Chapter 1198


Seeing this, the two servant girls stopped talking.

Seeing that Qing Wan was about to leave, Zi Su suddenly thought of another thing and said, "By the way, the lease of the two shops under Miss's name will expire in half a month. The bosses of the two shops have sent people to come Said, especially the owner of the makeup shop, she wanted to sell the two shops together, and then opened up to expand the shop. She also said that she was willing to increase the rent to 15 two months, but at least one time must be signed for three years long-term contract."

Qing Wan made a decisive decision: "Go and tell the other party that you can rent together, but the lease must be signed once a year."

Cardamom blinked, and asked suspiciously: "Miss, don't you plan to keep it for yourself?"

Qing Wan said: "I don't need it for the time being, let's rent it to them first."

If the rent of one shop is 15 taels, the annual income of two shops is 360 taels.Coupled with the share of income given to her by Zui Xianming, she will not be short of money in the short term.

What's more, her most important thing now is to develop fragrances and learn the art of making poisons, and she doesn't have the extra energy to run a shop for the time being. Anyway, selling fragrances in Zuixianming is also profitable, so she might as well wait two years later. Bar.

Qing Wan got off the carriage with Xiao Diao in her arms, but was startled by the scene before her.There was a long queue at the gate of Zuixianming, who always came like a cloud.There are many luxurious carriages parked on both sides of the street, and there are even some richly dressed ladies and ladies waiting on the side.

Qing Wan was about to send the cardamom to ask about the situation, when the assistant of Zui Xianming came out and announced: "I'm sorry everyone, today's Ruyi incense is sold out again in our store, if you want to buy it, please come early tomorrow."

The originally long line suddenly dispersed.Many people walked past Qing Wan, and they could vaguely hear someone complaining in the crowd: "Do you think this wishful incense is really so magical? So many people came to buy it? I didn’t buy it. If my family knew about it, she would nag me again, because she must think that I was reluctant to buy it for her.”

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————— "Feng Hua of the Concubine: First Class Concubine"
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In the red luan brocade tent, she raised her head and drank the poisoned wine he personally delivered.They are in harmony with each other, but unexpectedly it is a glass of life-killing wine.

Infatuated with the wrong payment, and died with hatred.

When the phoenix eyes opened again, she was a phoenix reborn from nirvana.Stunningly talented and sharp-edged, there is nothing in this world that she can put in front of her eyes.
"Why did you do this to me?" In the last life, he had no time to explain, she was dead.After being reborn, she no longer believed in feelings. Facing his affectionate, tender love, she sneered indifferently, "My lord, don't talk about feelings with me, talking about feelings will hurt money and body!"

In her previous life, she lived a life of shamelessness, hiding her talents in order to seek peace.In this life, she vowed to trample everyone under her feet, and compose a song of prosperity with ten miles of red makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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