Chapter 373
These dresses were all given to them by Ming He. As the saintess of the Baihuang clan, her usual clothes, needless to say, are naturally the best.Especially these are brought for this mission, so they are naturally more exquisite.

No, as soon as these clothes were put there, they dazzled everyone's eyes.

Ye Lan shook off a green dress made of soft smoke, just when a breeze blew by, the dress fluttered with the wind.

It really is "weaker than Luo Xi Qing Fei Fei".

"Did you see it?" Ye Lan lifted her chin triumphantly, and shook off the silver dress that Ming He wore when she was in Qinglong Mansion.

Immediately, the radiant colors and exquisite embroidery made everyone unable to hold their breath.

There are even women reaching out and wanting to touch them.But just as she stretched her hand halfway, she was afraid of getting her clothes dirty, so she retracted it again.

"Hey, I've lived half my life, but I've never seen such beautiful clothes. I've lived for nothing!" A middle-aged woman sighed.

"No, if I can wear this kind of clothes, even for a day, I will be satisfied." Another young woman said, looking at those clothes, her eyes were full of longing.

"Tell me, this person is really annoying compared to other people. I heard from this girl that women outside are all wearing clothes made of such beautiful materials, but what are you doing? They even regard Hong Jin's clothes as treasures. No wonder the girl said that those are rubbish, she has to step on them a few times, compared with these, Hong Jin's clothes are just rubbish." Another woman said.

"No, next time an idle cultivator comes to our place, I must ask him to bring me some good stuff." The young woman next to him said.

"It's easy for you to say." The middle-aged woman said, "We can't even afford the material from Hong Jin's place. Not to mention that these materials are so beautiful, how can we have the money to buy them!" In her words, full of It is full of helplessness and regret.

After her words fell, all the women sighed.

Ye Lan took a look at everyone, what the lady said was indeed true, no matter how old a woman is, no matter how beautiful or ugly she is, there is no woman in this world who does not love beauty and beautiful clothes.

Seeing that it was almost done, Ye Lan and Wen Lan took back their clothes.The girls felt sorry, but there was nothing they could do.

Ye Lan threw the silver dress to Hong Jin, Hong Jin was so frightened that he immediately threw the clothes in his hand to catch it.

"I'll give you this dress. It's my compensation for trampling on your clothes." Ye Lan said.

"Really?" Hong Jin just felt that the pie was falling from the sky. This dress is so beautiful, so beautiful.If I had known it earlier, I would have let this girl trample on a few more clothes, maybe, hehe... But, he is not greedy, and he is already very satisfied with this one.

"You have to know, this dress belongs to my lady, it's a bargain for you." After speaking, Ye Lan and Wen Lan left.

Hong Jin hugged his clothes, grinning from the corners of his mouth to his ears, did he hear correctly?This dress still belongs to Ming He?No wonder, he said how the clothes smell so good.He wants to hang this dress in the most conspicuous position in the store, and make it his treasure.

Seeing the people around him staring at the clothes in his arms with longing eyes, Hong Jin hugged the clothes tightly in his arms and blocked them.

"Go, go, what to see." Hong Jin said, and then he entered the shop triumphantly.As soon as he entered the shop, he carefully spread the clothes in his arms on the table, for fear of finalizing them.

Hong Jin touched the clothes carefully, almost sticking his face to it.

As the saying goes, "a layman watches the excitement, an insider watches the way".

Tsk tsk, what a good thing, look at how fine the texture is.It feels so slippery and cool, like water.

I must find a way to get some of this material.Hong Jin said secretly.However, the mountains stretched outside, and he couldn't get out, and those cultivators couldn't tell when they would come.Oh, if only those cloth merchants outside could bring the cloth here!

In the evening, when it was time for dinner, in Yuwulou, the best restaurant in Lingnan City, the good show of Sen Bai and Sen Yi was also staged.

"Bah! Boss, what kind of dish is this? Why is it so unpalatable?" Senyi vomited out the dish he just ate, and shouted loudly.

At this time, there were quite a few people eating in the Yuwu building. When they heard Senyi's voice, they all stopped and turned to look at him.

The shopkeeper ran over in a hurry. He owns a restaurant, and he was most afraid that some customers would say that his food and drinks were not good.

"My lord, don't be angry, let the little old man have a taste." The shopkeeper thought that the cook was not paying attention when frying the dishes, and the dishes were spoiled.

"Huh? The food is okay?" The shopkeeper took a bite of the food, and it tasted very good.

"No problem? Is this called no problem? The meat of the long-eared rabbit should be stir-fried with biscuit, but here, you actually stir-fry it with Xiangluo. Xiangluo has a strong taste, and when it is put together with the meat, it has a good meaty taste." It’s all gone. How dare you say it’s okay?” Mori asked.

"This, this, my lord, in our Lingnan City, everyone uses Xiang Luo to fry rabbit meat. As for the Bi Chin you mentioned, I have never even heard of it." The shopkeeper said.

"Haven't heard of it?" Mori was stunned for a moment, "Could it be that you can do it carelessly if you haven't heard of it?" He continued to scold.

"Here, me." The shopkeeper really didn't know what to do, they always did this, and no one said anything.And this biscuit, what the hell is it?

"Okay, okay, let me say, why do you have to embarrass the shopkeeper?" Sen Luo, who had been silent all the time, said, "It's not like you don't know that there is nothing in Lingnan City. The things that are common outside, people here I haven’t even heard of it. Let me see, forget it, you can just make do with it, after all, this is in Lingnan City, so it can’t be compared with the outside.”

After his words fell, Mori paused, "You're right. Forget it, shopkeeper, it's okay. I'll just have a quick meal." Then, he sat down and sighed: "Hey, I really don't know how the people of Lingnan City can live in such a place with nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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