Chapter 301
With the full support of Wu Zimian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Zhulu, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong's army, who were already on the verge of collapse, finally succeeded in breaking through and were able to escape back to the north bank of the Weishui River to regroup. In the afternoon of the same day, the main force of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ming Army under the banner of Young Master Zhang finally arrived at the Baoji battlefield, completing the most important part of the Baoji encirclement!The main task of the Mangui Army, the third team of the Ming army, is to prevent the main force of the rebels from fleeing westward and to cut off the connection between the rebels and the main force of the rebels. As long as the main force of the rebels can be trapped by the Ming army on the edge of the Qinling Mountains, is it necessary It is not important to reinforce the main battlefield. At the same time, the rebellion in Gongchang Mansion is also very fierce, including the capital Longxi City, which is surrounded by rebels. Man Gui, who has successfully completed the deterrence and blocking mission and has great independent combat power, is not interested. When I came to Baoji again to see other people showing off, I took the iron cavalry and rushed to Longxi to make a rescue.

The main force of more than 8000 people arrived on the battlefield, plus Hong Chengchou's original army and the remnants of Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, the total strength of the Ming army assembled on the Baoji battlefield reached about [-]. The army of rebels with more than a hundred thousand women, children, old and weak will not be stretched.And Wu Zimian, who was entrusted by Young Master Zhang with full authority to take charge of the northern front battlefield, also brought into full play the style of not seeking merit but seeking no faults that he is good at. First, he let the camp desperately use more flags to bluff, creating the illusion of his own strength and horses to confuse and deter chaos. The army of thieves wasted a lot of elites to protect the food roads in Mei County, and even sent an army to guard the Shensha River Trail full-time, overhauling the fortifications to prevent the thieves from breaking out, and the main force advanced to camp outside Yimen Town, and at the same time set up camp on the Qingjiang River. Desperately building blocking fortifications on the official road to prevent the thieves from breaking through to the north-as for taking advantage of the field advantage to take the initiative to attack and annihilate the enemy, I'm sorry, this word is not included in Marshal Wu's military book.

Although Wu Zimian's conservative tactics were safe, they dissatisfied the hawkish generals of the Ming army headed by Hong Chengchou. The Xuanda army and the Sichuan army looked at the strength of the Shaanxi-Gansu army. Even Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, who were grateful to Wu Zimian, were quite critical, thinking that Wu Zimian still adopted solid tactics when he had the field advantage. They all ran to Wu Zimian and took the initiative to ask for a fight, hoping to help Wu Zimian wipe out the thieves and charge into the battle to repay the favor of rescue and trust.But it is a pity that no matter who took the initiative to ask for a fight, General Wu just said one sentence over and over again, "No risk, Zhang Butang has repeatedly told us that our task is to fight steadily, as long as we stop the thieves from fleeing northward, the enemy will kill us." It doesn't matter if you kill more or less." Facing such a conservative and stable commander, the generals of the Ming army who were eager to make meritorious deeds were furious, but there was nothing they could do.

The generals of the Ming army, eager to make meritorious service, scolded Wu Zimian's conservative tactics behind their backs, but what they didn't know was that Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, and Fan Wencheng, who were blocked by Wu Zimian near the Dasan Pass on Chencang Road, also scolded Wu Zimian for his conservative tactics. The reason for the unethical tactics is very simple. First, the main force of the rebels has no food and grass and cannot persist for a long time. Second, the combat effectiveness of the rebel army is not as good as the main force of the Ming army.Only when the Ming army, which is at a disadvantage in terms of strength, takes the initiative to attack, can the main force of the rebels have the opportunity to adapt to the situation and break this damn Baoji encirclement.What made Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, and Fan Wencheng even more depressed was that more than 1000 years ago, Wei Guolao's shameless Sima Yi used this kind of shameless and shameless tactics to play Zhuge Liang, the evildoer of Shu, to death. Repeat this mistake.However, Wu Zimian should feel fortunate because he was under the banner of Young Master Zhang and mistakenly thought that Young Master Zhang was the commander-in-chief of the Ming Army on the northern line. Even the treacherous Fan Wencheng thought that Young Master Zhang was imitating Sima Yi, and was going to use the tactics of steady defense to drain the morale and vitality of the rebel army, and then annihilate the main force of the rebels in the encirclement at the smallest cost.

