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Chapter 304 Brothers Are For Selling

Chapter 304 Brothers Are For Selling
Because of the brave fighting and solid blockade of the Ming army soldiers, coupled with the greed and fleeing characteristics of the thieves big and small, the main force of the thieves who have harmed the northwest of the Ming Dynasty for several years was finally surrounded by the Ming army in the middle of the Qinling Mountains, completely annihilating the thieves The main battle has also reached the most critical moment.On the side of the thieves, there are more than 31 thieves, large and small, on the 11st route, and they crossed the Maling Pass on March 26, and launched an attack on Hanzhong with all their strength. Originally, a few small thieves proposed to think of Sichuan. To take advantage, but considering that Zhu Xieyuan and Du Huan, who had put down the She'an Rebellion a few years ago, were really hard to provoke, most of the thieves finally gave up on this idea, and unanimously adopted Fan Wencheng's suggestion to attack Hanzhong Granary, waiting for an opportunity to move to Henan Hubei.

"My lords, although there are all indications that Hanzhong is a place where the barbarians' army is relatively weak." Although all the thieves unanimously adopted his suggestion, Fan Wencheng, who had an extremely keen sixth sense, was still not happy at all. He said with a gloomy face at the military meeting: "But we can't take it lightly. No one can guarantee whether Zhang Haogu's little mad dog has ambushed in Hanzhong! So I think, for the sake of caution, after the army arrives at Liuba, The army should be divided into multiple routes immediately. The first route is to take the official road to the south and go straight to Hanzhong and Baocheng, the second route is to take the Mucaoshan trail to fetch Chenggu and Yangxian counties, and the third route is to take the Jushui trail to fetch Mianxian county! Come on, attack from three directions at the same time, let Zhang Haogu, the little mad dog, lose sight of the other, and the deployment of troops will be stretched! Even if there is any ambush, it will not be easy to wipe us out."

"Mr. Fan is very worried. Attacking in separate directions will also force the dog officials to divide their troops." Gao Yingxiang nodded and said: "And even if the rebel army marching from the official road is blocked from going south, as long as the two routes divide the troops and take Miancheng and Chenggu , you can advance and attack the Hanzhong defenders on three sides, and retreat to meet the main force to break through from the trail and remain invincible. In my opinion, let’s do it like this.”

The other thieves also thought it was very reasonable, so they all agreed and began to discuss how to divide the troops, but Fan Wencheng's face became more and more gloomy, and he said darkly: "My lords, time waits for no one, anyway, it will take a while to get to Liuba. In two days, we will discuss how to divide the troops on the road. It is best to start now, and the sooner you can seize the meeting point of Liuba, the mountainous path, the better. If the dog officers wake up, stick to Liuba, or set up an ambush in Liuba , then our fun will be great."

"That's right, let's talk about how to divide the troops on the road." Gao Yingxiang voted for Fan Wencheng again, and then smiled at Fan Wencheng: "Mr. Fan, what happened to you today? Why did you start seeing you this morning? There is no smile at all, as if we all owe you 3000 taels of silver? Let alone the current situation is favorable to us, even when we were surrounded by old dog officials Sun Chengzong and Hong Dog officials, you never did this, right? ?”

"Because our opponents were Sun Chengzong and Hong Chengchou in the past, now our opponent is Zhang Haogu, the little mad dog!" Fan Wencheng replied with a livid face: "You can't even imagine how terrifying this little mad dog is!"

"Mr. Fan must be too careful. Zhang Haogu's little mad dog can fight no matter what, but he is still in Dasan Pass, and the mountainous area is not convenient for cavalry to march. It is not so easy to catch up with us." Luo Rucai Hit a haha.Fan Wencheng didn't bother to explain to him, but he just pondered in his heart: "There's something wrong with the little mad dog this time. Although the barbarian army in Baoji used his banner, he and his mad dog army haven't shown up so far. This is an extremely dangerous Signal."

"That's right." At this time, Gao Yingxiang suddenly remembered something, and smiled at Fan Wencheng: "Mr. Fan, since you hate that little dog official Zhang Haogu so much, then there is a chance for you to vent your anger - I used to be a peddler. When I was a horse, I once took this road to Hanzhong. On this road, there seems to be an ancestral temple of that little dog official Zhang Haogu. I even went to offer incense and ask him to bless him. As for where it is , I have to think...?"

