The Notre Dame system is arrogant again

Chapter 545 The Tragedy of the Boss

Chapter 545 The Tragedy of the Boss

"Brother, don't think so. Look at those who have a lot of sons. How many of them are like yours? All five sons can read and study, and they have become a scholar. It's good for them to survive, old man. Brother, you have to be content!"

Zhang Qingshan also felt very proud when he heard Dr. Li say that.

He has five men and one woman, farming and driving carts. Even if he is poor and grazes, he has never thought of selling his sons and daughters. Not only that, he also tries his best to make the children read and write.

If you can't afford to read all the books, then read one and come back to teach the others, not to mention that he is still literate and can teach children!

"Doctor Li, you don't know. My parents are not good at living. They just know how to move, from the south to the north, from the north to the south, and finally move back. What they rely on to survive is to beg for food!"

Zhang Qingshan began to talk about his tragic life.

The less the family belongings moved, the poorer the life became. The only good thing is that Zhang Qingshan's father has practiced a good driving skill.

The ancient coachman was as important as the modern driver, and his driving skills also required professionalism. However, the ancient coachman did not serve the fuel-eating carts, but the living animals that pulled the carts, and the requirements were even higher.

If the driver's car breaks down in modern times, he can fix it with a phone call. In ancient times, whether the car broke down or the livestock broke down, especially on the way, he had to fix it by himself.

Therefore, a good coachman must not only be able to drive the cart, but also be able to serve the animals, repair the cart, and more importantly, have the means to deal with various road conditions and the ability to deal with various emergencies.

In short, the ancient driver is a profession with high professional requirements and strong comprehensive quality.

And there is no school to teach such a profession, and it depends on personal experience to learn!

Zhang Qingshan's father was tossed back and forth because of moving from north to south, so he practiced good driving skills, and even taught the three brothers Zhang Qingshan.

Although Zhang Qingshan's father is a bell doctor, driving a car is the Zhang family's learning.

Zhang Qingshan is smart, moving back and forth, seeing all kinds of people, he found that whether it is a bell doctor or a cart driver, they are not as promising and respected as scholars.

In this way, he began to eavesdrop on the corner of the school, not ashamed to ask, and never let go of any learning opportunities. Finally, he moved his father and asked him to study with money.

Although I only studied for a few months, it was decided that the Zhang family should use reading as the development path.

Zhang Qingshan also met the Liu family because of his studies, got married and settled down.

He hated his parents' inability to live a life. In fact, his father was very profitable. He had two careers and two incomes. He had traveled far and wide and learned a lot, but he was a prodigal. He had no property except some land for them.

He felt that this was caused by not reading, so he vowed to let his children read.

When Mr. Zhang was young, he thought about sending his eldest son to study, but at that time, his parents were sick and bereaved, the family had no money, and life was difficult. He had no choice but to teach himself.

Then gave birth to the second child, daughter, third child...

There was no family planning in ancient times. Zhang Qingshan and Liu Shi had a good relationship, they were still young, and there were no entertainment activities. Of course, at night, they would blow up lamps to make villains.

In this way, children are born one after another, and he can only think about how to support the children before he can think about studying.

When I have some spare money, one child can go to school. Who should go to school? This becomes a problem again.

Either family planning is still necessary, and it is not a slogan to have fewer children and grow more trees. If there is only one child, it will not be so entangled.

"The eldest is in good shape and strong, the second is born less than a month old and weak in body, the third was my elder brother who wanted..."

Zhang Qingshan said while smoking.

"My elder brother has no son, and my elder sister-in-law gave birth to a girl and never gave birth again. She has always wanted a son with me. I can't bear to see my elder brother get old and have no one to take care of him. What's more, give my elder brother a son, this son I can also read, after all, I don't have the skills to support two children."

In this way, Zhang Laosan gave it to his eldest brother, leaving the eldest and second child for one to study.

They were both his own sons, and he didn't feel comfortable sacrificing which one. In the end, he made a decision based on the physical condition of the two sons and sent the second son to study.

This is what he thought, the elder brother has a good physique and can survive doing farm work, but the second child is weak and can't do farm work, so even if he can work, he can't live well.

In addition, the second child looks smarter than the eldest, suitable for reading.

As a result, Boss Zhang had a tragedy.

Most parents in the world think about their children, but when there are too many children, the priorities will be different.

As the old saying goes, it hurts to bite any of the ten fingers, but the ten fingers still have lengths.

Perhaps because he had already sacrificed his eldest son once, Zhang Qingshan was used to sacrificing his eldest son in everything.

Asked the boss to help me to study for the second child, was admitted to the scholar, and stopped here.

Then he asked the boss to help him study for the fourth child, and Zhibu Tongsheng became a door-to-door son-in-law.

Then I asked the boss to help me read the fifth...

Throughout his life, Boss Zhang has been helping his father to provide for his younger brother to study and become a talent, and helping his father realize his dream of raising a son who is an official, while he himself just keeps working, working, and working again. ...

Now facing the separation, he will sacrifice again.

Zhang Qingshan decided to follow what the younger son said, if the elder son was unwilling, he would be asked to move out and the younger son would be given the front and rear houses.

Zhang Qingshan sighed.

"I can't help it. Xiaowu looks like Xiao Wu. I don't even have a nest. I'm old and I can't earn it for him. Boss works hard. If he wants a house, give Xiao Wu some money. If he doesn't want a house , just moved out, he is better than Xiao Wu. I know I am sorry to the boss, he has been studying for my younger brother for these years, and I promised him in the early years that when Xiao Wu finishes his studies, everything in the house will be his, but Xiao Wu I didn’t live up to it, I didn’t read it, ah.”

Perhaps this is the broken window effect. You are already like this, so it’s okay to do this again. No matter what Zhang Qingshan thinks in his heart, he is sorry for his elder son, but he should sacrifice his elder son.

Dr. Li felt that such a division was unfair to Boss Zhang, but he was not good at saying anything as an outsider.

"That's ok, when the family is separated, you tell me, I'll go over. But let's talk first, I will be a witness, and I don't care about the rest."

Zhang Qingshan smiled.

"Doctor Li, you are a good old man, you will not offend anyone!"

Doctor Li also laughed.

"It's not a good old man. You are father and son, you are a family, and you are all inseparable. It's not good for me, an outsider, to talk about the deep and the shallow!"

"Doctor Li, you don't have to think too much. Although we are father and son, we are a family, but you are the one who upholds justice, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Doctor Li laughed.

"Brother, it's still hard for an upright official to decide on housework. How can I uphold justice these two times. Besides, this family, what is fair and unreasonable? Those who are powerful will contribute more, and those who are rich will help, father and son, Brother, they are all blood relatives, so why do you take advantage of me."

Zhang Qingshan liked to hear these words and nodded repeatedly.

"That's the reason, I just thought about it. If the boss suffers a little bit, he will suffer a little bit. Who calls him the boss, but the elder brother. Alas, there is no way out!"

(End of this chapter)

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