Chapter 546
In fact, Tang San was also very shocked.

When he saw Bibi Dong before, he just thought that the Pope of the Spirit Hall was very powerful.

But how powerful the other party is, he has no idea at all.

In his mind, it might be at the level of a Titled Douluo.

After all, her age is not that old.

At least compared to the Title Douluo he knew, Bibi Dong herself was absolutely young.

However, after meeting and fighting this time, he noticed some clues.

Tang San's own mental power, after so many times of strengthening and boosting, has already been promoted to the vast realm.

Although Bibi Dong was deliberately covering up her aura.

However, in front of Tang San whose mental power had been raised to the vast realm, there was already nothing to hide.

Tang San could clearly perceive that Bibi Dong's spirit power had been cultivated to at least level 98.

Even if he can't compare with Sea God Douluo - Bo Saixi, he won't be much different.

At her age, she has already cultivated to this level.

One can imagine how shocked Tang San was.

Of course, it's normal to think about it now.

If it weren't for Bibi Dong's exaggerated strength, how could the two soul beasts be so downcast.

If only facing the six Titled Douluo, the two soul beasts join forces, plus the geographical advantage of the Star Dou Forest, it is absolutely impossible not to be able to shake off each other.

But fortunately, although Bibi Dong's strength is strong.

However, in Tang San's perception and fighting, he has already noticed that the opponent is probably a control system soul master.

And most of the soul skills used by the opponent now are control abilities.

Thinking about its attack power, it shouldn't be able to compare with Seagod Douluo - Bo Saixi.

Of course, the most important point is that Tang San is in the dark and she is in the light.

Coupled with the artifact in his hand - the Sea God Trident, he already had the right time and place.

It was also because of this that Tang San was able to use his Blue Silver Domain evolution skill - Myriad Universes at the most critical moment.

In one fell swoop, Bibi Dong's mental lock on the two soul beasts was cut off.

"It's not that easy to run."

Sensing the opponent's purpose, she couldn't perceive the two soul beasts at all, Bibi Dong also laughed back with rage.

With a slight sway of his body, he withdrew his martial soul avatar.

However, the clone of the Death Spider Emperor summoned by her eighth soul skill still guarded her side.

The terrifying purple-black carapace dissipated quickly.

In just the blink of an eye, Bibi Dong returned to her original noble appearance.

On the forehead, the spider web-like purple-black lines lit up.

Immediately afterwards, the field around her body expanded rapidly again.

Directly enveloping the four Titled Douluo.

Get rid of the influence of the Blue Silver Domain for them.

At the same time, Bibi Dong's body also changed again.

The spider web pattern on the forehead instantly turned dark green.

A layer of crystal-clear dark green light spread from his forehead.

This time, her legs didn't change.

But behind her, there were three pairs of dark green spider legs.

At the same time, both arms turned into dark green spears similar to spider legs, and the lower body was completely covered by a layer of dark green light.

Black, black, black, black, black, red, red, seven soul rings appeared neatly at her feet.

When her third spirit ring was released, it also lit up at the same time.

That's right, this is Bibi Dong's second martial spirit.

Her twin spirits are very different from Tang San's twin spirits.

There is absolutely no connection between Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor and the Clear Sky Hammer.

One is a plant martial soul, and the other is a weapon martial soul.

But Bibi Dong is different, her two martial spirits are both demon spiders.

And the two spirits are the kings of the spiders.

The Man Faced Demon Spider that Tang San had seen before was completely incomparable with Bibi Dong's spirit.

In a sense, Bibi Dong's martial spirit's position among spider spirit beasts is similar to Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor's position among Blue Silver Grass.

Bibi Dong's first martial spirit is the Death Spider Emperor, and her second martial spirit is the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor.

It can be seen from the rhythmic soul ring on her body at this time.

The second martial soul, the Soul Eater Spider Emperor, obviously began to absorb the soul ring after the first martial soul reached the ninth ring.

With the burst of light from the third spirit ring, Bibi Dong's second martial arts' third spirit ability was activated.

Layers of dark green halos spread crazily from under her feet.

Although this is only the third soul ability, its power cannot be underestimated.

After the first martial soul reached the ninth ring, it began to absorb the soul ring for the second martial soul.

After reaching Title Douluo, his own endurance has already been greatly enhanced.

Every soul ring absorbed is at least 5 years old.

The power of the third soul ability of his second spirit is no less powerful than the ordinary eighth soul ability.

Even some weaker Title Douluo's ninth spirit ability couldn't compete with Bibi Dong's third spirit ability.

Therefore, although Bibi Dong's second martial spirit at this time only has seven spirit rings.

However, the strength of her second martial soul even surpassed that of the first martial soul.

After all, even if the martial spirit has changed.

However, his own soul power will not change.

The higher the age of the soul skill, the more powerful it will be with the support of a sufficient amount of soul power.

But Tang San didn't worry too much when he saw this scene.

Even if Bibi Dong's strength is strong, it is impossible to match the entire forest.

However, a strange scene appeared.

Even Tang San's Blue Silver Domain, which has forest plant boosts, can't stop the dark green light from spreading.

As the dark green light spread, the ground began to shake violently.

Dark green poisonous spiders with a diameter of about half a meter began to crawl out of the ground.

The bodies of these dark green poisonous spiders look somewhat unreal.

However, they are not completely formed by soul power.

It was formed by Bibi Dong gathering the dead energy under the ground through soul skills.

The entire Douluo Continent is a place that follows the law of the jungle.

And inside the Star Dou Great Forest, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, is brought into full play.

Every day, countless soul beasts will die in the midst of the jungle.

Bibi Dong's soul skill is to absorb this death energy, and transform it into these deadly poisonous demon spiders.

The more dead energy there is, the more demon spiders can be transformed.

And in the Star Dou Great Forest, this soul skill can be displayed to the fullest.

The number of magic spiders increased rapidly, and they continued to emerge from the ground.

And these spewing demon spiders did not stay in place, they all began to crawl quickly.

Under the control of Bibi Dong's mental power, she frantically searched for traces of Tang San and the two spirit beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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