"Liuba Zhangliang Temple!" Fan Wencheng also remembered this important event, and couldn't help but grinned: "Thank you for reminding King Chuang, the students almost forgot that the temple of the little mad dog's ancestor Zhang Liang is near Liuba—the little mad dog is here When he was in Shengjing, he killed dozens of members of my family, and smashed all the ancestral cards of my family. This time, when we come to his ancestral temple, it’s time for his ancestors and grandchildren to pay their debts!”

After finalizing the plan to attack Hanzhong with all their strength, the main force of the rebels immediately began to act according to the plan. Gao Yingxiang's army with the strongest combat effectiveness was the central army, the second strongest Luo Rucai army was the vanguard, and the second strongest Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui's army were in the rear. Going southward at full speed along the Hanzhong official road.What frightened the thieves from all walks of life was that the main force of the Shaanxi-Gansu Ming Army, which had regained control of the Dashanguan Pass, had also entered the Qinling Mountains in an all-round way. The rear army of the thieves launched an attack, and they beat each other harder, and each slashed more fiercely than the other. The Wang Ziyong army and Wu Yangui army in the rear were beating ghosts and wolves, crying and crying, and Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui's two old thieves were beaten. Yelling at a loss, clamoring all day long to change to someone else to go to the rear of the rear.

Behind them were the main forces from Shaanxi and Gansu chasing fiercely, and in front of them were white-armed soldiers with tenacious combat effectiveness. Fan Wencheng, who was worried about being surrounded by the Ming army, forced himself to calm down and made suggestions for the main force of the rebels to deal with the Ming army.Still the same sentence, although Fan Wencheng's strategy is not as good as the top and can't keep up with the scheming Young Master Zhang, but it is more than the bottom, and it is more than enough to deal with Hong Chengchou and Li Zicheng. Commanded the rebel army to ambush on both sides of the mountain road, and then let Wang Ziyong and Wu Yangui's rear troops feign defeat, luring the Ming army into the ambush circle. The army surrounded them.But fortunately, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, who had just been rescued by the Ming army once, reciprocated, and rushed to the reinforcements in time to take Hong Chengchou's army out, and the army's loss was not too great.But in this way, Hong Chengchou, who had been tricked one after another, didn't dare to chase after him. He could only follow Wu Zimian's command and pursue the rebellion team steadily, which greatly reduced the pressure on the main rear army of the rebels.

Temporarily relieved the pressure on the rear team, and Fan Wencheng, who had greatly increased his confidence, came up with the idea of ​​Qin Liangyu's army. Taking advantage of the complicated trails in the Qinling Mountains, he used one army to attack the front of the white-bared soldiers to divert them, and sent another army to take advantage of the trails to detour To attack the people of Fengxian County in front of the Ming army, create chaos and take the opportunity to expand the results of the battle-for the main force of the rebels, regardless of whether there is an ambush ahead, the white-armed soldiers are a combat force that cannot be ignored. With the strength of Qin Liangyu's army, the main force of the thieves will be able to bear less pressure in the future.But it is a pity that this time Fan Wencheng encountered Master Zhang who was not comfortable with conspiracy and tricks. When he found out that the army of thieves was really coming to attack, Master Zhang immediately understood Fan Wencheng's vicious intentions and hurriedly commanded the whole army. The army shrinks its formation, the front team retreats temporarily, and the rear team moves forward and close together, protecting the people in the middle, and the rogue army who took advantage of the sidewalks has no chance to take advantage of them. They were beaten back by the Ming army several times. In desperation, he had no choice but to withdraw his troops resentfully.However, Fan Wencheng's move was not fruitless. In order to protect the people, Young Master Zhang was forced by Fan Wencheng to change his tactics once, and ordered the whole army to speed up and retreat to the south of Liuba as soon as possible.

In this way, at noon on March 28, the Ming army on the south line finally withdrew to the small town of Liuba. to twenty miles.While the people were resting outside the town, Qin Liangyu's mother and son, Zhao Guangyuan and others came to Young Master Zhang and warned him: "Zhang Butang, we have arrived at Liuba, go south, the small road It is even more complicated. Not only are there many small roads leading directly to Baocheng and Hanzhong, but there are also some small roads leading directly to Mianxian, Chenggu and Yangxian counties. The thieves have entered the hinterland of Hanzhong."

