The Queen of Flowers in Space

Chapter 95 Make soup for you to wash your hands

Chapter 95 Make soup for you to wash your hands (1)
"Bah, I used to be blind to be friends with people like you. It's disgusting to think about it. Also, remember, I, Chen Xiaoli, never bother to ask for second-hand goods that people have used. I leave them all to you Enjoy this non-picky eater slowly!"

Miraculously, Chen Xiaoli did not lose her temper, but raised her eyebrows and spat coldly.Then he pulled Zhang Danyun back into the car, closed the car door with a bang, and never looked at her again.

Hermione gritted her teeth as she looked at the car driving away, filled with hatred.The veins in the hand holding the exquisite bag were exposed.

Cheng Rui clicked his tongue, wrapped her arms around her shoulders, smiled, pulled her into the car with force, lifted her to the roof of the sports car, and leaned over to press her on top of her.

He bit down hard on the white neck, "Well, Xiang! Your classmates are more interesting than each other! Haha..."

In the open-air parking lot, inside a domineering sports car, the most primitive human desires are being staged restlessly.

An hour later, Hermione was lying on her back covered with bruises all over her body, staring bluntly at the roof of the car.After a long while, I struggled to get up, my body was in a mess, I took out a tissue in disgust, and wiped it again and again.

Cheng Rui, who was in the driver's seat, glanced at him faintly through the rearview mirror, and then a wicked smile came to the corner of his mouth again.

Chen Xiaoli drove silently all the way, took Zhang Danyun downstairs in the community, and sat in the car, both of them were a little silent.

"Would you like to go upstairs and sit down?" Zhang Danyun invited after hesitating for a while.Chen Xiaoli's mood is obviously wrong, driving is quite dangerous.

"No. I want to go home. I'm sorry about today's matter. I can't control my emotions when I see Hermione." He shook his head and refused, and then covered his cheeks in frustration, with a painful look on his face.

Zhang Danyun didn't know how to comfort her who had never seen such a look on her face.He could only sit quietly by the side, reach out and pat her on the back, and accompany her.

"Danyun, tell me, I regard Hermione as a good friend. Why can she betray her so easily? When she was in school, she liked my brother. I helped match up and create opportunities. Seeing me Brother was about to nod, but she sold the company's confidential documents as soon as she changed hands. She has no guilt at all for such a big loss! And... and I, I just had a crush on someone and I'm about to formally date him , she tried her best to climb into his bed..."

With her head buried on the steering wheel, Chen Xiaoli's tone was a little puzzled, and she choked up.Zhang Danyun didn't know that so many things had happened between them, but she just hugged her into her arms with some distress, and hugged her tightly.

Good friends are not for life.After the death of her parents, she understood a lot of truths.Relatives who are related by blood can still turn their faces and deny others because of a rich inheritance, let alone friends who are not involved but just maintain emotionally?Of course, it's not that there are no sincere friends, such as Wei Jianing who has always cared about herself, and Sister Qiangwei who only cares about herself and lies on the hospital bed.

Qiangwei, I haven't been able to remember this name for a long time.She saw with her own eyes that the fresh and beautiful girl in the blooming season turned into a thin and dry bone, which made her heart ache.So, during the four years of college, she never took the initiative to make a friend...

When I was in the flower shop, I subconsciously carved countless blooming roses on the signboard; the product logo of Fangcao Gardening is also a blooming, beautiful rose.Roses are everywhere, visible but intangible.

She never thought about planting a rose flower.She was afraid to see it, the withering scene...

"It's okay, it's okay. Life is still very long, and we can make more and better friends. When you feel pain, just forget it, people, you can't live without anyone." Without someone, you won't be unable to live, But it's just a piece of empty heart, no big deal.

The mood of the person in her arms gradually stabilized. After a while, Chen Xiaoli sat up straight, reached out and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and regained her composure. "Thank you, Danyun. I'm fine. I'll be fine, better than her."

"We are good friends, right? You don't have to be polite." Four years together, she knows every side of Chen Xiaoli hidden under her proud face.There are unpleasant ones, and some comforting ones.For example, soft-hearted, innocent and kind, frank and enthusiastic towards those who approve.

"Yes, we are good friends." The smile that broke through the tears was like melting ice and snow.For the first time, Zhang Danyun felt that she had misjudged the person in front of her.Perhaps, she will be a caring and reliable friend like Wei Jianing.

However, Chen Xiaoli's next words made her feel so soft that she immediately flew to the sky.

"Danyun, you are so kind. In school, you used to be cold and indifferent to someone, with a straight face. Those who didn't know thought that others owed you a lot of money. I don't like you the most. I even hid your notes in private several times! I caused you to search the entire dormitory but couldn’t find it, hehe, I’m so sorry!”

Zhang Danyun: "..."

Can I take that 'we're good friends' back?Childish guy, it took her more than a week to sort out those few notebooks, and she wanted to take them and copy them to sell to her juniors!Many people asked her for it, but because of Chen Xiaoli's troubles, the time was delayed, and the guy in the second grade took advantage of it!A semester's living expenses and clothing expenses were all wiped out by her!

"Hey, I was wrong, really. Forgive me! Who told me to invite everyone in the dormitory to have dinner together the day before, and you were so cold and ungrateful? I couldn't get angry for a while, so... um, Danyun, don't you Go so fast, you haven't finished your things yet!"

Raising her voice, she yelled at Zhang Danyun who was going away, and Chen Xiaoli looked excited.There is no shadow of apologizing and humiliating just now.

After returning home funny and angry, I opened the door and smelled the aroma of food permeating the air.Zhang Danyun walked into the room slowly, and was astonished when she saw several plates of delicate meals on the dining table.

The kitchen door was pulled open with a 'crash', and Qiu Tianzhi came out with the last dish.Zhang Danyun's goose-yellow floral apron is tied around her waist, and it looks quite harmonious with the gray home clothes.

Seeing Zhang Danyun come back, she stood by the dining table in a daze, walked over with a natural expression, put the dishes on the table, then bowed her head and kissed her forehead, "Welcome home, wash your hands and eat."

Let Qiu Tianzhi lead him to wash his hands, and then sit down at the dining table. Rice and chopsticks are all served.

"You made it all?" After taking the first bite, the taste was not bad.Zhang Danyun asked in disbelief.

This general who gallops in the mall actually makes soup for her?Although the world has long been a fantasy, Zhang Danyun still finds it unbelievable.

"Well, try this shrimp tail. It's the first time I'm making it. How's the heat? This is your favorite." Pushing a plate of shrimp tails in front of her, he looked at her expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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