alliance dream back to s3

Chapter 180 IQ crushing

Chapter 180 IQ crushing (15)

It started with Su Xiaoyan.

The other two people in the commentary seat immediately began to analyze.

"The possibility of the mid laner Dazui is not impossible. Now Dazui's big move has extra damage to the heroes whose health drops below 50%, and another special effect will be triggered when the health is below 25%, so the possibility of the mid laner is also Not without."

On the other side, omg looked at Dazui and Lucian, thinking about countermeasures.

Determining the location first is the top priority.

"Xiao Chen used the top laner Lu Xian in the rank." The eldest brother said quietly at this time. "It's very strong, it crushed my big tree online."

"Well, I also think that Lucian is more likely. Uzi has used Big Mouth a lot during this period. Although two ADs were selected, it should be another trick."

Omg exchanged a few words with each other in the team, and agreed that this is just a cover-up of the royal family.

In fact, Dazui still went down, and Lucian took the order.

Thinking that the hero was determined faster, he went on the road and directly helped the elder brother take Kenan.

This is also the hero that everyone found in the rank is the best to play Lucian on the road.

First of all, Kenan also took advantage of the length of his hands to mix in the top lane, and after reaching level 6, he had a super high explosion, and he had the opportunity to directly kill Lucian directly.

"Kenan, Lucian doesn't have much advantage against him, so my mid laner will talk too much."

When Xiao Chen saw the third player on the red side, he immediately decided on his hero.

Choosing these two heroes means that there is a high degree of wiggle room, and you can choose your respective positions by looking at the opposing lineup.

Especially Xiao Chen is the kind of player who can play extremely strong carry ability in the center and top.

Naturally, after that poodle game ended, it also specialized in the study of the swing in the upper middle.

After the top laner Lucian of the national server and the mid laner Dazui of the Korean server came out, they were naturally pulled out in the first round of the playoffs.

Even though he hasn't tried it yet, Xiao Wang believes that the effect will definitely not let him down.

Since the top laner Lucian is not easy to play, then go to the bottom lane.

Soon the lineups of the two sides were determined.

But omg looks at the lineup of the blue royal family, and his face is not very good.

After all, there is a feeling of IQ being crushed.

Totally wrong guess.

In fact, this is inevitable. If omg thinks that the mid laner is Da Zui, he will find that Da Zui is actually the ad top laner and has changed to Lucian.

No matter what you do to target heroes, it's just useless work.

"It's really a big mouth in the mid laner! Xiaoyan is amazing!" Seeing the lineup of the royal family, Wawa couldn't help but nodded to Su Xiaoyan affirmatively. This homework is really too much.

"It's just a coincidence. Some time ago, I just commented on the mid laner Dazui, and I felt a little curious. It seems that the royal family often pays attention to other competition regions."

After all, in the lck league, the mid laner Dazui only appeared once and lost that game.

If you don't pay special attention to the mid laner Dazui, you will easily miss this news, but the reality is that the mid laner Dazui is feasible in this version. If you have a thick meat tank in the front row, you can have enough It's poke time.

Why did AD choose Lucian?In addition to his ability to play swing positions, he is considered to be the ad with the strongest combat effectiveness in the mid-term.

It won't be like Dazui in that game, because the double cs are relatively late, so they were pushed off the high ground before they developed to the point where they could be hurt.

Although the lineup of the royal family looks strange, it is very reasonable.

The top laner is Dashu, the jungler is Xin Zhao, the mid laner is Dazui, and the bottom lane duo is Lucian and Bron.

On omg's side, the top laner Kenan, the jungler Mantis, the mid laner Clockwork, and the bottom lane combination Verus and Fengnv.

At one time, I thought that the big tree would be switched to the middle lane next, and it would be too difficult to kill the big tree, so I took a spring for Stateless.

But later, I realized that I seemed to be thinking wrong, and naturally my face became extremely ugly, especially the coach's entire face was so gloomy that water dripped out. What kind of expression is this?
Just like the little daughter-in-law who was bullied, she looked like she was about to cry when she was wronged.

"Mid laner Dazui, adc Lucian, once again showed the royal family's swing lineup. This seems to be a bit of a slant. We don't know what effect it will play. We can only find out in the game."

After all, I haven't seen the use of the mid laner Dazui in my competition area, and the baby is not easy to talk too much, and the commentary is only ambiguous, which is the least likely to cause problems.

Soon after the coaches of the two sides shook hands, the big screen switched to the game interface, and at this time the audience shouted.

Although it is not the Super Brand Plaza now, and the number of people it can accommodate is not so large, there are still more than 5000 spectators who arrived at the scene.

At this moment, they are all frantically calling for their team regardless of their priority!

Listen confidently and even hear the cheering voices of we and ig...

But more are today's protagonists, the royal family and omg.

"Come on Royal Family!"

“omg a must win!”

In the boiling vocals, the adrenaline rushes.

This is a super-high live atmosphere that you can't feel when sitting in front of a computer, but in comparison, the audience on the live broadcast platform far exceeds the live audience.

After all, this is a crucial match, and there is no such thing as falsification of the number of people. The number of people in the official live broadcast room suddenly soared to 15, and it is still increasing.

Although it is much worse than the millions and tens of millions later, the influence of lol in China has already been reflected.

At present, there is no game that has reached such a high level of popularity during competitions.

This has moved many capitalists' minds. After all, there is only one sponsor of LPL now, and the amount of advertising introduced now will definitely not be too high.

And the influence of this game is here, and it will definitely not lose money.

Some aggressive companies have already started to contact lpl officials.

This is the first round of the playoffs. The royal family threw the king out as soon as they arrived. OMG everyone was a little dizzy, but the speed of adjusting their mentality was quite fast.

"This big mouth should belong to AP." Seeing that Xiao Chen's outfit is Dolan Ring plus two reds, Wujing said to the team.

Even ad Dazui's combat effectiveness in the early stage is very weak, and ap Dazui is even more unclear. What kind of effect can it play?Still have to put a question mark.

"If you take Jie, the little murloc will be fine." Looking at Dazui dancing on the middle route, Wuzhou suddenly came up with this idea.

After taking these two heroes to level 6, isn't it just killing them casually?
what a shame!The choice of the coach is still too conservative, so what if it is a big tree mid laner?After all, there are two crispy skins on the opposite side. Wouldn't it be better to choose an explosive hero in the middle?
Just when he was thinking wildly, Big Mouth ran over and spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm...

(End of this chapter)

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