanxi has evolved from the riots of hungry people to survive. Some unruly people deliberately resisted the imperial court for personal gain. If it is light, it is gathering mountains and forests and robbing counties, and if it is serious, it is rebellion and rebellion, seeking to usurp the throne! Everyone can recall that the first two thieves, Wang Jiayin and Wu Yangui, conspired against the imperial court. , It is indeed because there is no food in the disaster year, and the court is unable to provide relief, so they have to fight back. The banner they play is nothing more than robbing the rich and helping the poor. There is no unified program of action, and there is no political ambition. There, I don't know what we should do at all-to speak conscientiously, if the government's finances were not so tight that year, and it could allocate more than 200 million taels of silver for military expenditure like this year, then it would not hesitate to spend money from the southern grain-producing areas. The rebellion has subsided long ago, and it is impossible to evolve into what it is now."

"There are two major turning points for a thief to turn bad. The first turning point is Gao Yingxiang." Seeing that the generals listened fascinated, Young Master Zhang became more and more enthusiastic, "Everyone can recall again, after the heads of all kinds of thieves rebelled, who was it?" Who was the first to become king? Who was the first to set up the rank of general? Who was the first to implement the organization of the army? The answer is all one-Gao Yingxiang! So as early as the time of Xuanda, this official had made a statement to Xuanda The civil and military officials said that Gao Yingxiang is the scariest of all the thieves, and Gao Yingxiang is the one who is most likely to cause trouble! The big trouble, not only collected a large number of remnants of Wu Yangui after his defeat, but also included the older thief king for his own use, and the city of Xi'an was also captured by Gao Yingxiang! It can be seen from this that if you are not afraid of the thief who knows martial arts, just Fearing that thieves understand culture, this sentence is an eternal truth—and Gao Yingxiang is the first thieves in Shaanxi who understand culture!"

"Your Excellency's words are very true." Li Zicheng echoed: "When the last general went astray and joined Gao Yingxiang's army, Gao Yingxiang's strength could only be regarded as low-to-medium among the thieves from all walks of life, but he was the first to brazenly claim to be an intruder. The king also declared that he wanted to overthrow the imperial court, change the dynasty, determined the program of the bandit army, and bewitched countless bandits to join his team. These things, such old bandits as Wang Jiayin, Wu Yangui, and Wang Ziyong, have never even thought about it. So for the imperial court, thieves like Gao Yingxiang must be eliminated."

In fact, in conscience, Li Zicheng is the person who should have no right to accuse Gao Yingxiang of this - because in history he has done worse than Gao Yingxiang!But right now he hasn't done such a thing, so everyone has no right to accuse him of laughing at fifty steps.Young Master Zhang also only glanced at Li Zicheng, nodded his head to show his appreciation, and then continued: "As for the second major turning point in the transformation of the thief, Fan Wencheng, the traitor, joined the team of the traitor Luo Rucai! He has a lot of leadership qualities, but among the thieves, he is definitely a resourceful prime minister, especially good at uniting the thieves from all walks of life and coordinating the conflicts between the thieves from all walks of life. In the eighth year of the Apocalypse, all the thieves were driven to Fugu area by Mr. Sun Ge and Hong Futai. Wang Jiayin and Wu Yangui did not dare to take them in. It was he who persuaded Wang Jiayin to accept them. The defeated soldiers held the first meeting of rebels in Fugu, elected Wang Jiayin as the king of Shaanxi, and ordered all rebels to fight together! Also this time in Xi'an, it was Luo Ru who persuaded Gao Yingxiang to accept the defeated soldiers from Tongguan into the city, and almost pushed Gao Yingxiang into the city. In the position of the head of all the thieves."

