Abandoned Concubine's Farm Space

Chapter 999 The Pastoral Life of the Five Treasures 5

Chapter 999 Five Treasures’ Pastoral Life 287
Wu Bao couldn't help but swallowed a little, she was really afraid that there were snakes on the opposite side, and when she got here, she didn't know why, but her spiritual sense couldn't be used.

Next to her, Wu Bao touched a big tall grass with slightly sharper branches, and then jumped up one by one along the big leaves. After a while, she jumped to the top of the big grass. top.

Then what she noticed was that where the rustling sound came from, patches of grass were falling down.

Wu Bao noticed a black figure flashing past in the fallen grass, which actually looked a bit like an ant.

What a big ants, but luckily they are ants, if they were all snakes, she would cry.

At this time, the ant army was infinitely close to her position.

Wubao looked around for a while, and found that the advancing routes of these ant legions were all in one place, and it was impossible to find a gap.

"What should I do? Do you want to fight with ants?" Wu Bao's mouth twitched, she didn't want to fight with ants.

Not only can't use spiritual knowledge here, even if you want to use spiritual power, you can't do it.

What kind of world is this? Can it only rely on one's own strength?
At this moment, Wu Bao took aim at a huge blade of grass, and then swung up. She swept across it, preferably passing through the army of ants. If she ran ahead of them, at their current speed, she would have to keep running away. .

She now needs to make a simple slingshot and pop herself out.

Now the space can’t be contacted, and now she can only rely on her own strength. Wubao let out a long breath, and then began to bounce back and forth between the two huge grass blades. When the accumulated strength was enough, she exerted herself. With all her strength, she bounced herself towards the grass leaves, and then with the help of the huge force of the grass leaves, she finally bounced in the direction that the ant army was advancing.

With a whoosh, Wubao headed towards the rear of the ant army, and not long after she jumped out, the two grasses she borrowed had already fallen down.

This army of ants is really too powerful. Wherever they go, the grass all falls down.

Wubao was bounced tens of meters open, and then fell under a fallen grass leaf.

At this time, she actually heard the voice of speaking.

"General, this piece of grass will be cleared soon, what shall we do next?"

"Have you found the outsider yet?"

"could not find it!"

"General, what does an outsider look like?"

"I don't know either. The high priest said that the outsiders are very powerful, so we have to be more careful. Now that we have cleared the grass, I believe that if the outsiders come, we will see them soon."

The general said so, but his subordinates did not believe it.

Wubao noticed that the one who spoke was the ants. The outsider that the army of ants was looking for couldn't be himself?
Wu Bao quietly stayed under the grass leaves, she was thinking about whether to show her face?

The most important thing now is that she doesn't know whether these ants are malicious or benign. From what she can see now, she doesn't think they are benevolent.

Wubao decides to hide!
Soon General Ant led his soldiers to the front, not knowing if something happened to the ants in front.

Wubao hurried to the back. Speaking of which, there is really a huge forest behind, and she now has a feeling that she has been shrunk.

When Wubao ran into the woods, the first thing he did was to climb up the tree, and then watch the actions of those ants.

They really went hand in hand, and all the grass was leveled wherever they went.

At this time, there was a rustling sound under the big tree.

Wu Bao looked under the tree, and she was frightened into a cold sweat.

What the hell is going on?Now there is a large group of small snakes below. These snakes are not well-trained, just like ants, and they are actually about the same size as hers.

"General, the ants have leveled the grass."

"Cut it flat, cut it flat, don't be afraid of them!"

"But what do we do? How do we find outsiders?"

"Follow them!"

The group of little snakes only stayed for a while before heading towards the grass in front of them. They were completely hidden in the grass. After all, they were all green. This color was equivalent to being invisible in the grass.

Wu Bao knew that she was in an illusion, but she didn't understand why this illusion made her come here.

See these little animals fight?

Isn't it?

The problem is that she doesn't even have spiritual power now, no matter what she wants to do, she feels a little tiring.

At this time, Wubao found a beautiful butterfly flying towards her direction.

Such a big butterfly, even if she hides on the butterfly's back, the little guys below can't see her at all.

Wubao is going to catch this butterfly. Here, since it is inconvenient for her to walk by herself, let this butterfly take her away!

Wu Bao looked around, the branches and leaves on this tree were still very dense, and the most important thing was that the leaves were all slender, and the length of each was almost the same as his own.

Wubao started to weave a net on the tree quickly, and when the butterfly flew over, it directly caught it.

Although she couldn't use her spiritual sense, she still had no problem attacking the little butterfly. After a while, she controlled the big butterfly.

Wubao jumped directly onto the big butterfly's back, and then drove the butterfly towards the inside of the forest.

Along the way, Wubao saw all kinds of animals or insects, no matter what kind of animals or insects they were, they were all about the same size as her.

Strange, too strange, what should appear in the illusion is something similar to reality, but there is a huge gap between this and reality.

"It's really like entering the Jurassic period!" Wubao sighed, and then observed.

In the interior of the forest, there is no grass, and the most important thing is that here, she can't see any struggle here. Although there seems to be a conflict in the grass, she has noticed , In the woods, no matter if they are ants or snakes, even if they are together, they are all peaceful, and there is no sign of fighting.

Wu Bao felt a little strange, why even though they were animals, they knew not to fight in public, and they still acted in harmony with each other.

This made Wubao feel that these animals are really more sensible than humans.

After all, if there is a fight between humans, they are still enemies outside of the fight, and they dislike each other and attack each other, but why don't animals do it?
Is it because they are simple?
But are animals really innocent?Wu Bao didn't think so either, after all, he just saw the general of the Snake Clan still playing tricks there.

This simplicity is only relative, right?
But Wubao is wandering around now. She wandered around for a while, not knowing which direction she should go. At this moment, the big butterfly suggested that it would take Wubao home. According to it, the environment of the butterfly clan It is the most beautiful place.

(End of this chapter)

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