"Don't worry, I only have a suggestion." Young Master Zhang said calmly, "Let the people rest for half an hour. After half an hour, the whole army will continue to march south."

"Continue to go south?" Qin Liangyu's mother and son, Zhao Guangyuan and the others looked at each other in surprise, and Zhao Guangyuan asked tentatively: "Master, although you have told us that you are not allowed to inquire about the military plan, so as not to leak the secrets, but at this point, what are you doing, my lord?" Isn't it time to show the last generals? Although the last generals are incompetent, I hope that I can play a role or two for you, my lord."

"General Zhao misunderstood, I didn't mean to despise you." Young Master Zhang shook his head, and continued to say calmly: "After I ordered to abandon the easy-to-defend Dasan Pass, for more than 20 days, the Hanzhong army and the Bai The soldiers have fought a lot of vicious battles one after another. The soldiers and you have worked hard. It is time for you to rest. After a while, you will lead the army and the people away. No matter what happens, you don’t have to go back and join the battle. Let the soldiers have a good rest."

"What do you mean? Could it be...?" Zhao Guangyuan asked in surprise.Young Master Zhang shook his head, smiled and said: "Don't ask too much, just follow orders, I should go where I should go." After that, Young Master Zhang rarely took the initiative to speak to Ma Xiangling once, and asked with a smile: "Xiang Miss Ling, are you interested in going to a place with me?"

"Where?" Ma Xiangling asked with a blushing face.Young Master Zhang smiled and replied: "Zhang Liangmiao, you all know that Zhang Liang Zhang Zifang is my ancestor. As a descendant of me, when I arrive in Liuba, why can't I go to the famous Zhang Liang Temple to offer a stick of incense? Kowtow to my ancestors Of course Ma Xiangling was willing, but she was too embarrassed to be alone with Young Master Zhang, so she could only blushed and said, "Since my lord is going to offer incense to the ancestors, then I will not bother you. Besides, the thieves will hurry up." After catching up with us, the last general has to stay in the army..."

Amidst the snickers of Zhang Shitou, Li Dingguo and other young master Zhang's cronies, the young master Zhang who didn't expect Ma Xiangling to refuse directly gave an embarrassed smile, but he didn't force it. Purple Cypress Mountain.In view of Young Master Zhang's incompetent methods of picking up girls, on the way, even Shi Kefa, who is honest and honest, couldn't help teaching Young Master Zhang: "Zhang Butang, it's not that the students are talking about you, so you don't know what to do, right? In front of Miss Ma's cousin Gao Sister-in-law, how could a girl with yellow flowers agree to invite Miss Ma to accompany you on a tour of the mountains and temples? Oh, shame on me, I don’t know where your reputation for flirting and obscenity comes from. Just relying on this flirting method, it’s better than me. Not as good."

"Fuck you." Young Master Zhang immediately gave the future national hero a kick, and scolded with a smile: "You think I'm like you, with a head full of pornography? I'm too busy with military and government affairs all day long, so why? Time to find my aunt again? I want Miss Ma to accompany me to visit Zhang Liang Temple, but I just want to hint to Qin Liangyu and Zhao Guangyuan, let them know that I have a plan in mind, lest they worry about my safety and insist on leaving the army to protect me, then It messed up my plans."

"Is that true?" No matter how honest Shi Kefa was, he would never believe Young Master Zhang's nonsense. When he was looking suspiciously at Young Master Zhang, Ma Xiangling's voice suddenly came from behind, "Master Zhang, wait, please wait for the last general." Young Master Zhang and others looked back, only to see Ma Xiangling leading twenty white soldiers chasing after him.After arriving in front of him, Ma Xiangling blushed and said to Young Master Zhang: "Master Zhang, my mother knows that you are a golden branch and jade leaf, and she is worried about your safety, so she asked the last general to bring twenty good men to protect you, just in case... . . . "

"Mother, in fact, it is enough for you to come alone." Li Dingguo poked his head out from behind Zhang Shitou, and said with a smirk, "Don't you find it inconvenient to bring so many people here?" Ma Xiangling was already She was extremely shy, and when Li Dingguo said this, she immediately blushed to the base of her neck, without saying a word, she immediately went to whip her whip, Li Dingguo laughed and patted her horse and ran away, Ma Xiangling was ashamed and angry, chasing after him, wanting anything Smacking Li Dingguo well, Shi Kefa, Zhang Shitou and others who laughed and winked also chased after him, but Young Master Zhang secretly smiled bitterly, thinking: "Troublesome, he is too handsome, that's troublesome."