"In view of this situation, I believe that a rogue like Luo Rucai is absolutely not scary on the battlefield. The most terrifying thing is to let him make plans among the rogues, coordinate the army, and let him take out the rogues like scattered sand. The army was huddled together." Young Master Zhang continued to brag: "Later, after the big traitor Fan Wencheng was reused by Luo Rucai, Luo Rucai became even more powerful, not only persuading many thieves to accept the canonization of Jiannu, but also established a joint battle with Jiannu. The strategic plan of the Liaodong thieves and the Mobei Tatars vainly echoed, making it difficult for the Ming court to fight on the third front, so they can take advantage of the opportunity! Therefore, for our Ming army, to suppress the thieves, we must first take the high Eliminate Yingxiang and Luo Rucai, the two big thieves! In the same way, even if the Ming army wants to appease the rebellion, they must get rid of these two rebellion leaders who have a clear plan of action and political ambitions. Otherwise, even if they calm down, The peaceful situation will certainly not last long!"

When Young Master Zhang finally finished his long speech, most of the civil and military officials of the Ming army present were stunned. What kind of knowledge of rebellion did you have, so Young Master Zhang showed off a lot.While secretly admiring him, Sun Chengzong hurriedly asked again: "Zhang Butang, in this way, do you think our first goal now is to wipe out Gao Yingxiang and Luo Rucai, the two rogues first?"

"That's right." Young Master Zhang nodded and said, "Although there are so many thieves in Shaanxi and Gansu that we don't even know how many roads there are, but most of these thieves are short-sighted young people. Only Gao Yingxiang and Luo Rucai with a long-term vision can pose a threat to the imperial court, Dingtian and Wang Ziyong—this guy has been with Gao Yingxiang for too long, and he has learned a lot of rebellious methods. From our point of view, as long as Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, and Wang Ziyong are eliminated first, the rest of the rebels will be much easier to deal with, no matter whether they are suppressed or appeased, they will be much easier to deal with."

"Brother Zhang, since you think Gao Yingxiang and Luo Rucai should be killed first, then give the order." Man Gui hurriedly said, "I heard that Gao Yingxiang and Luo Rucai are in Baoji now. In the area, the cavalry of the last general will be able to kill Baoji in Xi'an in at most three days, so let the general take care of these two thieves for you."

"My lord, the last general is also willing to lead the main force of Shaanxi and Gansu to exterminate these two thieves." Wu Zimian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi, couldn't wait to stand up and volunteered to fight.And He Huchen and the other Shaanxi-Gansu generals were all eager to try, vying to be the vanguard and go to Baoji to beat the dogs in the water. As for the three generals Wu Liuqi, Wu Sangui and Zhao Shuilun of the slave slaughter army, they simply called out, "My lord , let us slaughter the slave army, without the assistance of friendly troops, I promise to bring you the dog heads of these two thieves!" Young master Zhang smiled and did not answer, and glanced at Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong from the corner of his eyes, the second general agreed, and hurried together Standing up, he cupped his hands and said, "My lord Zhang, thanks to your pardon for our crimes, we are also willing to be the vanguard to wipe out Gao Yingxiang and Luo Rucai, the two thieves for the imperial court, and atone for our sins."

To the surprise of Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, Young Master Zhang did not seize this great opportunity to take advantage of the thieves and agree to their invitation to fight, but waved his hands and said with a smile: "Generals, please sit down, please sit down, It’s still what I often say, you need to be brave to fight, but you can’t rely entirely on bravery. The way to be a commander is to take one step and see three steps. Although Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai and Wang Ziyong have been hit hard, their strength has been greatly reduced. , but their strength is still very strong, plus they are good at running around, so we can't just rush and rush, we must plan in detail, formulate a foolproof plan to suppress the thieves, and then do it before it's too late."

"Zhang Butang, how do you plan to arrange the strategy of suppressing the bandits?" Sun Chengzong asked impatiently.Young Master Zhang was not cryptic, and said directly: "Master Ge, this junior has decided to take three steps. The first step is to build a semicircular encirclement around Baoji—now that Hongfutai has settled in Fengxiang City, it has blocked the thieves from going north. On the road to Pingliang, the main force of our army is located in the east, and the semicircular encirclement has blocked both sides, so the younger generation plans to let General Mangui, who is the most mobile, lead the cavalry from the headquarters to detour Longzhou, enter Gongchang Mansion and station in Tianshui, and cooperate with Gongchang Mansion The defenders block the westward path of the thieves."

