Feel sorry!The concubine has gone away

Chapter 638 [Fanwai] What is his identity?

Chapter 638 [Fanwai] What is his identity?

The guard quickly got up and whispered something in Nan Feng Liuyue's ear,
Seeing that Nanfeng Liuyue's expression became more dignified,

Then he turned to Ye Yingwu, and apologized and said:
"Sorry, I have very important things to attend to,
I might not be able to send you to the capital,

Otherwise, I'll let my subordinates send you off, right? "

Ye Yingwu's heart suddenly fell to the bottom,

Feeling gloomy, he couldn't hide the disappointment on his face and said:
"You said that you would personally send me to the capital?"

Nan Fengliuyue said with a serious expression:
"But, I really have something very urgent to deal with,
For a while, I might not be able to go back to the capital! "

He also knows that he promised her that he shouldn't change his mind temporarily.
However, he really has something very important, and he must rush to deal with it!
"I can wait for you!"

Without thinking about it, Ye Yingwu blurted out:

"I can wait for you to finish what you want to do, and then send me off.

Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to go to the capital! "

Seeing her look of anticipation, Nan Feng Liuyue couldn't bear to refuse,
After hesitating for a moment, he finally nodded and said, "Alright then!"

Nanfeng Liuyue took her to a place called Gui County,

The Yellow River was flooded, so that the people were displaced,

Wherever they passed, houses and crops were washed away by the flood!

Mocheng is the only city in Gui County that has not been affected.
When Nan Fengliuyue and the others arrived, they found that the gates of the city were closed, and a large number of disaster victims had gathered outside the city!
Asked the soldiers guarding the city gate,

Knowing that it was an order from the magistrate,
To prevent the flood of disaster victims from flooding into Mocheng and disturbing the order in the city, so simply close the city gate!
Seeing Nanfeng Liuyue's guard flying up the city wall with lightness kung fu,

After taking out a token and showing it to the other party, he whispered in the other party's ear,
Unexpectedly, the other party actually knelt down on the spot, and then hastily told the people behind him to open the city gate!

Ye Yingwu couldn't help but glanced at Nan Feng Liuyue in surprise,
I only paid attention to him before, and never asked about his identity!
At first, I thought he was just a knight-errant,
Now it seems that this is not the case at all, he should be an official of the court!
In particular, after knowing that there was a flood in Gui County, they came here immediately,

In addition, the soldiers guarding the city gate were so afraid of him,

Even disobeying the magistrate's order, the official position should not be low in thought!

(End of this chapter)

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