Leaving aside the fact that Young Master Zhang, the big pervert, led the little sheep Ma Xiangling to his ancestral temple to offer incense, but after the main force of the rebels passed through Chai Pass, Fan Wencheng was relieved a little—because at the road leading to Liuba On the official road, that is, the last pass is the easiest to ambush and block. Going forward, not only is the terrain relatively open and difficult to ambush, but also there are only less than [-] miles away from the Liuba where the trails converge. After two hours at most, the main force of the rebels will be able to arrive and control this important place, thus grasping the initiative of the entire Hanzhong battlefield.But the treacherous and treacherous Fan Wencheng still didn't dare to be careless, and once again found Gao Yingxiang who had been to Liuba, and asked him about the detailed terrain near Liuba.

"Don't worry, Mr. Fan, I've said it many times." Gao Yingxiang said impatiently: "The terrain around Liuba is not suitable for ambushes, because the mountains beside the road are relatively high, and it is difficult to go up the mountain and even more difficult to go down the mountain. The terrain is very open, even if you throw stones or logs on the mountain, it is impossible to block the road, so we don't have to worry about being cut off by the middle. Moreover, there is a large open field outside Liuba Town. Thousands of troops can't do it at all."

"I hope King Chuang's judgment is correct." Fan Wencheng sighed.At this time, the army of the vanguard of the rebels came back to report, "Report to King Chuang, the officers, soldiers and people have gone directly south along the official road after a short rest outside Liuba Town. Cao Tianwang please order, our army's forward is entering the town Stationed? Or continue to pursue?"

"Let him garrison in the town, and wait until the main force arrives." Gao Yingxiang ordered: "By the way, tell Cao Tianwang to send more scouts to scout and see if there are any officers and soldiers ambush around Liuba." He shouted again: "Remember, please ask Cao Tianwang to increase the number of scouts three times, and you must investigate carefully."

The messengers led away again, and the main force of the thieves' army also accelerated their pace southward. After more than an hour, the small town of Liuba was finally in sight. Fan Wencheng breathed a sigh of relief that the small town of Liuba was really difficult to ambush It's on the banks of the Bingshui River, and the view is very wide. Although the mountains in the northeast are high and densely forested, they are relatively far away.At the same time, Luo Rucai's army has also entered Liuba Town, frantically looting all the reusable supplies left behind by the people after they evacuated.Overjoyed, Fan Wencheng hurriedly asked, "King Chuang, where is the Zhangliang Temple you mentioned?"

Gao Yingxiang raised his head to carefully observe the topographical memory, and quickly pointed to the Zibai Mountain in the northeast of Liuba and said, "Look, it's on the top of that mountain." Seeing that the distance was not very far, Fan Wencheng was even more delighted, and laughed and said: "King Chuang, the student has to go to Zhangliang Temple first, and burn down the ruined temple to avenge my family. I wonder if King Chuang is interested in accompanying the student?"

"Let's go together." Gao Yingxiang nodded in agreement, and said with a smirk: "That little dog officer has killed countless soldiers of our rebel army, and he has driven us to the ground these days. If he doesn't burn his ancestral temple, I will It’s hard to let out such a bad breath.” Most of the other thieves, big and small, have also suffered a lot in the hands of Young Master Zhang. When they heard that they were going to burn Young Master Zhang’s ancestral temple, of course they all applauded. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang was dug up in history. Twenty or thirty thieves, large and small, from the ancestral graves, with simple proletarian hatred, led five or six hundred rebel cavalry, and killed Zhang Liang, an outstanding representative of the feudal superstition and landlord exploiting class. — the temple.

