Chapter 541

After hearing Jiashiyi's words, Huang Chong was obviously taken aback, and then teased secretly in his heart: "This Di Shitian is really a good person."

Never expected that Di Shitian was so generous, allowing himself and Jiaxi to go to the second floor of the Martial Pavilion to pick out a cheat book. It seems that the information that the goddess asked the two to send back this time is very important to Di Shitian. It's very important, otherwise Di Shitian wouldn't be so generous, but unfortunately, just to be on the safe side, Huang Chong didn't peek at the contents of that letter.

Since he is going to come to Tianmen, Huang Chong naturally needs to get to know himself and the enemy well, and Wu Pavilion is naturally within the scope of his understanding. According to the information provided by Jiaxi, Wu Pavilion is the most important place in Tianmen, second only to Tianjie. Do not enter or leave at will.

The Martial Arts Pavilion is equivalent to the Sutra Pavilion of Tianmen. The huge Tianmen has collected martial arts cheats from various sects and sects for hundreds of years. All the martial arts that have been lost in the world can be found in it, and there are even martial arts created by gods. The reason why Tianmen Human World can have so many masters is because of the secret books in the martial arts pavilion.

The Martial Pavilion is divided into three floors in name, but in fact there are only two floors, because the three floors of the Wu Pavilion correspond to the three realms of man, earth, and heaven in the Tianmen, and the third floor corresponds to the heavens, and the heavens can only be entered by Emperor Shitian, so Whether the third layer exists or not, no one knows except Di Shitian.

Different levels have different martial arts.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the first level of martial arts is necessarily inferior to the second level of martial arts. It can only be said that it is relatively difficult for the first level of martial arts to match the rules of this world, while the second level is relatively simple. , or relatively high-end.

Take the "Eclipse Sword Art" handed down by the Duan family as an example. Although this sword method made the Duan family famous, it once became a wealthy family in the martial arts. Duan Lang's father earned the title of "Nanlin Sword Head" because of this. , but in fact this sword technique is only placed on the first floor of the Martial Pavilion, and very few people practice it, because without the help of the Fire Lin Sword, the power of this sword technique is mediocre.

Of course, if you are good enough, you can ignore these restrictions. For example, Duanlang after taking two dragon yuan in the original book can display the terrifying power of the eclipse sword technique without the need for the Fire Lin Sword at all.

In the plane of wind and cloud, theoretically all martial arts are different from person to person. The power of martial arts depends entirely on one's understanding of this martial art. If your talent is very good, maybe a simple set of martial arts is enough It can exert tremendous power, which is like in the Pokemon, the main force of the rocket team's boss Sakagi, the big needle bee, this kind of bug-type elf that can be seen everywhere, under Sakagi's training, grows into a monster that can compete with Yulongdu The terrifying existence that the main fast dragon competes with.

However, in terms of probability, the second level of martial arts is indeed better than the first level. Qiao Feng was able to defeat Shaolin 72 stunts with the rotten Taizu Changquan. Or Shaolin monks are too weak, this is just a matter of probability.

In Tianmen, people in the human world all hope to go to the second floor of the martial arts pavilion and choose a martial arts that suits them, which is very difficult.

Only those who have made great contributions to the Tianmen can be allowed to enter a higher level to choose martial arts. Of course, this is only valid for people in the Tianmen in the human world. It is impossible to enter the third floor.

"Let's go quickly, we only have half an hour." Jia Shiyi said.

Although Di Shitian allowed the two of them to enter the second floor to choose a martial art, but according to the rules of Tianmen, there is a time limit for choosing martial arts across levels, and there is only half an hour. One secret book will also be forcibly expelled from the Martial Arts Pavilion. More importantly, the time length of "half an hour" is calculated from the moment Di Shitian agreed, not the time to enter the second floor .

That's why Jiashi was so anxious.

Huang Chong followed Jiashiyi and went to the Martial Pavilion. He didn't know the way, so he had to follow him. Everyone in Tianmen was familiar with the location of Martial Pavilion, especially people from the human world, because it was their cross-class position. The best way, even the only way.

In Huang Chong's heart, there was still a faint uneasiness. It was not because of any problem with the Martial Pavilion, but because of Di Shitian's actions. What did the Goddess and the Ice Emperor find in Lingyun Grotto? It's unbelievable that such a big reward can be given just to deliver a letter for the Godmother.

From this, it is not difficult to deduce that there must be some kind of existence in Lingyun Grotto that Huang Chong does not know about. This kind of existence made Di Shitian, a thousand-year-old monster, unable to sit still. This is why the two of them were given such generous treatment. .

It's just that Lingyun Grotto probably searched it all by himself, but found nothing.

what on earth is it?

It's just that no one can answer Huang Chong's suspicion for the time being. Huang Chong and Jia Shiyi went to Wu Pavilion.

The Wu Pavilion is not within the range of the 36th Heaven, just like the Ice Prison, it is a very special existence in the Tianmen. At the gate of the Wu Pavilion, there is a man wearing a yellow robe and a painted face mask guarding him. This person is called a priest. This person is responsible for guarding the Martial Pavilion. He is now lazily lying on a rocking chair. When Jia Shiyi and Huang Chong approached, he didn't make any indication, and just let the two go in like this.

Jia Shiyi and Huang Chong didn't have any credentials, and the priest didn't show much, he didn't even open his eyes, and just let them in.

Is this too sloppy?

Makes no sense.

However, this is the case.

After entering the Martial Pavilion, Huang Chong was shocked immediately. The first floor is really too big. I am afraid that even the National Library is not half the size of this place. There are rows of bookshelves full of books. There are many books, and there are many categories, not only martial arts, but also divination, astrology, array, medicine and agriculture, etc. Among them, martial arts cheats account for the largest proportion, exceeding 80.00%.

He didn't stay on this floor too much, after all, time was limited, Jiaxi took Huang Chong, and the two hurried to the second floor.

Still didn't see any obvious guarding force, the same row of bookshelves, but much less than the first floor, but there are still hundreds of books, also with different classifications.

Jiaxi ignored Huang Chong, and immediately searched in the sea of ​​books. He wanted to quickly find a cheat book suitable for him.

Huang Chong went straight to the area of ​​inner strength and heart method, picked up a book at random, luckily, it turned out to be his "old acquaintance", and saw three words on it - Yi Jin Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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