Chapter 379: Much Ado About Nothing (2)
He kept these words in his heart all the time, and wanted to ask Ming He, but he was afraid that she would be paranoid and unhappy when she heard it, so he endured it all the time.

But just now, she actually said that she wanted to take a concubine for herself, what did she mean?Could it be that you really don't love yourself so much anymore?Lanyue was so shocked and frightened that he couldn't help asking.

Looking at Lanyue's worried eyes, Ming He's heart couldn't help but tighten.

I really hate myself, I only know how to make myself happy and not let myself have regrets, but I ignore the feelings of Lanyue.

He is so outstanding, to be able to accept that he has several men at the same time is already the greatest tolerance for himself.Thinking about what I have done during this time, I haven't been with him for a long time, right?More importantly, just now, I actually said such a bastard nonsense.

Thinking of this, Ming He couldn't help but blame himself.

She stretched out her hand, hugged Lanyue, and pressed her tightly into his arms.

"You will always be the person I love the most." She said softly, "Yue, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't have said that. But, you have to believe that in this world, you are my the most important person."

"Really? Are you serious? Don't lie to me?" Lanyue took a step back and withdrew from Ming He's embrace. He lowered his body and looked into Ming He's eyes.

"Well, I will never lie to you." Ming He smiled, her eyes were full of clarity.

Lanyue suddenly laughed, and the world suddenly lost its color when he laughed.

"I knew that you love me the most." He said childishly, "But, you don't know, I'm afraid, I'm really afraid, I'm afraid you won't like me anymore."

"Fool." Ming He smiled, "The most important thing between lovers, apart from mutual love, is trust. You have to believe in me, unless I disappear between heaven and earth, otherwise, I will always love you."

"Well, I know, but I can see that they all love you."

"Yeah, they all love me, but I know that you love me more." Ming He looked at him, "'Death and life are inseparable, talk to Zicheng. Hold your hand and grow old with you', Yue, this That's my promise to you."

"'Death and life are broad, talk to Zicheng. Hold your hand, and grow old together'." Lanyue read it over and over again, feeling the meaning of this sentence.The more he read, the joy on his face increased.

"Can you rest assured now?" Ming He approached and asked.

"Yeah." Lanyue nodded. In fact, he had always understood her feelings for him.When I asked that sentence, I was just worried that she would no longer care about me that much.Now, hearing her say, "Life, death, parting and reunion, I will make an oath with you. I will hold hands with you and grow old together." What else is he not satisfied with?

Looking at her face close at hand, Lan Yue lowered her head and kissed her red lips.

Tossing and turning, full of love.

There are people coming and going on the street, and no one would have thought that in a quiet alley beside the street, there would be a pair of fairy-like people kissing and expressing their love for each other.

After a long time, they separated.

Looking at Ming He's increasingly red lips, Lan Yue couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you laughing? You made it up. Hurry up!" Ming He reprimanded angrily, and strode out.

Lanyue smiled brightly, and hurriedly followed.

The two continued to walk on the street.

Suddenly, a familiar figure came into Ming He's sight, it was Wang Tian.

I saw him standing outside a shop, turning his head, and then strode in.

Ming He followed the place where he entered, moved his gaze upwards, and saw a big "gambling" character.

It turned out to be a gambling house, I really couldn't tell, Wangtian was lucky.

When it comes to gambling, Ming He couldn't help feeling a little moved.Female killers like them, what haven't they learned?And she is the best among them. Although her gambling skills are not the most superb, they should be more than enough to deal with these ancients.Thinking of this, she pulled up Lanyue and walked towards the casino.

As soon as he walked into the gambling house, a choking question came to his face, which made Lanyue and Minghe cough uncontrollably.

"Ahem, Minghe, what are we doing here?" Lanyue asked, there are so many people here, it's so noisy, and the smell is so bad, he really doesn't like it.

"Come and play." Ming He said, "Yue, don't you like it? If you don't like this place, then let's go."

"No need, it's rare to come out, I haven't seen it before, just to see it." Lanyue said, it doesn't matter if he doesn't like it, he can see that Ming He is very interested in this place.

How could Ming He not know what he was thinking, so he turned his head and smiled sweetly at him, "Okay."

While talking, the two had already walked to a table.

Ming He looked, it turned out to be the most common bet size.

The size of the bet is to take three dice, and it is stipulated that four to ten points are small; eleven to seventeen are large.If the idea is "big", the dealer will sweep all the money that bet on the "small" side into the purse, and then pay the others according to the odds and the amount of money bet by the big bettor.If three of the same points are drawn, this is called "full dice", and the dealer can take both big and small.

Ming He couldn't help but playful, she took out a bag of money from Miyou Ring, ready to win a fortune, although she is not short of money, but the more money, the better, the more the better.

The croupier put the three dice into the dice cup and shook them. With the crisp sound of "cracking", everyone's ears perked up.

"Crack!" The croupier put the dice cup on the table.

"Start betting, start betting." The dealer urged.

Everyone took out gold coins, looked at the big ones, and looked at the small ones, and couldn't decide which one to bet for a while.

Ming He smiled confidently, and threw the whole bag of money directly into the bag.

"This is?" Everyone was stunned by her actions.

The banker suspiciously opened the purse, only to see that it was full of amethyst coins, not gold coins, but amethyst coins.

(End of this chapter)

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