Feel sorry!The concubine has gone away

Chapter 663 Woman, Don't You Want Me

Chapter 663 Woman, Don't You Want Me

Recommend Nightmare's conclusion

A bad husband is so difficult to deal with: Woman, dare you not want me

Who said women have to be reserved,

Who says women can't be lustful,

These theories, after meeting the super greedy, lustful and time-traveling girl,

All will no longer be established!

What do women want?

Of course it is self-reliance!
Allow men to be bothered, allow men to be affectionate,
Why are women not allowed to be lecherous and nympho once in a while?
She is rich and lustful, she wants to build a golden house, hug a beautiful man,
Create the ultimate goal of life!

She wants to tell everyone with her own actions:

Greed for money is not a crime, lust is justified!
Whatever the cruel young master,

evil prince,

As long as it is related to wealth,
Met her money and sex,

There are only two words in Tongtong:
Instant kill, all instant kills!

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Recommend Nightmare's conclusion

A bad husband is so difficult to deal with: Woman, dare you not want me

Who said women have to be reserved,

Who says women can't be lustful,

These theories, after meeting the super greedy, lustful and time-traveling girl,

All will no longer be established!

What do women want?

Of course it is self-reliance!
Allow men to be bothered,

Allow men to be affectionate,

Why are women not allowed to be lecherous and nympho once in a while?
She is rich and lustful,

It is to build a golden house, hug a beautiful man,
Create the ultimate goal of life!

She wants to tell everyone with her own actions:

Greed for money is not a crime, lust is justified!
Whatever the cruel young master,
Lovely boy, enchanting prince,
As long as it is related to wealth,
Met her money and sex,

There are only two words in Tongtong:
Instant kill, all instant kills!

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I hope you can support me a lot, O(∩_∩)O Thank you! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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