When the rebel infantry was still heading towards the small town of Liuba, Gao Yingxiang, Fan Wencheng and other cavalry had already arrived at the foot of Zibai Mountain. The big thief Luo Ru heard the news and led a team of cavalry to drive away Come and have fun.Seeing the blue and yellow tile roof of Zhang Liang Temple from a distance under the hillside, Fan Wencheng suddenly had a sore nose, and couldn't help thinking of his parents and family members who died tragically under the butcher knife of Young Master Zhang, and countless Jian slaves who were killed by Young Master Zhang. The master and his beautiful little wife who must be wriggling under Duduo's crotch recalled that he had self-defeated and provoked the masters who built slaves to provoke Master Zhang, the barbarian super plague god, and himself and his master Huang Taiji were killed by Master Zhang. With the painful memory of wandering on the grassland, Fan Wencheng's eyes gradually turned red, and two tears slowly slid down Fan Wencheng's cheeks...

"Mr. Fan, why are you crying?" Luo Rucai, who had the best relationship with Fan Wencheng, asked in surprise.Fan Wencheng was not cryptic either, he wiped his tears and choked up and said, "It's nothing, seeing the ancestral temple of the little mad dog, I can't help but think of some past events, and I feel a little sad in my heart."

"Mr. Fan, don't be too sad. When we have the opportunity, we will avenge you, Mr. Puppy." After getting along with Fan Wencheng for a long time, Luo Rucai had heard about the tragic past of Fan Wencheng being framed by Young Master Zhang. Consolingly said: "My good brother, now is your chance to vent your anger. After entering the main hall, the statue of the dog officer's ancestors will be handed over to you to smash. When the temple is burned, the first fire will also be lit for you."

"Thank you Cao Tianwang." Fan Wencheng agreed, wiping his tears and choking with sobs. He took Luo Rucai's hand again, and said with a tearful smile, "Brother, let's go up the mountain hand in hand and burn the ancestral temple of the little mad dog together!" Luo Rucai agreed with a smile, and immediately Fan Wencheng and Luo Rucai marched hand in hand, Gao Yingxiang followed behind with other bandits, talking and laughing, followed Fan Wencheng and Luo Rucai up the mountain to burn the temple.

"My lords, Mr. Fan, why are you laughing so happily?" As soon as I walked to the bottom of the steps of the temple gate on the top of the mountain, an extremely sinister and ferocious laugh suddenly came from the top of the bluestone steps, "Do you want to burn my ancestors?" Temple, I can vent my anger, so why are you so happy?"

"Little mad dog?!" Hearing the unpleasant but familiar voice that resembled Ye Xiao, Fan Wencheng's heart felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer. When he quickly looked up, Young Master Zhang, who was wearing a second-grade vermilion official uniform, shook Tang Bohu's hand. The hand-painted erotic fan had already stood at the top of the steps with a smile on his face, and he grinned at Fan Wencheng and the thieves: "Unfortunately, if I, as a descendant, let your wishes come true, there will be no more in the future." I went to see my ancestors."

"Little mad dog?! Is it really you—?!" Amidst Fan Wencheng's heart-piercing screams, the soldiers of the slave slaughter army ambushing inside the gate of Zhangliang Temple came out in a silent line with knives and muskets in their hands. , and quickly formed a team beside Young Master Zhang. At the same time, on the top of the temple gate and in the corridors on both sides of the temple, countless soldiers of the slave slaughter army came out with their guns out, forming a formation. Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai and other gangsters big and small.

"King Cao, be careful!" With a clear understanding, just as Young Master Zhang was about to give the order to shoot, Fan Wencheng yelled to remind Luo Rucai to be careful—then quickly dodged behind Luo Rucai, strangled Luo Rucai's neck from behind, and forced Luo Rucai Became his own human shield.Almost at the same time, Young Master Zhang also gently waved down the folded fan, and said lightly, "Shoot."

"Bang bang bang bang!" Amid the sound of muskets bursting like beans, lead bullets were shot like raindrops. Luo Rucai, who was set up in front by Fan Wencheng as a shield, bore the brunt of the blow. Shouting, cursing before dying: "Ah! Fan Wencheng, I'll fuck your eighteen generations of ancestors!"

"Good brother, I'm sorry." Fan Wencheng said with a sinister smile: "But it's also your fault, brother was originally used to betray - you don't even know that?"

(End of this chapter)

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