"If it is the cavalry of General Mangui, it should be in time." Sun Chengzong Nianxu mused: "But the problem is that there is a shortage of food in Gongchang Mansion. If General Mangui's cavalry wants to maintain their marching speed, the food and grass they carry with them must be Not too much, if the supply of military rations is insufficient, it will be a big trouble."

"That's right, General Mangui's food and grass is a big problem, so the younger generation discussed it with the elders." Young Master Zhang nodded and said: "General Mangui's cavalry is one man and two horses, and the army can carry about ten days of food and grass. , General Mangui’s food and grass supply will be entrusted to Mr. Sun Ge. There are two ways to deliver food to Tianshui. One is to supply food to Tianshui from Xi’an via Longzhou, and the other is to directly supply food to Tianshui from Pingliang Mansion. How about it? ? Mr. Ge, you sit in Xi'an, is it okay?"

"There should be no problem in a short time." Sun Chengzong quickly replied: "Pingliang Mansion still has a little food, which is probably enough for General Mangui's cavalry to eat and chew for half a month. I can ask Pingliang Mansion to start sending food to Tianshui immediately. If we can catch up to supply food to General Mangui, the Pingliang army can send supplies from Xi'an. As for the road to Longzhou, it is too dangerous because the rebels are too close. Yu." Speaking of this, Sun Chengzong suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked: "Zhang Butang, you asked the old man to guarantee the supply of food and grass for General Mangui, what about you?"

"Of course the younger generation will go to the front line to command the battle in person." Young Master Zhang replied respectfully, and then said: "Well, that's the deal with General Man Gui, now let's talk about the second step, wait for General Man Gui's army to arrive at the scheduled time." After the battlefield, the defenders of Fengxiang Mansion must immediately give up the two strategic locations of Dasan Pass and Monk Yuan, and retreat to Feng County, so as to provide a road for the thieves to flee into Hanzhong and lure the thieves to go south. ——This official arrangement, Some of the rebels must be able to see that Hanzhong is a trap, but it doesn't matter, as long as the encirclement becomes successful, our army can immediately encircle the east, west and north, narrow the encirclement, and force the rebels into Hanzhong."

"Although the words are good, is it too risky to give up the two strategic locations of Dashan Pass and Monk Yuan?" Sun Chengzong asked worriedly: "If the rebels occupy these two natural dangers that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, they will not be able to defend themselves. Then, wouldn’t we have to pay a huge price to wipe out the thieves?”

"It doesn't matter, Monk Yuan and Dasan Pass are natural dangers." Young Master Zhang said calmly, "But there is no food and grass supply in these two natural dangers, and the rebels don't have enough food and grass to hold on for a long time. Even if we are hungry, We must starve all the thieves to death in these two natural dangers!"

"Starve all the thieves to death?!" Sun Chengzong shuddered, and finally understood how cruel Master Zhang was.After a little calculation, Sun Chengzong asked again: "Zhang Butang, how do you take the third step?"

"The third step is of course to close the net." Young Master Zhang said calmly: "The encirclement is complete. I will immediately lead the slave slaughtering army from Ziwu Valley to Hanzhong, and join forces with General Qin Liangyu, the Shizhu commander who is stationed in Hanzhong, to join forces. The army of rebels fleeing into Hanzhong. At the same time, General Mangui squeezed from west to east, the main force of Shaanxi and Gansu squeezed from east to west, and Hongfutai's army moved from north to south. Among the mountains, the Qinling Mountains have also been turned into a graveyard for the main forces of the rebels."