Suppression!We must suppress the Ming army's unhealthy tendency to learn Sima Yi's shameless tactics in the bud!In order to lure and force the Ming army to give up this shameless tactic, in the next few days, Luo Rucai and Fan Wencheng, the actual military advisers of the rogue army, racked their brains and played enough tricks, such as night raids, assaults, and alienation. , Rebellion, ambush, feint attack, feign retreat, false reports, rumors, fire attack, intercepting food, diverting the tiger away from the mountain, attacking the west, hiding the old warehouse, escaping the golden cicada, fishing in troubled waters..., so I played all the tricks I could play.It's a pity that Wu Zimian, the actual commander of the Ming army on the northern front, is a man who remains unchanged and responds to all changes. No matter what tricks Fan Wencheng and Luo Rucai play, they just stand still and would rather miss the opportunity than act rashly. The generals of the Ming army Even if someone fell for the trick, they couldn't send troops to attack. As a result, Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai and other thieves and Fan Wencheng had a lot of gray hair on their heads, but they couldn't find any flaws in the Ming army on the northern front.

"This mad dog is really treacherous. He knows that he can win if he stands firm, so he doesn't move anything!" After another sneak attack on the Ming army camp in an attempt to lure snakes out of the hole but failed miserably, Fan Wencheng, Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai and other bandits had to fight again. Dejectedly, he returned to the monk's original camp. Along the way, Fan Wencheng, who hated Young Master Zhang to the bone, kept swearing, "When I rush back to the hinterland of Shaanxi and gather millions of hungry people to kill and set fires everywhere, let's see what happens to you, little mad dog!" Do it! Let's see what the barbarian court will do with your little mad dog!"

"Huh? Wang Ziyong and the others are back too?" Just as they boarded the monk's original camp, looking condescendingly into the distance, Luo Rucai, Gao Yingxiang and other bandits suddenly noticed a strange phenomenon. Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui, who had moved to Qingfeng Pavilion four days ago The bandit leader's army once again returned to the south side of the Dasan Pass that had been destroyed by the bandit army. Therefore, the source of the Jialing River in the south, which was suitable for camping, was full of people, and the bonfire was as dense as stars, and half of the sky was red.

"Could it be another defeat?" Gao Yingxiang said gloatingly, "It's probably because the old lady Qin Liangyu beat the shit out of me again, so I had to withdraw to Dasan Pass again."

"It deserves it!" Luo Rucai also gloated, and snorted, "If Wu Yangui and Wang Ziyong, these two idiots, don't covet the prosperity of Sichuan and Hanzhong, and are willing to go northward with us to break through, then our two armies will work together, and maybe there is still hope to break through Officer Zhang Xiaogou head-on. It's a pity that these two idiots just don't listen to Mr. Fan's good advice, and they deserve to be defeated every day!"

"Cao Tianwang is right, but it's a pity that Wang Dawang and Wu Dawang..." Fan Wencheng wanted to echo Luo Rucai, but suddenly his heart was shocked, and he couldn't help but blurted out: "No! It doesn't make sense!"

"What's wrong? What doesn't make sense?" Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai and the bandits asked together.Fan Wencheng frowned, answered, and said to himself: "No, that barbarian Qin Liangyu is wrong! Although her white-armed soldiers are powerful, there are only 5000 to [-] people in total, and they can't stand the consumption at all. Why? Do you want to give up Feng County's city defense many times and take the initiative to attack? Fight a war of attrition with the most casualties? Doesn't make sense?"

"That's right, why did that old lady Qin Liangyu do this?" After being reminded by Fan Wencheng, Luo Rucai faintly sensed something strange about it.Gao Yingxiang casually said: "What's wrong with this? Although the location of Fengxian County is important, it can't block all the roads to Sichuan. If you just stick to the city and don't take the initiative to attack, the two idiots Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui will soon We bypassed Fengxian County and went directly to Hanzhong and Sichuan—our army relies on looting food supplies on the spot, so why worry about Qin Liangyu's old lady cutting off our food supply?"

"King Chuang is right. The biggest advantage of our army is that we don't have to worry about being cut off by barbarians." Fan Wencheng nodded vigorously, and then asked nervously: "But King Chuang, what I'm asking is, why did that barbarian mother-in-law of Qin Liangyu give up?" City defense, take the initiative to attack, and stop Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui's troops from going south?"

"Didn't I already say that Qin Liangyu's old lady is afraid that Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui, two idiots, will bypass Feng County and go directly south?" Gao Yingxiang replied inexplicably: "Qin Liangyu's old lady took the wrong medicine and gave up Dasanguan. And I don't want Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui, these two idiots, to enter Hanzhong or Sichuan, so I have to take the initiative to attack at critical intersections, so as not to let Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui have the slightest chance to go south..." At this point, Gao Yingxiang also suddenly came to his senses, Can't help but also blurted out: "No! If there is really a dog officer's trap in the south, it's too late for that old lady Qin Liangyu to pull us into the trap, so why should I fight such a war of attrition with such huge losses? Desperately stop Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui. Two idiots going south?"

