Chapter 1196

But since the prince didn't say anything, it's inconvenient for them as maids to ask more questions.

Instead, she became more and more curious about their future princess.

He is obviously from an ordinary background, his personality is not considered first-class, and even his appearance can only be regarded as an upper-middle posture at most. How can he attract the attention of his family's prince and son?
Thinking this way in his heart, Bai Tong raised his head and glanced at the man behind the desk again, and then gently closed the door for him.

When she was alone again in the room, Ji Lanjin put down the brush she was practicing calligraphy in.Standing up, she looked out of the window in the direction of the courtyard where Qing Wan lived, her brows deepened, revealing a thoughtful expression.

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"Miss, what kind of incense is in it? It smells really good." Cardamom stared at Qing Wan's sachet on the table early in the morning, his eyes full of curiosity.

Seeing this, Qing Wan recalled what she had promised someone, snatched the sachet back from the other party's hand in a hurry, put it in her arms and said, "It's nothing, I promised to make it for a friend."

Seeing this, Cardamom couldn't help sticking out her tongue and said, "Miss is so stingy, I don't even need to smell it. What kind of friend is so important, shouldn't it be given to the prince?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Qing Wan glared at the other party, then turned around and walked outside.Seeing this, Xiao Diao, who was curled up at the door and dozed off, immediately jumped up and jumped into Qing Wan's arms.

Seeing Qing Wan walking outside with Xiao Diao in her arms, Dou Kou hurriedly followed, faintly excited and said: "Miss is dressed so formally today, is she planning to go out?"

The past few days have been nestled in the yard, Qing Wan is dressed very casually, it is rare to wake up so early today and wear a newly made dress, Dougao's first reaction is that Miss is going to see someone.

Qing Wan kept walking, looked around the yard and said: "I'm planning to go to Zuixianming. I have developed several new incenses recently, and I plan to show them to Master Li. By the way, What about Bai Tan and Bai Hua?"

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————— "Feng Hua of the Concubine: First Class Concubine"
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In the red luan brocade tent, she raised her head and drank the poisoned wine he personally delivered.They are in harmony with each other, but unexpectedly it is a glass of life-killing wine.

Infatuated with the wrong payment, and died with hatred.

When the phoenix eyes opened again, she was a phoenix reborn from nirvana.Stunningly talented and sharp-edged, there is nothing in this world that she can put in front of her eyes.
"Why did you do this to me?" In the last life, he had no time to explain, she was dead.After being reborn, she no longer believed in feelings. Facing his affectionate, tender love, she sneered indifferently, "My lord, don't talk about feelings with me, talking about feelings will hurt money and body!"

In her previous life, she lived a life of shamelessness, hiding her talents in order to seek peace.In this life, she vowed to trample everyone under her feet, and compose a song of prosperity with ten miles of red makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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