"What a big encirclement!" Sun Chengzong gasped, and Young Master Zhang smiled, thinking that it was rare and strange, what is this encirclement, the Shaanxi-Gansu encirclement designed by my godfather Wei Gonggong and I was called big.At this time, Man Gui stood up and said, "Brother Zhang, I have a question." Young Master Zhang asked with a smile, "Why? Brother Man, don't you have the confidence to stop the thieves from the west?"

"That's not true. I haven't paid attention to some small thieves." Man Gui shook his head and said, "I'm worried about you, Brother Zhang. You, Brother Zhang, personally led the slave slaughter army from Ziwu Valley to Hanzhong to meet the rebels. ——The rebellious thieves are afraid of you, and I heard that you are in Hanzhong, and they would not dare to enter Hanzhong with a hundred courage, right?"

"Hehe, Brother Man really underestimates my younger brother. Is it because of your help to fight the enemy bravely?" Young Master Zhang said modestly, "But this is indeed a problem, at least that of Fan Wencheng. The dog traitor heard that I was in Hanzhong, so he definitely didn't dare to enter Hanzhong. So I have already planned, for the main force in Shaanxi, General Wu Zimian, Wu and He Huchen will lead the whole army, and Generals Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong will lead the whole army. As the vanguard, the Chinese army falsely used my banner to create the illusion that I was among the main forces in Shaanxi. As for Hanzhong, for the sake of confidentiality, I will use a written order to let General Qin Liangyu fight against the rebels alone, and secretly lead the army into Hanzhong to help in the battle .”

"Master Zhang, are you kidding me?" Several Shaanxi-Gansu generals exclaimed dumbfounded, "You go south to Hanzhong to command the battle in person, and just keep it a secret from General Qin Liangyu? Still...let me..."

"Let the two generals Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong serve as forwards? Isn't that right?" Young Master Zhang asked calmly.Those generals did not dare to speak, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong's expressions were extremely embarrassing, Young Master Zhang smiled again: "You are right to think so, but it doesn't matter, I trust the two generals Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong - if I don't believe They will not tell them in front of my official decision to secretly lead the army to station in Hanzhong." Speaking of this, Young Master Zhang turned to Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng with a smile: "General Zhang, General Li, you are right. wrong?"

"My lord." Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong were excited together. They both left the table and fell to their knees. They clasped their fists and said in unison: "Your lord trusts the junior general so much. The latter will not disappoint your trust. Please rest assured, my lord. If I leak a word or half a sentence, I would like to be struck by five lightning bolts and die without a place to die!"

"It's useless for you to reveal secrets? The Qinling Mountains are characterized by many small roads and many corridors. As long as Gao Yingxiang and Luo Rucai are cornered, the only choice is to venture into Hanzhong and gamble that my army can't defend so many small roads—— Letting you know this plan, in addition to giving you face, is also to test whether you are worth it." Young Master Zhang snorted coldly in his heart, but said affectionately on his mouth: "Please hurry up, two generals, there is no need to use it." Swearing such a vicious oath is still the same sentence, if I don’t believe you, I won’t let you know my overall plan.”

He personally helped Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, two super thieves, and Eldest Young Master Zhang turned to the generals and said, "Generals, I didn't finish what I said just now. I want to keep it a secret from General Qin Liangyu. It's not that I can't trust this great Ming. One of the only two female generals, but this official wants the Hanzhong army to leak this matter to the main force of the rebels, so that the main force of the rebels thinks that Hanzhong is empty..."

"Master, something has happened!" When Young Master Zhang was talking, Xiao Shop, the deputy captain of the personal army, suddenly came in from outside and shouted from a distance: "Master, something is wrong, something happened in Xi'an! "

"What's the matter?" Young Master Zhang asked with a change of color.The small shop replied: "General Zuo Liangyu's soldiers arrested a few civilian girls and dragged them to a room by the side of the road to spoil them. They were discovered by the slave slaughtering soldiers patrolling the street. They went in and arrested those soldiers to be handed over. I'll kill you, General Zuo Liangyu heard the news and brought hundreds of soldiers to rob people, and now they are confronting the patrol team of the slaughtering slave army!"

