Honghuang Playground

Chapter 263 Happy New Year's Day + Some Chapters

Chapter 263 Happy New Year's Day + Some Words

On the first day of 2013, I have something to say.

First of all, I wish you all a happy new year!

Of course, including me.

Well, being able to survive the apocalypse is enough to name time with a new era, right?Our introduction in the history books in the future is 'The man who has gone through the era? '

In July 12, Chapter 7 of this article was uploaded at the starting point.Because there was already a hit book at the starting point at that time, so it would not be unrealistic to think about becoming a god or something.What I think about the most is to be able to let readers say: Ah!Something new!
I am very satisfied and very proud that I succeeded.

Now that the flood is dying, I think I'm pretty good.

This needs to thank you.Really, I really appreciate you guys.Many of you will post in the book review area and send messages in the book friend group to tell me your views.There are more book friends who haven't posted or joined the group, but you can tell me by subscribing.You are here.

You are here.

very nice.real.You are here, we are here.

Thank you.

In the last month of 12, I successfully completed a phased goal: update 5000 words a day and complete full attendance.

When I first set this goal, I didn’t think much about it. I just thought, it’s been two months since it’s been on the shelves, so I can’t even get a full attendance, right?Only today did I realize that this is the last chance to get full attendance in 12 years!
In fact, this idea came about during training in Shanghai Qiqidian.Looking at Gang Damu 52 Tianleizhu and they have been constantly updating, for the first time I know what the so-called online writers should do.

This is a bit far.Anyway, I achieved full attendance in December.

But at the same time, with this daily update rate of [-], many problems have also been exposed.It now appears that these problems did a great disservice to the book.

There is no way to continue.

To be honest, I even had the idea of ​​tj myself.Fortunately, it is supported now.

Uh, it's a bit of a mess.I don't even know what I want to say now.

Okay, clear your mind.

The first thing: I will continue to update in January, but it will not be 5000+.Maybe if I get interested, I will get 5000+.unconfirmed.

The second thing: the new book is officially on the agenda.I want to release it by the end of January, years ago.In this way, everyone can watch it during the New Year holidays.

That's why I want to reduce the amount of game field updates.I work in the service industry, and I have to work overtime from New Year's Day to the end of the New Year.If the development of new books is carried out on the basis of 5000...it cannot be maintained.

Well, those two things.After rambling on for a long time, I ended up with so many words.I am sorry.

For this chapter, I will post it as a VIP, not the public.However, the number of words is less than [-], so there is no charge.

Finally, I would like to thank my deputy moderators: I don't want to go to the name, the ghost house, 02352165476.Especially if I don't want to name you, I sincerely say the last sentence: You are the person I am most grateful for.The most serious sub-moderator I have ever met.

I hope that in the new year, I hope that in the new book, I am, you are, and you are.

Thank you.

Build a house. January 2013, 1.Nine past one o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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