Chapter 236

It can be said that the atmosphere of the Yaozu has been a bit dull recently. Since the All Souls Academy appeared on the Human Race, and it has been proved that even the Yaozu can go to study, the teachers will teach without distinction, and will not be treated differently because of race. The morale of the army of the Yaozu who was already preparing to attack the human race also began to turmoil.

Compared with the human race, the composition of the demon race is too mixed. Plants, birds and beasts, aquatic creatures, and various minerals can become demons.

If there is a strong demon emperor, then naturally all dissatisfaction can be suppressed, but after the ancient battle, Dijun and Taiyi were stuck and revived, and the other demon gods were either disheartened and lived in seclusion, or they were stuck like Dijun Taiyi In the resurrection, those who have the ability have no prestige, and those who have the prestige have no ability, the huge demon court will directly fall apart.

Before Kunpeng could use the righteousness of the monster clan to drive many monster clans to send troops to attack the human race, but now even Kunpeng went to search for the whereabouts of the Eastern Emperor Bell and didn't care about attacking the human race. Naturally, these monster races were not so concerned.

In addition to the continuous publicity of the fox clan, rabbit clan and other relatives of the monster clan, more and more monster clans are preparing to launch an army to attack the people first, wait and see, or go directly to the human race.

After all, compared to the Yaozu, which has no benefits and strict rules, the environment of the Human Race is not only more relaxed, but also the treatment is good. Although there are some restrictions, it is much better than the Yaozu.

"Tiger, what are you doing?"

A middle-aged tiger demon with a tiger head and a human body suddenly walked into Flash, saw a flash of light in his sharp eyes, and asked immediately.

"Didn't do anything." Known as a tiger, he also has the body of a tiger, but he looks like a teenager.

The middle-aged tiger demon naturally didn't believe it. Smelling the smell in the air, a pair of tiger eyes swept across the entire cave, and finally settled on his son's face that was bigger than usual.

"open mouth."

Seeing the tiger's father's fist, Huzi finally opened his mouth obediently, and then, a cube-shaped object fell out, which was grabbed by the quick-sighted and quick-handed tiger father.

"Good boy, I'm watching cat movies again! No wonder I haven't had much energy in practicing Qi these days. I confiscated the things. I'll take them back when you condense the demon pills."

Huzi clenched his teeth with a sad face. He just got off and hasn't finished watching it yet.

There is no way to pass this day. It seems that I can only take a few more spiritual fruits to Qianqian Pavilion to change my mobile phone. I hope my dad won't find out.

In another larger cave, Dad Tiger was happily opening the mobile phone he had received from Huzi, and saw the two cats in the video, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

This hair, this luster, this body shape...I don't know who the cat girl is, if she can show her beauty, he would be willing to live ten years less!

"This brat, there's still something I haven't seen before."

Seeing the dozens of small movies in the memory, Dad Tiger decided not to go out for a while, and wait until they finished watching them.

Such scenes happen in many places. In addition to mobile phones, there are also comics, novels, various toys, and courseware taught by teachers. a stable group.

It's not that the demon gods didn't notice it, but they didn't care. After all, these things are useless, they're just toys, but they don't know that thoughts are sometimes more terrifying than violence.

Without anyone noticing, an undercurrent was slowly brewing.


"Brother Yang, do you want to help me with this favor?"

In a valley, a wolf-headed monster stopped a sheep-headed monster, followed by a pig-headed monster and a tiger-headed monster.

"Wolf Xiao, Tiger Howl, don't bully the sheep too much! Believe it or not, I will go to Lord Bai Ze for comment!"

The goat leaned on his crutches, blowing his beard and staring, but facing the three monsters in front of him, he really didn't dare to make a move, not only because he couldn't beat them, but also because there was his group behind him.

As for raising Bai Ze's reputation, whether it can overwhelm them, the Goat Monster didn't have much hope in his heart.

Such conflicts happen every day in Yaozu not one thousand times, but eight hundred times. What kind of person is Bai Ze?Just mediating those big clans has already exhausted my mind and energy, so how could I waste my energy on them.

Therefore, seeking help from God Bai Ze is the last choice, unless the race survives, the sheep clan will never dare to do so.

"Brother Yang, are we going to kill you, and as long as you agree, our clans will protect the Yang clan in the future. Your sheep clan is not good at fighting, isn't it just right?" Lang Xiao persuaded earnestly.

"It's an insult to Sven! Sven fell to the ground!" The sheep monster kept hitting the ground with its crutches, as if it wanted to break the crutches into pieces.

If there are other requests, he might agree to them, but the requests of these guys are too perverted. If he agrees, how will the sheep clan live in the monster clan in the future?
"Don't you just want the hair on your body? Anyway, you can still grow it, so why don't you agree." The pig monster said angrily.

"Do you dare to take off your clothes and run on the street? If you dare, do you dare to let the whole family run with you?"

The sheep monster's words made the pig monster choke and couldn't answer. Imagine the situation where his family members ran outside naked, and the pig monster shivered. Even if he was shameless, he had to think about his own people.

"Brother Yang, don't worry, we are not some big villains, and we will definitely spare some hair for you, Brother Yang." Hu Hao put on a blush on the side.

Facing the pressing force of the three monster clans, the Goat Monster had no choice but to agree in the end.

After all, one side is the lives of the tribesmen, and the other side is just dispensable wool.

"But, can you tell me, what are you doing with the wool?"

The goat monster, who had no hair left on its body, shivered, even though it was wearing a thick layer of cotton clothes, it still felt a little uncomfortable, especially for the monsters passing by, it always felt like they were secretly laughing at him.

"Well, I won't hide it from you. You also know about mobile phones, right?" Lang Xiao looked at the wool in front of him, and he didn't hide it when he was happy.

"Of course I know." The Goat Monster nodded. Isn't this the item sold by Money Pavilion recently? He has also played it before, but it doesn't feel interesting.

Seeing the goat monster's expression, Lang Xiao also knew what he thought, but he wasn't surprised. Most of the big monsters have the same view on mobile phones.

"This mobile phone sells for 100 Luobao coins in the money pavilion, but on the human side, it only needs a few hundred ordinary copper coins. I heard that the human race is collecting wool, so I plan to exchange the wool for the mobile phone, and then sell it. We'll be rich."

Lang Xiao has fallen into blind thinking about the future, but the goat trembles, the human race is harvesting wool?Then wouldn't they have no clothes to wear in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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