"Could it be..." Luo Rucai was a little trembling and a little excited, and said tremblingly: "Could it be that Officer Zhang Xiaogou is playing an empty city strategy? Hanzhong or Sichuan are really empty of troops? That's why Qin Liangyu's old lady tried her best to stop us, lest we really To break out to the south?"

"It's very possible!" Fan Wencheng said resolutely: "Qin Liangyu's female savage gave up Dashanguan, it is very likely that Zhang Haogu's little mad dog killed two birds with one stone. We missed the opportunity to break through, and made us suspicious, suspecting that there is a barbarian trap in the south, so we dare not break out to the south!"

"Then why are you still standing there?" Gao Yingxiang exclaimed excitedly: "Go to Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui, and ask them about the real situation in the south!" Slow, but faster than Gao Yingxiang, the other big and small thieves are not slow, they are all scrambling to the south of Dasan Pass - there is no way not to be fast, the rich and affluent Land of Abundance and the Hanzhong Granary are probably already gone. I'm waving to them.

Hastily rushed to the camp of the rebel army on the southern front, and found Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui, the old bandit leaders who were bandaging their wounds in despondency. The city walls of the county!The specific process of the battle is like this. After the southern army was stationed in Qingfeng Pavilion, the two consecutive marches to the south were stubbornly blocked by Qin Liangyu's army and the main force of the Hanzhong army. They suffered heavy casualties and were unable to continue to the south; At night, Qin Liangyu took advantage of the special terrain where the rebel army camped behind the mountain, and asked his eldest son Ma Xianglin to lead a thousand white-armed soldiers who were good at fighting in the mountains to climb up the mountain behind the camp, hang ropes from the mountain, and sneak into the rebel camp to kill and set fire. In chaos, Qin Liangyu and Zhao Guangyuan took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack. The rogue army was at night and internally chaotic. Desperately withdrew to Dasanguan and stationed again.

"Wang Dawang, Wu Dawang, have you captured any prisoners?" Fan Wencheng asked impatiently after Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui introduced the military situation.Wang Ziyong replied dejectedly: "Maybe we caught a few wounded soldiers, but they were all Zhao Gouguan's soldiers. Qin Liangyu's mother-in-law's white-armed soldiers are really powerful. Even if the wounded are alone and surrounded by us, I would rather die with our brothers." And refused to surrender and be captured."

"Then bring the captives quickly, maybe we can get some news out of them." Luo Rucai urged impatiently.Wang Ziyong scratched his head, and helplessly ordered to the soldiers: "Go and see, capture those dog officers and soldiers alive, and bring them all alive."

The soldiers led away, and after waiting anxiously for a long time, two wounded and dying prisoners of the Ming army were finally brought over. Luo Rucai and Fan Wencheng rushed forward impatiently, threatening and It took a lot of effort to lure, lure and make confessions, and finally obtained the important information needed from the mouths of the two Hanzhong Ming army prisoners—just as Fan Wencheng analyzed, the two Ming army prisoners Although I don’t know the specific reason why the Dasan Pass was abandoned, but it is confirmed that the current Hanzhong Mansion is indeed extremely empty. One of the wounded soldiers also confessed that he was originally a soldier of Xing’an Station (Jinzhou), but only because of the emergency situation on the front line, he was here. Half a month ago, he was transferred to the Qinling Mountains to participate in the war.Moreover, there are still many soldiers of the Ming army like him drawn from the hinterland of Hanzhong Mansion in Fengxian County. Basically, there are soldiers drawn from every guard pass.

"No wonder that old lady Qin Liangyu worked so hard to stop us?" Wang Ziyong exclaimed suddenly, "After a long time, after passing Feng County, there are basically no officers and soldiers in the hinterland of Hanzhong Mansion!"

"Then do you know if other troops have entered Hanzhong for reinforcements from Ziwu Valley, Baogu or Luogu?" Fan Wencheng asked excitedly and nervously.Two Ming soldiers shook their heads together, and one said, "No, I've never heard of any reinforcements entering Hanzhong." The other honestly confessed: "I haven't heard of any reinforcements entering Hanzhong, but the day before yesterday I heard that the magistrate Three or four thousand strong men have been recruited, and they are going to be dispatched to Feng County to participate in the battle."

"Choke!" Fan Wencheng drew his knife in his hand, pointed at the two wounded soldiers of the Ming army who could not even raise their hands, and shouted viciously: "Bold bastards, how dare you lie to us? You said that no barbarian reinforcements came to Hanzhong for reinforcements, ours How did the investigation find out that [-] to [-] troops entered Hanzhong from Ziwu Valley and Luo Valley? They also set up an ambush around Dingjun Mountain and waited for us?"

"Your Majesty, we didn't lie to you." The two wounded soldiers of the Ming army screamed in panic, and swore: "I swear to God, you little ones, if you tell a lie, we will be hit with thunderbolts!" , there is no place to die!"

