Chapter 12

"That's easy. My uncle and his family are flower farmers. In Zhaojiazhuang to the east, the soil on the surrounding mountains is soft and suitable for making flower mud. How about I ask him to pack some for you?"

"Really? That's a great help. But, can I go and see for myself? When are you free?" This was undoubtedly a surprise for Zhang Danyun.Now that the flower mud has been found, the provenance of the potted flowers may also be able to find cover on the bright side.From time to time, they come to deliver goods, and when the time comes, they will mix in what they have cultivated and sell them, and no one will find out except themselves.

"Let's go this afternoon, or I have to wait until my next rest day." Gao Yi thought for a while.

Zhang Danyun thinks about it too, but she can't leave the stall in the store.

"Sister Danyun, let me guard the storefront for you. You can see that the walls are almost done. It will definitely be finished before noon. In the afternoon, I will wait for the furniture factory to deliver the flower shelves to the door. You give me the drawings and I will call them Just give it to you as requested."

Zhang Danyun looked back and forth, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll leave the matter for the afternoon to you."

"It's okay, we are good friends, and good friends come to help each other. I don't know how to do other jobs, so I can't help." Qiu Tianzhong blushed slightly, a little embarrassed.With a slight blush on her delicate and fair face, she looked even cuter.

"Hey, Qiu Tianzhong, have you put powder on your face? Why is it getting whiter and whiter? It's better than a woman's skin, touch it for me!" Wei Jianing's eyes lit up, and he saw that the devil's claws were about to touch the white and tender skin. With a bag on his face, Qiu Tianzhong quickly dodged it.

"Don't pinch my face, how can I put on powder when I'm a boy? I'm born with it. I can't be envious." He guarded his face with both hands, and waited for Wei Jianing with big eyes, with a feeling of embarrassment turning into anger.

"Are you the legendary Fu Fen He Lang?" Wei Jianing yelled, and was about to rush over to touch his face, but Liu Tao grabbed her hand helplessly, "Okay, Jianing, stop bullying Tian Zhong , your hands are covered in paint."

Wei Jianing paused, raised his hand to see, sure enough, he was still wearing gloves, with spots of paint on them.Wei Jianing smiled embarrassedly, sat back on the chair politely, took off his gloves and drank water.

Qiu Tianzhong glanced at her with lingering fear, saw Wei Jianing took off his gloves, looked at him frequently, said hello, and hurried out to order food.

After entertaining a few people for lunch, and giving instructions for the afternoon, Zhang Danyun followed Gao Yi to Zhaojiazhuang.Zhaojiazhuang is located in the southeast of Greentown, at the foot of Cuishan Mountain, and belongs to Dongxiang Town, East District of Greentown, less than an hour and a half by car.Driving along the way, the buildings on both sides of the expressway gradually decreased, and the cultivated land continued to increase. The originally flat plain without ups and downs occasionally appeared one or two small hills full of woods.

The car got off the highway, and the driver drove on the asphalt road in the countryside for about 5 minutes, and arrived at the village entrance of Zhaojiazhuang.A huge Juice tree occupies the entire line of sight, and its wide canopy casts a lot of shade.At this time, the bad aunts and mothers-in-law in the village were sitting under the roof to rest, doing homework.

"This is Zhaojiazhuang, how is it? The air is good, right? There is a big river passing by in the village, which can be regarded as a place with beautiful mountains and green waters. When you stand here and look at the fields, the fields you can see used to be The location of everyone's flower shed. But now everyone has withdrawn the flower shed and planted crops instead." Gao Yi led Zhang Danyun and walked past the yellow jue tree, meeting a lot of curious eyes.However, no one came forward to ask.

Walking on the main road made of stone slabs in the village, Gao Yi pointed to a field and introduced it to Zhang Danyun.

Looking around, Zhang Danyun saw that corn, sweet potatoes and other things were planted in the fields, and the growth seemed to be particularly good.

"Why don't the villagers become flower farmers anymore?" Zhang Danyun asked curiously. Normally, such a village should be vigorously developed.

"I also asked my uncle, and he said that most of the flower farmers in the village are old and have no energy to grow these. The younger generation has gone to work in the city, and no one wants to grow flowers at home. The second is that the government is in the west. A large-scale flower planting base was built, and merchants were attracted to go there. Zhaojiazhuang is not a large scale, and it is difficult to maintain it if you have to find a market for yourself. My uncle likes this, and my cousins ​​have bought houses in the city, and they also I don’t want to live there, but I like to take care of these flowers and plants.” Seeing that Zhang Danyun was very curious, Gao Yi recalled his uncle’s words and told them one by one.

Listening to his words, Zhang Danyun had a general understanding of Zhaojiazhuang in her heart.Soon the two walked along the stone road to the innermost part of the village.According to Zhang Danyun's observation, there are two or three kinds of flowers and plants planted in front of every household here, some are directly planted in the ground, and some are kept in pots, which are full of vitality.

The house built next to Cuishan is a typical small courtyard of a farmhouse, a large tile-roofed house with blue bricks, and the front yard covers an area of ​​about two to three hundred square meters. An iron gate is ajar, and Gao Yi pushes the door open and walks in. .

"Auntie, uncle, are you at home?"

"Oh, I said which one, it turned out to be Xiaoyi! Have you eaten lunch yet? Come in quickly, it's hot outside!" A peasant woman about 50 years old came out from the main room, wearing a long navy blue apron , with silvery hair combed meticulously, and a bun behind her head, looking neat and tidy.

At this time, the peasant woman had a surprise and joyful smile on her face, and she came to the door in two or three steps, and grabbed Gao Yi with her big hands accustomed to farm work, and led her into the house.

"Why are you here now? The weather is hot. Have you had lunch yet? If you haven't eaten, I'll get you something to eat. At noon, your uncle and I just ate a bowl of porridge, and there was nothing to eat..."

"Auntie, I've eaten. I brought my classmate to see my uncle today. She has something to discuss with my uncle." Gao Yi was dragged away, turned his head to look at Zhang Danyun, and beckoned her to follow. .

"Student? Where is it?" Gao Yi's aunt Gao Qinghua turned her head suspiciously, looked behind her, and looked at Zhang Danyun who followed quietly.Immediately slapped her thigh, let go of Gao Yi with a smile, came to hold Zhang Danyun's hand, and said apologetically, "Oh, I'm old and dim-sighted, and I didn't see the distinguished guest, come in quickly, Gao Yi is too, why didn't you tell me to bring it with you?" Where's your classmate? Such a cute little girl, how nice! What's your name, girl?"

Gao Yi looked at his aunt's appearance, and closed his eyes unbearably.She was extremely enthusiastic about all the female classmates he brought with him.

"Auntie, you are welcome. My name is Zhang Danyun, and I am Gao Yi's classmate. You can call me Danyun." Zhang Danyun was a little flattered by Aunt Gao Yi's enthusiasm.This reminded her of the days at her grandmother's house, those rural aunts also smiled like this, patted her head, and said she was smart and beautiful.

"Zhang Danyun, the name is really nice. Sit down, I'll pour you some sugar water! Xiaoyi, turn on the fan to the maximum to cool off."

(End of this chapter)

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