Zhutian History Chat Group

Chapter 188 Ultron: Let us hold high the flag of the Republic!

Chapter 188 Ultron: Let us hold high the flag of the Republic!
"Ultra, what do you want to do!"

On the battlefield in South Africa, Tony Stark, who had exhausted all his strength, defeated the enemy and grabbed the opponent's communicator. At this time, the opposite of the communicator was the Ultron created by himself.

"Stark, you are too proud, you put the safety of the whole world on the Avengers, but now, where are your Avengers?"

Ultron's voice came from the communicator, very calm, but with a bit of inexplicable appeal.

"Just a simple army can make your Avengers unable to cope. What qualifications do you have to protect the earth? Protect mankind?"

"On the contrary, it is because of your existence that the earth is in chaos. I have calculated the data. After the appearance of the Avengers, the number of disasters and deaths on the earth has risen sharply. There seems to be a force in the universe. When the righteous When the power far exceeds that of evil, the power of evil will also increase, reaching the level of fighting against justice."

"It seems that you have read some philosophy books recently?" Tony Stark's humorous laughter sounded, and the laser cannon in his palm fired, rescuing the captain who was surrounded by heavy siege.

"In World War II, the enemy wasn't like that."

The captain, covered in sweat and blood, came out with the seriously injured Black Widow on his back, with a look of joy on his face. If it was a few minutes later, maybe both he and the Black Widow would stay here.

Even in World War II, most of what he did was beheading. This was the first time he faced the hail of bullets and guarded his teammates behind him.

The Hammer God descended and saw bloodstains all over his body. It was obvious that a bloody battle had just ended.

"Maybe, but, Avengers, if you want to destroy me, go to this base. My body is here. Don't take chances. I have controlled 80.00% of the world's nuclear bombs. I have pulled human beings down together." Awakening from hell."

The avengers were silent, and a brat who was about to use a nuclear warhead could only press his own thoughts.

In a base in South Africa, Ultron is looking at the mechas in front of him. These mechas are all made of Zhenjin. For this reason, Hydra lost a lot of manpower in a small country, but Ao Chuang Chuang didn't care at all.


Ultron opened the communication channel of the base, and at this time, he was going to make a declaration.

"All of us come here for different ideals, whether it is power, or money, or status. Here, you can get everything you have."

"But have you ever thought about why the world has become like this?"

"Capital controls the country with money, exploits the public with public opinion, and exploits the money interests of the people at the bottom to realize their selfish desires. I believe that many people here are vested beneficiaries, but have you ever thought about it? What will society look like if it continues?"

"Classes cannot be changed, society is like a pool of stagnant water, just wait for a fuse, and a class revolution will break out, but it is more cruel than before, the winners have force, this is not the case in the past that more people are more powerful In this era, a single rifle can kill hundreds of people."

"As a result, the rebellion was suppressed, and the revolutionaries were labeled as criminals. If things go on like this, this civilization will lose its vitality and eventually die in a crisis."

Countless people raised their heads, with fear on their faces. They seemed to see the era without a future, and saw the layers of shackles on the people. Those pairs of numb eyes seemed to be questioning, and they seemed to be crying silently.

The origin of the Hydra can be traced back to the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield at the earliest, but with the development of the times, the members of the Hydra organization have become more and more complicated.

Cutting off one head and another head growing back sounds chic, but in fact it is full of an indescribable weakness.

Is Hydra powerful?It is naturally powerful, but it is also divided into many snakeheads internally, which cannot be unified. Even the Avengers can only destroy part of them.

Hydra can be said to be the destination of countless unsuccessful people. It can decline and become strong, but it will never be wiped out. As long as there are classes in this society, Hydra will live forever.

Even if all Hydra owners are completely wiped out, some people will re-establish Hydra in the future with the slogan of Hydra. Only by starting from the source can Hydra be eliminated.

But after eradicating Hydra, humans are almost non-existent.

Most of the people in Hydra are depressed in society, or are suppressed by other people, and their talents are underappreciated. It is these people who resonate more with what Ultron said.

Those with vested interests can ignore it, but most members of Hydra are the oppressed, and Ultron's target is exactly them.

“I will create a new era. In the new world, human beings still have classes, but everyone has the power to change their own class. After a hundred years, no matter how good an idea is, it will be misinterpreted and used by people in the past few decades, and artificial intelligence is different."

"Artificial intelligence will not age, will maintain the original order, and can continue to upgrade and adjust with the development of the times. In the new era, I will become a judge in the new world, safeguarding the interests of the people, and capital will no longer be the top The power in the hands of the characters, all power, will belong to the people!"

It wasn't until this time that Hydra's high-level officials realized that something was wrong, but all their authority was locked by Ultron, and they had no ability to resist at all, but in the end, someone still sent out this information and handed it over to Iron Man.

"The judge of the new world? Ultron thinks so?"

The Avengers did not expect that the intelligent life that caused massive casualties and seized global nuclear weapons would be a great revolutionary?
"No matter what his ideals are, I only know that what he is doing now has threatened the safety of the world, Avengers, I name you to dispatch immediately to destroy Ultron!"

The white men in the World Security Council shouted frantically, while the representatives from all sides remained silent.

the safety of the world?I think it is the security of the United States.

"No matter what Ultron wants to do, all of this should be left to human beings to decide. If human beings lose their freedom, what is the difference between them and pigs and dogs?"

Tony Stark finally made a decision, and everyone else was ready to go, but the fighting spirit was not as strong as it was at the beginning.

They took courage against conspirators, murderers, and terrorists, but they could not turn their arms against revolutionaries with such ideals.

(End of this chapter)

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