One Piece Titan Awakening

Chapter 171 The End of the Wonderful Journey

Chapter 171 The End of the Wonderful Journey

"What the hell is going on? Why does it feel so... weird?"

Soaking alone in the hot pool, Ryder gurgled and blew the bubbles, his eyes were as numb as salted fish. At this moment, he was in a state of doubting his life.

But Ryder didn't know, even if he wanted to break his head, he wouldn't understand this kind of thing.

Ryder, who is simply ignorant of the world, is famous as the lone red in the first half of the great voyage, and the famous Balorie Clydefield.

No matter which identity it is, it has nothing to do with men and women.

Given Ryder's special circumstances, how could he easily fall in love with a woman?


Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Master Raleigh, may I come in?"

Outside the door, a soft female voice sounded.

"Please come in."

Ryder said casually.

But then, his eyes widened in surprise!
"You, you, you... me, me, me... what's going on!"

The door of the room was pushed open, and a short-haired girl with a good figure walked in. The thin clothes didn't seem to have any effect, and there was even a kind of seductive exposure that wanted to be concealed.

"Master Raleigh, what do you mean by that? Of course I am here to serve you."

The short-haired girl thought that Ryder was joking with him, and wanted to play something different, so she winked and coquettishly said.

Ryder: "..."

What the hell did that kid bring us to!


"Good sister, please, you hand over this guest to me, and I won't take any money. I just want to get acquainted with that adult."

In a lounge, Mia was holding the arm of a woman with pink hair and begging, as if she was going to serve Luo Song herself.

"Mia, I'm not talking about you. You've been here no shorter than me. What made you have such unrealistic fantasies?"

The pink-haired woman is upset.

"But he's different," Mia pouted, shaking the woman's arm, close to her ear, and said lightly, "This way..."

"What, that kid is rich! He's still a chick! He's also handsome!"

The woman was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth, her pink lips forming a lovely O shape.

It can be seen how rare it is to meet a rich and shy virgin like Luo Song in this kind of place.

It's a big winner when it's done.

Greed flashed in the pink woman's eyes, and Mia secretly yelled that she was not good, and this woman was also tempted.

"Mia, since you have already told me, I can't let go. Do you think we will have any friendship in this matter?"

The pink-haired woman took care of her makeup and was about to walk out the door.

"No, you bitch, I found out first."

Mia shouted angrily, but to no avail.

It was her fault.

Her biggest mistake was to tell this woman about Luo Song.

"Humph, idiot!"

The pink-haired woman raised her middle finger at Mia without looking back.

"You bitch..."

Mia's expression gradually became frightened.

There was a muffled sound of "touch", and there were two figures standing there, one tall and one short, in the direction the pink-haired woman left.

"Long Bread, isn't that woman dead? I don't want to kill anyone today."

A woman with a hot body said coldly, with a tall figure and a pink speckled skirt, with long wavy hair pouring down, she looked wild and seductive.

"kulukuku, of course not, this woman is not injured at all except for fainting."

It was a short, fat man with a beak-shaped nose, big lips, and a strange clover-like beard dotted underneath, which looked very funny.

He wiped his hands on the apron of his lower body, showing contempt: "This kind of woman is really disgusting."

"Don't forget what we are going to do today, we are here to study."

said the woman.

"kukukuku, of course I remember."

The chunky man smiled strangely and looked towards Mia's location.

"If I hear you right, I think our chance is coming soon."

"Hey, that chick, are you going to work?"

Long Bun raised his eyebrows with a wretched expression.

"Damn it, if you make that disgusting look again, I'll put my heel in your mouth."

The tall slender woman said dissatisfied.

"kukukuku, then I will also turn it into a delicious dessert, Lingling, you can't help me, kukuku..."

The long bread said casually.

Then he looked at Mia with threatening eyes: "So, girl, have you decided? As long as you can take us to the scene to learn some knowledge, we will not treat you badly."

"For example, invite you to eat a piece of chocolate cake." Long Bread took out a piece of chocolate cake like magic, "How about it, this is Lingling's favorite, do you want to try it?"

"Shut up about long bread, you will gain weight if you eat too much sweets."

The woman was dissatisfied.

"Come on, you won't think so when you get cravings, listen to my advice, Lingling, a body like this, how can there be happiness from sweets, kukukuku..."

Long Bread said disdainfully.

After their bickering, the two turned their attention to Mia again.
"Okay...Okay, I'll take you there."

Mia swallowed her saliva and said with difficulty.


Soaking in the bathtub, Luo Song closed his eyes comfortably and took a nap.

They don't even know that someone has entered the room.

But the main reason is that I didn't feel threatened.

"Mr. Roger is asleep, well, let's..."

Mia looked at the two in bewilderment.

"It's just sleeping, I won't wake him up..."

"Wait, Long Bread, no need for this."

The tall slender woman's eyes flickered.

Roger?This man is obviously called Luo Song.

He would come to such a place!

Curious in her heart, the tall slender woman instructed Mia.

"You do what you can do now, don't worry about waking him up."

As she spoke, she randomly found a high stool, sat aside and watched intently.

Mia frowned, what can she do?

Someone is watching, what else can she do!
"Don't be silly, hurry up and do it."

Long Bread urged.

"Okay, I'll start now."

Seeing the urging from that ugly and fierce guy, Mia panicked and responded quickly.

Then she knelt down behind Luo Song and started massaging him.

During the nap, Luo Song felt that someone was gently massaging his head. He expected it to be the service staff here. He felt comfortable and had to say something professional.

For a while, Luo Song fell into a deeper sleep.

"kukuku, isn't it the same as kneading dough for me? I can do such a simple thing."

Seeing Mia's actions, Long Bread said disdainfully.

"Why don't you try it."

The tall slender woman raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Coupled with her stern appearance, it's simply A blast.

 Thanks to the book friend Feiqinghuadu for his friendly help, (ω) It turns out that the aunt was really pretty when she was young.

(End of this chapter)

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