"You bastard!" Young Master Zhang was furious, pointing at Wu Liuqi and Wu Sangui, and shouted, "Liuqi, Sangui, bring me two thousand soldiers to slaughter slaves, and take Zuo Liangyu and those beasts who raped women Catch them all! Anyone who resists, regardless of level, will be killed on the spot!"

"Decree!" The two generals, Wu Liuqi and Wu Sangui, who had long been at loggerheads with Zuo Liangyu, happily agreed.But at this moment, Sun Chengzong hurriedly stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Zhang Butang, Zuo Liangyu is the direct subordinate of the old man, please leave the trouble he caused to the old man to deal with, and don't use the knife on your own people." gun."

"Old Sun Ge, it's not that the younger generation didn't give you face, it's that Zuo Liangyu went too far." Young Master Zhang said with a pale face, "Among the soldiers from all walks of life in Shaanxi and Gansu, his army has the worst military discipline. Half of the illegal soldiers who raped women and looted people's property for a few days were his soldiers! For your sake, this junior has not held him accountable for his ineffective command of the army. Now he dares to personally lead the army and the military law. If the younger generation doesn’t punish him, how can Ming military law be used to suppress chaos in the future?”

"Zhang Butang, all the mistakes are the fault of the old man. The old man is not strict in governing the army, and he is willing to accept the crime." Sun Chengzong committed the old habit of protecting his shortcomings again, and said with a bow and said: "But Xi'an has just been restored. , it is not appropriate to start another incident, please ask the old man to personally bring Zuo Liangyu and those soldiers who violated the law, and hand them over to you for disposal."

In any case, Young Master Zhang still dared not give Sun Chengzong face. In desperation, Young Master Zhang had no choice but to withdraw the order to dispatch the slave slaughtering army and let Sun Chengzong personally quell the dispute.However, after Sun Chengzong hurried out of the tent, the atmosphere at the banquet was unavoidably dull, and all the Shaanxi-Gansu generals felt ashamed——the slave slaughter army and the Henan army under the personal leadership of Young Master Zhang are a bit of a nuisance to the people They didn't do anything, and those who were beheaded were all soldiers of the Shaanxi-Gansu Army. If the Shaanxi-Gansu generals don't blush, it would be shameless.The two generals Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong felt guilty because they did harm to the people in Xi'an a few days ago.Over there, Song Xiance leaned into Young Master Zhang's ear and whispered, "Boss, do you want Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong to avoid it for a while? Otherwise, Zuo Liangyu must have something to say later."

"They avoided it, Zuo Liangyu has something to say?" Young Master Zhang's face was gloomy, knowing that after Zuo Liangyu was kidnapped, he would definitely say something. Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng who did more harm in Xi'an?It is even possible for one of his own people to play with Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong with the rest of the women!And even if I want to take this opportunity to kill Zuo Liangyu, a traitor among the tenants of the Zhang family in Linqing, Sun Chengzong and the generals of Shaanxi and Gansu will definitely come forward to intercede. Dilemma.

"Brother Zhang, Zuo Liangyu must be cut off in a while!" Wu Liuqi was not as far-sighted as Young Master Zhang, and he couldn't wait to lean into Young Master Zhang's ear and whispered: "Brother Zhang, you also said that Zuo Liangyu That guy is narrow-minded and petty, keeping him is just a big disaster, why not take this opportunity and kill him once and for all."

"Your heart doesn't seem to be very broad, does it?" Young Master Zhang smiled wryly in his heart, "Besides, it would be convenient if we could just cut it off like this." After muttering to this point, Young Master Zhang suddenly caught a glimpse of Wu Liuqi and Meng Buli. Wu Sangui, who Jiao came over to eavesdrop on the conversation, felt his heart skip a beat, and cursed inwardly: "I'm so stupid, how could I only think of such a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone now? Since Zuo Liangyu was dispatched from Ningyuan Shaanxi exile, how could I not let him..."

(End of this chapter)

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