Chapter 48 Stand Up

It was the last night in 443 of the Great Wei Dynasty.

The entire Great Wei Empire fell into the carnival of celebrating the New Year, with lanterns and festoons, and firecrackers that sounded all night "cracking" non-stop, noisy and prosperous.

The Pei family, shrouded in the cold moon, draws a clear line of separation from the prosperous surroundings.



The swaying funeral lanterns emitted tiny dim light. In the strong cold wind, they could only let the wind sway, powerless and helpless.

The jackdaws hissed in unison, startling the quiet night.

Shou Da, also known as Tuan Da.

this night.

General Pei's loyal bones were buried in the land of Youzhou.

His wife, Wei Huo, and his wife loved each other deeply, so they left with her.

The low twilight sky pressed over like heavy iron, dotted with snow and white, descending from the sky to the world.

They say: auspicious snow heralds a good year...

"Girl, it's time to go back, otherwise the old lady..." Lu Yan's voice was a little unclear in the cold wind, and she looked at Rong Yan with complicated eyes.

Rong Yan trembled her long eyelashes slightly, the cold wind hit her face, her breath was bitingly cold.

In the distance, under the faint fire of the funeral lanterns, the white cloth is ethereal.

The young man put on sackcloth and filial piety, with a cold face, bent his knees, and had been kneeling for three hours.

In front of the huge coffin, he was thin and small, like dust.

She chose to ignore Lu Yan's words, stepped towards him step by step, knelt beside him, and looked up at the spirit tablet together.

Pei Yu's voice was hoarse and weak, "Didn't I tell you to get lost..."

Instead of being annoyed, she smiled slightly.

"Pei Yu, have you ever seen Changbai Mountain and the Taklamakan Desert?"

The young man's brows and eyes were hostile, his lips were pursed tightly, and he didn't say a word.

Rong Yan smiled, "I have seen a handful of snow on the highest part of Changbai Mountain, which is crystal clear and beautiful, and the Taklamakan Desert, where you can swallow yellow sand when you breathe. I still remember the feeling of burning sand in my throat, but When dusk covers the long yellow sand, the sky is soaked in blood, and everything is worth it."

"People who have never been to Changbai Mountain think that it is cold all year round."

"Those who have never been to the Taklamakan Desert think that it is deserted everywhere."

"But I saw the perennial snow melt before dawn, and I found a green weed in the long yellow sand."

"Hope, I found it myself."

Every word of the young girl seemed to possess invisible power, dragging him out of the deep swamp step by step.

She said: "I have always understood a truth. If you have not experienced other people's lives, you are not qualified to judge, but I... have experienced it."

"I saw my uncle cut my father's throat with a dagger."

"Young sister was trampled to death."


At that moment, she slowly closed her eyes, tears fell, and she didn't even have the courage to look back at that scene.

"That year, I didn't even have the courage to stand up to the enemy."

"I always look forward to a miracle, but there is no miracle, and the gods have never cared for me."

"Later when I woke up, I had no one to rely on except myself."

"I swallowed it with blood and endured the humiliation."

"I can only rely on one hand to win a tomorrow."

"The world kisses me painfully, but asks me to return it with a song"

She looked at him with never serious eyes, "Pei one in this world is easy."

"Fate may be a little crueler to us, then we will use our flesh and blood to hone a will stronger than thousands or ten thousand people, so that fate will not destroy or crush us."

That day, the night was very deep.

Her gaze was stronger than steel.

Her voice was sharper than a blade.

She said, "Pei Yu, stand up."

 Chicken Soup Master - Rong Jiang

(End of this chapter)

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