"Very good." Fan Wencheng nodded in satisfaction, stabbed repeatedly with his single-handed knife, immediately pierced the lower abdomen of two wounded soldiers of the Ming army who had no power to resist, and saved the promised thousand taels of silver for Luo Rucai, and shouted: " Pull it down to make human broth, throw the bones away and feed them to the dogs, so there is no need to keep them to waste food." After the rebel soldiers dragged away the corpses of the two Ming soldiers, Fan Wencheng turned to the heads of the thieves whose eyes were already shining and said excitedly : "My lords, it is impossible for these two barbarian soldiers to tell lies, and the behavior of that female barbarian Qin Liangyu is also very abnormal. Judging from these two points, the hinterland of Hanzhong is probably really empty, Zhang Haogu, little mad dog Taking the initiative to give up the Great Sanctuary is also likely to be an empty plan!"

"That's right, an empty city plan, as long as we succeed in breaking out to the south, Hanzhong and Sichuan will be ours!" Many thieves who dreamed of Hanzhong and Sichuan robbing money, food and women echoed and shouted.Gao Yingxiang was calmer, and asked tentatively: "Mr. Fan, how sure are you? If I remember correctly, you once said that, Officer Zhang Xiaogou has just been promoted to the governor of five provinces, and he is in charge of Shaanxi and Sichuan at the same time. I also agree with your words about the adventure of the state capital under my own rule, so I decided to break through to the north——Why do you think that the emptiness of Hanzhong is just an empty city plan by Zhang Haogu's little dog?"

"This...?" Fan Wencheng, who had been tricked by Young Master Zhang so many times, blushed, and after thinking for a while, Fan Wencheng replied: "Chuang Wang, the students think it should be like this, Zhang Haogu's little After Crazy Dog was promoted to the governor of Manzi's five provinces, he should not risk the state capital he ruled casually, so as not to lose his prestige, but with his aggressive character, he definitely needs a good start to repay the Manzi court. , to continue his reputation as the so-called barbarian god of war! That's why this little mad dog took the risk, betting that his empty city plan in Hanzhong would not be seen through by us, and then annihilated us on the Baoji battlefield-this little barbarian is famous Crazy dog, he dares to use any kind of risk when he is crazy, just like the sneak attack on Shengjing and the later Northern Expedition to Horqin, it was a gamble that he almost died, but he won the bet. This time, it is not ruled out that he is carrying out The third gamble!"

"It makes sense, that little dog official is such a lunatic!" Luo Rucai once again stood by Fan Wencheng's side, and echoed: "Actually, we have all experienced how crazy that little mad dog is. Back then in Fugu, there was The Tatar army is overwhelmed, and we have 29 rebels in the west to hold them back. If we want to change someone else, we will be in a panic. But that mad dog ignored the battlefield on the northern front and tried his best to beat us away first. Then he turned around and went to a decisive battle with the Tatars non-stop, with this madness of fighting on two fronts, the name of mad dog is absolutely well-deserved!"

"And there is one more thing." Fan Wencheng added: "Zhang Haogu's little mad dog only took a thousand mad dog troops to Shaanxi to take office. At that time, the main force was still in Xuanda Shanxi. Arriving in Shaanxi smoothly, it is impossible for him to deploy all the troops in place and calmly arrange tactics to encircle and annihilate us. However, after our Xi'an fell, the main force was forced to transfer to the Baoji area where it is easy to fight an annihilation war. It is very possible to take a big gamble and use an empty city plan to scare us from breaking out to the south, and then annihilate us on the northern front!"

After finally listening to Fan Wencheng and Luo Ru finish playing, Gao Yingxiang, who was skeptical, fell into deep thought. After a long time, Gao Yingxiang finally raised his head and gritted his teeth and said, "Well, anyway, there is little hope of breaking through from the northern line. Since Zhang Haogu's Little Crazy Dog likes to gamble, so we can gamble with him too! Starting tomorrow, we will work together to break through to the south, first deal with Mrs. Qin Liangyu in Feng County, and then enter Hanzhong and Sichuan!"

"It's natural to break out to the south, but don't be too eager." Fan Wencheng quickly reminded: "Although we think that the south is an empty city, we are [-] to [-]% sure, but Zhang Haogu's little mad dog is too cunning. Before the actual deployment of the Manzi's army, we had better not put all our eggs in one basket. After all, we only have one life. If you lose your life, there will be no hope for your Shaanxi rebel army and our Dajin army to join forces to divide the world. So we still have to be cautious. To act rashly, we need to arrange a good strategy, while concentrating all our forces to eat up Qin Liangyu, the female barbarian's army, while finding out the actual situation in the south."

(End of this chapter)

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