alliance dream back to s3

Chapter 255 The first final team!

Chapter 255 The first final team!
With the success of the first game, the royal family became more and more proficient in the next game. Without giving edg any chance, they all skillfully used the top lane to suppress the lane, and then snowballed to end the game.

Although the fans of edg were very disappointed, they felt a little bit more comfortable when they thought that it was the royal family team that defeated them.

Anyway, it's your own person, if you lose, you lose.

In addition, the strength is indeed poor, and there is nothing to complain about.

Kou Rou took out the top laner hero at the bottom of the box, and was only single-killed twice in the three games.

Facing the player who is now recognized as the most powerful player in the royal family, this performance is already very good.

Compared with the data in the middle lane before, u was even solo killed 4 times in one game.

If they didn't win, it can only be said that they were not as well prepared as the royal family.

The edg team was finally defeated by the royal family 3:0 to end their trip to the world championship.

No one was surprised by this result. EDG's road to promotion was still stumbling, and the chances of winning against the old opponent Royal Family in the summer split were actually not great.

However, the shaved head was completely unexpected, which also shows that the current state of the royal family is very good.

Especially in these three games, the tactical system has been changed again. As expected, the Xiao team returning to the top lane will give people a bright feeling.

The role of the middle lane in the finals version is constantly declining. Although nct is an internal shortcoming, it is not obvious now.

Changing Xiao Chen to the top lane, the top laner's rhythmic role in the early stage was perfectly reflected. In these three games, it was because the top lane took the lead that edg was beaten helplessly.

It's too scary for a top laner to improve the team.

In this way, from the scene, it seems to be stronger than omg.

Everyone can see the current state of big brother. There is a certain degree of suppression, but the suppression is not as sufficient as before.

The royal side of the battle of the top four is obviously bigger.

When shaking hands, Xiao Chen looked at Korol, who was still very young, and patted him on the shoulder twice: "The future is yours, but the present is still mine."

Korol had already demonstrated a certain amount of carry ability in the late s4, and as the version changed to the heavy warrior version, EDG could no longer help Korol choose the three ancestral top laners.

Reversing the version is no different from looking for death, you can only tentatively believe in young players who have only played for more than a year.

The results obtained did not disappoint edg, the champion of the spring split and the champion of the first mid-season.

In the end, there is no need to mention the reason why korol was refrigerated. Indeed, at that time, he was the only top laner in China who could compete with Ma Datou.

So there is no problem for Xiao Chen to say this sentence, but Korol was taken aback.

However, Xiao Chen's reputation in China is very good, and he is recognized as an honest person in this e-sports circle, but if you really treat him as an honest person, he will probably die ugly...

At least Xiao Chen never lost in the confrontation with Tabby in the team. Although his family's conditions can be mixed, the results are also a mess.

But people are definitely not stupid.

One of Xiao's father's favorite words in the past was.

If it weren't for the bad money at home, how could you live in such a chic way?
But Xiao Chen is also right, he is so disgusting that money stinks, you can give it to me...

The relationship between the father and son in the previous life was once in dire straits, but it got better as they got older.

After rebirth, there are also interesting improvements. Although I still disagree verbally to play professionally, the tone is not so strong.

In many cases, it is still possible to agree with the parents after careful discussion, at least the relationship will not be so deadlocked.

Tong Yang looked at Xiao Chen who left, feeling very uncomfortable.

Not touched.

Brother, you are just one year older than me... Is it okay to say that the future is mine?
Indeed, although everyone has the impression that being a professional is to eat young, but it is definitely not as short as imagined.

When I was at my peak in my early 20s, as long as I kept training to maintain my form and the speed of decline was not so fast, it would not be a problem to reach the age of 27 or eight.

Wasn't Ahn already 28 years old when he won the championship?

You see, people have wives, and they are still healthy and strong.

Therefore, the rapid decline in the state of domestic players at the peak age is definitely their own problem.

Amid the torrents and tsunami, the five members of the royal family came to the center of the stage and bowed to the audience.

I came all the way from China to support me, and I was really touched.

He waved his hand towards the audience present, but the reaction below was even bigger.

There is no fandom culture now, these fans are a group of very cute people, they are elegant and easy-going, and they will speak fragrantly when encountering an unsatisfactory team, other than that, there is no black spot.


The time in October flies by extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, the National Day holiday is over, but the audience's enthusiasm for the finals has not weakened at all, but is getting higher and higher.

All the top four teams are out.

Without any surprises, there are only two divisions left.

The lpl division and the ogn division, which has not yet been renamed, are interesting because there are civil wars on both sides.

Royal Family vs omg in the upper half, ssw vs ssb in the lower half.

Regarding the civil war in South Korea, everyone speculates that the blue team has a better chance of winning, after all, the team has been suppressing the white team this year.

From a psychological point of view, it definitely has the advantage, but this is the only way to lose.

The white team has already completed a rebirth at this stage of the World Championship, and the tacit understanding between the various players has reached a terrifying level.

But the blue team still stood still, and adopted the old-fashioned tactics to face the white team.

In this case ssb is 20 gold behind in just 1 minutes.

At this time, everyone also thought of what Miller said before, giving Samsung White a little advantage, and it will snowball at the fastest speed.

Judging from this game, this sentence is perfectly interpreted, and he is really good at operations.

The wild area was completely cleaned up, and spirit was far from facing dandy, relying more on anti-squatting and team contributions.

At this time, the team can't play and has no effect at all. Therefore, in the first game, ssb's overall actions were not completely controlled by ssw.

The end time was also very fast and the game was over in only 22 minutes. This game made the blue team feel desperate, because they found that the white team was no longer the white team, but they were still standing still!
The Samsung Blue team, whose mentality has exploded, has no way to resist.

Many viewers couldn't bear to watch this process again, it was completely unilateral crushing.

In the end, he lost to his brother team 3:0. He thought he could win easily, but he was crushed, and his mentality changed dramatically.

Deft couldn't control his emotions at this moment, and wept directly...

(End of this chapter)

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