The Notre Dame system is arrogant again

Chapter 578 One step closer

Chapter 578 One step closer

Zhang Xiaohua knew that the other party was comforting herself, so she followed along.

"I know, they are the same as you..." He hugged himself tightly, "But I don't know, why do you do this?"

"How could you not know?"

"I really don't know, can you tell me?"

Zhang Xiaohua looked up at him, trying her best to look sincere.

"I do not know either."

It's a pity that Xiao Leng answered like this.

"You don't know why you came to arrest me." Zhang Xiaohua was very wronged.

Xiao Leng hesitated for a moment, and felt that there was nothing wrong with saying it, so he said.

"I am following orders."

"Whose order?" Zhang Xiaohua looked at him curiously.

"You'll know when the time comes."

Just know it!
Zhang Xiaohua stopped asking, and fell silent again.

Xiao Leng waited for a long time but Zhang Xiaohua did not speak, and said again.

"As long as you obey, you can do whatever you want."

Habits are really scary. You don’t even realize it. Xiao Leng is like this. I’m used to Zhang Xiaohua’s nagging. I feel uncomfortable when I stop nagging. I can’t help but want to say something to make Zhang Xiaohua return to normal. .

Yes, he felt now that Zhang Xiaohua was normal when she was talking nonsense.

"I am obedient, I will be obedient." Zhang Xiaohua hurriedly said, "But can I go home? I miss my parents, my brother, and many others."

"Yes, as long as you are obedient." After a long while Xiao Leng said.

"That's good."

Although the other party was not very sure, Zhang Xiaohua still let out a sigh of relief, looking much more relaxed.

"What's your name and how old are you?"

Xiao Leng hesitated.

"My name is Xiao Leng." But he didn't say how old he was.

"Brother Xiao Leng, where do you live? Do you have a brother?"

Zhang Xiaohua asked only children's questions, and Xiao Leng became much more casual.

"I have no family, I am an orphan, and I have learned Kung Fu from my master since I was a child."

"Is your master a master? Why didn't he come to help you when you were injured?"

"My master is not a master, but an ordinary warrior. He died very early."

"That's it, that's really unfortunate." Zhang Xiaohua sighed, "My master, that old man, I don't know what's wrong, I'm worried about him, he's so old... By the way, Brother Xiao Leng, What is the name of the brother who is with you, why is he not with us?"

"He's going to distract those people. Aren't you unwilling to go with those people?"

"It turned out to be for me."

Xiao Leng looked at Zhang Xiaohua and said.

"Not for you."

"Is that for you?" Zhang Xiaohua asked immediately.

Why does this sound so awkward, so Xiao Leng said bluntly.


"What's that for?"

"Go to sleep." Xiao Leng stopped talking.

Zhang Xiaohua laughed to herself, she said just now that she was ordered, why, of course it was because of her orders, why are she pretending?

But she didn't say anything, but hummed obediently, and fell asleep on the hay.

The moment she closed her eyes, Zhang Xiaohua said suddenly.

"I haven't showered for a long time, can I take a shower tomorrow? You can watch me from the sidelines."

Xiao Leng didn't speak, and Zhang Xiaohua didn't ask again, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Xiao Leng guarded the fire, adjusted his internal strength, listened to the movement outside, but thought in his heart whether to ask Zhang Xiaohua to take a bath, it should be fine, this little girl was very obedient all the way, even if she escaped, she was here can't escape...

The night was uneventful.

On the second day, Xiao Leng still agreed to Zhang Xiaohua's taking a bath.

After specifying a place, he just sat there with his back.

This villain is quite particular!
Zhang Xiaohua happily jumped into the water, washed her clothes and shoes first, put them on the stone to dry, and then washed her body happily.

It's been more than ten days, I've been on the road, I haven't washed my face well, not to mention my body is really dirty.

She looked at Xiao Leng who was doing it with her back turned to her, and with a thought, she said while rubbing the dirt on her body.

"Later, you take off your clothes and I'll wash them for you. By the way, you can also take a bath, just in time for me to change your dressing."

The medicine is very effective, and Xiao Leng can't feel too much pain after one night's work. Although he can't see the injury on his back, he can still feel it very badly. I just don't know if it's Zhang's pain as his companion said. Because of Xiaohua, the medicine I brought this time is very good.

Xiao Leng didn't speak, and Zhang Xiaohua didn't speak, she concentrated on washing, and hummed Jin Zhiwen's "Fly Away, Far Away" softly.

Now she is really like the lyrics, the sun or the wind (I don't care), the rose by the roadside (bright red and pure)...

After taking a bath, the clothes were dry, so I said to Xiao Leng after I put them on.

"I'm ready, come on, take off your clothes, I'll wash them for you, and mend them by the way."

Xiao Leng hesitated for a while, then looked at his clothes, it was already tattered from the fights and killings all the way, so it didn't matter if he took them off, so he followed Zhang Xiaohua's advice, took off his clothes, and went to the other side of the stone by himself. Aside, wash up.

With the first obedience, there will be a second obedience, Zhang Xiaohua hummed in her heart.

Soaked his clothes in water for a while, rubbed them with hands, the material was good, it was made of silk, the ancients believed that clothes made of silk were the most high-grade, but she still liked cotton.

A person who is charging forward can wear such clothes, which shows that the master behind him is very rich.

Isn't this nonsense, if you don't have money, you can still send someone to arrest her mother?Not only rich but also powerful!

Just who is this guy?

Zhang Xiaohua thought about several possibilities, but unfortunately she only knew about the two circles of Duan Yu and Duan Li for the rich and powerful in this world, and she didn't know about the others, which was beyond imagination.

After washing the clothes, hang them up, the silk clothes are easy to dry, and when the wind blows, it takes about half an hour.

When it was dry, she took out her needle and thread and sewed it up.

The needle and thread are carried in the schoolbag. I knew from the beginning that I would not be able to go back after a few months, so I brought all the things that should be brought.

"The sewing is finished, are you alright?" Zhang Xiaohua bit off the end of the thread and said.

"Okay." Xiao Leng said on the other side of the stone.

Zhang Xiaohua passed the clothes over the stone.

"I'll change your dressing when you're done."

Xiao Leng took the clothes and looked at them. Zhang Xiaohua sewed them very well, and he was more and more satisfied with this little girl.

Of course, more and more trust.

After this time, the relationship between the two seemed to be closer, and Xiao Leng would take the initiative to say some things, although they were all insignificant, but it also made Zhang Xiaohua snoop on some important information.

For example, there is still a long way to go.

For another example, when Xiao Leng recovered from his injury, he went on the road, and the direction was still east.

Still heading east, where are we going?
I went through all the places to the east of the Great Zhou Kingdom that I learned from the book, but I still couldn't think of it.

According to Xiao Leng, they came out with nearly a hundred people this time, Zhang Xiaohua secretly worried about this formation, this is too much for her, with so many people, are they afraid they won't be able to catch her?

 Dear, sorry for the late, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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